@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @c This file is part of lilypond.tely @c A menu is needed before every deeper *section nesting of @node's; run @c M-x texinfo-all-menus-update @c to automatically fill in these menus before saving changes @node Non-musical notation @chapter Non-musical notation This section deals with general lilypond issues, rather than specific notation. @menu * Input files:: * Titles and headers:: * MIDI output:: * Displaying LilyPond notation:: * Skipping corrected music:: @end menu @node Input files @section Input files The main format of input for LilyPond are text files. By convention, these files end with ``@code{.ly}''. @menu * File structure (introduction):: * Multiple scores in a book:: * Extracting fragments of notation:: * File structure:: * A single music expression:: * Including LilyPond files:: * Text encoding:: @end menu @node File structure (introduction) @subsection File structure (introduction) A basic example of a lilypond input file is @example \version "2.9.13" \score @{ @{ @} % this is a single music expression; % all the music goes in here. \header @{ @} \layout @{ @} \midi @{ @} @} @end example @noindent There are many variations of this basic pattern, but this example serves as a useful starting place. The major part of this manual is concerned with entering various forms of music in LilyPond. However, many music expressions are not valid input on their own, for example, a @code{.ly} file containing only a note @example c'4 @end example @noindent will result in a parsing error. Instead, music should be inside other expressions, which may be put in a file by themselves. Such expressions are called toplevel expressions. The next section enumerates them all. @node Multiple scores in a book @subsection Multiple scores in a book @funindex \book @cindex movements, multiple A document may contain multiple pieces of music and texts. Examples of these are an etude book, or an orchestral part with multiple movements. Each movement is entered with a @code{\score} block, @example \score @{ @var{..music..} @} @end example and texts are entered with a @code{\markup} block, @example \markup @{ @var{..text..} @} @end example @funindex \book All the movements and texts which appear in the same @code{.ly} file will normally be typeset in the form of a single output file. @example \score @{ @var{..} @} \markup @{ @var{..} @} \score @{ @var{..} @} @end example However, if you want multiple output files from the same @code{.ly} file, then you can add multiple @code{\book} blocks, where each such @code{\book} block will result in a separate output. If you do not specify any @code{\book} block in the file, LilyPond will implicitly treat the full file as a single @code{\book} block, see @ref{File structure}. One important exception is within lilypond-book documents, where you explicitly have to add a @code{\book} block, otherwise only the first @code{\score} or @code{\markup} will appear in the output. The header for each piece of music can be put inside the @code{\score} block. The @code{piece} name from the header will be printed before each movement. The title for the entire book can be put inside the @code{\book}, but if it is not present, the @code{\header} which is at the top of the file is inserted. @example \header @{ title = "Eight miniatures" composer = "Igor Stravinsky" @} \score @{ @dots{} \header @{ piece = "Romanze" @} @} \markup @{ ..text of second verse.. @} \markup @{ ..text of third verse.. @} \score @{ @dots{} \header @{ piece = "Menuetto" @} @} @end example @node Extracting fragments of notation @subsection Extracting fragments of notation It is possible to quote small fragments of a large score directly from the output. This can be compared to clipping a piece of a paper score with scissors. This is done by definining the measures that need to be cut out separately. For example, including the following definition @verbatim \layout { clip-regions = #(list (cons (make-rhythmic-location 5 1 2) (make-rhythmic-location 7 3 4))) } @end verbatim @noindent will extract a fragment starting halfway the fifth measure, ending in the seventh measure. The meaning of @code{5 1 2} is: after a 1/2 note in measure 5, and @code{7 3 4} after 3 quarter notes in measure 7. More clip regions can be defined by adding more pairs of rhythmic-locations to the list. In order to use this feature, LilyPond must be invoked with @code{-dclip-systems}. The clips are output as EPS files, and are converted to PDF and PNG if these formats are switched on as well. For more information on output formats, see @ref{Invoking lilypond}. @seealso Examples: @inputfileref{input/regression/,clip-systems.ly} @node File structure @subsection File structure A @code{.ly} file contains any number of toplevel expressions, where a toplevel