Features you cannot find in the doco as working, should be mentioned here. This is an assorted collection of stuff that will be done, might be done, or is an idea that I want to think about Most of the items are marked in the code as well, with full explanation. grep for TODO and ugh/ugr/urg * egcs-1.1 support * make engraver hacking robust. * fix LOCALE settings, and \def\foo{2,000pt} output * use streambufs and iostream to provide IO handling for TeX stream, mudela stream, data-file. * seriously buffer TeX output (do profile of writing .5 mb TeX file.) * strip EXEs before installing * zip target for binary windows dist (JBR) * repeat bars: need distance after ":|" and before "|:" * text continuationss * revise documentation * abbrev -> tremolo * junking \skip req in lyrics * \shape 1st dim skipped? * Language: - general plet mechanism. \plet 2/3 { c8 c8 c8 } ie. Music: PLET int '/' int Music - \type -> \context ? - \translator -> ? - fix \partial - \bla {} vs \bla ; - mix engraver hacking with music ? - \once\property KEY = VAL - \addtranslator, \removetranslator - junk ^ and _ for scripts - junk _ for lyrics. - abstract grammar. * install TeX stuff into tex/generic directory. * percussion note heads * mi2mu empty staffs. * include MIDI list * make separate translation property list. * make GNU style webpages. * There seems to be an install error in lilypond-1.0.0. Most of the files in the "init" directory don't get installed in the /usr/local/share/lilypond directory. The files installed are of the form feta*.ly. In particular init.ly doesn't get installed. I installed the files by hand and then the system seems to work. * midi_instrument -> midiInstrument * horizontal centering of dynamics * \font\fontA=feta20.afm (.afm?) * gzip RH manpage * stable make/config stuff * stemup/stemdown; see test/updown.fly - check examples; add \type Staff hither and thether * $DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT support * use a fake-yodl.sh to mimick yodl when yodl is not installed * fix BUGs * fix weird behaviour when .AFMs not found. * Xdvi zooming ?! gs: Error: /undefined in draw_beam gs: Operand stack: * run texhash after installing .tex * fix vertical alignment and stafflines * GrandStaff needs more work -- I want a single word `harpsichord' to the left of the grandstaff, not one on each stave. (Organ staff -- with separate pedal -- but common properties may be something to think about. Of course for organ you want to be able to give stop indications on the way through, so the \property Voice.Instrument would be a stop, and \property GrandStaff.instrument would be PipeOrgan...) * make Tie_req a "command" { ~ } * bib ep1988 * revise the Score_priority_align_engraver concept. It sucks. * ly2xdvi, ly2ps * make new VoiceOne, VoiceTwo, VoiceThree contexts with ydirection and hshift preset * *.yo: fix pod manpage layout legacy * text-items clash with stems/beams * --include, -I option for ly2dvi (pass on to lily) * fix placement of beam-less abbrev * \meter 3/4; <{\voiceone cis4. cis8 cis4 | cis4 cis cis | r1 } {\voicetwo cis,4 r r | r2. | r1 }> | } * try to use template iso MACRO(Type) - NEWS: ... Musical_pitch (analogous to Duration and Rhythmic_req) think about, analogous to pitch: * { a4 a16 } c <-- duration of c? * c <-- duration of c? * \tempo 4. = 90; * fix audio-items (don't use (input) requests, but copy data) * junk My_lily_parser::abbrev_beam_type_i_ * make sure all ex's have a mudela-version * do rest-collisions for Multi_measure_rests as well. * split error/warning in error/warning/non_fatal_error * add a Duration_convert member to Duration_iter to set parameters. Junk global duration settings. * deps for ly2dvi * clean up abbrev/plet/beam/abbrevbeam/duration mess in parser. * minimum length second part broken tie * en-,discouraged linebreaking: - handle DISALLOW < penalty > FORCE - discourage breaking of slurs * multibar rest - symbol(s) * fix variable define/lookup parser global<->paper * fix title/instrument placements; see input/test/title.ly * <\voiceone c4. \voicetwo c4> * add full cello suites to web site (kom op, Maarten!) * Rethink Time_description * \cadenza , \meter, \grouping should all be \properties * rename - plet -> tuplet - measure -> bar - abbreviation-beam -> (measured/unmeasured) tremolo - partial -> anacrouse * libtoolize flowerlib * shared lib * robustify Beam (in case of no stems, 32nd