Author: Martin Asser Hansen - Copyright (C) - All rights reserved Contact: Date: September 2007 License: GNU General Public License version 2 ( Description: Read data in EMBL format. Usage: $script [options] -i Options: [-i | --data_in=] - Read input data from file. Options: [-n | --num=] - Limit number of records to read. Options: [-k | --keys=] - Match a subset of record keys only. Options: [-f | --feats=] - Match a subset of features only. Options: [-q | --quals=] - Match a subset of qualifiers only. Options: [-I | --stream_in=] - Read input stream from file - Default=STDIN Options: [-O | --stream_out=] - Write output stream to file - Default=STDOUT Examples: $script -i embl.dat - Read keys, features, and qualifiers. Examples: $script -i embl.dat -k AC,DE - Read only Accession number and Description. Examples: $script -i embl.dat -k FT,SEQ -f CDS - Read subset of features matching CDS. Examples: $script -i embl.dat -k FT,SEQ -f CDS -q gene - Read subset of qualifiers matching gene.