#!/usr/bin/perl # infobot -- copyright kevin lenzo (c) 1997-1999 # blootbot -- copyright david sobon (c) 1999-infinity use strict; use vars qw($bot_base_dir $bot_src_dir $bot_misc_dir $bot_state_dir $bot_data_dir $bot_config_dir $bot_log_dir $bot_run_dir $bot_pid $memusage %param $fhs ); BEGIN { $fhs = 0; if ($fhs) { # FHS $bot_base_dir = $bot_state_dir; $bot_config_dir = '.'; } else { # non-FHS $bot_base_dir = '.'; $bot_config_dir = 'files/'; $bot_data_dir = 'files/'; $bot_state_dir = 'files/'; $bot_run_dir = '.'; } # common. $bot_src_dir = "$bot_base_dir/src"; $bot_misc_dir = "$bot_base_dir/files"; $bot_pid = $$; require "$bot_src_dir/logger.pl"; require "$bot_src_dir/core.pl"; require "$bot_src_dir/interface.pl"; require "$bot_src_dir/modules.pl"; # load the configuration (params) file. &setupConfig(); &showProc(); # to get the first value. &status("Initial memory usage: $memusage kB"); &loadCoreModules(); &loadDBModules(); &loadFactoidsModules(); &loadIRCModules(); &status("Memory usage after loading modules: $memusage kB"); } # prevent duplicate processes of the same bot &duperuncheck(); # initialize everything &startup(); # first time initialization. &setup(); if (!&IsParam("Interface") or $param{'Interface'} =~ /IRC/) { # launch the irc event loop &ircloop(); } else { &cliloop(); } exit 0; # just so you don't look farther down in this file :) # --- support routines # FIXME. # add arguments, basically '-h' and '--help', heh. # # added by the xk sub duperuncheck { my $pid = $$; my $file = $file{PID}; if ( -f $file) { open(PIDFILE,$file) or die "error: cannot open $file."; my $thispid = || "NULL\n"; close PIDFILE; chop $thispid; if ($thispid =~ /^\D$/) { &staus("warning: pidfile is invalid; wiping out."); } else { if ( -d "/proc/$thispid/") { &ERROR("bot is already running from this directory."); &ERROR("if this is incorrect, erase '*.pid'."); &ERROR("verify with 'ps -axu | grep $thispid'."); exit 1; } else { &status("warning: stale $file found; wiping."); } } } open(PIDFILE,">$file") or die "error: cannot write to $file."; print PIDFILE "$pid\n"; close PIDFILE; return 0; } 1;