New features in 1.7 since 1.6 * INPUT ** Completely rewritten support for chord entry. Cleaner and more flexible. ** Text entry is now done in a separate mode, and is more ergonomic than the previous Scheme texts. ** Deeper integration of the input language and Scheme. You can now use LilyPond identifiers in Scheme, and use Scheme expressions instead of LilyPond identifiers. ** Music types cleaned up and Schemified. ** New syntax for chords: << PITCHES >> This is in addition to the < MUSICS > syntax for simultaneous music. Combined with this: uniform postfix syntax for articulations: c8-[-( d8-]-) for a beamed slurred pair of eighth notes. *NOTE* In version 2.0, this syntax will be changed to < PITCHES > for chords and \simultaneous { .. } for simultaneous music. ** User code evaluation during interpreting. Syntax \applycontext #SCHEME-FUNCTION ** XML music output. ** Friendly chord-name exception entry. * OUTPUT ** Preliminary Sodipodi/SVG output * NOTATION ** Ancient notation ... ?? ... (Jurgen?) ** Completely rewritten text formatting support. It is implemented in a completely modular way. ** Chord name formatting completely rewritten. ** Texts on multimeasure rests can be set by the user. ** Zigzagged glissandi ** Cluster support. Syntax: NOTE-\startCluster .. NOTE-\stopCluster ** Beat grouping indications. Syntax: #(set-time-signature 7 8 '(3 2 2)) ** Nested horizontal brackets for music analysis. NOTE-\groupOpen .. NOTE-\groupClose ** Gregorian ligatures. New features in 1.6 since 1.4 * Support for figured bass and tablature. * Completely rewritten beam formatting: provides much better output now. * Completely revised and improved music font. * Completely rewritten MIDI import support. * Completely rewritten grace note support. Practically speaking this means that grace notes can be slurred to normal normal notes. * Improved accidental handling and formatting: styles for producing cautionaries may vary, and complex collisions between accidentals of a chord are handled much better. * Better spacing: both globally and locally. This includes subtle details like optical stem spacing. * More support for ancient notation: mensural ligatures, ambitus (pitch range) of voices, more shapes, etc. * More support for piano notation: bracket pedals, directed arpeggios, arpeggio brackets. * Easier music polyphonic music entry. * More extensibility, many speedups and bugfixes * The manual has been thoroughly revised. * Development is now hosted at, and sources can be downloaded through anonymous CVS. * Support for windows: LilyPond is part of the cygwin distribution, which comes with a user-friendly installer.