expression is one of the following @itemize @bullet @item An output definition, such as @code{\paper}, @code{\midi}, and @code{\layout}. Such a definition at the toplevel changes the default settings for the block entered. @item A direct scheme expression, such as @code{#(set-default-paper-size "a7" 'landscape)} or @code{#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)}. @item A @code{\header} block. This sets the global header block. This is the block containing the definitions for book-wide settings, like composer, title, etc. @item A @code{\score} block. This score will be collected with other toplevel scores, and combined as a single @code{\book}. This behavior can be changed by setting the variable @code{toplevel-score-handler} at toplevel. The default handler is defined in the init file @file{scm/@/lily@/.scm}. The @code{\score} must begin with a music expression, and may contain only one music expression. @item A @code{\book} block logically combines multiple movements (i.e., multiple @code{\score} blocks) in one document. If there are a number of @code{\scores}, one output file will be created for each @code{\book} block, in which all corresponding movements are concatenated. The only reason to explicitly specify @code{\book} blocks in a @code{.ly} file is if you wish multiple output files from a single input file. One exception is within lilypond-book documents, where you explicitly have to add a @code{\book} block if you want more than a single @code{\score} or @code{\markup} in the same example. This behavior can be changed by setting the variable @code{toplevel-book-handler} at toplevel. The default handler is defined in the init file @file{scm/@/lily@/.scm}. @item A compound music expression, such as @example @{ c'4 d' e'2 @} @end example This will add the piece in a @code{\score} and format it in a single book together with all other toplevel @code{\score}s and music expressions. In other words, a file containing only the above music expression will be translated into @example \book @{ \score @{ \new Staff @{ \new Voice @{ @{ c'4 d' e'2 @} @} @} @} \layout @{ @} \header @{ @} @} @end example This behavior can be changed by setting the variable @code{toplevel-music-handler} at toplevel. The default handler is defined in the init file @file{scm/@/lily@/.scm}. @item A markup text, a verse for example @example \markup @{ 2. The first line verse two. @} @end example Markup texts are rendered above, between or below the scores or music expressions, wherever they appear. @item An identifier, such as @example foo = @{ c4 d e d @} @end example This can be used later on in the file by entering @code{\foo}. The name of an identifier should have alphabetic characters only; no numbers, underscores or dashes. @end itemize The following example shows three things that may be entered at toplevel @example \layout @{ % movements are non-justified by default ragged-right = ##t @} \header @{ title = "Do-re-mi" @} @{ c'4 d' e2 @} @end example At any point in a file, any of the following lexical instructions can be entered: @itemize @bullet @item @code{\version} @item @code{\include} @item @code{\sourcefilename} @item @code{\sourcefileline} @end itemize @node A single music expression @subsection A single music expression A @code{\score} must contain a single music expression. However, this music expression may be of any size. Recall that music expressions may be included inside other expressions to form larger expressions. All of these examples are single music expressions; note the curly braces @{ @} or angle brackets << >> at the beginning and ending of the music. @example @{ c'4 c' c' c' @} @end example @lilypond[ragged-right,verbatim,quote] { { c'4 c' c' c'} { d'4 d' d' d'} } @end lilypond @lilypond[ragged-right,verbatim,quote] << \new Staff { c'4 c' c' c' } \new Staff { d'4 d' d' d' } >> @end lilypond @example @{ \new GrandStaff << \new StaffGroup << \new Staff @{ \flute @} \new Staff @{ \oboe @} >> \new StaffGroup << \new Staff @{ \violinI @} \new Staff @{ \violinII @} >> >> @} @end example @node Including LilyPond files @subsection Including LilyPond files @funindex \include @cindex including files A large project may be split up into separate files. To refer to another file, use @example \include "otherfile.ly" @end example The line @code{\include "file.ly"} is equivalent to pasting the contents of file.ly into the current file at the place where you have the \include. For example, for a large project you might write separate files for each instrument part and create a ``full score'' file which brings together the individual instrument files. The initialization of LilyPond is done in a number of files that are included by default when you start the program, normally transparent to the user. Run lilypond --verbose to see a list of paths