@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @c This file is part of lilypond-learning.tely @ignore Translation of GIT committish: FILL-IN-HEAD-COMMITTISH When revising a translation, copy the HEAD committish of the version that you are working on. See TRANSLATION for details. @end ignore @node Tweaking output @chapter Tweaking output This chapter discusses how to modify output. LilyPond is extremely configurable; virtually every fragment of output may be changed. TODO: explain what/why. maybe in other sections. @menu * Common tweaks:: * TODO other name:: @end menu @node Common tweaks @section Common tweaks blah blah @menu * Moving objects:: * Fixing overlapping notation:: * Other common tweaks:: * Fitting music onto fewer pages:: @end menu @node Moving objects @subsection Moving objects This may come as a surprise, but LilyPond is not perfect. Some notation elements can overlap. This is unfortunate, but (in most cases) is easily solved. TODO: with the new spacing features in 2.12, these specific examples are no longer relevant. However, they still demonstrate powerful features of lilypond, so they remain until somebody creates some better examples. @lilypond[quote,fragment,ragged-right,verbatim,relative=2] % temporary code to break this example: \override TextScript #'outside-staff-priority = ##f e4^\markup{ \italic ritenuto } g b e @end lilypond @cindex padding The easiest solution is to increase the distance between the object (in this case text, but it could easily be fingerings or dynamics instead) and the note. In LilyPond, this is called the @code{padding} property; it is measured in staff spaces. For most objects, this value is around 1.0 or less (it varies with each object). We want to increase it, so let's try 1.5 @lilypond[quote,fragment,ragged-right,verbatim,relative=2] % temporary code to break this example: \override TextScript #'outside-staff-priority = ##f \once \override TextScript #'padding = #1.5 e4^\markup{ \italic ritenuto } g b e @end lilypond That looks better, but it isn't quite big enough. After experimenting with a few values, we think 2.3 is the best number in this case. However, this number is merely the result of experimentation and my personal taste in notation. Try the above example with 2.3... but also try higher (and lower) numbers. Which do you think looks the best? The @code{staff-padding} property is closely related. @code{padding} controls the minimum amount of space between an object and the nearest other object (generally the note or the staff lines); @code{staff-padding} controls the minimum amount of space between an object and the staff. This is a subtle difference, but you can see the behavior here. @lilypond[quote,fragment,ragged-right,verbatim,relative=2] % temporary code to break this example: \override TextScript #'outside-staff-priority = ##f c4^"piu mosso" b a b \once \override TextScript #'padding = #4.6 c4^"piu mosso" d e f \once \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #4.6 c4^"piu mosso" fis a g \break c'4^"piu mosso" b a b \once \override TextScript #'padding = #4.6 c4^"piu mosso" d e f \once \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #4.6 c4^"piu mosso" fis a g @end lilypond @cindex extra-offset Another solution gives us complete control over placing the object -- we can move it horizontally or vertically. This is done with the @code{extra-offset} property. It is slightly more complicated and can cause other problems. When we move objects with @code{extra-offset}, the movement is done after LilyPond has placed all other objects. This means that the result can overlap with other objects. @lilypond[quote,fragment,ragged-right,verbatim,relative=2] % temporary code to break this example: \override TextScript #'outside-staff-priority = ##f \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( 1.0 . -1.0 ) e4^\markup{ \italic ritenuto } g b e @end lilypond With @code{extra-offset}, the first number controls the horizontal movement (left is negative); the second number controls the vertical movement (up is positive). After a bit of experimenting, we decided that these values look good @lilypond[quote,fragment,ragged-right,verbatim,relative=2] % temporary code to break this example: \override TextScript #'outside-staff-priority = ##f \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'( -1.6 . 1.0 ) e4^\markup{ \italic ritenuto } g b e @end lilypond @noindent Again, these numbers are simply the result of a few experiments and looking at the output. You might prefer the text to be slightly higher, or to the left, or whatever. Try it and look at the result! One final warning: in this section, we used @example \once \override TextScript @dots{} @end example This tweaks the display of text for the next note. If the note has no text, this tweak does nothing (and does @strong{not} wait until the next bit of text). To change the behavior of everything after the command, omit the @code{\once}. To stop this tweak, use a @code{\revert}. This is explained in depth in @ruser{The \override command}. @lilypond[quote,fragment,ragged-right,verbatim,relative=3] % temporary code to break this example: \override TextScript #'outside-staff-priority = ##f c4^"piu mosso" b \once \override TextScript #'padding = #4.6 a4 b c4^"piu mosso" d e f \once \override TextScript #'padding = #4.6 c4^"piu mosso" d e f c4^"piu mosso" d e f \break \override TextScript #'padding = #4.6 c4^"piu mosso" d e f c4^"piu mosso" d e