@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @ignore Translation of GIT committish: FILL-IN-HEAD-COMMITTISH When revising a translation, copy the HEAD committish of the version that you are working on. See TRANSLATION for details. @end ignore @include web/basic-authors.itexi @node Community @unnumbered Community @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading Interacting with the community @itemize @item @ref{Contact}: get help, discuss, and keep in touch! @item @ref{Tiny examples}: these are @emph{highly} recommended when discussing LilyPond. @item @ref{Bug reports}: something went wrong. @end itemize @divEnd @divClass{column-left-bottom} @subheading Making LilyPond better @itemize @item @ref{Help us}: your assistance is requested. @item @ref{Development}: for contributors and testers. @item @ref{Authors}: the people who made LilyPond what it is today. @end itemize @divEnd @divClass{column-right-bottom} @subheading Miscellaneous @itemize @item @ref{Publications}: what we wrote, and have had written about us. @item @ref{Old news}: an archive. @end itemize @divEnd @divClass{hide} @menu * Contact:: * Tiny examples:: * Bug reports:: * Help us:: * Development:: * Authors:: * Publications:: * Old news:: @end menu @divEnd @node Contact @unnumberedsec Contact @divClass{column-left-bottom} @subheading User Discussions and Help @subsubheading User mailing list: @code{lilypond-user@@gnu.org} This mailing list is the main place for users to discuss and help each other. @quotation @uref{http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user, lilypond-user subscribe and info} @uref{http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/, user archive1} @uref{http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-user@@gnu.org/, archive2} @uref{http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.general, archive3} @uref{http://post.gmane.org/post.php?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.general, send to lilypond-user with gmane} @end quotation @warning{When asking questions, please use @ref{Tiny examples}!} @subsubheading IRC Some level of support is provided on our IRC channel, @example @uref{irc://irc.freenode.net/lilypond, #lilypond@@irc.freenode.net} @end example This channel has no public archive, so any question that may be useful for others would better be posted to one of the mailing lists. @html
irc name:
@end html @subsubheading Other languages @quotation @uref{http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/lilypond-es, Spanish yahoo group} @uref{http://www.lilypondforum.de/, German forum} @uref{http://groups.google.com/group/lilypond-brasil, Portugese group} @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user-fr, French mailing list} @uref{http://www.lilypondforum.nl/, Dutch forum} @end quotation @divEnd @divClass{column-right-top} @subheading Stay Informed @subsubheading LilyPond Report The easiest way to keep touch is by reading our community newsletter, the @uref{http://news.lilynet.net/, LilyPond Report}. @subsubheading Releases mailing list: @code{info-lilypond@@gnu.org} This mailing list is a low-volume, read-only list which receives notifications of new releases. @quotation @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-lilypond, info-lilypond subscribe and info} @uref{http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/info-lilypond/, info archive1} @uref{http://www.mail-archive.com/info-lilypond@@gnu.org/, archive2} @uref{http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.announce, archive3} @c don't include gmane posting here. -gp @end quotation @divEnd @divClass{column-right-bottom} @subheading Developer Discussion @subsubheading Developer mailing list: @code{lilypond-devel@@gnu.org} Most developer discussion takes place on this list. Patches should be sent here. @quotation @uref{http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-devel, lilypond-devel subscribe and info} @uref{http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/, devel archive1} @uref{http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-devel@@gnu.org/, archive2} @uref{http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.devel, archive3} @uref{http://post.gmane.org/post.php?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.devel, send to lilypond-devel with gmane} @end quotation @subsubheading Bug mailing list: @code{bug-lilypond@@gnu.org} Bug-specific discussion takes place here. @quotation @uref{http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond, bug-lilypond subscribe and info} @uref{http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-lilypond/, bug archive1} @uref{http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-lilypond@@gnu.org/, archive2} @uref{http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs, archive3} @c don't include gmane posting here. -gp @end quotation @warning{Before sending a message to the bug list, please read our guidelines for @ref{Bug reports}.