Author: Martin Asser Hansen - Copyright (C) - All rights reserved Contact: Date: August 2007 License: GNU General Public License version 2 ( Description: Write BLAST records from stream in BLAST tabular format (-m8 and 9). Usage: ... | $script [options] Options: [-x | --no_stream] - Do not emit records. Options: [-o | --data_out=] - Write result to file. Options: [-c | --comment] - Print comment line - Default=no Options: [-I | --stream_in=] - Read input from stream file - Default=STDIN Options: [-O | --stream_out=] - Write output to stream file - Default=STDOUT Options: [-Z | --compress] - Compress output using gzip. Examples: ... | $script -x -c -o - Write BLAST table with comment line to ''. Examples: ... | $script -x -Z -o - Write zipped BLAST table to ''. Keys in: Q_ID - Query ID. Keys in: S_ID - Subject ID. Keys in: IDENT - Identity. Keys in: ALIGN_LEN - Alignment length. Keys in: MISMATCHES - Mismatches. Keys in: GAPS - Gaps. Keys in: Q_BEG - Query begin. Keys in: Q_END - Query end. Keys in: S_BEG - Subject begin. Keys in: S_END - Subject end. Keys in: E_VAL - Expect value. Keys in: BIT_SCORE - Bit score. Keys in: STRAND - Strand. Keys in: REC_TYPE - Record type must be BLAST.