notes) * decentralised spring factory * move paper vars into engraver properties * check for groff / troff/ nroff et * more intelligent file searching - use kpsepath - make LilyPond fully relocatable * use kpsepath to find all TeX dirs - configure.in - clean-fonts.sh * nicen examples: - break-up heavily-nested score blocks * disable spaces in TeX stuff * handle ^C for tmp/file creation. * dots & rest collisions. * documentation - introduction? - info? - LaTeX? - more manpages? * versioning for Feta * the warning about the negative slur/tie length appears twice which is irritating. * The `3' in the meter key is a one or two pixels too thin (at 600dpi) in the middle: * the bracket is ugly (wings are too parabolic, should be more circular) * better hshift (dots, distance, head dependent) * clefs (AG): The "8" should appear closer to the actual clef, touching it. * scoping for properties? { c4 \multi 2 < { \stemup .. } { \stemdown .. } > c2 } this modifies \stem for the c2 * put errorlevel in Input class * junk nesting slurs * integrate midi-elts from mi2mu and lily? * cautionary accidental * score-bar-scripts FMR: Free memory read: * This is occurring while in: Bar_column::do_substitute_dependency(Score_element*,Score_element*) [bar -column.cc:29] Score_element::unlink() [score-elem.cc:383] Paper_score::set_breaking(const Array&) [p-score.cc: 150] Paper_score::calc_breaking() [p-score.cc:189] Paper_score::process() [p-score.cc:203] Score::run_translator(Music_output_def*) [score.cc:117] * Reading 4 bytes from 0x65d3a0 in the heap. * Address 0x65d3a0 is 160 bytes into a freed block at 0x65d300 of 208 bytes. * This block was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] __builtin_new [libgcc.a] Span_score_bar::clone()const [span-score-bar.hh:20] Item::copy_breakable_items() [item.cc:69] Item::do_breakable_col_processing() [item.cc:89] Score_element::calcalute_dependencies(int,int,void(Score_element::*)()*) [score-elem.cc:171] * There have been 22 frees since this block was freed from: free [rtlib.o] __builtin_delete [libgcc.a] Span_score_bar::~Span_score_bar() [span-score-bar.hh:18] Paper_score::set_breaking(const Array&) [p-score.cc: 156] Paper_score::calc_breaking() [p-score.cc:189] Paper_score::process() [p-score.cc:203] Postprocessing elements... TeX output to score-bar-scripts.tex... 3RD PARTY BUGS: * redhat (v?) graphical install bomb-out? * egcs-1.03 ice: stem.cc:327; should localize bug (mine's still 10K) * gcc 2.8.1: see ice and RESIZE_ICE * xdvi: PS in magnifying glass. * GNU diff 2.7: diff -rN does not see a new directory with empty file * GNU patch 2.1: if patch chokes on a hunk, or on allegedly unsorted hunks in a diff, it may stop without a trace of failure (create .rej file, print error or dump core) and just ignore any further diffs. * glibc 2.0: f = fopen ("/dev/null", "r") assert (feof (f)) 3RD PARTY PROJECTS: * GNU indent: handle C++ * GNU make: move hardcoded builtin rules to runtime ? * GNU patch - 'double-fix' mode: ignore identical fix, rather than suggest to revert patch direction when (more or less? exactly) the same thing is fixed PROJECTS * Scripts: - fix position of bar number - stack scripts in chords: % fingering: footing: < a-4 c-2 g-1 > < c-\ltoe e-\lheel > - script-spacing - slur parts as a script - stack parameterised scripts for fingering and footing: * convert-mudela: - automatically add a \version if not present. - better parsing - make smarter - convert-mudela -e empty.ly * emacs mudela-mode - should handle block comments too. - handle lexer modes (\header, \melodic, \lyric) etc. - indentation - notenames? - fontlock: \melodic \melodic * use properties for: - plet? - Staff_sym size - default tempo. - font size - bartypes (get rid of derived Span_bar_engravers) - cadenza mode? * page handling: - PS output - optimal pagebreaking. * Unicode support? -> man 7 unicode - 16 bit Strings - -u switch - detect of 16/8 bit files - examples to go with it. * Spring_spacer: - write a faster Spring_spacer (without matrices if possible) - use straight LP to find minimal "fitting force" - relate energybound to linelen unitspace fontsize etc. - used fixed point fp * \header - output header info to MIDI too. * a musical dictionary. See Documentation/vocabulary-*, other languages: - explanations - italian - german - dutch - swedish .. ? * chords - guitar chords - chord names - basso continuo - Syntax/parser - MIDI output? - typesetting * Debug logs: - derive lily_stream, Dstream, texstream from ostream? - indentable stream as baseclass for TeX stream, lily stream, Dstream. - use dstream feature in mi2mu - integrate IO checking into stream class * input converters - NIFF? - ABC? - SMDL? * add to MIDI output: - tempo change - ornaments (and trills?) - repeat - slurs - accents - dynamics - account for rhythmic position in measure - etc. * grace notes - make separate class for Grace_*_engravers (which is at Voice_gravs level) - make encapsulated spacing problems. * accidentals per Voice_group * Output class, handles : (smallish) - help text /(c) notice? - version line - warning /errors/progress - abort on error/warning; exit status - quiet/ignore-version options - logfile output * piano staff * elaborate Staff_side baseclass: - scripts - text - slur start/end * PS - speed up PS code. - PS lines to .eps files - write custom prolog * Output an output format independent (ofi) typeset file; and make ofi2 TeX, MusiXTex, Display PostScript, PostScript, Ascii... interpreters. (difficult) - NIFF ? - Common Music Notation - PostScript output (esp. Beams, Slurs, etc) - Move all Score_elems, into libmutype.a - SGML * Documentation - Doc (C) stuff of sheet music - a better format? SGML? TeX? Info? - a tutorial * more spanners (smallish) - Glissando - trill * Rewrite Stem, Beam and Rhythmic_grouping (hairy) - [c8. c32 c32] - doc on Rhythmic_grouping - general shaving on Beam and Stem - use plet grouping - separate visual from rhythmic info even more - beams over bars - endbeam req should be *after* the duration, so you can do < { [c4] } { c8. c16 } > * lines: - Ledger lines, should be separate item: Ledger_lines, Ledger_lines - set different line sizes / thicknesses - beam stem showthrough, inter beam sizes (french vs german style) * Collisions - left/right note balls should be handled by Collision: < \multi 2; { \stem 1; } { } > * Keys: - merge key{item} & localkey{item}? - Major/Minor - spacing, national styles? * Support for TAB - redo Notehead to allow digits as heads - add a \tablature {} lexer mode for easy entering * should adjust stemlength for flag number. * breaking: - caching breakpoints - saving them - specify number of lines * markers INPUTLANGUAGE * c4 4 4 4 for c4 c4 c4 c4? * neatly (and readably) expressing concurrent voices * 4 ? * Viola mode? @c c g e g for c g es g, @A c g e g for cis gis e gis * relative mode for pitch entering * bracket: volta 1,2 * configure pitch_byte * rest name configurable SMALLISH PROJECTS * limit memory usage; the full coriolan takes up too much resources. * fix confusing naming in Engraver vs Engraver_group_engraver (context) * progress when creating MIDI elts. * A range for context errors (eg. mark both { and }. ) * lyric in staff (sharpsharp in staff, text below) * half sharps/flats * write Dynamic_line (to group dynamics horizontally) * use Real for all y positions. - use translate_axis( .. ,Y_AXIS) iso separate variables. * half-sharps, half-flats * adaptive accidental spacing. * handle EOF graciously in error messages. * centered whole rest * declare notenametab? * midi esp.: use I32 iso int where 32 bits are needed (or assumed...) * Flower types: - A decent scalar type - String hash - Pointer hash * binsearch/hash for identifiers * stafftypes: voice names/ instrument names. * lily \tempo * C meter iso 4/4, idem for alla breve, etc. * textspanner: center position * % toe to bheel four to five % ^_u 4_5 % - % --|x-- --|x-- % --|--- --|--- % --|--- --|--- (where "to" is a tiny bow) * auxilliary file for caching info. * Text_crescendo * clean solution for staffsize in items. * revise calcideal * volta IDEAS * Output data structures of Mudela in XML/SGML. * create libmudela, or liblily_frontend * move MIDI stuff (including Quantization) to a ANSI C libmidi library. * use an embedded language: Python, Scheme for: - Score_elems - Translators * y -dims in internote? Staff-space? X-dimensions? * Spacing_request for manually adjusting spacing * caching breakpoints * breath marks * used fixedpoint arithmetic for min. energy. * move towards incremental algorithms. * far fetched language ideas - design meta-language like TeX and Metafont - programming/macros input * versioning stuff (cvt mudela, mudela, etc.) * Klavarskribo? * lyrics in chords still fuck up. * Use hooks/dependency graphs for properties