} @divEnd @node Tiny examples @unnumberedsec Tiny examples @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading What are @qq{Tiny examples}? A tiny example is an example from which nothing can be removed. @divEnd @divClass{column-left-bottom} @subheading Why create them? @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item The simpler the example is, the quicker potential helpers can understand it and help you. @item A simple example demonstrates that you have put effort towards solving the problem yourself. When people send huge portions of input, it looks like they don't care how if we help them or not. @item Creating a tiny example forces you to understand what is happening. Many false problem reports can be avoided by attempting to create a tiny example; if you cannot replicate a @qq{bug} in a tiny example, then the problem was probably an insufficient understanding of LilyPond, not an actual bug! @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-right-bottom} @subheading How do I create them? @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item Include the \version number. @item Make it small! Examples about spacing or page layout might require many bars of music, but most issues can be reproduced using only a single measure. @item When trying to create an example, try commenting out @w{(@code{%} or @code{%@{ @dots{} %@}})} sections of your file. If you can comment something while still demonstrating the main idea, then remove the commented-material! @item Avoid using complicated notes, keys, or time signatures, unless the bug is about the behavior of those items. @item Do not use @code{\override} or @code{\set} commands unless the bug is about those particular commands. @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @node Bug reports @unnumberedsec Bug reports @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading Step 1: Known bugs If you have input that results in a crash or an erroneous output, then that is a bug. There is a list of current bugs on our google bug tracker, @example @uref{http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/list} @end example @warning{Please @strong{DO NOT} add bug reports directly to the bug tracker. Once an issue has been added to the tracker, feel free to add more information to that report.} @divEnd @divClass{column-left-bottom} @subheading Step 2: Creating a bug report If you have discovered a bug which is not listed, please help us by creating a bug report. @warning{We only accept bug reports in the form of @ref{Tiny examples}. We have very limited resources to deal with bug reports, so any non-minimal example will be rejected. Almost every bug can be demonstrated in four notes or less!} Here is an example of a good bug report: @example %% the octavation command doesn't %% change the output at all! \version "2.10.0" \paper@{ ragged-right=##t @} \relative c''' @{ c1 #(set-octavation 1) c1 @} @end example @divEnd @divClass{column-right-bottom} @subheading Step 3: Sending a bug report Once you have verified that the issue is not already known and created a bug report, please send it to us! Unfortunately there is a strict @qq{no top-posting} check on the bug list, which is often incorrectly triggered by lilypond files. To avoid this, please add @example > I'm not top posting. @end example @noindent (you must include the @code{>} ) to the top of your bug report. @uref{http://post.gmane.org/post.php?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs, Post with the gmane lilypond.bugs interface}, or send an email to @uref{mailto:bug-lilypond@@gnu.prg, bug-lilypond@@gnu.org}. Once your bug has been sent to the list, our Bug Meister will examine the report. He may ask you for more information, or may add the report to the tracker and let you know what the issue number is. You may mark the bug so that you automatically receive emails when any activity on the bug occurs. This requires you have a google account. @divEnd @node Help us @unnumberedsec Help us @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading We need you! The LilyPond development team is quite small; we really want to get more people involved. Please consider helping your fellow LilyPond users by contributing to development! Even working on small tasks can have a big impact: taking care of them let experienced developers work on advanced tasks, instead of spending time on those simple tasks. @divEnd @divClass{column-left-top} @subheading Simple tasks @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item Mailing list support: answer questions from fellow users. @item Bug reporting: help users create proper @ref{Bug reports}, and aid the Bug Team in handling @rcontrib{Issues}. @item Documentation: small changes can be proposed by following the guidelines for @rcontrib{Documentation suggestions}. @item LilyPond Snippet Repository (LSR): create and fix snippets. See @rcontrib{Adding and editing snippets}. @item Discussions, reviews, and testing: the developers often ask for feedback about new documentation, potential syntax changes, and testing new features. Please contribute to these discussions! @end itemize @subheading Moderate tasks @warning{These jobs generally require that you have the program and documentation source files, but do not require a full development environment. See @rcontrib{Starting with git}.} @itemize @item Documentation: see @rcontrib{Documentation work}, and @rcontrib{Building documentation without compiling LilyPond}. @item Website: the website is built from the normal documentation source. See the info about documentation, and also @rcontrib{Website work}. @item Translations: see @rcontrib{Translating the documentation}, and @rcontrib{Translating the website}. @end itemize @subheading Complex tasks @warning{These jobs generally require that you have the source code and can compile LilyPond. See @rcontrib{Starting with git}, and @rcontrib{Compiling LilyPond}.