@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @c This file is part of lilypond.tely @ignore Translation of GIT committish: FILL-IN-HEAD-COMMITTISH When revising a translation, copy the HEAD committish of the version that you are working on. See TRANSLATION for details. @end ignore @node Notation manual tables @appendix Notation manual tables @menu * Chord name chart:: * MIDI instruments:: * List of colors:: * The Feta font:: * Note head styles:: * Overview of text markup commands:: * Overview of text markup list commands:: * List of articulations:: * All context properties:: * Layout properties:: @end menu @node Chord name chart @appendixsec Chord name chart The following charts shows two standard systems for printing chord names, along with the pitches they represent. @lilypondfile{chord-names-jazz.ly} @node MIDI instruments @appendixsec MIDI instruments The following is a list of names that can be used for the @code{midiInstrument} property. @example acoustic grand contrabass lead 7 (fifths) bright acoustic tremolo strings lead 8 (bass+lead) electric grand pizzicato strings pad 1 (new age) honky-tonk orchestral strings pad 2 (warm) electric piano 1 timpani pad 3 (polysynth) electric piano 2 string ensemble 1 pad 4 (choir) harpsichord string ensemble 2 pad 5 (bowed) clav synthstrings 1 pad 6 (metallic) celesta synthstrings 2 pad 7 (halo) glockenspiel choir aahs pad 8 (sweep) music box voice oohs fx 1 (rain) vibraphone synth voice fx 2 (soundtrack) marimba orchestra hit fx 3 (crystal) xylophone trumpet fx 4 (atmosphere) tubular bells trombone fx 5 (brightness) dulcimer tuba fx 6 (goblins) drawbar organ muted trumpet fx 7 (echoes) percussive organ french horn fx 8 (sci-fi) rock organ brass section sitar church organ synthbrass 1 banjo reed organ synthbrass 2 shamisen accordion soprano sax koto harmonica alto sax kalimba concertina tenor sax bagpipe acoustic guitar (nylon) baritone sax fiddle acoustic guitar (steel) oboe shanai electric guitar (jazz) english horn tinkle bell electric guitar (clean) bassoon agogo electric guitar (muted) clarinet steel drums overdriven guitar piccolo woodblock distorted guitar flute taiko drum guitar harmonics recorder melodic tom acoustic bass pan flute synth drum electric bass (finger) blown bottle reverse cymbal electric bass (pick) shakuhachi guitar fret noise fretless bass whistle breath noise slap bass 1 ocarina seashore slap bass 2 lead 1 (square) bird tweet synth bass 1 lead 2 (sawtooth) telephone ring synth bass 2 lead 3 (calliope) helicopter violin lead 4 (chiff) applause viola lead 5 (charang) gunshot cello lead 6 (voice) @end example @node List of colors @appendixsec List of colors @subsubheading Normal colors Usage syntax is detailed in @ref{Coloring objects}. @cindex List of colors @cindex Colors, list of @verbatim black white red green blue cyan magenta yellow grey darkred darkgreen darkblue darkcyan darkmagenta darkyellow @end verbatim @subsubheading X color names X color names come several variants: Any name that is spelled as a single word with capitalisation (e.g. @q{LightSlateBlue}) can also be spelled as space separated words without capitalisation (e.g. @q{light slate blue}). The word @q{grey} can always be spelled @q{gray} (e.g. @q{DarkSlateGray}). Some names can take a numerical suffix (e.g. @q{LightSalmon4}). @subsubheading Color Names without a numerical suffix: @verbatim snow GhostWhite WhiteSmoke gainsboro FloralWhite OldLace linen AntiqueWhite PapayaWhip BlanchedAlmond bisque PeachPuff NavajoWhite moccasin cornsilk ivory LemonChiffon seashell honeydew MintCream azure AliceBlue lavender LavenderBlush MistyRose white black DarkSlateGrey DimGrey SlateGrey LightSlateGrey grey LightGrey MidnightBlue navy NavyBlue CornflowerBlue DarkSlateBlue SlateBlue MediumSlateBlue