@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @c This file is part of lilypond-web.texi and community.itexi @c when you add a new item, consider moving the lowest item(s) @c into news.itexi. @c keep two blank lines between news entries @c used for news about the upcoming release; see CG 10.2 @newsItem @subsubheading LilyPond 2.17.19 released! @emph{May 26, 2013} We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.17.19. This release contains the usual number of bugfixes and enhancements, and contains some work in progress. You will have access to the very latest features, but some may be incomplete, and you may encounter bugs and crashes. If you require a stable version of Lilypond, we recommend using the 2.16 version. @newsEnd @newsItem @subsubheading LilyPond 2.16.2 released! @emph{January 4, 2013} We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.16.2. This release is mainly to correct a problem with lilypond-book running on Windows. We recommend that only people requiring this functionality upgrade to this version. @newsEnd @newsItem @subsubheading The LilyPond Report #28. @emph{November 12, 2012} The @uref{http://news.lilynet.net/?The-LilyPond-Report-28, October issue of the @emph{LilyPond Report}} focuses on the @uref{http://news.lilynet.net/?LilyPond-meeting-in-Waltrop, meeting of LilyPond developers and users} in Waltrop, Germany last August. Of course, there are also some musings on LilyPond triggered by the release of 2.16.0 and 2.17.0 occuring from that venue. There are also two monthly financial reports from David Kastrup whose work on LilyPond is @uref{http://news.lilynet.net/?The-LilyPond-Report-24#an_urgent_request_for_funding, solely paid for} by financial contributions from other developer and users (thank you!), and a report about experiences from @uref{http://scorio.com, a web-based music typesetting service} using LilyPond internally. Come @uref{http://news.lilynet.net/?The-LilyPond-Report-28, read LilyPond Report 28} now; comments and contributions are warmly encouraged! @newsEnd @newsItem @subsubheading LilyPond 2.16.1 released! @emph{November 9, 2012} We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.16.1. This has a number of updates to the previous stable version, and should cause no problems. We recommend that everybody upgrade to this version. @newsEnd @newsItem @subsubheading Lilypond 2.16.0 released! @emph{August 24, 2012} We are proud to announce the release of GNU LilyPond 2.16.1. LilyPond is a music engraving program, devoted to producing the highest-quality sheet music possible. It brings the aesthetics of traditionally engraved music to computer printouts. Many improvements have been made in the past year since the previous main stable version. A few major improvements are: @itemize @item Support for kievan square notation @item User and programming interfaces have greatly improved @item Music functions have become quite more versatile @end itemize A full list of new features is given in: @example @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.16/Documentation/changes/index.html} @end example Happy music typesetting! LilyPond 2.16 was brought to you by... Main development team: Bertrand Bordage, Trevor Daniels, Colin Hall, Phil Holmes, Ian Hulin, Reinhold Kainhofer, David Kastrup, Jonathan Kulp, Werner Lemberg, John Mandereau, Patrick McCarty, Joe Neeman, Han-Wen Nienhuys, Jan Nieuwenhuizen, Graham Percival, Mark Polesky, Neil Puttock, Mike Solomon, Carl Sorensen, Francisco Vila, Valentin Villenave, Jan Warchoł Programming contributors: Aleksandr Andreev, Sven Axelsson, Peter Chubb, Karin Hoethker, Marc Hohl, David Nalesnik, Justin Ohmie, Benkő Pál, Julien Rioux, Patrick Schmidt, Adam Spiers, Heikki Taurainen, Piers Titus van der Torren, Jan-Peter Voigt, Janek Warchol Documentation contributors: James Lowe, Pavel Roskin, Alberto Simoes, Stefan Weil Bug squad: Colin Campbell, Eluze, Phil Holmes, Marek Klein, Ralph Palmer, James Lowe Support: Colin Campbell, Christian Hitz, Phil Holmes Translation contributors: Jean-Charles Malahieude, Till Paala, Yoshiki Sawada @newsEnd