pl 60.jcn2 - moved creation of $BUILDDIR/share/locale into - slur slope change constraints when snapping - slur height damping based on bow height - don't typeset unfinished (auto) beams pl 60.jbr1 - Documentation/ntweb/angels.y,Documentation/ntweb/guile.patch: added - Documentation/ntweb/GNUmakefile: add above to EXTRA_DIST_FILES pl 59.mb2 - Tempo changes in MIDI output! - - added property articulationScriptVerticalDirection (useful in N.W.Gade/ - bf, N.W.Gade: removed some more misprints pl 60.uu1 - bf: pl 60.jcn1 - interstaff slur tuning - added some regtests - removed now silly check in encompass-info ********** pl 59.uu1 - papervar loose_column_distance - scripts don't collide. - bf: midi2ly outputs \context iso \type pl 59.jbr1 - lily/ fixed typo - Documentation/ntweb: Updated News and added all the files associated with Windows Distribution web page. - stepmake/bin/ added the ntweb page to formated distribution. pl 59.jcn1 - bfs: slur damping - papervar slur_interstaff_snap_to_stem pl 59.hwn1 - \property graceAlignPosition : put grace notes after main note. - moved pianobrace stuff into Lookup - moved Local_key_engraver out of Voice context, and acknowledge Grace_align_items. Solves tie + accidental problem. pl 59.mb1 - Some small clean-ups and bug fixes *********** pl 58.uu1 - experimental pdftex support, courtesy Stephen Peters. - --version support - junked complicated loose column handling. - only stretch the extra space after prefatory matter, not the entire width of prefatory matter. - standardise(d) switches:-d for debug, -M for Make deps, -m for midi-only. - bf: papervar non_musical_space_strength now works. Set to 8 (-> Strong! ) - bf: space after time_sig. - bf: decrescendi. - bf: barlines on voltas ************ pl 57.hwn1 - bf: accidentals on grace notes. - \property graceAccidentalSpace - bf: ignore grace notes duration for non-grace spacing. - uncommented Key_req::transpose. - Dot_column::do_post_processing (): better dot collisions, see - derive Dot_column from Note_side_item. - renaming of files * heads-engraver * request-iterator * p-score * engraver-group pl 57.jcn3 - bf: no extension: assume .ly - bf: bow::do_width; which in turn allowed - removed broken interstaff slur damping hack, and - bf: slur height damping fixes damping pl 57.jcn2 - bf: ? priority and snap to stem pl 56.jcn4 - interstaff slur fixes and damping pl 56.mk1 - bf: collisions between chords with different stem directions and close heads. ****************s************** pl 56.jcn3 - slur de-hairification * slurs always attached to noteheads, by default * corrections for steep and high slurs * snap to stem end when close - bow/tie/slur dy/dx fix pl 56.hwn1 - some spacing tweaks. - bf: two repeats + alts after each other. pl 56.jcn2 - tie: bfs + even simpler pl 56.jcn1 - bf: re-added \textflat,sharp to fix chords... - bf: chord-modifier and mandatory dot: c-maj5 - tutorial chord fixes - tie fixes and boldifying: * removed sloping (dy!=0) code * use actual note-widths * y[left] == y[right] * follow OSU rules, I hope (from comments in text -- must check) * undetermined direction -> down; inverse of stem - bf: beam: undetermined direction -> up; like stem - slur-symmetry fixes - fix for \rhythm and seq_iter childs (still crude, but more effective) ********* pl 55.uu1 - use GS' anti aliasing pl 55.jcn1 - auto-beamer: consider current duration first in ending/starting beam this way, you can have 16ths auto-beamed, in some way, but 8ths never beamAutoEnd_16 = 1; beamAutoEnd_8 = 1/8; - added some classes and few lines of doco to .dstreamrc - refman: * comment out broken * commented out stale tex macros (tex/* dir too) * bfs/new syntax: chords - more midi2ly renaming stuff - bf: make info (midi2ly and other renaming) pl 54.jcn2 - bf: auto-beamer: don't beam over skips - update BUGS pl 55.mb2 - Font update: added more mensural style time signatures, old2/4, old6/8alt, old4/8 thanks to Christian Mondrup. - bf: correct indentation of first line (removed \leavevmode) plain TeX still gives wrong indentation - bf: volta brackets broken over several lines get open end. Final bracket gets vertical end if it stops at double bar. - Dashed grace flags also for durations shorter than 8. - N.W.Gade: fixed some details pl 55.mb1 - bf: font magnification also in PS output - bf: set the GS_* variables correctly in buildscripts/lilypond-*.sh - bf, lily.scm: errors in (de)crescendo - bf, lilyponddefs: removed \noindent pl 55.hwn1 - fixes: - bf: grace before tuplet. - bf: decrescendo - bf: multimeasrest numbers centered. **************** pl 53.jbr2 - Documentation/ntweb/index.html: Updated nt distribution web page pl 54.uu1 - bf: Stem lens for beams. - move meta doco to Documentation/metadoc - move .bibb to Documentation/bibliography - rename mi2mu to midi2ly - removed other-packages.bib to comply with GNU standards pl 54.jcn1 - mutopia/J.S.Bach/Duette 1&2 pl 54.mb1 - Renamed \wheel to the \coda - bf: correct gap in tuplet braces pl 53.hwn2 - move more parameters from PS/TeX to Lily. - PS cleanup - TeX cleanup. - bf: also make (empty) bar at end of voltabracket. - bf: don't put slur over rest. pl 54.uu1 - debian updates (anthony fok). ************* pl 54 (july, 8) pl 53.jbr1 - scripts/ A fix for the multitude of file systems supported by windows. As long as the paths that the cygwin apps use are UNC style and the paths that the native windows apps use are DOS style everybody is happy. I add quick and dirty unc2dos function to facilitate this approach. pl 53.hwn1 - bf mudela-book. - better min distance for multi measure rests. - junk ATOM_SMOB - control tuplet gap size from paper. - bf: output header as PS strings for PS out. - bf: cached-fontname - control volta height from paper block. pl 53.jcn5 - \rhythm-ified and text bfs: - walk rhythm through *_iterator::next_music_l () pl 53.jcn4 - more abc2ly hacking, including lyrics and \rhythm - bfs: \rhythm - \rhythm-ified input/ pl 53.jcn3 - put rhythm A on pitches/lyrics B: \rhythm MUSICA MUSICB input/test/ input/test/ - syntax changes: o * dot-only duration dropped: use c4 c4. iso now invalid: c4 c. * chords: optional_dot now mandatory: \chords { c-1.2.3 } iso now invalid: \chords { c-1 2 3 } * @c@ (notemode_chords) syntax dropped. rather use: \notes { c d \chords { e f } } pl 53.jcn2 - \property graceFraction: part of next note taken-up by grace(s). - Note_performer: add moments for delayed notes, fine for single grace notes: hear pl 53.jcn1 - grace performance - fixed tie-performance - bf: abe pl 53.gp1 - added Hyphen-engraver, Hyphen-spanner ************ pl 52.jcn3 - bf: mi2mu: midi without key - try at grace-performer-group; breaks MIDI output even when no \grace - silly tie-performer - performers play_element () delayed to do_pre_move_processing () pl 52.jcn2 - bfs standchen + grace, gnossienne-4 - decoupled midi output from input pl 52.jcn1 - bf: moved accidental code from Key_engraver to Key_change_req - bf: midi-key - bfs: mi2mu: core-dumps, keys, key-names, key-changes, notenames pl 52.hwn2 - new beaming code * now does [c8. c32 c32] correct by itself. * beam over barlines * non-fitting stems handled gracefully (eg. [c8 c4 c8] ) - junked rhythmic grouping, \grouping and all associated bits. - bf: do try_visibility_lambda for nonbreakable items as well (fixes \nobreak on barline) - bf: Cons_list::truncate() pl 52.hwn1 - repeat-engraver cleanup pl 52.gp1 - bf: make doc++ corrected to only include *.h and *.hh files. pl 52.mb2 - Added \repetitions: prints symbol for repeated bars. Same syntax as multi-measure rests! - Added \segno and \wheel script symbols pl 52.mb3 - Added barSize property. Junked barsize variable. ************ pl 51.uu2 - grace note flags, move Lookup::flag into Stem - faq updates: doc++, Matt's page - fixes for doc++. - bartype string uses "brace" and "bracket" iso. "{" and "[" - some of assert()s replaced by programming_error () pl 51.mb1 - N.W.Gade: added real grace notes - added grace note flag pl 51.uu1 - use weAreGraceContext \property to determine self_grace_b_ - made more engravers grace aware. pl 50.jcn2 - filed egcs bug report for powerpc. - removed unnecessary #ifdef powerpc - grace and other fixes for auto-beamer - grace and other fixes for (beam-)stem-lengths - input/test/bugs/ (urg) - input/test/bugs/ (urg) - input/test/bugs/ (core) - fixes: pl 50.hwn2 - Timing_translator: add proccing moments to nearest global translator, not to top global translator. - grace notes. - bf: auto staff switching ************ pl 51 pl 50.hwn1 - grace notes: * Grace_iterator * Grace_music * Grace_engraver_group * move Score::run_translator to Global_translator::run_iterator_on_me * stemLength property, Stem::length elt property * Grace_align_item * Note_head_side baseclasses Local_key_item, Grace_align_item * Local_key_engraver moved to Voice. * Grace_position_engraver * Added Rhythmic_head::stem_l_ * Various other robustifications. - lily.scm: scm->string - folded reps without alts. - Paper_outputter uses scm->string - stem params now in staff positions iso. real dimensions - internal: Junk all G_ and g- prefixes ************ pl 49.mb1 - bf: ly2dvi -N - Added dynamicPadding property (applies only to dynamic marks, not (de)crescendi. pl 49.jcn4 - resurrected gnossienne-4 - Documentation fixes (for texinfo get yodl-1.31.13, tbr) - minor abc2ly fixes; successfully converted some simple abc files from - www.mail-archive.COM pl 49.jcn1 - guile scm_gc_mark () workaround: - via scm output wrapper buildscripts/, set: PATH=$LILYPONDPREFIX/buildscripts/out:$PATH - scm output fixes pl 48.hwn2 - bf: rest-collisions. - cleaned up standchen - bf: slur dims. - bf: unfold without enough alternatives. - Use Lily version for \version. pl 49.uu1 - ran purify. Fixed some small problems, plugged some leaks. - bf: linebreak at |: - doc updates by Adrian Mariano pl 49.mk1 - Breathing signs by Michael Krause ************ pl 48.hwn1 - \property hshift -> \property horizontalNoteShift (mudela 1.0.21) - cleaned up collision. \property hshift = 2 now supported. - Spacing: * bf: don't divide strength by distance if distance == 0.0 * cleaned up Spacing_spanner * simplistic optical illusion spacing for opposite stems. - don't use Protected_scm for Score_element::element_property_alist_ - some scsii fixes. - Lookup cleanups; junked Lookup::paper_l_ - abc-2-ly: tuplets, guitar chords., chords, pl 48.mb2 - bf: correct accidentals after tied over note. pl 48.mb1 - bf, Count '{' also