## subtreeplot.R (2008-04-14) ## Zoom on a Portion of a Phylogeny by Successive Clicks ## Copyright 2008 Damien de Vienne ## This file is part of the R-package `ape'. ## See the file ../COPYING for licensing issues. subtreeplot<-function(x, wait=FALSE, ...) { sub<-subtrees(x, wait=wait) y<-NULL plot.default(0, type="n",axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE) repeat { split.screen(c(1,2)) screen(2) if (is.null(y)) plot(x,...) else plot(y,sub=paste("Node :", click),...) screen(1) plot(x,sub="Complete tree",main="Type ESC or right click to exit", cex.main=0.9, ...) N.tip<-Ntip(x) N.node<-Nnode(x) coor<-plot.phylo.coor(x) tips<-x$tip.label nodes<-x$node.label if (is.null(x$node.label)) nodes<-(N.tip+1):(N.tip+N.node) labs<-c(rep("",N.tip), nodes) click<-identify(coor[,1], coor[,2], labels=labs, n=1) if (length(click) == 0) {return(y)} if (click > N.tip) { close.screen(c(1,2),all.screens = TRUE) split.screen(c(1,2)) screen(1) #selects the screen to plot in plot(x, sub="Complete tree", ...) # plots x in screen 1 (left) screen(2) for (i in 1:length(sub)) if (sub[[i]]$name==click) break y<-sub[[i]] } else cat("this is a tip, you have to choose a node\n") } on.exit(return(y)) }