git clone git:// apt-get system requirements from DESCRIPTION apt-get install cdbs # install a web server apt-get install thttpd # add a group for cran2deb people addgroup cran2deb usermod -a -G cran2deb cb usermod -a -G cran2deb edd # set up web space mkdir /var/www/cran2deb chgrp cran2deb /var/www/cran2deb chmod 3775 /var/www/cran2deb # install prereq R packages r -e "install.packages(c('ctv','RSQLite','DBI','digest'))" R CMD INSTALL cran2deb # set up cran2deb space, as per README cp /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/cran2deb/exec/cran2deb /usr/local/bin root=$(cran2deb root) mkdir /etc/cran2deb chgrp cran2deb /etc/cran2deb chmod 3775 /etc/cran2deb copy ROOT/etc/* to /etc/cran2deb ln -s /var/www/cran2deb/ /etc/cran2deb/archive edit /etc/cran2deb/ OTHERMIRROR='deb http://localhost/users/cb/cran2deb/ unstable/$(ARCH)/ | deb http://localhost/users/cb/cran2deb/ unstable/all/' MIRRORSITE='' to OTHERMIRROR='deb http://localhost/cran2deb/ unstable/$(ARCH)/ | deb http://localhost/cran2deb/ unstable/all/' MIRRORSITE='' # fix permissions for group usage. mkdir /var/cache/cran2deb chgrp cran2deb /var/cache/cran2deb chmod 3775 /var/cache/cran2deb chgrp -R cran2deb $root chmod 3775 $root chmod -R g+w $root (log out then log in to get gid cran2deb) # build pbuilder archive, initialise database cran2deb update # check it works cran2deb build zoo # is handy apt-get install sqlite3