directly after a TeX macro - bf: textstyle->textStyle in all examples. pl 48.jcn1 - bd: interstaff slurs at line break pl 48.uu1 - add a WX field to AFM output. - add space before ; in AFM output ********* pl 47.jcn1 - bf: interstaff slurs (urg: more segfaults in scm_gc_mark ()) pl 45.hwn3 - Abbreviation -> Stem_tremolo. - bf: Stem_tremolo in Beam. - bf: Stem_tremolo over whole note. - spacing before clefs. - Spacing_spanner is now on by default - junked most of Spring_spacer - Tunable space after barline. ********* pl 46.mb2 - Reintroduced the tupletVisibility property. Same values as the old version (pletvisibility), see the Reference Manual. Note: does not work correctly with automatic beams. - Added a tupletDirection property. pl 46.uu1 - bf: {} in texts. pl 45.hwn2 - more doc updates. pl 46.mb1 - Added property articulationScriptPadding - N.W.Gade: layout fixes ********* pl 45.hwn1 - Audio broadcast & acknowledge. - more advanced spacing for prefatory matter - tuplet appearance tweaking - bf: ChoirStaff pl 45.uu1 - glossary fixes (thanks Dirk). pl 44.jcn2 - bf: auto-beamer: long standing br form AM ********* pl 45 (may 28) - reinstalled Thread (there you are, John) - german vocab. pl 43.hwn2 - split G_staff_side_item into G_staff_side_element and G_staff_side_item. - junked old Staff_side - Crescendo also uses G_staff_side_element - crescendo_shorten paper var. - create horizontal groups for break_aligment inside Break_align_item. - more abc-2-ly fudging pl 44.mb1 - bf, change fontsize->fontSize - N.W.Gade: removed old tie behaviour - bf, ly2dvi: expand .sly extensions ********* pl 44 pl 43.jcn2 - bf: repeat :| placement + core dump input/test/ input/test/ - bf: mf without ljfour * feta-accordion fix/hack for feta11 at 300dpi pl 43.hwn1 - half assed attempt at ABC convertor. - Spacing_spanner: "decentral" spacing stuff. Use -t to try. - bf: StaffGroup vertical alignment - \property {slur,tie,}ydirection -> {slurV,tieV,v}erticalDirection (1.0.20) - Spanner now hangs on left endpoint. - \property forgetAccidentals: do not remember accidentals. Every note not in the key triggers typesetting of an accidental. - \property noResetKey: do not reset key at start of measure: accidental remain in effect until overriden - bf: ties & accidentals (fix breaks oldTieBehavior) - junked Tie::same_pitch_b_ pl 43.jcn1 - configure,, release stuff pl 42.tca2 - lilypond don't put \interstaffline after last line. This to get really nice vertical spacing for mudela-book. - mudela-book: vertical spacing - lilyponddefs.tex: commented out \parindent=0pt to get correct paragraph indent for mudela-book ************ pl 43 pl 41.hwn3 - reinstated \property inheritance - \property SkipBars -> skipBars - \property midi_instrument -> midiInstrument - \property fontsize -> fontSize (mudela 1.0.18). - bf: add a space after lyrics. - junked flower DLL classes - rewrote repeat music and iterators (mudela 1.0.17) * Folded_repeat_iterator * Unfolded_repeat_iterator * New_repeated_music * syntax change: \repeat FOLDSTRING NUMBER Music [ALTERNATIVE Music_se quence] - data struct simplification: junked Dynamic_req, Absolute_dynamic_req, Span_dynamic_req, Slur_req, Beam_req. Use Span_reqs and Text_script_reqs with type fields instead. pl 42.tca1 - updated mudela-book documentation - misc - accordion: smaller dots + little script renaming pl 42.jcn1 - bf: hp-u(rg)x: user build; sm 73 - bf: hp-u(rg)x: sm74 pl 41.mb1 - convert-mudela: convert textstyle -> textStyle - refman.yo: properties moved to correct contexts. - Added singleline, multiline options. Fixed default line width bug. *************** pl 41.hwn2 (may 10, 1999) - bf: Score bar line thickness. - more paper writing - website tweaks. - Graphical_element::dim_cache_ now alloced separately. - junked Graphical_element::absgolute_offset - Musique-de-Table - mmrest_x_minimum now works at begin-of-line. - junked Span_bar::extra_x_off - \property = \stringid + \otherstringid - bf: stop on lexer errors as well. - only do vertical alignment at Score level. - tweaked ledger endings a bit. pl 41.hwn1 - small fixes. - patch (thanks MB) pl 41.mb1 - Added the installation instructions to the top web page. - N.W.Gade: Added triangolo part, minor changes. pl 41.tca1 - Lookup::accordion and removed some accordionfonts *************** pl 40.uu2 - rest ledger lines are dimensionless. - Score_elements are added to the Paper_score directly when announce_element () is called. This makes it possible to init molecules from within engravers. - changed \type to \context - \context Contextname = ID Music is now a real separate production * you can do \context C1 \context C2 and C1 won't overwrite C2 * you need some extra explicit context specs, eg. if you start a voice with a chord. \score { \notes { } } should be \score { \notes \context Voice { } - set staff margins on grandstaffs too. Center staffmargins vertically. - \property values are not inherited anymore, i.e. setting Score.minVerticalAlign does not set GrandStaff.minVerticalAlign, Staff.minVerticalAlign and Voice.minVerticalAlign as well. - {Axis_spanner, Hara_kiri}_engraver which can be added at wish. Hara_kiri should be working again. - boilerplate for accordion stuff. - some more paper