\input texinfo @c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @setfilename NEWS.info @settitle NEWS @ifhtml @macro inputfileref{DIR,NAME} @uref{../../\DIR\/collated-files.html#\NAME\,@file{\DIR\/\NAME\}}@c @end macro @macro usermanref{NAME} @inforef{\NAME\,,../user/lilypond/lilypond}@c @end macro @end ifhtml @ifnothtml @macro inputfileref{DIR,NAME} @file{\DIR\/\NAME\}@c @end macro @macro usermanref{NAME} See user manual, \NAME\ @end macro @end ifnothtml @macro textanchor{NAME} @html @end html @end macro @documentencoding utf-8 @documentlanguage en @finalout @ifnottex @node Top @top @end ifnottex @unnumbered New features in 2.9 since 2.8 @ifhtml This document is also available in @uref{NEWS.pdf,PDF}. It's part of the @uref{../,LilyPond Documentation} @end ifhtml @itemize @bullet @ignore HINTS * only show verbatim input for syntax/input changes * try to be as brief possible in those cases * don't try to provide real-world examples, they often get too big, which scares away people. * Write complete sentences. * only show user-visible changes. @end ignore @item The @code{FretBoards} context will generate guitar frettings automatically, @lilypond[fragment,relative=0,verbatim,ragged-right] \new FretBoards { } @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Rick Hansen. @item Horizontal and vertical spacing are now done at the same time so that pages are filled more evenly. @item The page breaking algorithm is capable of detecting page turns and formatting the music accordingly. @c Insert any new material above this line. -gp @item Guitar right hand fingerings may now also be added, @lilypond[fragment,relative=1,ragged-right] \relative { \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(right) % up left down \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down left up) % up left down \set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down up left) % (up right down) } @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by William Wilson. @item By defining a clip region, a cutout EPS file of a number of measures may be generated from the complete score. Hence, it is no longer necessary to create separate files to create extracts of (long) scores. An example is shown in @file{input/regression/clip-systems.ly}. This feature was sponsored by Rick Hansen. @item Lyric texts may include tie symbols by using the @code{~} symbol, @lilypond[relative=1,fragment,ragged-right] { c4 f2 g4 } \addlyrics { o la~oo ah } @end lilypond @item Calculation of note head durations is now softcoded. @lilypond[relative=1,fragment,ragged-right] %% use half heads for whole notes. \override NoteHead #'duration-log = 1 c1 c2 c4 c8[ c16 c] @end lilypond @item Chords can now be partially tied, @lilypond[ragged-right,relative,fragment] @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Steve Doonan. @item Lyric extenders now have tunable padding. This feature was sponsored by David Griffel. @item Instrument changes are better supported: names in the margin can be changed half-way during a staff, and cues are printed automatically. This feature was sponsored by Kieren MacMillan. @item Barlines can be dashed now, @lilypond[relative,ragged-right,fragment] c4 \bar "dashed" c4 @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Kieren MacMillan. @item Grace notes may be forced to use floating spacing, @lilypond[relative=2,ragged-right] << \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'strict-grace-spacing = ##t \new Staff { c'4 \afterGrace c'4 { c'16[ c'8 c'16] } c'4 } \new Staff { c'16[ c'16 c'16 c'16] c'16[ c'16 c'16 c'16] c'4 } >> @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Trevor Bača. @item Durations of grace notes are taken into account for spacing, @lilypond[relative=2,ragged-right,fragment] c \grace { c8[ c16 d c8] } c @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Trevor Bača. @item Tuplet brackets can be made to run to prefatory matter or the next note @lilypond[ragged-right] \new RhythmicStaff { \set tupletFullLength = ##t \time 4/4 \times 4/5 { c4 c1 } \set tupletFullLengthNote = ##t \time 2/4 \times 2/3 { c4 c c } \time 3/4 c4 } @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Trevor Bača. @item Falls and doits can be added to notes @lilypond[fragment,ragged-right,relative=2] \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'shortest-duration-space = #3.0 c4-\bendAfter #+5 c4-\bendAfter #-3 @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Anthony Youngman and Paul Scott. @item @code{lilypond-book} now includes support