Author: Martin Asser Hansen - Copyright (C) - All rights reserved Contact: Date: February 2009 License: GNU General Public License version 2 ( Description: Extract phastcons scores from a genome either explicitly or using BED/PSL/BLAST entries in stream. Usage: $script [options] -g Usage: ... | $script [options] -g Options: [-g | --genome=] - Genome to get phastcons scores from. Options: [-c | --chr=] - Chromosome with requested scores. Options: [-b | --beg=] - Begin position of interval (first residue=1). Options: [-e | --end=] - End position of interval. Options: [-l | --len=] - Length of interval. Options: [-f | --flank=] - Include flanking region. Options: [-I | --stream_in=] - Read input from stream file - Default=STDIN Options: [-O | --stream_out=] - Write output to stream file - Default=STDOUT Examples: $script -g hg18 -c chr1 -b 1 -e 10 - Get the first 10 phastcons scores from human genome chr1. Examples: $script -g hg18 -c chr1 -b 1 -l 10 - Get the first 10 phastcons scores from human genome chr1. Examples: ... | $script -g mm8 -f 50 - Get phastcons scores including 50nt flanks of mouse BED/PSL/BLAST entries. Keys in: REC_TYPE - Optional record type (BED, PSL, or BLAST). Keys in: CHR - Chromosome (for use with BED record type). Keys in: CHR_BEG - Chromosome begin. Keys in: CHR_END - Chromosome end. Keys in: S_ID - Chromosome (for use with PSL and BLAST record type). Keys in: S_BEG - Chromosome begin (for use with PSL and BLAST record type). Keys in: S_END - Chromosome end (for use with PSL and BLAST record type). Keys out: CHR - Chromosome. Keys out: CHR_BEG - Chromosome begin. Keys out: CHR_END - Chromosome end. Keys out: PHASTCONS - Comma separated list of phastcons scores.