@c -*-texinfo-*- @node Introduction @chapter Introduction There are a lot of programs that let you print sheet music with a computer. Unfortunately, most of them do not do good job. Most computer printouts have a bland, mechanical look, and are unpleasant to play from. If you agree with us on that, then you will like LilyPond: we have tried to capture the original look of hand-engraved music in a program: we have tuned our algorithms, font-designs, and program settings to make the output match that of the old editions that we love to see and love to play from. @menu * Music notation and engraving:: * Notation and engraving in LilyPond:: * Typography and program architecture:: * Music representation:: * Example applications:: * About this manual:: @end menu @node Music notation and engraving @section Music notation and engraving @cindex engraving @cindex typography @c eerste zin beetje deur in huis Making sheet music may seem trivial, ``you print 5 lines, and then put in the notes at different heights'', but as you learn more of it, the opposite turns out to be true. One has to master two difficult tasks. First, one has to master music notation: the science of knowing which symbols to use when what. Second, one has to master music engraving: the art of placing symbols such that the result looks pleasing. Common music notation has its roots in the medieval time. In this time, monks started to write down hints that indicated how their sacred music was sung. These hints, neumes, gradually became simpler, and at some point became the note heads. Lines were added to the neumes, to indicate a reference pitch, which later became the staff. Over many centuries, improvements and extensions were added, while other concepts disappeared. For example, the neume notation did not have an explicit notion of rhythm, but it did have @emph{custodes}, symbols at the end of the line to indicate the starting pitch of the next line. Mensural notation, a notation where each note head takes a fixed amount of time, came into being together with the rise of counterpoint in the early renaissance. The graphic language of notation is still under development; the innovations of contemporary music require still newer and more complex notations. The term music engraving derives from the traditional process of music printing. Only a few decades ago, sheet music was made by cutting and stamping the music into zinc or pewter plates, in mirror image. The plate would be inked, and the depressions caused by the cutting and stamping would hold ink. An image was formed by pressing paper to the plate. The stamping and cutting was completely done by hand. Making corrections was cumbersome, so engraving had to be done correctly in one go. Of course, this was a highly specialized skill, much more so than the traditional process of printing books. @cindex craftsmanship @cindex master In the traditional German system of craftsmanship six years of full-time training, more than any other craft, were required before a student could call himself a master of the art. After that many more years of practical experience were needed to become an established music engraver. Even today, with the use of high-speed computers and advanced software, music requires lots of manual fine tuning before it is acceptable for publication. Sheet music is performance material: everything is done to aid the musician in letting him perform better. Music often is far away from its reader---it might be on a music stand. To make it clearly readable, traditionally printed sheet music always uses bold symbols, on heavy staff lines, and is printed on large sheets of paper. This ``strong'' look is also present in the horizontal spacing. To minimize the number of page breaks, (hand-engraved) sheet music is spaced very tightly. Yet, by a careful distribution of white space, the feeling of balance is retained, and a clutter of symbols is avoided. @node Notation and engraving in LilyPond @section Notation and engraving in LilyPond Common music notation encompasses such a wide scope of music, and therefore inherently is complex: there are many rules, and for every rule there are exceptional situations where they do not apply. The result is that LilyPond cannot support each and every form of notation in existence. Rather, we focus on a specific style and idiom: we take inspiration from late-romantic music printed at the beginning of the 20th century. Most of the contemporary music after that, and most of the music going back to 17th century can be written in this idiom. That is not a fundamental limit, though. There is support for some modern notation like clusters, and older notation, such as white mensural and gregorian notation, is being worked on. We have used these observations in designing LilyPond. The images below show the flat symbol. On the left, a scan from a Henle edition, which was made by a computer, and in the center is the flat from a hand engraved B@"{a}renreiter edition of the same music. The left scan illustrates typical flaws of computer print: the symbol is much lighter, the staff lines are thinner, and the glyph has a straight layout with sharp corners. By contrast, the B@"{a}renreiter has a bold and almost voluptuous rounded look. Our flat symbol is designed after, among others, this one. It is tuned it to harmonize with the thickness of our staff lines, which are also much thicker than Henle's lines. @multitable @columnfractions .1 .3 .3 .3 @item @tab @iftex @image{henle-flat-bw,4cm} @end iftex @html @end html @tab @iftex @image{baer-flat-bw,4cm} @end iftex @html @end html @tab @iftex @image{lily-flat-bw,4cm} @end iftex @html @end html @item Henle (2000) @tab B@"{a}renreiter (1950) @tab LilyPond Feta font (2003) @end multitable @cindex musical symbols @cindex font @cindex blackness @cindex balance In spacing, the distribution of space should reflect the durations between notes. However, adhering with mathematical precision to the duration will lead to a poor result. Shown here is an example of a motive, printed twice. It is printed using exact mathematical spacing, and with some corrections. Can you spot which fragment is which? @cindex optical spacing @lilypond[noindent] \score { \notes { \property Staff.NoteSpacing \set #'stem-spacing-correction = #0.6 c'4 e''4 e'4 b'4 | \stemDown b'4 e''4 a'4 e''4| \stemBoth \bar "||" \property Staff.NoteSpacing \override #'stem-spacing-correction = #0.0 \property Staff.StaffSpacing \override #'stem-spacing-correction = #0.0 c'4 e''4 e'4 b'4 | \stemDown b'4 e''4 a'4 e''4| } \paper { raggedright = ##t } } @end lilypond @cindex regular rhythms @cindex regular spacing The fragment only uses quarter notes: notes that are played in a constant rhythm. The spacing should reflect that. Unfortunately, the eye deceives us a little: not only does it notice the distance between note heads, it also takes into account the distance between consecutive stems. As a result, the notes of an up-stem/down-stem combination should be put farther apart, and the notes of a down-up combination should be put closer together, all depending on the combined vertical positions of the notes. The first two measures are printed with this correction, the last two measures without. The notes in the last two measures form down-stem/up-stems clumps of notes. @node Typography and program architecture @section Typography and program architecture Producing good engraving requires skill and knowledge. As the previous examples show, there is a lot of subtlety involved in music engraving, and unfortunately, only a small fraction of these details are documented. Master engraver must learn all these details from experience or from other engravers, which is why it takes so long to become a master. As an engraver gets older and wiser, he will be able to produce better and more complex pieces. A similar situation is present when putting typographical knowledge into a computer program. It is not possible to come up with a definitive solution for a problem at the first try. Instead, we start out with simple solution that might cover 75% of the cases, and gradually refine that solution over the course of months or years, so 90 or 95 % of the cases are handled. This has an important implication for the design of the program: at any time, almost every piece of formatting code must be considered as temporary. When the need arises, it is to be replaced a solution that will cover even more cases. is A ``plug-in'' architecture is a clean way to accomplish this. This is an architecture where new pieces of code can be inserted in the program dynamically. In such a program, a new solution can be developed along-side the existing code. For testing, it is plugged in, but for production use, the old solution is used. The new module can be perfected separately until it is better than the existing solution, at which point it replaces the old one. Until that time, users must have a way to deal with imperfections: these 25%, 10% or 5% of the cases that are not handled automatically. In these cases, a user must be able to override formatting decisions. A way to accomplish this, is to store decisions in generic variables, and let the user manipulate these variables. For example, consider the following fragment of notation. @lilypond \score { \notes \relative c'' { \stemUp c4-\f f4 } \paper { raggedright = ##t } } @end lilypond @noindent The position of the forte symbol is slightly awkward, because it is next to the low note, whereas dynamics should be below notes in general. This may be remedied by inserting extra space between the high note and the `f', as shown in this example @lilypond \score { \notes \relative c'' { \stemUp \once\property Voice. DynamicLineSpanner \override #'padding = #4.0 c4-\f f4 } \paper { raggedright = ##t } } @end lilypond This was achieved with the following input statement. @example \once \property Voice. DynamicLineSpanner \override #'padding = #4.0 @end example It increases the amount of space (@code{padding}) between the note and the dynamic symbol to 4.0 (which is measured in staff space, so 4.0 equals the height of a staff). The keyword @code{\once} indicates that this is a tweak: it is only done one time. Both design aspects, a plug-in architecture, and formatting variables, are built on top of GUILE, an interpreter for the programming language Scheme, which is a member of the LISP family. Variables are stored as Scheme objects, and attached to graphical objects such as note heads and stems. The variables are a means to adjust formatting details in individual cases, but they are used in a more general manner. Consider the case of a publisher that is not satisfied with the in the default layout, and wants heavier stems. Normally, they are @code{1.3} times the thickness of staff lines, but suppose that their editions require them to be twice the thickness of the staff lines. The same mechanism can be used to adjust a setting globally. By issuing the following command, the entire piece is now formatted with thicker stems: @example \property Score.Stem \override #'thickness = #2.0 @end example @lilypond \score { \notes { \property Score.Stem \override #'thickness = #2.0 \once\property Voice. DynamicLineSpanner \override #'padding = #4.0 g'4-\f g4 } \paper { raggedright = ##t } } @end lilypond @noindent In effect, by setting these variables, users can define their own layout styles. ``Plug-ins'' are also implemented using Scheme. A formatting ``plug-in'' takes the form of a function written in Scheme (or a C++ function made available as a Scheme function), and it is also stored in a variable. For example, the placement of the forte symbol in the example above is calculated by the function @code{Side_position_interface::aligned_side}. If we want to replace this function by a more advanced one, we could issue @example \property Voice.DynamicLineSpanner \override #'Y-offset-callbacks = #`(,gee-whiz-gadget) @end example @noindent Now, the formatting process will trigger a call to our new @code{gee-whiz-gadget} function when the position of the f symbol has to be determined. The full scope of this functionality certainly is intimidating, but there is no need to fear: normally, it is not necessary to define style-sheets or rewrite formatting functions. In fact, LilyPond gets a lot of formatting right automatically, so adjusting individual layout situations is not needed often at all. @node Music representation @section Music representation Our premise is that LilyPond is a system that does music formatting completely automatically. Under this assumption, the output does not have to be touched up. Consequently, an interactive display of the output, where it is possible to reposition notation elements, is superfluous. This implies that the program should be a batch program: the input is entered in a file, which is @emph{compiled}, i.e. then put through the program. The final output is produced as a file ready to view or print. The compiler fills in all the details of the notation, those details should be left out of the input file. In other words, the input should mirror the content as closely as possible. In the case of music notation the content is the music itself, so that is what the input should consist of. On paper this theory sounds very good. In practice, it opens a can of worms. What really @emph{is} music? Many philosophical treatises must have been written on the subject. Instead of losing ourselves in philosophical arguments over the essence of music, we have reversed the question to yield a more practical approach. Our assumption is that the printed score contains all of the music of piece. We build a program that uses some input format to produce such a score. Over the course of time, the program evolves. While this happens, we can remove more and more elements of the input format: as the program improves, it can fill in irrelevant details of the input by itself. At some (hypothetical) point, the program is finished: there is no possibility to remove any more elements from the syntax. What we have left is by definition exactly the musical meaning of the score. There are also more practical concerns. Our users have to key in the music into the file directly, so the input format should have a friendly syntax: a quarter note C is entered as @code{c4}, the code @code{r8.} signifies a dotted eighth rest. Notes and rests form the simplest musical expressions in the input syntax. More complex constructs are produced by combining them into compound structures. This is done s in much the same way that complex mathematical formulas are built from simple expressions such as numbers and operators. In effect, the input format is a language, and the rules of that language can be specified succinctly with a so-called context-free grammar. The grammar formally specificies what types of input form valid `sentences.' Reading such languages, and splitting them into grammatical structures is a problem with standard solutions. Moreover, they make the format easier to understand: a a concise formal definition permits a simple informal description. The user-interface of LilyPond is its syntax. That part is what users see most. As a results, some users think that music representation is a very important or interesting problem. In reality, less than 10% of the source code of the program handles reading and representing the input, and they form the easy bits of the program. In our opinion, producing music notation, and formatting it prettily are the interesting and important parts: they take up most of the bulk of the code, and are the most difficult things to get right. @node Example applications @section Example applications We have written LilyPond as an experiment of how to condense the art of music engraving into a computer program. Thanks to all that hard work, the program can now be used to perform useful tasks. The simplest application is printing notes. @lilypond[relative=1] \time 2/4 c4 c g'4 g a4 a g2 @end lilypond By adding chord names and lyrics we obtain a lead sheet: @lilypond[raggedright] \score { < \context ChordNames \chords { c2 c f2 c } \notes \relative c' { \time 2/4 c4 c g'4 g a4 a g2 } \context Lyrics \lyrics { twin4 kle twin kle lit tle star2 } > } @end lilypond Polyphonic notation and piano music can also be printed. The following example combines some more exotic constructs. @lilypondfile{screech-boink.ly} The fragments shown above have all been written by hand, but that is not a requirement. Since the formatting engine is mostly automatic, it can serve as an output means for other programs that manipulate music. For example, it can also be used to convert databases of musical fragments to images for use on websites and multimedia presentations. This