f \revert TextScript #'padding c4^"piu mosso" d e f @end lilypond @seealso This manual: @ruser{The \override command}, @ref{Common tweaks}. @node Fixing overlapping notation @subsection Fixing overlapping notation In @ref{Moving objects}, we saw how to move a @code{TextScript} object. The same mechanism can be used to move other types of objects; simply replace @code{TextScript} with the name of another object. To find the object name, look at the @q{@strong{see also}} at bottom of the relevant documentation page. For example, at the bottom of @ruser{Dynamics}, we see @quotation @seealso Program reference: @internalsref{DynamicText}, @internalsref{Hairpin}. Vertical positioning of these symbols is handled by @internalsref{DynamicLineSpanner}. @end quotation @noindent So to move dynamics around vertically, we use @example \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #2.0 @end example We cannot list every object, but here is a list of the most common objects. @multitable @columnfractions .33 .66 @headitem Object type @tab Object name @item Dynamics (vertically) @tab @code{DynamicLineSpanner} @item Dynamics (horizontally) @tab @code{DynamicText} @item Ties @tab @code{Tie} @item Slurs @tab @code{Slur} @item Articulations @tab @code{Script} @item Fingerings @tab @code{Fingering} @item Text e.g. @code{^"text"} @tab @code{TextScript} @item Rehearsal / Text marks @tab @code{RehearsalMark} @end multitable @node Other common tweaks @subsection Other common tweaks Some overrides are so common that predefined commands are provided as short-cuts, such as @code{\slurUp} and @code{\stemDown}. These commands are described in the Notation Reference under the appropriate sections. The complete list of modifications available for each type of object (like slurs or beams) are documented in the Program Reference. However, many layout objects share properties which can be used to apply generic tweaks. @itemize @cindex padding @item The @code{padding} property can be set to increase (or decrease) the distance between symbols that are printed above or below notes. This applies to all objects with @code{side-position-interface}. @lilypond[quote,fragment,relative=1,verbatim] c2\fermata \override Script #'padding = #3 b2\fermata @end lilypond @lilypond[quote,fragment,relative=1,verbatim] % This will not work, see below: \override MetronomeMark #'padding = #3 \tempo 4=120 c1 % This works: \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #3 \tempo 4=80 d1 @end lilypond Note in the second example how important it is to figure out what context handles a certain object. Since the @code{MetronomeMark} object is handled in the @code{Score} context, property changes in the @code{Voice} context will not be noticed. For more details, see @ruser{Constructing a tweak}. @cindex extra-offset @item The @code{extra-offset} property moves objects around in the output; it requires a pair of numbers. The first number controls horizontal movement; a positive number will move the object to the right. The second number controls vertical movement; a positive number will move it higher. The @code{extra-offset} property is a low-level feature: the formatting engine is completely oblivious to these offsets. In the following example, the second fingering is moved a little to the left, and 1.8 staff space downwards: @lilypond[quote,fragment,relative=1,verbatim] \stemUp f-5 \once \override Fingering #'extra-offset = #'(-0.3 . -1.8) f-5 @end lilypond @item Setting the @code{transparent} property will cause an object to be printed in @q{invisible ink}: the object is not printed, but all its other behavior is retained. The object still takes up space, it takes part in collisions, and slurs, ties, and beams can be attached to it. @cindex transparent objects @cindex removing objects @cindex hiding objects @cindex invisible objects The following example demonstrates how to connect different voices using ties. Normally, ties only connect two notes in the same voice. By introducing a tie in a different voice, @lilypond[quote,fragment,relative=2] << { b8~ b8\noBeam } \\ { b[ g8] } >> @end lilypond @noindent and blanking the first up-stem in that voice, the tie appears to cross voices: @lilypond[quote,fragment,relative=2,verbatim] << { \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t b8~ b8\noBeam } \\ { b[ g8] } >> @end lilypond To make sure that the just-blanked stem doesn't squeeze the tie too much, we also lengthen the stem, by setting the @code{length} to @code{8}, @lilypond[quote,fragment,relative=2,verbatim] << { \once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t \once \override Stem #'length = #8 b8~ b8\noBeam } \\ { b[ g8] } >> @end lilypond @end itemize @cindex Tweaks, distances @cindex Distances Distances in LilyPond are measured in staff-spaces, while most thickness properties are measured in line-thickness. Some properties are different; for example, the thickness of beams are measured in staff-spaces. For more information, see the relevant portion of the program reference. @node Fitting music onto fewer pages @subsection Fitting music onto fewer pages Sometimes you can end up with one or two staves on a second (or third, or fourth...) page. This is annoying, especially if you look at previous pages and it looks like there is plenty of room left on those. When investigating layout issues, @code{annotate-spacing} is an invaluable tool. This command prints the values of various layout spacing