} We suggest that new contributors using Windows use a virtual machine to run @emph{lilybuntu}. See @rcontrib{Using a Virtual Machine to Compile LilyPond}. @itemize @item Bugfixes, new features: the best way to begin is to join the Frogs, and read @rcontrib{Programming work}. @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-right-top} @subheading Projects @subsubheading Frogs Website and mailist: @uref{http://frogs.lilynet.net} The Frogs are ordinary LilyPond users who have chosen to get involved in their favorite software's development. Fixing bugs, implementing new features, documenting the source code: there's a lot to be done, but most importantly: this is a chance for everyone to learn more about LilyPond, about Free Software, about programming... and to have fun. If you're curious about any of it, then the word is: @emph{Join the Frogs!} @help{not active yet; either comment out or begin these projects before 2.14} @subsubheading Grand LilyPond Input Syntax Standardization Website and mailist: TODO GLISS will stabilize the (non-tweak) input syntax for the upcoming LilyPond 3.0. After updating to 3.0, the input syntax for untweaked music will remain stable for the foreseeable future. We will have an extensive discussion period to determine the final input specification. @subsubheading Grand Organizing Project Website and mailist: TODO GOP is our big recruiting drive for new contributors. @divEnd @ignore @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading Interested? @divEnd @end ignore @node Development @unnumberedsec Development @divClass{heading-center} @heading Development materials for LilyPond @versionDevel{} @warning{These are @emph{unstable development} versions. If you have the slightest doubt about how to use or install LilyPond, we urge you to use the stable @ref{Download}, and read the stable @ref{Manuals}.} @divEnd @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading Release numbers There are two sets of releases for LilyPond: stable releases, and unstable development releases. Stable versions have an even-numbered @q{minor} version number (e.g., 2.8, 2.10, 2.12). Development versions have an odd-numbered @q{minor} version number (e.g., 2.7, 2.9, 2.11). @divEnd @divClass{column-left-bottom} @subheading Download Instructions for git and compiling are in the Contributor's Guide. @quotation @uref{http://git.sv.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git, lilypond git repository} @end quotation Documentation writers and testers will generally want to download the latest binary: @quotation @downloadDevelLinuxNormal @downloadDevelLinuxBig @downloadDevelLinuxPPC @downloadDevelFreeBSDNormal @downloadDevelFreeBSDBig @downloadDevelDarwinNormal @downloadDevelDarwinPPC @downloadDevelWindows @downloadDevelSource @end quotation @subheading Manuals @help {these need the automatic symlinks or something. Maybe even a hard-coded url to lilypond.org/docs/2.13 or something??} Learning: @uref{lm-html, html} @uref{lm-big-html, big html} @uref{lm-pdf, pdf} Glossary: @uref{mg-html, html} @uref{mg-big-html, big html} @uref{mg-pdf, pdf} Essay: @uref{essay-html, html} @uref{essay-big-html, big html} @uref{essay-pdf, pdf} Notation: @uref{notation-html, html} @uref{notation-big-html, big html} @uref{notation-pdf, pdf} Usage: @uref{usage-html, html} @uref{usage-big-html, big html} @uref{usage-pdf, pdf} Snippets: @uref{snippets-html, html} @uref{snippets-big-html, big html} @uref{snippets-pdf, pdf} Changes: @uref{changes-html, html} @uref{changes-big-html, big html} @uref{changes-pdf, pdf} Internals: @uref{internals-html, html} @uref{internals-big-html, big html} @uref{internals-pdf, pdf} @divEnd @divClass{column-right-top} @subheading Contributor's Guide LilyPond development is a fairly complicated matter. LilyPond is a large, (mostly) stable project. In order to help new contributors, and to keep the whole system (mostly) stable, we have written a manual for contributors. This manual is not intended to be read sequentially; new contributors should only read the sections which are relevant to them. For more information about different jobs, see @ref{Help us}. @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item @uref{../contributor/index.html, Contributor's guide (split HTML)}: the manual is split between many HTML pages. @*@ @ @emph{(small download for each page)} @item @uref{../contributor-big-page.html, Contributor's guide (big HTML)}: read this manual as one huge HTML page. @*@ @ @emph{(large single download, 500 kb)} @item @uref{../contributor.pdf, contributor.pdf}: download as a PDF file. @*@ @ @emph{(large single download, 2.8 Mb)} @c @item @uref{TODO, contributor.info}: @c GNU info format for documentation. TODO, link broken. @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-right-top} @subheading Frogs: new contributors The Frogs are a collection of new contributors being mentored in how to @qq{eat} (fix) bugs and add new features to LilyPond. Programmers unfamiliar with LilyPond are encouraged to send patches to the Frogs first for initial discussion and encouragement. Website and mailist: @uref{http://frogs.lilynet.net} @divEnd @divClass{column-right-bottom} @subheading Regression tests @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item @uref{../../input/regression/collated-files.html, Regression tests}: This release's tests. (also in @uref{../input/regression/collated-files.pdf, pdf}) @item @uref{../../input/regression/musicxml/collated-files.html, MusicXML Regression tests}: This release's MusicXML tests. (also in @uref{../input/regression/musicxml/collated-files.pdf, pdf}) @item @uref{http://lilypond.org/test, Archive of regression tests}: Comparisons between versions. @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @node Authors @unnumberedsec Authors @help{Under construction; this is not an accurate list!