Info for Documentation ---------------------- Current version of the manual: 2.9.13 *** Please update this whenever you run convert-ly on the docs. convert-ly --from=... --to=... --no-version *.itely %%%%% DOC ORGANIZATION There are three parts to the documentation: the Learning Manual, the Notation Reference, and the Technical Details. * Long, wordy, chatty explanations go in the Learning Manual. This is aimed at users learning something for the first time -- not necessarily just learning lilypond notation, but also things like learning how to deal with projects, tweaking, preparing parts for orchestras, etc. Less formal language may be used here. * Notation Reference is a (hopefully complete) description of LilyPond input notation. Some material from here may be duplicated in the Learning Manual (for teaching). The material is presented in an approximate order of increasing difficulty, but the goal is _not_ to provide a step-by-step learning environment. For example, all material under "Notes" should remain in that section, even though microtonal accidentals may seem more advanced than info about clefs or time signatures -- "Notes" should be a one-stop reference about, well, notes. This section is written in formal technical writing style. * Technical Details contains information about using the program lilypond with other programs (lilypond-book, operating systems, GUIs, convert-ly, etc). This section is writtin in formal technical writing style. %%%%% GENERAL GUIDELINES * Do not forget to create @cindex entries for new sections of text. Enter commands with @funindex, i.e. @funindex \relative do not bother with the @code{} (they are added automatically). These items are added to both the command index and the unified index. * The use of the word `illegal' is inappropriate in most cases. Say `invalid' instead. * Avoid long stretches of input code. Noone is going to read them in print. Instead refer to an example input file (@inputfileref), these are clickable in HTML. * Abbrevs in caps, e.g., HTML, DVI, MIDI, etc. * Colon usage 0. Do not use a colon to introduce examples, sentences just continue in the display material. 1. To introduce lists 2. When beginning a quote: "So, he said,..." This usage is rarer. Americans often just use a comma. 3. When adding a defining example at the end of a sentence. * To produce good looking texinfo output (for both TTY and DVI) some additional formatting rules should be followed. . Do not use tabs. They expand to nothing in DVI output. . Do not use spaces at the beginning of a line (except in @example or @verbatim environments), and do not use more than a single space between words. `makeinfo' copies the input lines verbatim without removing those spaces. . Use two spaces after a priod. . Variables or numbers which consist of a single character (probably followed by a punctuation mark) should be tied properly, either to the previous or the next word. Example: The variable@tie{}@var{a} ... . To get consistent indentation in the DVI output it is better to avoid the @verbatim environment. Use the @example environment instead if possible, but without extraneous indentation. For example, this @example foo { bar } @end example should be replaced with @example foo { bar } @end example where `@example' starts the line (without leading spaces). . Use the `quote' option in @lilypond commands if possible. . Do not compress the input vertically; this is, do not use Beginning of logical unit @example ... @end example continuation of logical unit but Beginning of logical unit @example ... @end example @noindent continuation of logical unit This makes it easier to not forget `@noindent'. . Non-ASCII characters which are in utf-8 should be directly used; this is, don't say `Ba@ss{}tuba' but `Baßtuba'. This ensures that all such characters appear in all output formats. * Lines should be less than 80 characters long. %%%%% HINTS FOR TECHNICAL WRITING STYLE * Do not refer to LilyPond in the text. The reader knows what the manual is about. If you do, capitalization is LilyPond. * If you explicitly refer to `lilypond', the program (or any other command to be executed), say `@command{lilypond}'. * Do not explicitly refer to the reader/user. There is no one else besides the reader and the writer. * Do not use abbreviations (don't, won't, etc.). If you do, use a comma after it: blabla blabla, i.e., blabla blabla * Avoid fluff (``Notice that,'' ``as you can see,'' ``Currently,'').