Author: Martin Asser Hansen - Copyright (C) - All rights reserved Contact: Date: August 2007 License: GNU General Public License version 2 ( Description: Calculate the mean of values of given keys. Usage: ... | $script [options] Options: [-x | --no_stream] - Do not emit records. Options: [-o | --data_out=] - Write result to file. Options: [-k | --keys=] - Comma separated list of keys. Options: [-I | --stream_in=] - Read input from stream file - Default=STDIN Options: [-O | --stream_out=] - Write output to stream file - Default=STDOUT Examples: ... | $script -x -k SEQ_LEN,HIT_LEN -o result.txt - Calculate mean values and save to 'result.txt'. Keys out: _MEAN - Mean value of .