and files that Lily finds. Files placed in directory @file{PATH/TO/share/lilypond/VERSION/ly/} (where VERSION is in the form ``2.6.1'') are on the path and available to @code{\include}. Files in the current working directory are available to \include, but a file of the same name in LilyPond's installation takes precedence. Files are available to \include from directories in the search path specified as an option when invoking @code{lilypond --include=DIR} which adds DIR to the search path. The @code{\include} statement can use full path information, but with the Unix convention @code{"/"} rather than the DOS/Windows @code{"\"}. For example, if @file{stuff.ly} is located one directory higher than the current working directory, use @example \include "../stuff.ly" @end example @node Text encoding @subsection Text encoding LilyPond uses the Pango library to format multi-lingual texts, and does not perform any input-encoding conversions. This means that any text, be it title, lyric text, or musical instruction containing non-ASCII characters, must be utf-8. The easiest way to enter such text is by using a Unicode-aware editor and saving the file with utf-8 encoding. Most popular modern editors have utf-8 support, for example, vim, Emacs, jEdit, and GEdit do. @c Currently not working @ignore Depending on the fonts installed, the following fragment shows Hebrew and Cyrillic lyrics, @cindex Cyrillic @cindex Hebrew @cindex ASCII, non @li lypondfile[fontload]{utf-8.ly} The @TeX{} backend does not handle encoding specially at all. Strings in the input are put in the output as-is. Extents of text items in the @TeX{} backend, are determined by reading a file created via the @file{texstr} backend, @example lilypond -b texstr input/les-nereides.ly latex les-nereides.texstr @end example The last command produces @file{les-nereides.textmetrics}, which is read when you execute @example lilypond -b tex input/les-nereides.ly @end example Both @file{les-nereides.texstr} and @file{les-nereides.tex} need suitable LaTeX wrappers to load appropriate La@TeX{} packages for interpreting non-ASCII strings. @end ignore To use a Unicode escape sequence, use @example #(ly:export (ly:wide-char->utf-8 #x2014)) @end example @seealso @inputfileref{input/regression,utf-8.ly} @node Titles and headers @section Titles and headers Almost all printed music includes a title and the composer's name; some pieces include a lot more information. @menu * Creating titles:: * Custom titles:: @end menu @node Creating titles @subsection Creating titles Titles are created for each @code{\score} block, and for the full input file (or @code{\book} block). The contents of the titles are taken from the @code{\header} blocks. The header block for a book supports the following @table @code @funindex dedication @item dedication The dedicatee of the music, centered at the top of the first page. @funindex title @item title The title of the music, centered just below the dedication. @funindex subtitle @item subtitle Subtitle, centered below the title. @funindex subsubtitle @item subsubtitle Subsubtitle, centered below the subtitle. @funindex poet @item poet Name of the poet, flush-left below the subtitle. @funindex composer @item composer Name of the composer, flush-right below the subtitle. @funindex meter @item meter Meter string, flush-left below the poet. @funindex opus @item opus Name of the opus, flush-right below the composer. @funindex arranger @item arranger Name of the arranger, flush-right below the opus. @funindex instrument @item instrument Name of the instrument, centered below the arranger. Also centered at the top of pages (other than the first page). @funindex piece @item piece Name of the piece, flush-left below the instrument. @cindex page breaks, forcing @funindex breakbefore @item breakbefore This forces the title to start on a new page (set to ##t or ##f). @funindex copyright @item copyright Copyright notice, centered at the bottom of the first page. To insert the copyright symbol, see @ref{Text encoding}. @funindex tagline @item tagline Centered at the bottom of the last page. @end table Here is a demonstration of the fields available. Note that you may use any @ref{Text markup} commands in the header. @lilypond[quote,verbatim,line-width=11.0\cm] \paper { line-width = 9.0\cm paper-height = 10.0\cm } \book { \header { dedication = "dedicated to me" title = \markup \center-align { "Title first line" "Title second line, longer" } subtitle = "the subtitle," subsubtitle = #(string-append "subsubtitle LilyPond version " (lilypond-version)) poet = "Poet" composer = \markup \center-align { "composer" \small "(1847-1973)" } texttranslator = "Text Translator" meter = \markup { \teeny "m" \tiny "e" \normalsize "t" \large "e" \huge "r" } arranger = \markup { \fontsize #8.5 "a" \fontsize #2.5 "r" \fontsize #-2.5 "r" \fontsize #-5.3 "a" \fontsize #7.5 "nger" } instrument = \markup \bold \italic "instrument" piece = "Piece" } \score { { c'1 } \header { piece = "piece1" opus = "opus1" } } \markup { and now... } \score { { c'1 } \header { piece = "piece2" opus = "opus2" } } } @end lilypond As demonstrated before, you can use multiple @code{\header} blocks. When same fields appear in different blocks, the latter is used. Here is a short example. @example \header @{ composer = "Composer" @} \header @{ piece = "Piece" @} \score @{ \new Staff @{ c'4 @} \header @{ piece = "New piece" % overwrite previous one @} @} @end example If you define the @code{\header} inside the @code{\score} block, then normally only the @code{piece} and @code{opus} headers will be printed. Note that the music expression must come before the @code{\header}. @lilypond[quote,verbatim,line-width=11.0\cm] \score { { c'4 } \header { title = "title" % not printed piece = "piece" opus = "opus" } } @end lilypond @funindex printallheaders @noindent You may change this behavior (and print all the headers when defining @code{\header} inside @code{\score}) by using @example \paper@{ printallheaders=##t @} @end example @cindex copyright @cindex tagline The default footer is empty, except for the first page, where the @code{copyright} field from @code{\header} is inserted, and the last page, where @code{tagline} from @code{\header} is added. The default tagline is ``Music engraving by LilyPond (@var{version})''.@footnote{Nicely printed parts are good PR for us, so please leave the tagline if you can.} Headers may be completely removed by setting them to false. @example \header @{ tagline = ##f composer = ##f @} @end example @node Custom titles @subsection Custom titles A more advanced option is to change the definitions of the following variables in the @code{\paper} block. The init file @file{ly/titling-init.ly} lists the default layout. @table @code @funindex bookTitleMarkup @item bookTitleMarkup This is the title added at the top of the entire output document. Typically, it has the composer and the title of the piece @funindex scoreTitleMarkup @item scoreTitleMarkup This is the title put over a @code{\score} block. Typically, it has the name of the movement (@code{piece} field). @funindex oddHeaderMarkup @item oddHeaderMarkup This is the page header for odd-numbered pages. @funindex evenHeaderMarkup @item evenHeaderMarkup This is the page header for even-numbered pages. If unspecified, the odd header is used instead. By default, headers are defined such that the page number is on the outside edge, and the instrument is centered. @funindex oddFooterMarkup @item oddFooterMarkup This is the page footer for odd-numbered pages. @funindex evenFooterMarkup @item evenFooterMarkup This is the page footer for even-numbered pages. If unspecified, the odd header is used instead. By default, the footer has the copyright notice on the first, and the tagline on the last page. @end table @cindex \paper @cindex header @cindex footer @cindex page layout @cindex titles The following definition will put the title flush left, and the composer flush right on a single line. @verbatim \paper { bookTitleMarkup = \markup { \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:title \fromproperty #'header:composer } } } @end verbatim @node MIDI output @section MIDI output @cindex Sound @cindex MIDI MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a standard for connecting and controlling digital instruments. A MIDI file is a series of notes in a number of tracks. It is not an actual sound file; you need special software to translate between the series of notes and actual sounds. Pieces of music can be converted to MIDI files, so you can listen to what was entered. This is convenient for checking the music; octaves that are off or accidentals that were mistyped stand out very much when listening to the MIDI output. @refbugs Many musically interesting effects, such as swing, articulation, slurring, etc., are not translated to midi. The midi output allocates a channel for each staff, and one for global settings. Therefore the midi file should not have more than 15 staves (or 14 if you do not use drums). Other staves will remain silent. Not all midi players correctly handle tempo changes in the midi output. Players that are known to work include @uref{http://@/timidity@/.sourceforge@/.net/,timidity}. @menu * Creating MIDI files:: * MIDI block:: * MIDI instrument names:: @end menu @node Creating MIDI files @subsection Creating MIDI files To create a MIDI from a music piece of music, add a @code{\midi} block to a score, for example, @example \score @{ @var{...music...