\name{GetData} \alias{GetData} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Read in RSEM output of Gould data } \description{ %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~ } \usage{ GetData(path, Name1, Name2, type) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{path}{ The path of RSEM outputs } \item{Name1}{ The output names of the files from Condition 1 } \item{Name2}{ The output names of the files from Condition 2 } \item{type}{ If type="G", read in the gene level output If type="I", read in the isoform level output } } \details{ %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ } \value{ The output is the "nu values" from RSEM. To generate a expression matrix, the user need to run the PoolMatrix function. } \references{ %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{ Ning Leng } \note{ %% ~~further notes~~ } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \examples{ ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ---- ##-- ==> Define data, use random, ##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets. ## The function is currently defined as function(path,Name1,Name2,type) { Data=vector("list",8) Filenames=NULL Tablenames=NULL for (name in 1:4) { if (type=="I") Filenames=c(Filenames,paste(path,Name1,name,"_isoform_nus.tab",sep="")) if (type=="G") Filenames=c(Filenames,paste(path,Name1,name,"_gene_nus.tab",sep="")) Tablenames=c(Tablenames,paste(Name1,name,sep="")) } for (name in 1:4) { if (type=="I") Filenames=c(Filenames,paste(path,Name2,name,"_isoform_nus.tab",sep="")) if (type=="G") Filenames=c(Filenames,paste(path,Name2,name,"_gene_nus.tab",sep="")) Tablenames=c(Tablenames,paste(Name2,name,sep="")) } names(Data)=Tablenames for (file in 1:8) { temp=read.table(Filenames[file],header=T) temp2=as.matrix(temp[-1]) rownames(temp2)=as.vector(as.matrix(temp[1])) Data[[file]]=temp2 } Data } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ ~kwd1 } \keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line