1.1.0 pl 18.exp - use C++ RTTI iso access_Xxx () - junk Graphical_lisp_element - catalan.ly pl 17.tca1 - rewrite of mudela-book pl 17.ms1 - added \thumb (used very often in cello music) in mf/feta-schrift.mf. - added /input/test/thumb.ly (example) pl 16.jcn1 - dashed-slur through scheme pl 15.jcn4 - more scheme hacks pl 15.jcn3 - try at scheme in Atom pl 15.jcn2 # rest of - graphical-lisp-element + silly half hook-up with autuplet pl 17.jcn5 - stepmake pl59: templatised install (see mf/) - reasonably ps/tex success (with guile-1.2): * input/kortjakje.ly - lots more scm stuff - bf: mf/mfplain.ini - stepmake pl58: guile 1.3 configure fix - working font-switch: guile-1.2 and -lreadline -ldl from 1.3 configure... pl 17.jcn4 - installable stepmake pl57 - urg, FIXME guile-1.3: * don't install shared libs! configure can't handle * manually add: EXTRA_LIBS = -lguile -lreadline -ldl * lily's truely broken, downgrade do 1.2 pl 17.jcn3 - lots of stuff still broken, notably font selection, just try a()b or so - tex output support - all output through scheme - option: f, output-format=X - geile placebox - mf/mfplain.ini pl 17.jcn2 - all paper output through scheme, about half way pl 17.jcn1 - 16.jcn1