writing. - bf: substitute vertical refpoint as well for broken items. (fixes clef^8) - bf: translating molecule without elts but with dims. (bf: accidental spacing.) pl 40.mb1 - bf: ly2dvi set MFINPUTS so standard tree is found before lilypond - bf: lilypond-regtest.doc,; now finds author/title pl 40.uu1 - large documentation patch by Adrian Mariano ******** pl 40 pl 39.mb2 - added more mensural style time signatures, old3/4, old6/8, old9/8 - redesigned old6/4, old9/4 - Updated refman.yo, lilypond-regtest.doc,, pl 39.hwn1 - consified mi2mu (pl 37.jcn1) pl 39.mb1 - bf: invisible clefs don't take any space, moved _8 below clef - updated incipit example and macro pl 39.uu1 - delete graphical objects in reverse - faq updates. ******** pl 39 (april 12) - \property textstyle -> textStyle pl 38.tca1 - added scm/accordion-script.scm and update ly/ - renamed some accordion symbols to make them more english and less norwenglish. - removed dot from \accBayanbase pl 37.script4 - bf: molecule - bf: tuplet spanner appearance. - bf: less spacing after clef. Invisible bar has no dims. - included AIMS. The why of Lily. - warning if duplicate engraver. - warning if no ties could be created. - bf: \time1/4; .. beams .. - bf: staff switching beams / slurs. - tuplets on multiple beams. - Documentation/tex/lilypond-regtest.doc - bf: nested tuplets - slur cleanups. - bf: multi_measure_rest_engraver in Score_context. pl 38.uu1 - bf: clef_8 - bf: barnumbers. pl 37.script3 - fixes for spring_spacer, introduced Spacing_engraver - cleanup for rest-collisions. - hacks for GUILE gc - mudela-book \mudelafile - Documentation/tex/lilypond-regtest.doc - MF rest fixes ******** pl 38 (april 6) pl 37.script2 - bf: AFM for BlueSky AFM files. - \penalty = 4278 -> \penalty 4278 - URG!! fixed major (unnoticed) bug in dependency engine - Further Script hacking: * G_script_column * G_script_column_engraver pl 37.script1 - major Script rehack: * G_stem_staff_side_item * G_script * G_script_engraver * G_script_req - junked Text_def, changed \property textstyle -> \property textStyle (todo -> convert-mudela) - Line_of_score is an Axis_group_element, no more overlapping lines, hopefully. - mf: whole diamond head tweak pl 37.mb2 - Added property clefStyle: "" / "transparent" / "fullSizeChanges" - New example: input/test/ - Documented clefStyle and restStyle in refman.tex - Partial bug fix: octaviated clefs. Still broken!!! pl 37.mb1 - Added property restStyle. - mensural 4th, 8th and 16th rests. pl 37.uu1 - FreeBSD bf **** pl 37 (march 30, 1999) - note head styles, see input/test/ * \property noteHeadStyle: * diamond note heads (probably really ugly) * cross note head. * harmonic head (mf sources were tweaked) * transparent for no \heads * \property noteHeadStyle ="" for normal heads. pl 36.mb2 - bf: timeSignatureStyle - Added dynamic fz (forzando) to Lilypond - bf: N.W.Gade, sfz -> fz pl 36.hwn1 - debian fixes. - don't insert extra alignment space for empty stuff. - Align_element derives from Axis_group_element - junk cruft for detecting upbeam / downbeam. - junk all *{horizontal,vertical}* Score_element derived classes. - G_staff_side_item::padding_f_ now generic property. - some tweaking of beam & stem. - junk pointerlist in Sources - junk Stem::mult_i_, Stem::beam_gap_i_, G_staff_side_item::padding, Bar::at_line_start_b_, Key_item::c_position_, Note_head::type_str_, Note_head::staff_size, Stem::xdir_ pl 36.mb1 - bf: N.W.Gade ************** pl 35.uu1 - more memory tweaks: don't do Score_element::line_l () when deleting lines. - more generic properties. - change ridic. dims assert into warning. - tex/ midi fixes (thanks, Mats). - bf: don't crash when no Stem_infos are set. - extender-spanner simplification - working MIDI chords (Thanks Dscho) pl 35.jcn1 - some ps fixes ************ pl 35 pl 34.hwn2 - "Lily Was Here" is def'd as \mudelatagline, override with \header { tagline = "... " ; } - \property currentBarNumber: set current bar number. - \property postBreakPadding: tune extra space padding after linebreaks. - \property textEmptyDimension: disregard script text dimensions (untested) - \property staffLineLeading: set the staff space - adjustable staff space size (per staff) - Staff_symbol_referencer as base class for elements that use info of the staff symbol. \property numberOfStaffLines also works OK with ledger lines. (Is that useful? dunno.) - warning if someone does \translator with no name - junk Item::breakable_b_ - junk PointerList, use Killing_cons - bf: Auto_beam_engraver. - bf: mmrest engraver. - use callbacks for Dimension_cache. - lots of small cleanups. Junk various members of Score_element & derived classes: * Item::original_l_, * Spanner::original_l_, * Score_element::transparent_b_, * Item::break_priority_i_, * Item::break_status_dir_, - merge Score_priority_engraver / Score_horizontal_align_engraver - Use more generic element properties. - precompute SCM symbols. - remove_elt_property (): Try to junk an element property, if not needed anymore. pl 34.uu1 - more PointerList junkings. - MIDI bugfix. - be more conservative with Dicts/Hashes mem usage ********* pl 34 pl 33.uu2 - some performance cleanups: junked PointerList instance, plugged some leaks. - style -> fontname now