for PDF@TeX{}. This feature was sponsored by David Roundy. @item Nested tuplets can have different formatting for each nesting level, @lilypond[ragged-right] \new Staff { \time 5/4 \tweak #'text #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \times 5/3 { \tweak #'text #tuplet-number::calc-denominator-text \times 2/3 { c'8[ c'8 c'8] } \times 2/3 { c'8[ c'8 c'8] } \times 2/3 { c'8[ c'8 c'8] } } } @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Trevor Bača. @item New sections with different spacing parameters can be started with @code{newSpacingSection}. This is useful when there are sections with a different notions of long and short notes. In the following example, the time signature change introduces a new section, and hence the 16ths notes are spaced wider. @lilypond[relative,fragment] \time 2/4 c4 c8 c c8 c c4 c16[ c c8] c4 \newSpacingSection \time 4/16 c16[ c c8] @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Trevor Bača, Michael Meixner and Vivian Barty-Taylor. @item A new, automated testing technique has been added. It will detect changes in the formatting automatically, which will make it easier to spot regression errors in the future. View @uref{../../test-results.html,test results}. @item Figured bass can also be added to @code{Staff} contexts directly. In this case, their vertical position is adjusted automatically. @lilypond[ragged-right,fragment] << \new Staff = someUniqueName \relative c'' { c4 c'8 r8 c,4 c' } %% send to existing Staff. \context Staff = someUniqueName \figuremode { <4>4 <6 10>8 s8 \set Staff.useBassFigureExtenders = ##t <4 6>4 <4 6> } >> @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Trent Johnston. @item Beams may be put on isolated stems, and beamlets may be paired by setting the @code{max-beam-connect} property, @lilypond[ragged-right,relative=2,fragment] \override Stem #'max-beam-connect = #1 c16[ c16] c32[] @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Trevor Bača. @item Beaming patterns obey the @code{beatGrouping} property. @lilypond[ragged-right,relative=2,fragment] \time 5/16 \set beatGrouping = #'(2 3) c8[^"(2+3)" c16 c8] \set beatGrouping = #'(3 2) c8[^"(3+2)" c16 c8] @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Trevor Bača. @item With the command @code{\transposedCueDuring} a cue's transposition can be changed locally. This can be used to prevent excessive ledger lines on cues. This feature was contributed by Werner Lemberg @item By setting @code{hairpinToBarline}, hairpins will stop at the barline preceding the ending note. @lilypond[relative=2,fragment,ragged-right] \set hairpinToBarline = ##t \override Hairpin #'bound-padding = #1.0 c4\< c2. c4\! @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Andrew Sidwell and Trevor Bača. @item Objects may be rotated using the @code{rotation} property. @lilypond[ragged-right,fragment,relative=1] { \override Hairpin #'rotation = #'(20 -1 0) g4\<^\markup { \rotate #180 "test" } b d f'\! } @end lilypond This feature was contributed by Erlend Aasland. @item Hairpins now support circled tips (al niente notation). @lilypond[ragged-right,fragment,relative=2] { \override Hairpin #'circled-tip = ##t c2\< c\! c4\> c\< c2\! } @end lilypond This feature was contributed by Erlend Aasland. @item The MusicXML convertor has been sped up, and has rudimentary support for percussion notation. It will also condense multi-bar rests to enable part extraction. @item The beam printing code has been completely rewritten, and now includes support for feathered beaming, @lilypond[ragged-right,fragment,relative=2] \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 5 4) { \override Beam #'grow-direction = #LEFT c16[ c c c c c c ] } @end lilypond Known bug: the \featherDuration command only works with very short music snippets. This feature was sponsored by Jamie Bullock. @item The @code{\note} markup command now also accepts note head styles. @lilypond[ragged-right,fragment,relative=2] c4^\markup { \override #'(style . triangle) \note-by-number #2 #1 #1 = 100 } @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Jamie Bullock. @item Tie chord formatting also works with arpegiated ties. @lilypond[ragged-right] \relative c'' { 2~ | \set tieWaitForNote = ##t e8~ c~ a~ f~ 2 | f,8~ a~ c~ e~ 2 | } @end lilypond This feature was sponsored by Steve Doonan. @end itemize @ifhtml For older news, go to @uref{http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.8/Documentation/topdocs/NEWS.html}, or @uref{../,go back} to the Documentation index. @end ifhtml @bye