COMMENT(-*-text-*-) redef(var)(1)(whenlatex(latexcommand({\normalfont\scshape )ARG1+latexcommand(}))\ whenhtml(sc(ARG1))) redef(mycode)(1)(tt(ARG1)) COMMENT( This document contains Mudela fragments. You need at least Yodl-1.30.18 to convert this to tex or html. TODO in stead <-> instead ) htmlbodyopt(bgcolor)(white) htmlcommand() latexlayoutcmds( \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.25in} \setlength{\textheight}{9in} \setlength{\textwidth}{5.875in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.25in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.25in} \input mudela-book ) COMMENT(whenlatex(notableofcontents())) whentexinfo(notableofcontents()) article(Mudela Reference Manual) (Andrew Moriano, Han-Wen Nienhuys and Jan Nieuwenhuizen) (nop()PIPETHROUGH(date "+%B %d, %Y")()()nop()) COMMENT( * The [ ] look weird * paragraphs have too much space. ) latexcommand(\def\interexample{}) latexcommand(\def\preexample{\par}) latexcommand(\def\postexample{\par\medskip}) latexcommand(\def\file#1{{code(#1)}}) COMMENT( latexcommand(\def\texttt#1{\tt #1}) latexcommand(\def\textbf#1{\bf #1}) ) COMMENT(urg, texinfo include breaks) whenhtml( includefile(html-disclaimer.yo-urg) ) bf(This document is not up to date). All rendered examples of course are current, but the rest probably isn't. Adjusting the tutorial was considered more important than writing the reference manual. We apologize for the inconvenience. For a complete and up-to-date definition, see file(lily/parser.yy), file(lily/lexer.ll), and the init files. This document describes the the GNU LilyPond input format, which is an effective language for defining music. We call this language (rather arrogantly) The Musical Definition Language or Mudela, for short.footnote(If anybody comes up with a better name, we'd gladly take this. Gourlay already uses Musical Description Language, G-Sharp Score Definition Language. ISO standard 10743 defines a Standard Music Description Language. We're not being original here.) The first aim of Mudela is to define a piece of music, being complete from both from a musical typesetting, as from a musical performing point of view. The Musical Definition Language (Mudela), has a logical structure, making use of identifiers, that allows for flexible input, and definition reuse. See the documentation file file(MANIFESTO), included with the LilyPond sources for reasons and design considerations. sect(Running LilyPond) When invoked with a filename that has no extension, LilyPond will try adding a file(.fly) extension first, and a file(.ly) extension second. If the filename ends with file(.fly), LilyPond processes the file as music using file( In this case, LilyPond does something like: verb(\score { \notes\relative c { \input "" } \paper{} \midi{} }) If you invoke LilyPond with a file file(foo.)var(ext) that doesn't have the file(.ly) extension then LilyPond will look for a file called file(init.)var(ext) and process this file. The file file(init.)var(ext) must contain the code(\maininput) keyword or LilyPond will not read the user specified file. sect(Syntax) subsect(Basic Mudela) A Mudela file consists of keywords with arguments and identifier assignments separated by spaces, tabs or newlines. (Semicolons are used by some keywords but are not generally required.) A one line comment is introduced by a code(%) character. Block comments are started by code(%{) and ended by code(%}). They cannot be nested. Mudela supports several types: description( dit(integer) Formed from an optional minus sign followed by digits. Arithmetic operations cannot be done with integers, and integers cannot be mixed with reals. dit(real) Formed from an optional minus sign and a sequence of digits followed by a emph(required) decimal point and an optional exponent such as code(-1.2e3). Reals can be built up using the usual operations: code(+), code(-), code(*), and code(/), with parentheses for grouping. dit(string) Begins and ends with the code(") character. To include a code(") character in a string write code(\"). Various other backslash sequences have special interpretations as in the C language. A string that contains no spaces can be written without the quotes. See Section ref(modes) for details on unquoted strings; their interpretation varies depending on the situation. On the right side of identifier assignments and within the code(\header) keyword, strings can be concatenated using the code(+) character. dit(dimension) Consists of a real followed by one of the dimension keywords: code(\mm), code(\pt), code(\in), or code(\cm). Dimensions are converted immediately to a real which gives the dimension in points, so they can be mixed with reals, but the result is no longer of type dimension. The keywords that require a dimension (code(\shape) and code(\symboltables)) will not accept this. dit(pitch) A pitch is a string which is the name of a pitch. Example: code(a). The pitch names can be redefined with the code(\notenames) keyword. See Section(notelang) for pitch names in different languages. Pitches can only be specified inside note mode which is specified with code(\notes). Therefore, keywords which require pitch arguments must appear inside code(\notes). dit(music) Music is a compound type: arbitrarily complicated expressions with a hierarchical structure can be formed from simple building blocks. The simplest expression of type music is a single note. A note is formed from a pitch and an optional duration and must be specified within code(\notes). See Section ref(notedesc) for details. More complicated expressions of type music are formed by surrounding a sequence of expressions of type music with braces code({) and code(}) or with angle brackets code(<) and code(>). Items appearing in braces will be treated as serial. Items in angle brackets will be simultaneous. So for example code({ c e g }) represents an arpeggio and code(< c e g >) represents a chord. These items can be nested any way you like. This simple example shows how three chords can be expressed in two different ways: mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( \notes<{a b c'}{c' d' e'}{e' f' g'}> \notes{} ) ) COMMENT( Compound types are built up from the simple types. The compound types are: arglist, assignlist and musiclist. An arglist is a white space separated list of integers, reals and or strings surrounded by braces code({) and code(}). An assignlist is a list of identifier assignments, which have the form var(key)code(=)var(value). A statement in Mudela has one of three forms: verb(\keyword argument \keyword argument1 argument2 ... ; string=value) ) subsect(Identifiers) Identifiers allow names to be assigned to constants, music, or other Mudela structures. To assign an identifier you use var(name)=var(value) and to refer to an identifier, you preceed its name with a backslash: code(\)var(name). It is legal to redefine an identifier in terms of its old value: code(foo = \foo * 2.0). Identifier assignments must appear at the top level in the Mudela file. An identifier can be created with any string for its name, but you will only be able to refer to identifiers whose names begin with a letter and are entirely alphanumeric. It is also impossible to refer to an identifier whose name is the same as the name of a keyword. The following words are keywords: verb(absdynamic header musicalpitch score transpose accepts in notenames script type bar include notes shape version cadenza key output skip clef keysignature paper spandynamic cm lyric partial symboltables consists maininput penalty table duration mark property tempo font midi pt time grouping mm relative translator) The right hand side of an identifier assignment is parsed completely when the assignment is made. It therefore must have any context specified in the definition. For example, you must write code(foo=\notes{a8 