in scheme. - minor Score_element brainsurgery: * generic element properties. * junked Score_element::junk_links, Score_element::unlink * junked Directed_graph_node as superclass of Score_element, this should reduce mem usage a bit. pl 33.jcn2 - fixed autobeamer's beam->unlink () pl 33.jcn1 - allow autobeaming according to duration iso (crude) multiplicity pl 33.jbr1 - change my email address - Windows platform does a cp -r instead of a ln -s pl 33.uu1 - bf: ^ and _ - junked poor man's dynamics. ********* pl 33 pl 32.mb1 - bf: \> and \< were interchanged!! - Added property: textScriptPadding - Changed copyright text on the Gade score. pl 32.uu1 - really include Gade score now. - fixes: install-[out-]targets, INSTALLATION_[OUT_]SUFFIXES - install TFMs in separate dir. pl 31.hwn3 - Span_bar bugfix (there you go, Mats). - bf: Score copy ctor (-> bf declaring score) - new Tie behavior: only tie identical pitches, switchable with oldTieBehavior - junked cautionary_b_ from Musical_pitch pl 32.jcn1 - set-lily: set weird locale links for $LILYPONDPREFIX ********** pl 31.mb2 - Added example: "Imellan Fjeldene" by Niels W. Gade. - bf: don't attach staff margin text to clef changes within the lines. (Still not perfect: no text when a clef change happens pl 31.hwn2 - be somewhat lazy in break/object multiplication. - print # elements for memory usage impression (try -t) - Paper_score cleanup - junked various Pointer_list instances. Executable now is smaller. - junked various cruft - merged do_substitute_dependen{t,cy} to do_substitute_element_pointer () - more parser cleanup - Interval uses Drul_array - bf: I've been drinking too much - delete break helpers before object breaking/multiplication. Try to save some memory. pl 31.jcn4 - bf: toplevel install, kpsewhich - sm 71, require yodl-1.31.11 - fix: slur macros - bf: info in rpm, if available - fix: rat != float - bf: slur-follow-music pl 31.uu1 - config.make: include GUILE_LDFLAGS ****** pl 31 (feb 16) pl 30.jcn1 - sm fixes, intl/ fixes pl 30.mb1 - Added support for magnification of TeX fonts ==> larger dynamics in 20pt scores. (Doesn't work in Postscript) pl 30.hwn1 - Debian patches (thanks, Anthony) - Italian support (thanks, Maurizio) - parser cleanup - minor cleanups. - bf: \rc \rced - hara kiri doesn't do suicide with normal rests. - Hara_kiri_vertical_group_spanner generalised - extender engraver rewrite, now __ is like ~ [] |, ie. in between notes/lyrics. - lyric engraver now engraves only single voices. Use separate LyricVoices to get stacked lyrics. - bf: bar(Non)Auto first barline - barAuto -> barNonAuto ******* pl 30 (feb 15) pl 29.uu1 - typewriter font - star-spangled-banner bf ( pl 29.jcn3 - fix: - init.sly: .fly with linewidt=-1 pl 29.jcn2 - resurrected ps output pl 29.hwn1 - bf: coord relative to self. - bf: error msg if no AFM found - bf: hang script on bar in other axis too (fixes staff-side-slur bug) - hang on scripts on clef as well (more to left for single staffs) pl 29.jcn1 - bf: volta sizes - GNU stuff on home page ******* pl 29 pl 28.hwn1 - bf: mid measure clefs (breakable items in non-breakable columns.) - assert changed to warning - (c) 1998 -> 1999 search replace. pl 28.jcn1 - new outline TODO + .emacs setup ******* pl 28 pl 27.hwn2 - un-SMOB Atom. Cons and Killing_cons as simple cons replacements. pl 27.jcn5 - outline TODO pl 27.jcn4 - measure-end hinterfleish patch - input/test/ - bf: volta-number placement - volta: support for "1.-2." "3" pl 27.jcn3 - bf's: zero-length repeats - Auto beamer: * turned on by default * input/test/auto-beam*.ly * support for time-defaults - Chords: * input/ * ChordNameContext * bf's: chord mode: accept STRINGS, rests * bf's: banter_str - new bool \property Score.barAtLineStart pl 27.hwn1 - global ctors - read lily.scm before all .lys - Link_array derives from Array - search repl: Array -> Link_array - junked most static casts - revamped Atom / Molecule: Molecule now is the public interface. Atom is a GUILE smob. Guile takes care of allocation and list stuff. - bar scripts on score bars (there you are, Mats) - :||: span bar fixed - using generic ledger lines now (regenerate fonts!) - refman updates (Thanks, Adrian!) - Molecule::operator = (), Molecule::do_center () - junked Span_score_bar, Score_bar, Staff_bracket, Piano_brace. Folded functionality into Span_bar - textstyle property for textual scripts. - lookup cleanups (time_signature, text, stem, junked extender, filledbox, simple_bar) - junked obsolete TeX stuff. - - only make AFMs for feta[0-9] - using strings for abs loudness. pl 27.jcn2 - grand renaming: Duration vs Moment / Rational pl 27.uu1 - extra beam warning pl 27.jcn1 - complete redo of chord and chord name code - small fixes ************* pl 27 (feb 3) pl 26.uu1 - make TFMs too. - bf: dynamics. (Don't hang on spanner!) - read TFM before AFM. - fix din-MF stuff (UGH) pl 26.jcn4 - Chord: handle all chord stuff; lots of chord fixes - bf: Chord-name-engraver: find tonic - bf: my-lily-parser: get_chord pl 26.jcn3 - bf's: spring spacer end of measure - bf: tie/slur rods (dankje, lieverd) - bf's: intl/ compile, install, uninstall pl 26.jcn2 - enforce {slur,tie}_x_minimum (urg, paper vars?) - tie listens to tieydirection/ydirection - bf: tie placement pl 26.jcn1 - tutorial fixes - bf: OrchestralScore should do hara-kiri.. - bf: makeinfo: - info in rpm again - update to yodl pl10, yodl2texinfo fixes - use --force, .info should always be generated ********* pl 26 (feb 1, 99) 25.jcn2 - bf: staffside axis init - bf: staffmargin stuff. - Timesig C fixes pl 25.uu2 - junked Scarlatti clef - fixed clef^8 - Interpretation_context_handle is interface to interpretation context - Staff_switching_translator: automatic staff switching for Piano staffs. pl25.jcn1 - volta-spanner: junked dot_p_; not so handy after all: kerning?? - feta-nummer: added : ,-. - volta/tuplet thickness - bf: scs-paper - bf: ".