build <- function(name,extra_deps,force=F,do_cleanup=T) { # can't, and hence don't need to, build base packages if (name %in% base_pkgs) { return(T) } log_clear() dir <- setup() # obtain the Debian version-to-be version <- try(new_build_version(name)) if (inherits(version,'try-error')) { error('failed to build',name) return(NULL) } result <- try((function() { if (!force && !needs_build(name,version)) { notice('skipping build of',name) return(NULL) } if (name %in% db_blacklist_packages()) { #fail('package',name,'is blacklisted. consult database for reason.') notice('package',name,'is blacklisted. consult database for reason.') return(NULL) } pkg <- prepare_new_debian(prepare_pkg(dir,name),extra_deps) if (pkg$debversion != version) { fail('expected Debian version',version,'not equal to actual version',pkg$debversion) } notice('R dependencies:',paste(pkg$depends$r,collapse=', ')) try_upload <- function(pkg, arch) { ret = log_system('umask 002; reprepro -b ',reprepro_dir,' include testing', changesfile(pkg$srcname,pkg$debversion, arch)) if (ret != 0) { fail('upload failed!') } } if (pkg$archdep) { build_debian(pkg, indep_arch) try_upload(pkg, indep_arch) } else { for (arch in archs) { build_debian(pkg, arch) try_upload(pkg, arch) } } return(pkg$debversion) })()) if (do_cleanup) { cleanup(dir) } else { notice('output is in',dir,'. you must clean this up yourself.') } if (is.null(result)) { # nothing was done so escape asap. return(result) } # otherwise record progress failed = inherits(result,'try-error') if (failed) { error('failure of',name,'means these packages will fail:' ,paste(r_dependency_closure(name,forward_arcs=F),collapse=', ')) } db_record_build(name, version, log_retrieve(), !failed) return(!failed) } needs_build <- function(name,version) { # see if the last build was successful build <- db_latest_build(name) if (!is.null(build) && build$success) { # then something must have changed for us to attempt this # build if (build$r_version == version_upstream(version) && build$deb_epoch == version_epoch(version) && build$db_version == db_get_version()) { return(F) } } else { # always rebuild on failure or no record notice('rebuilding',name,': no build record or previous build failed') return(T) } # see if it has already been built *and* successfully uploaded srcname <- pkgname_as_debian(name,binary=F) debname <- pkgname_as_debian(name,binary=T) all=TRUE for (arch in archs) { all = all && file.exists(changesfile(srcname, version, arch)) } if (all || file.exists(changesfile(srcname, version,indep_arch))) { notice('already built',srcname,'version',version) return(F) } if (build$r_version != version_upstream(version)) { notice('rebuilding',name,': new upstream version',build$r_version,'(old) vs',version_upstream(version),'(new)') } if (build$deb_epoch != version_epoch(version)) { notice('rebuilding',name,': new cran2deb epoch',build$deb_epoch,'(old) vs',version_epoch(version),'(new)') } if (build$db_version != db_get_version()) { notice('rebuilding',name,': new db version',build$db_version,'(old) vs',db_get_version(),'(new)') } rm(debname,srcname) return(T) } build_debian <- function(pkg,arch) { wd <- getwd() setwd(pkg$path) notice('building Debian package' ,pkg$debname ,paste('(',pkg$debversion,')',sep='') ,'for',arch,'...') cmd = paste('pdebuild --configfile',shQuote(get_pbuilder_config(arch))) if (version_revision(pkg$debversion) > 2) { cmd = paste(cmd,'--debbuildopts','-sd') notice('build should exclude original source') } ret = log_system(cmd) setwd(wd) if (ret != 0) { fail('Failed to build package.') } }