b c}) rather than code(foo={a8 b c}). Even though the context is specified in the definition, you must refer to the identifier inside the correct context: verb(foo = \paper{ linewidth = 6.0\in } \score{ \notes{ ... } \paper{ \foo } }) If code(\foo) is used here without the surrounding code(\paper) then an error will result. Identifiers can be set equal to integers, reals, strings, music, durations (specified with code(\duration)), note ornaments (specified with code(\script), dynamics commands, or code(:)), translator definitions, the code(\paper) block, the code(\midi) block or the code(\score) block. When identifiers are used for translators, the code(\paper), code(\midi), and code(\score) blocks, they may only be referred to as the first item in a block. So code(\paper{\one \two}) is illegal because the identifier code(\two) is not the first thing in the block. COMMENT( subsect(Hierarchical structures) The general structure consists of declarations: verb(IDENTIFIER = \TYPE{ }) and instantiations: verb(\TYPE{ }) (Currently, code(\score) is the only type that can be instantiated at top level.) Most instantiations that use an IDENTIFIER are specified as follows: verb(\TYPE{ \IDENTIFIER [...] }) Some exceptions on this rule have been made to prevent inputting Mudela becoming tedious ) subsect(Modes) label(modes) To simplify different aspects of music definition (entering the notes and manipulating them) Mudela has three different input modes which affect how unquoted strings are interpreted. In each mode, words are identified on the input. If code("word") is encountered, it is treated as a string. If code(\word) is encountered it is treated as a keyword or as an identifier. The behavior of the modes differs in two ways: different modes treat unquoted words different, and different modes have different rules for deciding what is a word. description( dit(Normal mode) At the start of parsing, Mudela is in normal mode. In normal mode, a word is an alphabetic character followed by alphanumeric characters. If code(word) is encountered on the input it is treated as a string. dit(Note mode) Note mode is introduced by the keyword code(\notes). In Note mode, words can only contain alphabetic characters. If code(word) is encountered, LilyPond first checks for a notename of code(word). If no notename is found, then code(word) is treated as a string. If you mistype a notename, the parser will most likely complain that you should be in code(\lyric) mode to do lyrics. dit(Lyric mode) Lyrics mode is introduced by the keyword code(\lyric). This mode is has rules that make it easy to include punctuation and diacritical marks in words. A word in Lyrics mode begins with: an alphabetic character, code(_), code(?), code(!), code(:), code('), the control characters code(^A) through code(^F), code(^Q) through code(^W), code(^Y), code(^^), any 8-bit character with ASCII code over 127, or a two character combination of a backslash followed by one of code(`), code('), code(") or code(^). Subsequent characters of a word can be any character that is not a digit and not white space. One important consequence of this is that a word can end with code(}), which may be confusing if you thought the code(}) was going to terminate lyrics mode. Any code(_) characters which appear in an unquoted word are converted to spaces, providing a mechanism for introducing spaces into words without using quotes. Quoted words can also be used in lyrics mode to specify words that cannot be specified with the above rules. Here are some examples. Not all of these words are printable by TeX(). verb(a&@&@&TSI|{[ % a word \'afoo} % a word 1THtrhortho % not a word because it starts with a digit ``Hello'' % not a word because it starts with ` Leise DOEXPAND(Fl\)DOEXPAND("u\)ss{}teren meine Sapfe % 4 words _ _ _ _ % 4 words, each one a space )) COMMENT( These modes are of a lexical nature. Normal and Note mode largely resemble each other, save the possibility of entering Reals, meaning of code(_) and the resolution of words What's this about reals? When can you enter them or not enter them?) sect(Note Description) label(notedesc) subsect(Basic Note Specification) A note specification has the form var(pitch)[var(octavespec)][code(!)][var(duration)]. The pitch of the note is specified by the note's name. LilyPond has predefined note names for various languages. The default names are the Dutch note names. The notes are specified by the letters code(c) through code(b), where code(c) is an octave below middle C and the letters span the ocatave above that C. In Dutch, a sharp is formed by adding code(-is) to the end of a pitch name. A flat is formed by adding code(-es). Double sharps and double flats are obtained by adding code(-isis) or code(-eses). Lily has predefined sets of notenames for various nop(languages). See Section ref(notelang) for details. Rests are specified with the note name code(r) or code(R). There is also a note name code(s) which produces a nonprinting note of the specified duration. The optional octave specification takes the form of a series of single quote code(') characters or a series of comma code(,) characters. Each code(') raises the pitch by one octave; each code(,) lowers the pitch by an octave. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' ) mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( cis' dis' eis' fis' gis' ais' bis' ) mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( ces' des' es' fes' ges' as' bes' ) mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( cisis' eisis' gisis' aisis' beses' ) mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( ceses' eses' geses' ases' beses' ) Whenever a C-sharp is desired, you must specify a C-sharp. LilyPond will determine what accidentals to typeset depending on the key and context. A reminder accidental can be forced by using the optional exclamation mark `code(!)' on a pitch. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( cis' d' e' cis' c'! d' e' c' ) Durations are entered as their reciprocal values mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( a'1 a'2 a'4 a a'8 a a'16 a'32 a'64 ) mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( r1 r2 r4 r8 r16 r32 ) If the duration is omitted then it is set equal to the previous duration. If there is no previous duration, then a quarter note is assumed. The duration can be followed by a dot code(.) to obtain dotted note lengths. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( a'4. b'4. ) In addition, the duration can be followed by a multiplier which is introduced with the asterisk code(*) and can be an integer or a fraction. The multiplier changes the duration that LilyPond uses internally for the note, but for notes it does not change the symbol that is printed. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( c'4*2 c'4*2 d'8*2/3 d'8*2/3 ) For long rests with durations equal to an integer number of whole notes, LilyPond produces output that indicates the duration of the rest. If you use code(r) then one rest symbol will be printed and several measures left blank. If you use code(R) then all of the measure will be filled with whole rests. If you set the code(Score.SkipBars) property, then only one measure will be printed; with code(R), a number indicating the length of the rest will be displayed. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( r1*3 R1*3 \property Score.SkipBars=1 r1*3 R1*3) Extra long notes can be obtained using the code(\breve) and code(longa) durations: mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( c'\breve gis'\longa ) subsect(Note Spanners: Beams, Tuplets, Slurs and Ties) A beam is specified by surrounding the beamed notes with brackets code([) and code(]). mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( [a'8 a'] [a'16 a' a' a'] ) In order to create triplets, you must use a length multiplier after the brackets. An open bracket code([) followed by a fraction instructs LilyPond to print a number over the beam, and it also starts multiplying all note lengths by the fraction. The closing bracket code(]) should be followed by the fraction code(1/1) in order to restore normal note lengths. To create a triplet without a beam, place a backslace code(\) before the opening and closing brackets. For example, in an ordinary triplet, the notes have duration 2/3 as long as normal. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( [2/3 a'8 a' a' ]1/1 \[2/3 b'4 b' b'\]1/1 ) There is a shorthand that can be used when you want notes lengths multiplied by 2/n. The 2 can be omitted after the open bracket and the first 1 can be omitted after the closing bracket. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( [/3 b'8 b' b' ]/1 \[/3 a'4 a'8\]/1 ) COMMENT(This next bit needs to be fixed...or the language needs to be fixed.) Here is a combination mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( [/3 a'8 a'16 a'] a'8 \] ) Another type of spanner is the slur. Slurs connects chords and try to avoid crossing stems. A slur is started with code(CHAR(40)) and stopped with code(CHAR(41)). The starting code(CHAR(40)) appears to the right of the first note in the slur. The terminal code(CHAR(41)) apppears to the left of the first note in the slur. This makes it possible to put a note in slurs from both sides: mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( f'()g'()a' [a'8 b']( a'4 g' )f' ) A tie connects two adjacent note heads. When used with chords, it connects all of the note heads. Ties are indicated using the tilde symbol code(~) by analogy with TeX()'s tie which connects words. For ties between chords, the input convention is somewhat peculiar. You cannot write code(~), but rather must put the tilde after a note within the first chord. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( e' ~ e' ) subsect(Note Ornaments) A variety of symbols can appear above and below notes to indicate different characteristics of the performance. These symbols can be added to a note with `var(note)code(-\)var(name)'. Numerous different symbols are defined in file( Each symbol is defined using the code(\script) keyword which specifies where symbols appear. Symbols can be forced to appear above the note by writing `var(note)code(^\)var(name)', and they can be forced to appear below by writing `var(note)code(_\)var(name)'. Here is a chart showing symbols above notes, with the name of the corresponding symbol appearing underneath. mudela()( \score{ < \notes{ c''-\accent c''-\marcato c''-\staccatissimo f'-\fermata c''-\stopped c''-\staccato c''-\tenuto c''-\upbow c''-\downbow c''-\lheel c''-\rheel c''-\ltoe c''-\rtoe c''-\turn c''-\open c''-\flageolet c''-\reverseturn c''-\trill c''-\prall c''-\mordent c''-\prallprall c''-\prallmordent c''-\upprall c''-\downprall } \type Lyrics \lyric{ accent marcato staccatissimo fermata stopped staccato tenuto upbow downbow lheel rheel ltoe rtoe turn open flageolet reverseturn trill prall mordent prallprall prallmordent uprall downprall }> \paper{linewidth = 5.875\in indent = 0.0 } } ) COMMENT( The following are defined in but do not work: portato lbheel rbheel lbtoe rbtoe lfheel rfheel lftoe rftoe ) In addition, it is possible to place arbitrary strings of text or TeX() above or below notes by using a string instead of an identifier: `code(c^"text")'. Fingerings can be placed by simply using digits. All of these note ornaments appear in the printed output but have no effect on the MIDI rendering of the music. To save typing, a few common symbols can be abbreviated with single characters: mudela()( \score{ \notes { \property Voice.textstyle = typewriter c''4-._"c-." s4 c''4--_"c-{}-" s4 c''4-+_"c-+" s4 c''4-|_"c-|" s4 c''4->_"c->" s4 c''4-^_"c-\\^{ }" s4 } \paper { linewidth = 12.\cm; }}) Dynamic marks are specified by using an identifier after a note without a dash: code(c4 \ff). Note that this syntax is inconsistent with the syntax for other types of ornaments. The available dynamic marks are: code(\ppp), code(\pp), code(\p), code(\mp), code(\mf), code(\f), code(\ff), code(\fff), code(\fp), code(sf), and code(\sfz). A crescendo mark is started with code(\cr) and terminated with code(\rc). A decrescendo mark is started with code(\decr) and terminated with code(\rced). Tremolo marks can be printed by a note by adding code(:)[var(length)] after the note. The length must be at least 8. A var(length) value of 8 gives one line across the note stem. If the length is omitted, then the last value is used, or the value of the code(Abbrev) property if there was no last value. To place tremolo marks in between two notes, begin with code([:)var(length) and end with code(]). The tremolo marks will appear instead of beams. Putting more than two notes in such a construction will produce odd effects. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( c'2:8 c':32 [:16 e'1 g'] [:8 e'4 f'] ) COMMENT( Is the last paragraph correct? Is it called "tremolo"? Why is "abbreviation" used? (What is the unabreviated form?) mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( c'4:32 [:16 c'8 d'8] ) ) sect(Other Ways to Enter Pitches) subsect(Pitch Names in Other Languages) label(notelang) The pitch names can be easily redefined using the code(\notenames) command. Note name definitions have been provided in various languages. Simply include the language specific init file. For example: code(\include ""). The available language files and the names they define are: verb( Note Names sharp flat c d e f g a bes b -is -es c d e f g a bf b -s/-sharp -f/-flat c d e f g a b h -is -es c d e f g a b h -iss/-is -ess/-es c d e f g a b h -iss -ess do re mi fa sol la sid si -d -b) subsect(Relative Pitch Specification) label(relative) One very common error when entering music is to place notes in the wrong octave. One way to avoid being confused by large numbers of octave changing marks is to use the code(\relative) keyword. Music which appears within code(\relative) is interpreted differently. The octave of a note is determined by making it as close to the previous note as possible. The octave changing marks code(') and code(,) can then be added to raise or lower this note by octaves. You have to specify a starting pitch because the first note of a list has no predecessor. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( \relative c'' { c d b c, d b c' d b c,, d b } ) When the preceeding item is a chord, the first note of the chord is used to determine the first note of the next chord. But other notes within the second chord are determined by looking at the immediately preceeding note. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( \relative c' { } ) The code(\relative) keyword can only appear in music, so there must be a surrounding code(\notes) keyword which does not appear in the fragments shown above. Also note that if the music passed to a code(\relative) keyword contains a code(\transpose) keyword, the tranposed music will not be processed in relative mode. An additional code(\relative) must be placed inside the code(\transpose). subsect(Tranposition of Pitches) label(transpose) Another way to modify the meaning of the note names is to use the code(\transpose) keyword. This keyword allows you to transpose music. To use transposition, specify the pitch that middle C should be tranposed to. It is important to distinguish between enharmonic pitches as they can produce different transpositions. To transpose up half a step, for example, either code(\transpose cis') or code(\transpose des') will work. But the first version will print sharps and the second version will print flats. In this example, a scale in the key of E is transposed to F, or to E-sharp with odd results. mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( \relative c' { \key e; e fis gis a b cis dis e } ) mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( \transpose des' \relative c' { \key e; e fis gis a b cis dis e } ) mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( \transpose cis' \relative c' { \key e; e fis gis a b cis dis e } ) If you want to use both code(\transpose) and code(\relative), then you must use code(\transpose) first. Any code(\relative) keywords that are outside the code(\transpose) have no effect on notes that appear inside the code(\transpose). sect(Lyrics) Lyrics are entered like notes, with pitches replaced by text. For example code(Twin-4 kle4 twin-4 kle4) enters four syllables, each with quarter note duration. Note that the hyphen has no special meaning for lyrics, and does not introduce special symbols. See Section ref(modes) for a description of what is interpreted as a lyric. In order to instruct LilyPond to write lyrics underneath the staff, you must enter the lyrics context with code(\type Lyrics). Lyrics should be entered in lyrics mode which is entered with code(\lyric). Spaces can be introduced into a lyric either by using quotes (code(")) or by using an underscore without quotes: code(He_could4 not4). All unquoted underscores are converted to spaces. Here is a full example: mudela(verbatim)(\score{ < \notes \transpose c'' {c d e c | c d e c | e f g'2 | e'4 f g'2 \bar "|."; } \type Lyrics \lyric { DOEXPAND(Fr\)`e-4 re Ja- que DOEXPAND(Fr\)`e- re Ja- que Dor- mez vous?2 Dor-4 mez vous?2 } > }) COMMENT( URG Fr\`e-4 re Ja- que Fr\`e- re Ja- que Why does this warrant an URG? ) COMMENT( sect(Chords and Voices) Here's a simple chord mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( ) here are a few mudela(fragment,verbatim,center)( < { c'()d'()c' } { e'()f'()e' } { g'()a'()g' } > ) and similarly voices mudela(fragment,verbatim)( < { \voiceone c'4 g' c' g' } { \voicetwo c2 g2 } > ) ) sect(Time) LilyPond aligns all musical objects according to the amount of time they occupy. All of these objects have a duration. When music is written sequentially using braces the duration is the sum of the durations of the elements. When music is stacked into simultaneous music using angle brackets, the duration is the maximum of the durations of the elements. Because LilyPond knows the durations of all musical elements, the time signature enables LilyPond to draw bar lines automatically. The time signature is specified with the code(\time) keyword: code(\time 3/4). If no time signature is given, LilyPond assumes 4/4. The automatic generation of bar lines can toggled with the code(\cadenza) keyword, and an incomplete measure at the start of the music can be created using the code(\partial) keyword: code(\partial 8*2;) creates a starting measure lasting two eighth notes. In order to help with error checking, you can insert bar markers in your music by typing code(|). Whenever LilyPond encounters a code(|) that doesn't fall at a measure boundary, she prints a warning message. Rhythmic grouping is a concept closely associated with this. A default grouping is selected for the chosen time signature. The default consists of combinations of 2 and 3 beats with as many groups of 3 as possible, and the groups of 3 coming first. For example, 4/4 is divided into 2+2 and 8/8 is divided into 3+3+2. This default grouping can be changed using the \grouping keyword which takes a list of durations to specify the grouping. COMMENT( sect(Composition: forming bigger structures) label(sec:grammar) The computer savy user may be interested in a more formal specification. We can capture what have learned about forming sentences in Mudela in a context-free grammar. latexcommand(\smallskip) table(2)(lll)( row(cell(em(Music))cell(: em(Note))) row(cell()cell(code(|) em(Rest))) row(cell()cell(code(|) code({) em(MusicList) code(}))) row(cell()cell(code(|) code(<) em(MusicList) code(>))) row(cell()cell(code(|) em(Command))) row(cell()cell(code(|) code(\type) em(string) code(=) em(string) em(Music))) row(cell()cell(;)) row(cell(em(MusicList))cell(: em(empty))) row(cell()cell(code(|) em(MusicList) em(Music))) row(cell()cell(;)) ) latexcommand(\smallskip) In mathematics you can form expressions by combining expressions, which are ultimately some kind of atom or terminal symbol. The same goes for Mudela: there are some basic building blocks, and by combining those you create complex music. You can combine music in three ways: itemize( it()If you enclose a sequence of music-elements in braces ( code({) and code(}) ), then you form another kind of music called sequential music with those pieces. The duration of sequential composition is the sum of the durations of its elements verb( { c c g g a a g2 } % twinkle twinkle { { c c g g} { a a g2 } } ) it()You can stack music by enclosing a sequence of music elements with code(<) and code(>). This is called simultaneous music. The duration of a simultaneous composition is the maximum of the durations of its elements Example: verb( % a-major chord ) it()You can form music by transposing music: verb( \transpose d % from c to the d that's almost one octave down { e4 f4 } % the horizontal music ) it()verb(\type) it()verb(\property) it()verb(\translator) it()verb(\relative) ) Of course you can also combine these three mechanisms. verb( { c } % 4 increasing chords ) ) sect(Keywords) Keywords sometimes appear alone, but usually they require arguments. A keyword may have a single argument, a sequence of arguments in braces, or a sequence of arguments separated by spaces and terminated by a semicolon. The precise syntax of each keyword is shown below. Keywords must appear in the right context. If you use a keyword in the wrong place, even if the usage is syntactically correct, you will get the message ``parse error'' from LilyPond. description( dit(code(\absdynamic) code({) var(code) code(})) Internal keyword for printing dynamic marks such as $f$ under music. The parameter var(code) is unsigned and specifies the dynamic mark to print. Normally you should use the more user friendly abbreviations defined in the init file file( dit(code(\accepts) var(string)code(;)) This keyword can appear only within a code(\translator) block. It specifies what contexts are allowed with the context that is being defined. See Section ref(translators). dit(code(\bar) var(bartype)code(;)) Prints a special bar symbol, or at measure boundaries, replaces the regular bar symbol with a special symbol. The argument var(bartype) is a string which specifies the kind of bar to print. Options are code(":|"), code("|:"), code(":|:"), code("||"), code("|."), code(".|"), or code(".