|", and bar-thicknesses pl 25.uu1 - bf: default duration is 4 ********** pl 25 pl 23.ms2 - property noteheadStyle - first attempt to make harmonics : see input/test/ pl 23.ms1 - several fixes - dynamics * increased range pppppp to ffffff * added sp, spp, sff, rfz * example see input/test/ * updated dynamics in refman pl 24.jcn2 - website fixes - bf's: chords: * reverted c1*2, collides with \times {} * should use: c\breve, c\longa for long chords * addition: c-9, subtraction: c^5 * multiple -add, ^sub: c-7+.9-^3.5 - bf: lyric chord - bf: lookup text height - bf's: autobeamer pl 24.jcn1 - bf: rest collisions - separate tfm-reader - bf: :|: should not have thin lines pl 24.mb1 - bf: Correct units now used in the .afm files. ****** pl 24, Hacking Apart Together (Jan 25) pl 23.jcn9 - bf's: preludes-* (found a \meter and \transpose c`` there!) - bf: ly2dvi: don't barf on 'linewidth = -1.;' - bf: lily-version pl 23.jbr1 - scripts/ Windows 95 shell does not support redivrection of stderr. We now distribute ash and use it when needed. - stepmake/bin/ distribute ash, and guild ice-9/ directory. We build and distribute manpages in html format instead of text format. - Documentation/ntweb: Updated doco and now distributing as a self extracted binary with install script. pl 23.hwn4 - bugfixes - changed All_font_metrics to do TFM as well. - changed init/ to ly/ pl 23.jcn8 - tfm reader; revamped code from fontutils-0.6 pl 23.hwn3 - {Bar numbers|staff margin stuff|marks} fixed using Bar_script_engraver as base class - bf: PS points != Lily \pt - junked Bar_column_engraver - junked Text_item and some old files. pl 23.jcn7 - bf: piano-brace size (veels te simpel: kruis vingers tegen reject) - crude autobeam stuff in mi2mu - brevis, longa chords: c1*2,*4 - mutopia/E.Satie/ - prop: voltaVisibility - more cello-suite-ii fixes: * nice repeats * removed all beams ifo auto-beamer - bf's: autobeam - junked dur2real; beamAutoEndx now as rational string: "1/2" pl 23.hwn2 - _8 clef - junked #args symtable def. - junked Text_item. - moved Bar assembling into LilyPond - junked symtables reads - Lookup cleanups - junked Symtable from init/table* pl 23.hwn1 - revamped Scarlatti K3-L378 - some more doco - use interning/SCM for Scopes - hanging on now works for breakables too. pl 23.jcn6 - chord fixes; notemode chord syntax changed: @c@ @c-7@ - fixed cello-suite ii - bf's: auto-beamer; but nasty bug remains: input/bug/ - bf: extender - (bit ugly) fix for lyric-chords - fixed repeats (dankjewel lieverd) * input/ * input/star*.ly pl 23.jcn3 - succussfully removed []s from - bf + smarter autobeamer pl 23.jcn2 - mi2mu: d-minor: des->cis, g-minor ges->fis pl 23.mb1 - bf: Position and possible SIGSEGV in Mark_engraver - Added padding support in G_staff_side_item - bf: Correct direction of textual scripts. - bf, Fewer warnings about missing text styles. Same units used in all .afm files. pl 22.jcn5 - auto-beaming v0: input/test/ *********** pl 22.jcn4 - bf's: repeat-engraver; \bar "|:", ":|" now deprecated for repeats - bf: :|, |: - property barAlways changed to boolean (0/1) - added boolean property: barAuto pl 22.jcn3 - bf: mmrest pl 22.jcn2 - updated mi2mu - bf: multi-measure-rest (input/test/ - half fix for staff-margin-engraver pl 22.jcn1 - bf's: cross-staff slur - bf: gnossienne-4 pl 22.tca1 - buxfix, \mudela{ \times 2/3{ ...} } works now ****** pl 22 - fixed "already have a Beam" error pl 21.jcn2 - gnossienne: hmm, how to * undisplay bars * don't put 'grace notes' in beam * put separator between "] \translator Staff=x" pl 21.jcn1 - (start of) pl 20.jcn2 - mutopia fixes; see for cross-staff beams and slurs - bf: broken interstaff slur - sm66: check for gmake ******* pl 20.jcn1 - interstaff slurs v0: - warnings for silly interbeam settings pl 20.hwn1 - inclusion of WIP article about LilyPond. - L.Mozart sinfonfia - bf: [c8 [c8 c8] ******** pl 20 pl 19.jcn5 - interstaff beams v0: see and pl 19.jcn4 - new stem/beam parameters - bf: forced stem shorten pl 19.jcn3 - dehairification of beam code; cleanup and bugfixes * stemlength * forced stem shorten * slope calculation * damping and correction * catch for silly beams: input/test/ pl 19.jcn2 - multi-measure-rest is now spanner SkipBars=0 is broken pl 19.jcn1 - hmm, almost centered whole-bar rests -- NOT ******** pl 18.jcn5 - bf: beamtrend - bf: vv-duet pl 18.mb1 - \mark now works, using G_staff_side_item. - Improved layout of multi-bar rests, including a new font symbol. pl 18.jcn4 - beam length adjustments - ugly beamtrend fix: input/test/ pl 18.jcn3 - bf: (beamed) forced stem shorten - bf: broken slurs and ties; minimal slur/tie length setting ignored - bf: separators on cygwin pl 18.jcn2 - bf: stem-length algorithm - bf: beam direction algorithm - bf's: pl 18.jcn1 - stepmake update - small fixes:, wtk1-fugue2-ly, violino-viola duet. ******* pl 18 (jan 4 '99) pl 17.jbr2 - Documentation/README-W32: Brought my stuff up to date - Documentation/ntweb: updated for realease - stepmake/bin/ cygwin-b20 changes - scripts/ LILYPONDPREFIX fixes pl 17.jbr1 - scripts/ root is now the shared directory path not the root of the lily installation. Environment variable LILYPONDPREFIX is also the path to shared directory. - lily/ WINNT conditional added to avoid a casting of main_prog pl 17.hwn1 - bfs wtk1-fugue1 - spacing tweak: very widely and tightly spaced lines look better. - allow Beam settings to be overriden: property stemLeftBeamCount, stemRightBeamCount - junked Assoc, Assoc_iter - junked Graphical_element::{width,height} - junked Plet_swallow_engraver, Plet_engraver - Command_tie_engraver -> Tie_engraver, Command_beam_engraver -> Beam_engraver - naming brew_molecule_p / do_brew_molecule -> output_processing, do_brew_molecule_p - experimental Text_item, Staff_side - junked old Beam_engraver and old Tie_engraver. - AFM administration cleanup. - cache brewed molecules. Speed up ? - rehacked Graphical_element, introduced Dimension_cache ******** pl 17 pl 16.jcn2 - fix: TEMPO 4., well urg, "TEMPO 4 ." - beginning of violino/violoncello (viola) duet pl 16.jcn1 - resurrected po-stuff ********* pl 16 pl 15.uu1 - dynamic fix. - junked abbrev stuff from parser. pl15.tca1 - fixed verbatim option behaviour for mudela-book. - added mudela-book option intertext="some text" - mudela-book now understand latex \begin{verbatim} pl 15.jcn1 - chord inversion: * enter C/E * display chord names according to boolean property \property Score.chordInversion; ********* pl 15 pl 14.hwn1 - new beam syntax: { [ ] }, changed in lilypond, parser, lilypond (mudela 1.0.14), manual - new tie syntax: { ~ } changed in manual, parser, lilypond (Mudela 1.0.13) pl 14.jcn1 - bf: get_chord C-m5- - typos: chord-name pl 14.tca2 - move option proccing out of main ********** pl 14 pl 13.hwn1 - tutorial fixes. - junked find-quarts - junked various plet goryness. - preps for ~ syntax - bib fixes pl 12.jcn3 - bf's: standchen - added repeat, chord stuff to website - bf: dashed slur - hacks for barlines, dynamics pl 12.jcn2 - bf: package-diff - new chord syntax, again: TONIC [DURATION] ['-' MODIFIERS/ADDITIONS] - shorthand prefix for note-mode: '@', no shorthand for notes in chord mode... pl 11.jcn6 - bf: ly2dvi: better guess LILYPONDPREFIX: ../share/lilypond - chord-table; urg bugs: * note-collisions * accidental-placement - bf: cis m (\textsharpm, urg) pl 11.jcn5 - bib entry, twinkle-pop - bf's: chords pl 11.jcn4 ********** pl 13 - mutopia stuff (thanks, Peter) - bugfix : \maininput ********* pl 12 pl 11.jcn3 - bf: missing triads - @c @c min (* is taken, <<, <> don't work) - chord-modifiers (urg, "sus" should also subtract 2...) pl 11.uu3 - --safe: security paranoia: disallow untrusted \include, disallow untrusted TeX code, disallow named output pl 11.jcn2 - duration with chords + change: @4 c @c7 pl 11.jcn1 - minor chord syntax change: *c6 iso @c6; ********** pl 11 pl9.tca1 - included that missing init/ Added one line to init/GNUMakefile to make .py-files be included. - fragment and nonfragment options to override autodetection pl 10.jcn1 - input/test/ - \type ChordNames and chord-name-engraver.* - chords mode: \chords { @c; @d7; } pl 10.uu1 - scm/ directory. install .scm stuff too. - tuplet bug fixed. ********** pl 10 pl 9.jcn3 - property: unfoldRepeats; unfolding still broken - volta spanner y-collision - bf: volta number,dot placement - bf's: init/table16,20 - small additions to init/lily.scm to enable some testing - junked extra repeat braces pl 9.uu2 - bib stuff - removed \output from parser/lexer pl 9.jcn2 - bf/redo:, encompass-info: setting of encompass array. - switched tuplet-engaver off (core dumps) pl 9.jcn1 - bf (urg): no |: at start of piece - bf?: text defs without width - alignment absolute dynamics - mutopia/ (excerpt, triggered by GUIDO) - bf: crescendo symbol pl 9.uu1 - added faq entry - copertina (thanks Maurizio) ***************** pl 9 - fixed \relative pl8.tca1 - changes to mudela-book. Junked fragment and floating options, added eps option. Options should not stay as long that you get comfortable with them. ;) - Also possible to define your own commands with a syntax like \mudela{c d e} - updated mudela-book-doc.doc pl 8.jcn3 - website: gnuisation of footers pl 8.jcn2 - input/test/ urg ydim of text chords - bf: one set of |: :| volta per staff - bf: init/table* braces + more braces - try at score-volta-bracket pl 8.jcn1 - bf: lyric-engraver: handle multiple requests (don't overwrite) - bf: guile-config - music-list-iterator pl 8.hwn3 - coriolan corno 1 pl 8.hwn2 - more output revamping. pl 8.hwn1 - Scheme output stuff - tutorial fixes. ***************** pl 8 pl7.jcn3 - bf's: spanner/volta - volta-support: via Note, Bar, and Paper-column to Bar (item) pl7.jcn2 - note repeats pl7.jcn1 - configure/guile fixes (still no check for 1.2/1.3) pl7.hwn1 - tutorial