} \midi @{ \context @{ \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 72 4) @} @} @} @end example The tempo is specified using the @code{\tempo} command. In this example the tempo of quarter notes is set to 72 beats per minute. If there is a @code{\midi} command in a @code{\score}, only MIDI will be produced. When notation is needed too, a @code{\layout} block must be added @example \score @{ @var{...music...} \midi @{ @} \layout @{ @} @} @end example @cindex layout block Ties, dynamics, and tempo changes are interpreted. Dynamic marks, crescendi and decrescendi translate into MIDI volume levels. Dynamic marks translate to a fixed fraction of the available MIDI volume range, crescendi and decrescendi make the volume vary linearly between their two extremes. The fractions can be adjusted by @code{dynamicAbsoluteVolumeFunction} in @internalsref{Voice} context. For each type of MIDI instrument, a volume range can be defined. This gives a basic equalizer control, which can enhance the quality of the MIDI output remarkably. The equalizer can be controlled by setting @code{instrumentEqualizer}, or by setting @example \set Staff.midiMinimumVolume = #0.2 \set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = #0.8 @end example To remove dynamics from the MIDI output, insert the following lines in the @code{\midi@{@}} section. @example \midi @{ ... \context @{ \Voice \remove "Dynamic_performer" \remove "Span_dynamic_performer" @} @} @end example @refbugs Unterminated (de)crescendos will not render properly in the midi file, resulting in silent passages of music. The workaround is to explicitly terminate the (de)crescendo. For example, @example @{ a\< b c d\f @} @end example @noindent will not work properly but @example @{ a\< b c d\!\f @} @end example @noindent will. @node MIDI block @subsection MIDI block @cindex MIDI block The MIDI block is analogous to the layout block, but it is somewhat simpler. The @code{\midi} block is similar to @code{\layout}. It can contain context definitions. @cindex context definition Context definitions follow precisely the same syntax as within the \layout block. Translation modules for sound are called performers. The contexts for MIDI output are defined in @file{ly/@/performer@/-init@/.ly}. @node MIDI instrument names @subsection MIDI instrument names @cindex instrument names @funindex Staff.midiInstrument The MIDI instrument name is set by the @code{Staff.midiInstrument} property. The instrument name should be chosen from the list in @ref{MIDI instruments}. @example \set Staff.midiInstrument = "glockenspiel" @var{...notes...} @end example If the selected instrument does not exactly match an instrument from the list of MIDI instruments, the Grand Piano (@code{"acoustic grand"}) instrument is used. @c Yes, this is a cop-out; this info doesn't belong in the Scheme @c chapter, but I'm not certain where to stick it. @c I think I'll eventually split this chapter into a "paper/layout" @c chapter and a "misc issues" chapter. -gp @node Displaying LilyPond notation @section Displaying LilyPond notation @funindex \displayLilyMusc Displaying a music expression in LilyPond notation can be done using the music function @code{\displayLilyMusic}. For example, @example @{ \displayLilyMusic \transpose c a, @{ c e g a bes @} @} @end example will display @example @{ a, cis e fis g @} @end example By default, LilyPond will print these messages to the console along with all the other messages. To split up these messages and save the results of @code{\display@{STUFF@}}, redirect the output to a file. @example lilypond file.ly >display.txt @end example @node Skipping corrected music @section Skipping corrected music @funindex skipTypesetting @funindex showLastLength When entering or copying music, usually only the music near the end (where you are adding notes) is interesting to view and correct. To speed up this correction process, it is possible to skip typesetting of all but the last few measures. This is achieved by putting @verbatim showLastLength = R1*5 \score { ... } @end verbatim @noindent in your source file. This will render only the last 5 measures (assuming 4/4 time signature) of every @code{\score} in the input file. For longer pieces, rendering only a small part is often an order of magnitude quicker than rendering it completely Skipping parts of a score can be controlled in a more fine-grained fashion with the property @code{Score.skipTypesetting}. When it is set, no typesetting is performed at all. This property is also used to control output to the MIDI file. Note that it skips all events, including tempo and instrument changes. You have been warned. @lilypond[quote,fragment,ragged-right,verbatim] \relative c'' { c8 d \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t e e e e e e e e \set Score.skipTypesetting = ##f c d b bes a g c2 } @end lilypond In polyphonic music, @code{Score.skipTypesetting} will affect all voices and staves, saving even more time.