} @divClass{column-left-top} @subheading Current Development Team @divClass{keep-bullets} @developersCurrent @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-right-top} @subheading Previous Development Team Positions @divClass{keep-bullets} @developersPrevious @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading Current Contributors @divClass{keep-bullets} @subsubheading Programming @coreCurrent @subsubheading Font @fontCurrent @subsubheading Documentation @docCurrent @subsubheading Support @supportCurrent @subsubheading Translation @translationsCurrent @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading Previous Contributors @divClass{keep-bullets} @subsubheading Programming @corePrevious @subsubheading Font @fontPrevious @subsubheading Documentation @docPrevious @subsubheading Support @supportPrevious @subsubheading Translation @translationsPrevious @divEnd @divEnd @node Publications @unnumberedsec Publications @divClass{column-center-top} @subheading What we wrote @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item Han-Wen Nienhuys, @emph{LilyPond, Automated music formatting and the Art of Shipping}. Forum Internacional Software Livre 2006 (FISL7.0) (@uref{http://lilypond.org/web/images/FISL7-slides.pdf, PDF 1095k}) @item Erik Sandberg, @emph{Separating input language and formatter in GNU Lilypond}. Master's Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology March 2006. (@uref{http://lilypond.org/web/images/thesis-erik-sandberg.pdf, PDF 750k}) @item Han-Wen Nienhuys and Jan Nieuwenhuizen, @emph{LilyPond, a system for automated music engraving}. Proceedings of the XIV Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XIV CIM 2003), Firenze, Italy, May 2003. (@uref{ http://lilypond.org/web/images/xivcim.pdf, PDF 95k}) @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @divClass{column-center-bottom} @subheading What others wrote @divClass{keep-bullets} @itemize @item September 2009 The German LinuxUser magazine wrote an @uref{http://www.linux-community.de/Internal/Artikel/Print-Artikel/LinuxUser/2009/10/Digitaler-Notenschluessel, article about lilypond}. @item February 2008 In @uref{http://www.musicbyandrew.ca/finale-lilypond-1.html, articles on his personal site}, Andrew Hawryluk compares Finale and LilyPond in general terms, and evaluates in detail engraving capabilities of both pieces of software. The second article is an instructive analysis of Rachmaninoff's Piano Prelude 6 engraving, including comparisons with a reference hand-engraved edition. @item December 2005 Linux journal cover Linux Journal publishes an article titled @uref{http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8364, Make Stunning Schenker Graphs with GNU LilyPond}. It is a in-depth but hands-on feature article with crisp LilyPond graphics. Author Kris Shaffer remarks “GNU Lilypond generates beautiful graphics that make commercial alternatives seem second-rate.” @item August 20, 2005 The Belgian newspaper De Standaard investigates what drives Free Software authors in an article titled @uref{http://www.standaard.be/Artikel/Detail.aspx?artikelId=G42H5GD6, Delen van KENNIS zonder WINSTBEJAG} (Non-profit sharing of knowlegde) in its `DS2 bijlage'. LilyPond is used as an example and the article is interspersed with quotes from an `email interview' with Jan Nieuwenhuizen. This marks LilyPond's first appearance in mainstream printed press. @item June 2005 A French article on the LilyPond 2.6 release appeared on @uref{http://linuxfr.org/2005/06/27/19210.html, linuxfr.org}. @item October 2004 The editors of Computer!Totaal, a Dutch computer magazine, @uref{http://lilypond.org/web/images/computer-totaal.jpeg, describe LilyPond} in the October 2004 issue as: @qq{Wonderful free (open source) software [..] The sheet music produced by LilyPond is exceptionally pretty [..] a very powerful system that can do almost anything.} @item July, August 2004 Dave Phillips wrote an introductory article for Linux Journal At the sounding edge: LilyPond, parts @uref{http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7657, one} and @uref{http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7719, two}. @item March 2004 Chris Cannam interviewed Han-Wen Nienhuys and Jan Nieuwenhuizen on linuxmusician.com (site now defunct). This interview was also reviewed in a @uref{http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/03/13/2054227&tid=, slashdot story}. @item February 2004 Jazz singer Gail Selkirk writes about @uref{http://www.songbirdofswing.com/editorial_page/lilypond/, Diving into LilyPond}. @qq{... you can make lead sheets or full orchestral parts, and the results can be stunning.} @uref{http://www.computermusic.co.uk/, Computer Music Special}, issue CMS06. @end itemize @divEnd @divEnd @node Old news @unnumberedsec Old news @include web/news.itexi