manual also shows an application: the input format is plain text, and can therefore be easily embedded in other text-based formats, such as La@TeX{}, HTML or in the case of this manual, Texinfo. By means of a special program, the input fragments can be replaced by music images in the resulting PostScript or HTML output files. This makes it easy to mix music and text in documents. @node About this manual @section About this manual The manual is divided into the following chapters @itemize @bullet @item @ifhtml The @end ifhtml @emph{@ref{Tutorial}} gives a gentle introduction into typesetting music. First time users should start here. @item @ifhtml The @end ifhtml @emph{@ref{Notation manual}} discusses topics grouped by notation construct. Once you master the basics, this is the place to lookup details. @item @ifhtml The @end ifhtml @emph{@ref{Literature}} chapter lists useful reference books on notation and engraving. @item @ifhtml The @end ifhtml @emph{@ref{Technical manual}} @c discusses the general design of the program, and how to extend its functionality. @item @ifhtml The chapter @end ifhtml @emph{@ref{Invoking LilyPond}} explains how to run LilyPond and its helper programs. @end itemize Once you are an experienced user, you can use the manual as reference: there is an extensive index@footnote{If you are looking for something, and you cannot find it by using the index, that is considered a bug. In that case, please file a bug report.}, but the document is also available in @ifnothtml a big HTML page, @end ifnothtml @ifhtml @uref{../lilypond.html, a big HTML page} @end ifhtml which can be searched easily using the search facility of a web browser. @cindex search in manual @cindex using the manual If you are not familiar with music notation, or music terminology (especially if you are a non-native English speaker), then it is advisable to consult the glossary as well. The glossary explains musical terms, and includes translations to various languages. It is a @ifhtml @uref{../glossary.html,separate document} @end ifhtml @ifnothtml separate document, available in HTML and PDF. @end ifnothtml @cindex idiom @cindex jargon @cindex terminology @cindex foreign languages @cindex language This manual is not complete without a number of other documents. They are not available in print, but should be included with the documentation package for your platform @itemize @bullet @item Generated internal documentation. @ifhtml available @uref{../lilypond-internals/lilypond-internals.html,here} @end ifhtml The generated internal documentation is a set of heavily crosslinked HTML pages, which documents the nit-gritty details of each and every LilyPond class, object and function. It is produced directly from the formatting definitions used. Almost all formatting functionality that is used internally, is available directly to the user. For example, all variables that control thicknesses, distances, etc, can be changed in input files. There are a huge number of formatting options, and all of them are described in the generated documentation. Each section of the notation manual has a @b{See also} subsection, which refers to the the generated documentation. In the HTML document, these subsections have clickable links. @item Templates @ifhtml (available @uref{../../../input/templates/out-www/collated-files.html,here}) @end ifhtml After you have gone through the tutorial, in theory you should be able to write input files. In practice, writing files from scratch turns out to be intimidating. To give you a headstart, we have collected a number of often-used formats in example files. These files can be used as a start, by copying the template, and adding notes in the appropriate places. @item Various input examples @ifhtml available @uref{../../../input/test/out-www/collated-files.html,here} @end ifhtml @cindex snippets These small files show various tips and tricks, and are available as a big HTML document, with pictures and explanatory texts included. @item The regression test @ifhtml available @uref{../../../input/regression/out-www/collated-files.html,here} @end ifhtml This collection of files tests each notation and engraving feature of LilyPond in one file. The collection is primarily there to help us debug problems, but it can be instructive to see how we excercise the program. The format is like the tips and tricks document. @end itemize In all HTML documents that have music fragments embedded, the LilyPond input that was used to produce that image can be viewed by clicking the image. The location of the documentation files that are mentioned here can vary from system to system. On occasion, this manual refers to initialization and example files. Throughout this manual, we refer to input files relative to the top-directory of the source archive. For example, @file{input/test/bla.ly} may refer to the file @file{lilypond-1.7.19/input/test/bla.ly}. On binary packages for the Unix platform, the documentation and examples can typically be found somewhere below @file{/usr/share/doc/lilypond/}. Initialization files, for example @file{scm/lily.scm}, or @file{ly/engraver-init.ly}, are usually found in the directory @file{/usr/share/lilypond/}. @cindex adjusting output @cindex variables @cindex properties @cindex lilypond-internals @cindex internal documentation @cindex Scheme @cindex extending lilypond @cindex bugreport @cindex index Finally, this and all other manuals, are available online both as PDF files and HTML from the web site, which can be found at @uref{http://www.lilypond.org/}. @cindex website @cindex URL