|."). These produce respectively a right repeat, a left repeat, a double repeat, a double bar, a start bar, an end bar, or a thick double bar. If var(bartype) is set to code("empty") then nothing is printed, but a line break is allowed at that spot. Note that the printing of special bars has no effect on the MIDI output. dit(mycode(\cadenza) var(togglevalue)code(;)) Toggles the automatic generation of bar lines. If var(togglevalue) is 0 then bar line generation is turne off. If var(togglevalue) is 1 then a bar is immediately printed and bar generation is turned on. dit(code(\clef) var(clefname)code(;)) Allowed only in music. Sets the current clef. The argument is a string which specifies the name of the clef. Several clef names are supported. If code(_8) or code(^8) is added to the end of a clef name then the clef lowered or raised an octave will be generated. Here are the supported clef names with middle C shown in each clef: mudela(center)( \score{ \notes{ \cadenza 1; %\property Voice.textstyle = typewriter \clef subbass; c'4-"\kern-10mm subbass" \clef bass; c'4^"\kern -8mm bass" \clef baritone; c'4_"\kern -10mm baritone" \clef varbaritone; c'4^"\kern -10mm varbaritone" \clef tenor; c'4_"\kern -10mm tenor" \clef "G_8"; c'4^"\kern -6mm G\_8" } \paper{ linewidth= 4.5 \in } } ) mudela(center)( \score{ \notes{\cadenza 1; \clef alto; c'4_"\kern -10mm alto" \clef mezzosoprano; c'4^"\kern -10mm mezzosoprano" \clef soprano; c'4_"\kern -10mm soprano" \clef treble; c'4^"\kern -6mm treble" \clef french; c'4_"\kern -10mm french" } \paper{ linewidth= 4.5 \in } } ) The treble clef can also be obtained using the names code(G) or code(violin). The bass clef is also available by code(\clef F). dit(code(\cm)) Specify a dimension in centimeters. dit(code(\consists) var(string)code(;)) This keyword can appear only within a code(\translator) block. It specifies that an engraver named var(string) should be added to the translator. See Section ref(translators). dit(code(\duration) code({) var(length) var(dotcount) code(})) Specify note duration. The parameter var(length) is the negative logarithm (base 2) of duration: 1 is a half note, 2 is a quarter note, 3 is an eighth note, etc. The number of dots after the note is given by var(dotcount). dit(code(\font) var(string)) Internal keyword. Used within code(\symboltables) to specify the font. dit(code(\grouping) var(durationseq); ) Sets the metric structure of the measure. Each argument specifies the duration of one metric unit. For example, code(\duration 16*5;) specifies a grouping of five beats together in 5/16 time. The default grouping is to have as many groups of 3 as possible followed by groups of two. dit(code(\header) code({) var(key1) = var(val1); var(key2) = var(val2); ... code(})) Specifies information about the music. A header should appear at the top of the file describing the file's contents. If a file has multiple code(\score) blocks, then a header should appear in each score block describing its contents. Tools like code(ly2dvi) can use this information for generating titles. Some possible key values are: title, opus, description, composer, enteredby, and copyright. dit(code(\in)) Specify a dimension in inches. dit(code(\include) var(file)) Include the specified file. The argument var(file) is a string. The full filename including the file(.ly) extension must be given. dit(code(\key) var(pitch)) Change key signature to that of var(pitch)-major. dit(code(\keysignature) var(pitchseq);) Specify an arbitrary key signature. The pitches from var(pitch) will be printed in the key signature in the order that they appear on the list. dit(code(\lyric) var(lyriclist)) Parse var(lyriclist) in lyrics mode. dit(code(\maininput)) Internal command. This command is used for creating init files like file( that read the user file into the middle of another file. Using it in a user file will lead to an infinite loop. dit(code(\mark) var(unsigned) or code(\mark) var(string)) Allowed in music only. Prints a mark over or under (?) the staff. You must add code(Mark_engraver) to the Score context and it only seems to work if the mark appears at the beginning of a line. dit(code(\midi) var(statementlist)) Appears in a score block to indicate that musical output should be produced. See code(\tempo). dit(code(\mm)) Specify a dimension in millimeters. dit(code(\musicalpitch) code({) var(octave) var(note) var(shift) code(})) Specify note pitch. The octave is specified by an integer, zero for the octave containing middle C. The note is a number from 0 to 7, with 0 corresponding to C and 7 corresponding to B. The shift is zero for a natural, negative to add flats, or positive to add sharps. dit(code(\notenames) var(assignmentlist)) Define new note names. The argument is a list of definitions of the form var(name) = var(pitch), where var(pitch) is specified with the code(\musicalpitch) keyword. dit(code(\notes) var(music)) Enter note mode and process the specified music. dit(code(\)code(output) var(string)code(;)) Allowed only in code(\paper) block. The parameter var(string) specifies an alternate name for the TeX() output. A file(.tex) extension will be added to var(string) to produce the output file name. dit(code(\paper) var(statmentlist)) Appears in a score block to indicate that the music should be printed. The var(statmentlist) contains statements that change features of the output. See Section ref(paper). dit(code(\partial) var(duration)) Specify that the first measure of the music lasts only for the specified duration. dit(code(\penalty) code(=) var(int)) Allowed only in music. Discourage or encourage line breaks. See identifiers code(\break) and code(\nobreak) in Section ref(ident). dit(code(\property) var(contextname)code(.)var(propname) code(=) var(value)) Sets the var(propname) property of the context var(contextname) to the specified var(value). All three arguments are strings. dit(code(\pt)) Specify a dimension in points. dit(code(\relative) var(pitch) var(music)) Processes the specified var(music) in relative pitch mode. In this mode, the octave of a pitch is chosen so that the pitch is closest to the preceeding pitch. The argument var(pitch) is the starting pitch for this comparision. In the case of chords, the first note of a chord is used as the base for the first pitches in the next chord. See Section ref(relative). dit(code(\score) var(statementlist)) Create a Score context. This is the top level notation context. COMMENT(this still needs work) dit(code(\script) code({) var(name) var(instaff) var(withstem) var(location) var(invertible) var(priority) code(})) This keyword is used the initialization file( to define the various symbols that can appear above and below notes. The first argument is the name of the symbol. The second argument var(instaff) is 1 if the symbol follows the notehead into the staff and 0 if the symbol stays above or below the staff lines. The third parameter var(withstem) is 0 if the symbol's placement does not depend on the stem direction; it is 1 if the symbol should be at the stem end of the note and it is -1 if the symbol should be at the note head end of the note. The argument var(location) is set to 1 for symbols that always appear above the staff; it is -1 for symbols that appear below the staff. If var(invertible) is set to 1 then the symbol can be inverted; otherwise it cannot. The last argument var(priority) sets a priority for the order of placement of several symbols on a single note. dit(code(\shape) code(=) var(indent1) var(width1) var(indent2) var(width2) ... code(;)) Allowed only within code(\paper). Each pair of var(indent) and var(width) values is a dimension specifying how far to indent and how wide to make the line. The indentation and width of successive lines are specified by the successive pairs of dimensions. The last pair of dimensions will define the characeristics of all lines beyond those explicitly specified. COMMENT(First pair of dimensions seems to be skipped. At least it is in the example file dit(code(\skip) var(duration)) Skips the amount of time specified by var(duration). A gap will be left for the skipped time with no notes printed. It works in Note Mode or Lyrics Mode (but generates a mysterious error in lyrics). dit(code(\spandynamic) code({) var(kind) var(toggle) code(})) Internal keyword for crescendo and decrescendo symbols. The first parameter var(kind) is set to 1 for a crescendo and -1 for a decrescendo. The second parameter is set to 1 to start the mark and 2 to stop it. Users should use the abbreviations which are defined in the initialization file file( dit(code(\symboltables)) Internal keyword. Used to create symbol tables. See initialization files file(paper*.ly), file(feta*.ly), and file(table*.ly). dit(code(\table)) Internal keyword. Used within code(\symboltables) to specify the tables. See initialization files. dit(code(\tempo) var(duration) = var(perminute)) Used within code(\midi) to specify the tempo. For example, `code(\midi { \tempo 4 = 76})' requests