commands; see @ruser{Displaying spacing}, for more details. From the output of @code{annotate-spacing}, we can see which margins we may wish to alter. Other than margins, there are a few other options to save space: @itemize @item You may tell LilyPond to place systems as close together as possible (to fit as many systems as possible onto a page), but then to space those systems out so that there is no blank space at the bottom of the page. @example \paper @{ between-system-padding = #0.1 between-system-space = #0.1 ragged-last-bottom = ##f ragged-bottom = ##f @} @end example @item You may force the number of systems (i.e., if LilyPond wants to typeset some music with 11 systems, you could force it to use 10). @example \paper @{ system-count = #10 @} @end example @item Avoid (or reduce) objects which increase the vertical size of a system. For example, volta repeats (or alternate repeats) require extra space. If these repeats are spread over two systems, they will take up more space than one system with the volta repeats and another system without. Another example is moving dynamics which @q{stick out} of a system. @lilypond[verbatim,quote,fragment] \relative c' { e4 c g\f c \override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #-1.8 \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'( -2.1 . 0) e4 c g\f c } @end lilypond @item Alter the horizontal spacing via @code{SpacingSpanner}. See @ruser{Changing horizontal spacing}, for more details. @lilypond[verbatim,quote] \score { \relative c'' { g4 e e2 | f4 d d2 | c4 d e f | g4 g g2 | g4 e e2 | f4 d d2 | c4 e g g | c,1 | d4 d d d | d4 e f2 | e4 e e e | e4 f g2 | g4 e e2 | f4 d d2 | c4 e g g | c,1 | } \layout { \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4) } } } @end lilypond @end itemize @node TODO other name @section TODO other name @menu * Default files:: * Advanced tweaks with Scheme:: * Avoiding tweaks with slower processing:: * The three methods of tweaking:: @end menu @node Default files @subsection Default files The Program Reference documentation contains a lot of information about LilyPond, but even more information can be gathered from looking at the internal LilyPond files. Some default settings (such as the definitions for @code{\header@{@}}s) are stored as @code{.ly} files. Other settings (such as the definitions of markup commands) are stored as @code{.scm} (Scheme) files. Further explanation is outside the scope of this manual; users should be warned that a substantial amount of technical knowledge or time is required to understand these files. @itemize @item Linux: @file{@var{installdir}/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/} @item OSX: @file{@var{installdir}/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/share/lilypond/current/}. To access this, either @code{cd} into this directory from the Terminal, or control-click on the LilyPond application and select @q{Show Package Contents}. @item Windows: @file{@var{installdir}/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/} @end itemize The @file{ly/} and @file{scm/} directories will be of particular interest. Files such as @file{ly/property-init.ly} and @file{ly/declarations-init.ly} define all the common tweaks. @node Advanced tweaks with Scheme @subsection Advanced tweaks with Scheme We have seen how LilyPond output can be heavily modified using commands like @code{\override TextScript #'extra-offset = ( 1 . -1)}. But we have even more power if we use Scheme. For a full explantion of this, see the @ref{Scheme tutorial}, and @ruser{Interfaces for programmers}. We can use Scheme to simply @code{\override} commands, @lilypond[quote,verbatim,ragged-right] padText = #(define-music-function (parser location padding) (number?) #{ \once \override TextScript #'padding = #$padding #}) \relative c''' { c4^"piu mosso" b a b \padText #1.8 c4^"piu mosso" d e f \padText #2.6 c4^"piu mosso" fis a g } @end lilypond We can use it to create new commands, @lilypond[quote,verbatim,ragged-right] tempoMark = #(define-music-function (parser location padding marktext) (number? string?) #{ \once \override Score . RehearsalMark #'padding = $padding \once \override Score . RehearsalMark #'extra-spacing-width = #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0) \mark \markup { \bold $marktext } #}) \relative c'' { c2 e \tempoMark #3.0 #"Allegro" g c } @end lilypond Even music expressions can be passed in. @lilypond[quote,verbatim,ragged-right] pattern = #(define-music-function (parser location x y) (ly:music? ly:music?) #{ $x e8 a b $y b a e #}) \relative c''{ \pattern c8 c8\f \pattern {d16 dis} { ais16-> b\p } } @end lilypond @node Avoiding tweaks with slower processing @subsection Avoiding tweaks with slower processing LilyPond can perform extra checks while it processes files. These commands will take extra time, but the result may require fewer manual tweaks. @example %% makes sure text scripts and lyrics are within the paper margins \override Score.PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t @end example In some cases (see issue 246), this must be done before @code{\override} commands can be processed. @verbatim \new Score \with { \override PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t } { .. } @end verbatim @node The three methods of tweaking @subsection The three methods of tweaking TODO write this. @verbatim \override @end verbatim @verbatim \with { } @end verbatim @verbatim \layout{ \context }} @end verbatim