fixes - tuplets over beams. ***************** pl 7 pl6.jcn5 - repeatbars, volta-spanner work, alternative iteration still broken - volta symbol pl5.szmulewicz2 - more GUILE stuff. - tutorial doco updates pl6.jcn4 - volta-spanner - repeat-engraver - repeat/alternative music layout (hehe) pl6.uu1 - Doco of music iterators. ******** pl 6 pl5.szmulewicz1 - rtti stuff - bf's: lily.scm pl5.mb1 - bf: array.hh, don't make copy if resized to the same size - bf: feta.tex pl5.jcn4 - scm additions: plet, hairpin - website fixes pl5.jcn3 - website fixes pl5.jcn2 - extender-*, see input/test/ - bf: half-beam length (urg) - fixes: standchen, star pl5.jcn1 - tex/lily-ps-defs.tex fixes - pl 5.hwn1 - Tuplet_engraver - fix. - junked MY_RTTI stuff, simpler VIRTUAL_COPY_CONS ******** 1.1.5 pl4.jcn4 - fixes; preludes, finger pl4.jcn3 - bf: text staff vertical align; see input/test/ - urg, scaled cmr8 by factor 4/5 - apart from end/begin of measure spacing urgs, is rather cool pl4.jcn2 - read (cmrxx)afm for text char widths - (quite urg) - pl 4.uu1 - read .scm files. No need for GUILE_LOAD_PATH - .ps hack. No need for on the printer (&$^@M&@^$@^&$@ Damn TeX) - bf: mudela-book -> \default_paper is obsolete. pl 3.ms1 - thumb-upgrade pl4.jcn1 - bf: dotted slur - bf: text ssb - bf: empty/unknown in ps pl 4.tca1 - 40% speedup executing mudela-book on mudela-book-doc.doc - change of lilypond's output filenames. Given multiple input files, eg. '', output names will now be 'm.tex y.tex' not 'm.tex y-1.tex', but if containts two paper definitions output will be 'm.tex m-1.tex y.tex' ******* 1.1.4 pl 3.tca1 - accordion symbols in mf/ and init/ - small changes to mudela-book and Documentation/man/mudela-book.yo - mudela-book example file in Documentation/tex/mudela-book-doc.doc pl 3.jcn5 - bf: dashed-slur - bf: LilyIdString - more star fixes - repeatbar fixes pl 3.jcn3 - version 0.0 - init/test/ (from star.mup) - GrandStaffContext pl 3.hwn1 - junked musical info from key-item - tutorial fixes. pl 3.jcn2 - bf: font switch ****** 1.1.3 pl 2.jcn2 pl 2.uu1 - -I fix - obsoleted - removed Note_head_engraver pl 2.hwn1 - scm cleanups, chop-decimal - scarlatti clef. pl 2.jcn1 - commented-out Level-2 PostScript in (J. Buehler) - moved tex/*.ps to ps/ - merged, lily-ps-defs: tex/ - be sure to set: export GS_LIB=$HOME/usr/src/lilypond/ps - added tex and empty ps-symbols pl 1.jcn4 - more little website fixes ******** pl 2 pl 1.mb1 - Support for cautionary accidentals. , i.e. accidentals within parantheses. Syntax: 'cis?'. Try input/test/ Note that the font has changed. - bf: No unnecessary warnings about time signatures - Added optional second argument of \key. Set to \major or \minor to get a major or minor key. Default: major. - bf: Compilation error in pl 1.jcn2 - fixes for htmldoc, website - silly jcn1 fixes - junked MODULE stuff from lily/GNUmakefile (again) pl 0.jcn4 -set: export GUILE_LOAD_PATH=$HOME/usr/src/lilypond/init - dstream: Score_element, Column_info - -fscm debug hack: lilypond -fscm a; guile a.scm > a.tex; tex a - init/lily.scm ******** pl 1 pl 0.uu5 - fixed MIDI output. pl 0.jcn3 - dropped stepmake/aclocal.m4 - removed silly -lguile (BLA_LIBS, EXTRA_LIBS ??) - added debugging output format: -fscm - -I fix - Documentation/tex/feta.tex - doco fixes: PATCHES.yo, yodl-1.31.7 pl 0.uu4 - Protected_scm to fixup GUILE gc pl 0.uu3 - more RTTI cleaning. pl 0.uu2 - undone type_info::before hack. (Ugh. RTFM). pl 0.uu1 - more RTTI stuff: is_type_b -> type_info::before pl 0.jcn1 pl 17.jcn7 - added: set*text, timesig, beam - guile-1.3 is fine; my egcs-1.0.2's -O2 is broken pl 17.jbr1 - stepmake/stepmake/bin/ Updated configure statement and modified win32 specific distribution file names to match pl 16.hwn1 changes. - scripts/ Modified search paths to match the new lilypond installation tree. - scripts/ Remove the an existing backup file before renaming original. This is a WIN32 Python requirement. - Documentation/ntweb/index.html: Updated documentation to match new lilypond installation tree. - lily/ Fixed LILYPONDPREFIX search paths. ********** 1.1.0 pl 18.exp - use C++ RTTI iso access_Xxx () - junk Graphical_lisp_element - pl 17.tca1 - rewrite of mudela-book pl 17.ms1 - added \thumb (used very often in cello music) in mf/ - added /input/test/ (example) pl 16.jcn1 - dashed-slur through scheme pl 15.jcn4 - more scheme hacks pl 15.jcn3 - try at scheme in Atom pl 15.jcn2 # rest of - graphical-lisp-element + silly half hook-up with autuplet pl 17.jcn5 - stepmake pl59: templatised install (see mf/) - reasonably ps/tex success (with guile-1.2): * input/ - lots more scm stuff - bf: mf/mfplain.ini - stepmake pl58: guile 1.3 configure fix - working font-switch: guile-1.2 and -lreadline -ldl from 1.3 configure... pl 17.jcn4 - installable stepmake pl57 - urg, FIXME guile-1.3: * don't install shared libs! configure can't handle * manually add: EXTRA_LIBS = -lguile -lreadline -ldl * lily's truely broken, downgrade do 1.2 pl 17.jcn3 - lots of stuff still broken, notably font selection, just try a()b or so - tex output support - all output through scheme - option: f, output-format=X - geile placebox - mf/mfplain.ini pl 17.jcn2 - all paper output through scheme, about half way pl 17.jcn1 - 16.jcn1