LightSlateBlue MediumBlue RoyalBlue blue DodgerBlue DeepSkyBlue SkyBlue LightSkyBlue SteelBlue LightSteelBlue LightBlue PowderBlue PaleTurquoise DarkTurquoise MediumTurquoise turquoise cyan LightCyan CadetBlue MediumAquamarine aquamarine DarkGreen DarkOliveGreen DarkSeaGreen SeaGreen MediumSeaGreen LightSeaGreen PaleGreen SpringGreen LawnGreen green chartreuse MediumSpringGreen GreenYellow LimeGreen YellowGreen ForestGreen OliveDrab DarkKhaki khaki PaleGoldenrod LightGoldenrodYellow LightYellow yellow gold LightGoldenrod goldenrod DarkGoldenrod RosyBrown IndianRed SaddleBrown sienna peru burlywood beige wheat SandyBrown tan chocolate firebrick brown DarkSalmon salmon LightSalmon orange DarkOrange coral LightCoral tomato OrangeRed red HotPink DeepPink pink LightPink PaleVioletRed maroon MediumVioletRed VioletRed magenta violet plum orchid MediumOrchid DarkOrchid DarkViolet BlueViolet purple MediumPurple thistle DarkGrey DarkBlue DarkCyan DarkMagenta DarkRed LightGreen @end verbatim @subsubheading Color names with a numerical suffix In the following names the suffix N can be a number in the range 1-4: @verbatim snowN seashellN AntiqueWhiteN bisqueN PeachPuffN NavajoWhiteN LemonChiffonN cornsilkN ivoryN honeydewN LavenderBlushN MistyRoseN azureN SlateBlueN RoyalBlueN blueN DodgerBlueN SteelBlueN DeepSkyBlueN SkyBlueN LightSkyBlueN LightSteelBlueN LightBlueN LightCyanN PaleTurquoiseN CadetBlueN turquoiseN cyanN aquamarineN DarkSeaGreenN SeaGreenN PaleGreenN SpringGreenN greenN chartreuseN OliveDrabN DarkOliveGreenN khakiN LightGoldenrodN LightYellowN yellowN goldN goldenrodN DarkGoldenrodN RosyBrownN IndianRedN siennaN burlywoodN wheatN tanN chocolateN firebrickN brownN salmonN LightSalmonN orangeN DarkOrangeN coralN tomatoN OrangeRedN redN DeepPinkN HotPinkN pinkN LightPinkN PaleVioletRedN maroonN VioletRedN magentaN orchidN plumN MediumOrchidN DarkOrchidN purpleN MediumPurpleN thistleN @end verbatim @subsubheading Grey Scale A grey scale can be obtained using: @example greyN @end example @noindent Where N is in the range 0-100. @node The Feta font @appendixsec The Feta font @cindex Feta font @cindex Font, Feta The following symbols are available in the Emmentaler font and may be accessed directly using text markup such as @code{g^\markup @{ \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" @}}, see @ref{Text markup}. @lilypondfile[noindent]{font-table.ly} @node Note head styles @appendixsec Note head styles @cindex note head styles The following styles may be used for note heads. @lilypondfile[noindent]{note-head-style.ly} @node Overview of text markup commands @appendixsec Overview of text markup commands The following commands can all be used inside @code{\markup @{ @}}. @include markup-commands.tely @node Overview of text markup list commands @appendixsec Overview of text markup list commands The following commands can all be used with @code{\markuplines}. @include markup-list-commands.tely @node List of articulations @appendixsec List of articulations @cindex accent @cindex marcato @cindex staccatissimo @cindex espressivo @cindex fermata @cindex stopped @cindex staccato @cindex portato @cindex tenuto @cindex upbow @cindex downbow @cindex foot marks @cindex organ pedal marks @cindex turn @cindex open @cindex stopped @cindex flageolet @cindex reverseturn @cindex trill @cindex prall @cindex mordent @cindex prallprall @cindex prallmordent @cindex prall, up @cindex prall, down @cindex thumb marking @cindex segno @cindex coda @cindex varcoda Here is a chart showing all scripts available, @lilypondfile[ragged-right,quote]{script-chart.ly} @node All context properties @appendixsec All context properties @include context-properties.tely @node Layout properties @appendixsec Layout properties @include layout-properties.tely