README.first ============ This file created for Linux-Mandrake distribution by Michael Brown LilyPond is a music typesetter. It produces beautiful sheet music using a high level description file as input. LilyPond is split into two packages. The package "lilypond" provides the core package, containing the utilities for converting the music source (.ly) files into printable output. The package "lilypond-extras" provides the full documentation, example .ly files for various features and the Mutopia project files (musical equivalent of the Gutenberg project - see for details). If you are new to lilypond, you will almost certainly want to install the "lilypond-extras" package in addition to the "lilypond" package. You may also wish to investigate the "denemo" package, which provides a graphical front end to lilypond. Quick Start Guide ================= To run lilypond: Create a lilypond source (.ly) file in a directory that you can write to. (The easiest way to do this is to copy a .ly file from /usr/share/doc/lilypond-1.4.2/Examples or one of the Mutopia files from /usr/share/doc/lilypond-1.4.2/Mutopia - note that these folders are part of the lilypond-extras package). Run "ly2dvi -P" (replacing input_file as appropriate). This will create a file called, which you can then view using Ghostscript ("gv"). For an easier way to use lilypond, try the graphical front-end denemo. Points to note ============== DO NOT use the "lilypond -f ps" option to generate a PostScript file. It is included as an experimental feature, or for platforms that do not have a working TeX setup (that's not Mandrake). Use "ly2dvi -P" instead. [ Addendum: the "lilypond -f ps" option is now broken in this package, due to the new, improved way of handling the via-LaTeX method. It won't work. Use "ly2dvi -P" instead. ]