output with 76 quarter notes per minute. dit(code(\time) var(numerator)code(/)var(denominator)) Change the time signature. The default time signature is 4/4. dit(code(\translator) var(statements) or code(\translator) var(context) = var(name)) The first variant appears only within code(\paper) and specifies a translator for converting music to notation. The translator is specified with a single code(\type) statement and a series of code(\accepts), and code(\consists) statements. See Section ref(translators). The second variant appears in music. It specifies that the current the contexts contained within the specified context should be shifted to the context with the specified name. COMMENT( \translator seems like a strange name for the second operation, and is the overloading desireable? ) dit(code(\transpose) var(pitch) var(music)) Transposes the specified music. Middle C is tranposed to var(pitch). This is allowed in music only, and if it appears inside code(\relative), then any notes specified for transposition should be specified inside another code(\relative). See Section ref(transpose). dit(code(\type) var(contexttype) [code(=) var(contextname)] var(music) or code(\type) var(translatortype)code(;)) The first variant is used only within music to create an instance of a context. The new context can optionally be given a name. The specified var(music) is processed in the new context. The second variant appears within a code(\translator) block and specifies the type of translator being created. dit(code(\version) var(string)) Specify the version of Mudela that a file was written for. The argument is the version number, for example code("1.0.1"). Note that the Mudela version is different from the LilyPond version. ) sect(Notation Contexts) Notation contexts provide information that appears in printed music but not in the music itself. A new musical context is created using the code(\type) keyword: `code(\type) var(contexttype) [code(=) var(contextname)] var(music)'. The following context types are allowed. description( dit(code(LyricVoice)) Corresponds to a voice with lyrics. Handles the printing of a single line of lyrics. dit(code(Voice)) Corresponds to a voice on a staff. This context handles the conversion of noteheads, dynamic signs, stems, beams, super- and subscripts, slurs, ties and rests. dit(code(Lyrics)) Typesets lyrics. It can contain code(LyricVoice) contexts. dit(code(Staff)) Handles clefs, bar lines, keys, accidentals. It can contain code(Voice) contexts. dit(code(RhythmicStaff)) A context like code(Staff) but for printing rhythms. Pitches are ignored; the notes are printed on one line. It can contain code(Voice) contexts. dit(code(GrandStaff)) Contains code(Staff) or code(RhythmicStaff) contexts. It adds a brace on the left side grouping the staffs together. The bar lines of the contained staffs are connected vertically. It can contain code(Staff) contexts. dit(code(StaffGroup)) Contains code(Staff) or code(RhythmicStaff) contexsts. Adds a bracket on the left side, grouping the staffs together. The bar lines of the contained staffs are connected vertically. It can contain code(Staff), code(RhythmicStaff), code(GrandStaff) or code(Lyrics) contexts. dit(code(ChoirStaff)) Identical to code(StaffGroup) except that the contained staffs are not connected vertically. dit(code(Score)) This is the top level notation context. It is specified with the code(\score) keyword rather than the code(\type) command. No other context can contain a code(Score) context. This context handles the administration of time signatures. It also makes sure that items such as clefs, time signatures, and key-signatures are aligned across staffs. It can contain code(Lyrics), code(Staff), code(RhythmicStaff), code(GrandStaff), code(StaffGroup), and code(ChoirStaff) contexts. ) The various contexts have properties associated with them. These properties can be changed using the code(\property) command: `code(\property) var(context)code(.)var(propname) code(=) var(value)'. Properties can also be set within the code(\translator) block corresponding to the appropriate context. In this case, they are assigned by `var(propname) code(=) var(value)'. The settings made with code(\property) are processed after settings made in the code(\translator) block, so the code(\property) settings will override code(\translator) settings. The code(\property) keyword will create any property you specify. There is no guarantee that a property will actually be used. If you spell a property name wrong, there will be no error message. In order to find out what properties are used, you must search the source code for code(get_property). Properties that are set in one context are inherited by all of the contained contexts. This means that a property valid for the Voice context can be set in the Score context (for example) and thus take effect in all Voice contexts. subsubsubsect(Lyrics properties) description( dit(code(textstyle)) Set the font for lyrics. The available font choices are code(normaltext), code(roman), code(italic), code(bold) code(normaltext), code(large), code(Large), code(huge), and code(finger). The code(finger) font can only display numbers. Note also that you must be careful when using code(\property) in Lyrics mode. Because of the way strings are parsed, either put quotes around the arguments to code(\property) or be sure to leave a space on both sides of the dot. dit(code(textalignment)) Controls alignment of lyrics. Set to \left to align the left end of the lyric with the note; set to \right to align the right end of the lyric with the note. Set to \center to align the center of the lyric with the note. ) subsubsubsect(Voice properties) description( dit(code(midi_instrument)) Sets the instrument for MIDI output. dit(code(transposing)) Tranpose the MIDI output. Set this property to the number of half-steps to transpose by. dit(code(ydirection)) Determines the direction of stems, subscripts, beams, slurs, and ties. Set to code(\down) to force them down, code(\up) to force them up, or code(\free) to let LilyPond decide. This can be used to distinguish between voices on the same staff. The code(\stemdown), code(\stemup), and code(\stemboth) identifiers set this property. See also the identifiers code(\voiceone), code(\voicetwo), code(\voicethree) and code(\voicefour). dit(code(slurydirection)) Set to code(\free) for free choice of slur direction, set to code(\up) to force slurs up, set to code(\down) to force slurs down. The shorthands code(\slurup), code(\slurdown), and code(\slurboth) are available. dit(code(slurdash)) Set to 0 for normal slurs, 1 for dotted slurs, and a larger value for dashed slurs. Identifiers code(\slurnormal) and code(\slurdotted) are predefined to set the first two settings. dit(code(hshift)) Set to 1 to enable LilyPond to shift notes horizontally if they collide with other notes. This is useful when typesetting many voices on one staff. The identifier code(\shift) is defined to enable this. dit(code(dynamicdir)) Determines location of dynamic marks. Set to code(\up) to print marks above the staff; set to code(\down) to print marks below the staff. dit(code(textalignment)) Controls alignment of superscripted and subscripted text. Set to \left to align the left end of the text with the note; set to \right to align the right end of the text with the note. Set to \center to align the center of the text with the note. dit(code(textstyle)) Set the text style for superscripts and subscripts. See above for list of text styles. dit(code(fontsize)) Can be used to select smaller font sizes for music. The normal font size is 0, and the two smaller sizes are -1 and -2. dit(code(pletvisibility)) Determines whether tuplets of notes are labelled. Setting to 0 shows nothing; setting to 1 shows a number; setting to 2 shows a number and