DOCUMENTATION POLICY -------------------- %%%%% BOOKS There are four parts to the documentation: the Learning Manual, the Notation Reference, the Program Reference, and the Music Glossary. * Learning Manual: The LM is written in a tutorial style which introduces the most important concepts, structure and syntax of the elements of a LilyPond score in a carefully graded sequence of steps. Explanations of all musical concepts used in the Manual can be found in the Music Glossary, and readers are assumed to have no prior knowledge of LilyPond. The objective is to take readers to a level where the Notation Reference can be understood and employed to both adapt the templates in the Appendix to their needs and to begin to construct their own scores. Commonly used tweaks are introduced and explained. Examples are provided throughout which, while being focussed on the topic being introduced, are long enough to seem real in order to retain the readers' interest. Each example builds on the previous material, and comments are used liberally. Every new aspect is thoroughly explained before it is used. Users are encouraged to read the complete Learning Manual from start-to-finish. * Notation Reference: a (hopefully complete) description of LilyPond input notation. Some material from here may be duplicated in the Learning Manual (for teaching), but consider the NR to be the "definitive" description of each notation element, with the LM being an "extra". The goal is _not_ to provide a step-by-step learning environment -- do not avoid using notation that has not be introduced previously in the NR (for example, use \break if appropriate). This section is written in formal technical writing style. Avoid duplication. Although users are not expected to read this manual from start to finish, they should be familiar with the material in the Learning Manual (particularly ``Fundamental Concepts''), so do not repeat that material in each section of this book. Also watch out for common constructs, like ^ - _ for directions -- those are explained in NR 3. In NR 1, you can mention that "dynamics (or whatever) may be placed above or below the staff, for details see @ref{Up and down}". Most tweaks should be added to LSR and not placed directly in the .itely file. In some cases, tweaks may be placed in the main text, but ask about this first. Finally, you should assume that users know what the notation means; explaining musical concepts happens in the Music Glossary. * Application Usage: information about using the program lilypond with other programs (lilypond-book, operating systems, GUIs, convert-ly, etc). This section is written in formal technical writing style. Users are not expected to read this manual from start to finish. * Music Glossary: information about the music notation itself. Explainations and translations about notation terms go here. Users are not expected to read this manual from start to finish. * Internals Reference: not really a documentation book, since it is automagically generated from the source, but this is its name. %%%%% SECTION ORGANIZATION The order of headings inside documentation sections should be: main docs @predefined @snippets @seealso @knownissues * You _must_ include a @seealso. The order of items inside the @seealso section is Music Glossary: @rglos{foo}, @rglos{bar}. Learning Manual: @rlearning{baz}, @rlearning{foozle} Notation Reference: @ruser{faazle}, @ruser{boo}. Application Usage: @rprogram{blah}. Installed Files: @file{path/to/dir/blahz}. Snippets: @lsrdir{section}, @lsr{specific/}. (if there is only one entry, omit a final period. If there are multiple entries, separate them by commas, do not include an `and', and end with a period.) Internals Reference: @internalsref{fazzle}, @internalsref{booar}. ("Snippets" is REQUIRED; the others are optional) Any new concepts or links which require an explanation should go as a full sentence(s) in the main text. * To create links, use @ref{} if the link is within the same manual. * Do not include any real info in second-level sections (ie 1.1 Pitches). A first-level section may have introductory material, but other than that all material goes into third-level sections (ie 1.1.1 Writing Pitches). %%%%% GENERAL WRITING * Do not forget to create @cindex entries for new sections of text. Enter commands with @funindex, i.e. @cindex pitches, writing in different octaves @funindex \relative do not bother with the @code{} (they are added automatically). These items are added to both the command index and the unified index. Both index commands should go in front of the actual material. @cindex entries should not be capitalized, ie @cindex time signature is preferred. (instead of `Time signature') Only use capital letters for musical terms which demand them, like D.S. al Fine. * Preferred terms: - in general, use the American spellings. The internal lilypond property names use this spelling. - list of specific terms: canceled simultaenous NOT concurrent measure: the unit of music bar line: the symbol delimiting a measure NOT barline note head NOT notehead %%%%% TECHNICAL WRITING STYLE * Do not refer to LilyPond in the text. The reader knows what the manual is about. If you do, capitalization is LilyPond. * If you explicitly refer to `lilypond' the program (or any other command to be executed), say `@command{lilypond}'. * Do not explicitly refer to the reader/user. There is no one else besides the reader and the writer. * Do not use abbreviations (don't, won't, etc.). If you do, use a comma after it: blabla blabla, i.e., blabla blabla * Avoid fluff (``Notice that,'' ``as you can see,'' ``Currently,''). * The use of the word `illegal' is inappropriate in most cases. Say `invalid' instead.