a bracket if there is no beam; setting to 3 shows a number, and if there is no beam it adds a bracket; setting to 4 shows both a number and a bracket unconditionally. ) subsubsubsect(Staff properties) description( dit(code(defaultclef)) Determines the default clef. See code(\clef) keyword. dit(code(nolines)) Sets the number of lines that the staff has. dit(code(barAlways)) If set to 1 a bar line is drawn after each note. dit(code(defaultBarType)) Sets the default type of bar line. See code(\bar) keyword. dit(code(keyoctaviation)) If set to 1, then keys are the same in all octaves. If set to 0 then the key signature for different octaves can be different and is specified independently: code(\keysignature bes fis'). The default value is 1. Can be set to zero with code(\specialkey) or reset to 1 with code(\normalkey). dit(code(instrument) and code(instr)) If code(Staff_margin_engraver) is added to the Staff translator, then the code(instrument) property is used to label the first line of the staff and the code(instr) property is used to label subsequent lines. COMMENT(This prints the instrument name on top of the staff lines.) dit(code(abbrev)) Set length for tremolo to be used if no length is explicitly specified. dit(code(createKeyOnClefChange)) Set to a nonempty string if you want key signatures to be printed when the clef changes. Set to the empty string (the default) if you do not want key signatures printed. dit(code(timeSignatureStyle)) Specify a character to print for the time signature. The different time signature characters are shown below with their names: mudela(fragment,center)( \relative c'' { \property Voice.textstyle = typewriter \property Staff.timeSignatureStyle = "C" \time 2/2; a2^"C" a2 \time 2/2; \property Staff.timeSignatureStyle = "old3_2" a2_"old3\_2" a2 \time 2/2; \property Staff.timeSignatureStyle = "oldC" a2^"oldC" a2 \time 2/2; \property Staff.timeSignatureStyle = "old6_4" a2_"old6\_4" a2 \time 2/2; \property Staff.timeSignatureStyle = "old9_4" a2^"old9\_4" a2 } ) COMMENT( timeSignatureSymbol? timeSignatureChar? ) ) subsubsubsect(GrandStaff properties) description( dit(code(maxVerticalAlign)) Set the maximum vertical distance between staffs. dit(code(minVerticalAlign)) Set the minimum vertical distance between staffs. ) subsubsubsect(Score properties) description( dit(code(SkipBars)) Set to 1 to skip the empty bars that are produced by multimeasure notes and rests. These bars will not appear on the printed output. Set to zero (the default) to expand multimeasure notes and rests into their full length, printing the appropriate number of empty bars so that synrchonization with other voices is preserved. COMMENT(meaning of "skip" here seems to be different from the meaning used for the keyword \skip.) dit(code(beamquantisation)) Set to code(\none) for no quantization. Set to code(\normal) to quantize position and slope. Set to code(\traditional) to avoid wedges. These three settings are available via code(\beamposfree), code(\beamposnormal), and code(\beampostraditional). dit(code(beamslopedamping)) Set to code(\none) for undamped beams. Set to code(\normal) for damped beams. Set to code(\infinity) for beams with zero slope. The identifiers code(\beamslopeproportional), code(\beamslopedamped), and code(\beamslopezero) each set the corresponding value. ) COMMENT( Mystery properties: "barScriptPadding" vertical space for numbers "markScriptPadding" vertical space for marks "singleStaffBracket" do single staffs get a bracket? "barColumnPriority" "barNumberBreakPriority" Control horizontal ordering "markBreakPriority" of bars, clefs, keysig"marginBreakPriority" etc. Slated for revision ) sect(Pre-defined Identifiers) label(ident) Various identifiers are defined in the initialization files to provide shorthands for some settings. description( dit(code(\break)) Force a line break in music by using a large argument for the keyword code(\penalty). dit(code(\center)) Used for setting textalignment property. Is set to 0. dit(code(\cr)) Start a crescendo. dit(code(\decr)) Start a decrescendo. dit(code(\down)) Used for setting direction setting properties. Is equal to -1. dit(code(\f)) Print forte symbol on the preceeding note. dit(code(\ff)) Print fortissimo symbol on the preceeding note. dit(code(\fff)) Print fortississimo symbol on preceeding note. dit(code(\fp)) Print fortepiano symbol on preceeding note. dit(code(\free)) Used for setting direction setting properties. Is equal to 0. dit(code(\Gourlay)) Used for setting the paper variable code(castingalgorithm). Is equal to 1.0. dit(code(\infinity)) Used for setting the Score.beamslopedamping property. Is actually equal to 10000. dit(code(\left)) Used for setting textalignment property. Is equal to -1. dit(code(\mf)) Print mezzoforte symbol on preceeding note. dit(code(\mp)) Print mezzopiano symbol on preceeding note. dit(code(\nobreak)) Prevent a line break in music by using a large negative argument for the keyword code(\penalty). dit(code(\none)) Used for setting Score.beamslopedamping and Score.beamquantisation properties. Is equal to 0. dit(code(\normal)) Used for setting Score.beamslopedamping and Score.beamquantisation properties. Is equal to 1. dit(code(\normalkey)) Select normal key signatures where each octave has the same key signature. This sets the Staff.keyoctaviation property. dit(code(\p)) Print a piano symbol on preceeding note. dit(code(\pp)) Print pianissimo symbol on preceeding note. dit(code(\ppp)) Print pianississimo symbol on preceeding note. dit(code(\rc)) Terminate a crescendo. dit(code(\rced)) Terminate a decrescendo dit(code(\right)) Used for setting textalignment property. Is set to 1. dit(code(\sf)) Print a ?? symbol on preceeding note. dit(code(\sfz)) Print a ?? symbol on preceeding note. dit(code(\shiftoff)) Disable horizontal shifting of note heads that collide. Sets the Voice.hshift property. dit(code(\shifton)) Enable note heads that collide with other note heads to be shifted horiztonally. Sets the Voice.hshift property. dit(code(\slurboth)) Allow slurs to be above or below notes. This sets the Voice.slurydirection property. dit(code(\slurdown)) Force slurs to be below notes. This sets the Voice.slurydirection property. dit(code(\slurup)) Force slurs to be above notes. This sets the Voice.slurydirection property. dit(code(\specialkey)) Allow keys signatures do differ in different octaves. This sets the Staff.keyoctaviation property. dit(code(\stemboth)) Allow stems, beams, and slurs to point either direction. This sets the Voice.ydirection property. dit(code(\stemdown)) Force stems, beams, and slurs to point down. This sets the Voice.ydirection property. dit(code(\stemup)) Force stems, beams and slurs to point up. This sets the Voice.ydirection property. dit(code(\traditional)) Used for setting the Score.beamquantisation property. Is equal to 2. dit(code(\up)) Used for setting various direction properties. Is equal to 1. dit(code(\voiceone)) Enter Voice context called code(one) and force stems down. (See code(\stemdown).) dit(code(\voicetwo)) Enter Voice context called code(two) and force stems up. (See code(\stemup).) dit(code(\voicethree)) Enter Voice context called code(three) and force stems up. dit(code(\voicefour)) Enter Voice context called code(four), force stems down and turn on horizontal shifting. (See code(\stemdown) and code(\shifton).) dit(code(\Wordwrap)) Used for setting the paper variable code(castingalgorithm). Equal to 0.0. ) sect(The code(\paper) Block) label(paper) The code(\paper) block may begin with an optional identifier reference. No identifier references are allowed anywhere else in the block. The keywords code(\shape), code(\)code(output) and code(\translator) may appear in this block. In addition, variable assignments may appear. The variables control layout details and are set to reasonable defaults that depend on the font size in use. The only way to find out what variables are supported is to search the source code for code(get_var). subsect(Paper variables) There are a large number of paper variables that are used to set internal details of the layout. Usually you will not want to change these variables. Two variables that you may want to change are code(linewidth) and code(indent). description( dit(var(integer)) If an integer appears on the left side of an assignment then a code(\symboltables) keyword must appear on the right side. This defines a music font at a particular size. See Voice property code(\fontsize). dit(code(arithmetic_basicspace) and code(arithmetic_multiplier)) The space taken by a note is determined by the formula verb(arithmetic_multiplier * ( c + time )) where code(time) is the amount of time a note occupies. The value of code(c) is affected by code(arithmetic_basicspace). Increasing code(arithmetic_basicspace) will increase code(c). dit(code(barsize)) Specify height of bars. This value may need to be adjusted if you change the number of lines in the staff. dit(code(beam_dir_algorithm)) Specify algorithm for determining whether beams go up or down. It is real valued. If set to 2.0 then majority selection is used. If set to 3.0, then mean selection is used based on the mean center distance. If set to 4.0 then median selection is used, based on the median center distance. dit(code(beam_ideal_stem1)) dit(code(beam_ideal_stem2)) dit(code(beam_minimum_stem1)) dit(code(beam_minimum_stem2)) dit(code(beam_multiple_break)) dit(code(beam_slope_damp_correct_factor)) dit(code(beam_thickness)) Specify the thickness of beams. dit(code(castingalgorithm)) dit(code(forced_stem_shorten)) Stems that have been forced to go the unnatural direction are shortened by this amount. Equal to code(\interline) by default. dit(code(gourlay_energybound)) dit(code(gourlay_maxmeasures)) Maximum number of measures per line when using Gourlay method. Decreasing this greatly reduces computation time. Default value: 10. dit(code(indent)) Sets the indentation of the first line of music. dit(code(interbeam)) dit(code(interbeam4)) dit(code(interline)) The distance between two staff lines, calculated from the center of the lines. dit(code(linewidth)) Sets the width of the lines. If it is set to -1.0, then a single unjustified line is produced. dit(code(notewidth)) Width of an average note head. dit(code(rulethickness)) Determines thickness of staff lines and bars. dit(code(slur_clip_angle)) dit(code(slur_clip_height)) dit(code(slur_clip_ratio)) dit(code(slur_height_limit)) dit(code(slur_ratio)) dit(code(slur_rc_factor)) dit(code(slur_slope_damping)) dit(code(slur_thickness)) dit(code(slur_x_gap)) dit(code(slur_x_minimum)) dit(code(staffheight)) The height of the staff from the center of the bottom line to the center of the top line. Equal to to code(4 * \interline). dit(code(stem_length)) Specify length of stems for notes in the staff that don't have beams. dit(code(stemthickness)) Specifies the thickness of the stem lines. dit(code(tie_slope_damping)) dit(code(tie_x_minimum)) ) subsect(Translators) label(translators) The behavior of notation contexts is defined by the translators for those contexts. The translator for a context specifies what notations are handled by the context, it specifies what other contexts the context can contain, and it sets property values for the context. The default contexts are all defined in file( An easy way to change the behavior of a context is to copy the definition from that file and modify it. The first thing that appears inside a code(\translator) definition is the type of the context being created. There are four types: description( dit(code(Engraver_group_engraver)) dit(code(Hara_kiri_line_group_engraver)) dit(code(Line_group_engraver_group)) dit(code(Score_engraver)) ) COMMENT( The names of these types seem somewhat confusing. ) After the type of the context is specified, property assignments and code(\consists) and code(\accepts) keywords can appear in any order. Each code(\accepts) keyword specifies what contexts can be contained inside this one. The code(\consists) keywords specify which notations are handled by the context. Each code(\consists) keyword specifies the name of an engraver which handles a certain notation. Here is a list of the engravers. description( dit(code(Abbreviation_beam_engraver)) dit(code(Bar_column_engraver)) dit(code(Bar_engraver)) Engraves bar lines. Normally in code(Staff) and code(RhythmicStaff). dit(code(Bar_number_engraver)) Engrave bar numbers. These numbers appear at the start of each line. Not normally in any translator. Can be added to code(Score) for Score-wide numbering or to code(Staff) for numbering on each staff. dit(code(Beam_engraver)) Handles beam requests by engraving beams. Normally appears in the code(Voice) translator. If omitted, then notes will be printed with flags instead of beams. dit(code(Beam_req_swallow_translator)) Swallows beam requests. In code(LyricVoice). dit(code(Clef_engraver)) Engraves the clef symbol. Normally in code(Staff). dit(code(Collision_engraver)) dit(code(Dot_column_engraver)) Engraves dots on dotted notes shifted to the right of the note. Normally in code(Voice). If omitted, then dots appear on top of the notes. dit(code(Dynamic_engraver)) Engraves dynamics symbols. Normally in code(Voice). dit(code(Font_size_engraver)) dit(code(Key_engraver)) Engraves the key signature. Normally in code(Staff). dit(code(Local_key_engraver)) dit(code(Lyric_engraver)) Engraves lyrics. Normally in code(LyricVoice). dit(code(Multi_measure_rest_engraver)) Engraves multi-measure rests that are produced with code(R). Normally in code(Voice). dit(code(Note_heads_engraver)) Engraves note heads. Normally in code(Voice). Removing this gives a fatal error. COMMENT(Perhaps should be Note_head_engraver) dit(code(Piano_bar_engraver)) dit(code(Pitch_squash_engraver)) Treat all pitches as middle C. Used in code(RhythmicStaff). Note that the notes move, but the locations of accidentals stay the same. dit(code(Plet_engraver)) Engraves brackets and the number over tuplets. In code(Voice). dit(code(Plet_swallow_engraver)) Swallows tuplet requests without any output. In code(LyricVoice). COMMENT( Should this be named Plet_req_swallow_translator? ) dit(code(Priority_horizontal_align_engraver)) dit(code(Rest_collision_engraver)) Handles collisions of rests. In code(Staff). dit(code(Rest_engraver)) Engraves rests. Normally in code(Voice). dit(code(Rhythmic_column_engraver)) dit(code(Score_priority_engraver)) dit(code(Script_engraver)) Handles note ornaments generated by code(\script). Normally in code(Voice). dit(code(Separating_line_group_engraver)) dit(code(Skip_req_swallow_translator)) dit(code(Slur_engraver)) Engraves slurs. Normally in code(Voice). dit(code(Span_bar_engraver)) Engraves lines across multiple staffs. Normally in code(Staffgroup) and code(GrandStaff). Removing this from code(StaffGroup) gives the definition of code(ChoirStaff). dit(code(Span_score_bar_engraver)) dit(code(Staff_group_bar_engraver)) dit(code(Staff_margin_engraver)) Prints the name of the instrument (specified by code(Staff.instrument) and code(Staff.instr)) at the left of the staff. dit(code(Staff_sym_engraver)) dit(code(Stem_engraver)) Engraves stems. Normally in code(Voice). dit(code(Ties_engraver)) Engraves ties. Normally in code(Voice). COMMENT(perhaps should be named Tie_engraver?) dit(code(Time_signature_engraver)) Engraves the time signature. Normally in code(Staff) and code(RhythmicStaff). dit(code(Timing_engraver)) Responsible for synchronizing timing information from staffs. Normally in code(Score). In order to create polyrhythmic music, this engraver should be removed from code(Score) and placed in code(Staff). dit(code(Vertical_align_engraver)) )