Keywords: midi notation music typesetting gnu Subject: LilyPond 0.1 released - The GNU Project music typesetter BORN August 1, 1997 Lily (GNU LilyPond 0.1) daughter to Jan 'Janneke' Nieuwenhuizen and Han-Wen 'Wendy' Nienhuys Lily is a healthy, bouncing baby weighing 345 kilobytes Visiting hours: 24 hours a day at (Europe) (US) You can see some babyfood, diapers and pictures at You can send your congratulations to Janneke ( and Wendy ( GNU LilyPond - The GNU Project Music Typesetter ``WHAT IS GNU LilyPond?'' Well Mike, GNU LilyPond is a program which converts music definition files into visual or auditive output: it can typeset formatted sheet music to a TeX file and (mechanical) performances to MIDI files. We have been working very hard on this system for the past year, and we finally think that it is ready to be used and hacked at by a larger public than us. WHY ? We want to create tools to produce production quality scores and parts of public domain music. BUT .. We haven't yet reached that goal: * The quality of the output isn't good enough yet due to some unsophisticated algorithms * Some features haven't been implemented, due to lack of time; most of them can be done quite simply This is why we don't consider this software stable yet. It generally does what it is supposed to, but we reserve the right to make (incompatible) changes to the input format. We consider it of BETA quality. WE WANT YOU! You can become a user, but we'd really appreciate it if you would start hacking at Lily, and help us advance our project more quickly. ``YES, IT IS FANTASTIC! WHAT DO I NEED?'' For compilation you need Unix. (windows32 is known to work, too) GNU C++ v2.7 or better, with libg++ installed. GNU make. Flex (2.5.1 or better). Bison. (1.25 or better) For running you need TeX MusiXTeX fonts The MusiXTeX fonts are part of the MusiXTeX package version T.73, available at any CTAN mirror, or ``WHAT CAN LILYPOND DO?'' ASCII script input (mudela), with identifiers (for music reuse), customizable notenames. MIDI output lets you check if you have entered the correct notes. MIDI to Mudela conversion through the mi2mu program. Multiple staffs in one score. Each staff can have a different meters. Multiple voices within one staff (up to four handled graciously); beams optionally shared between voices. Multiple scores within one input file. Each score is output to a different file. Beams, slurs, chords, super/subscripts (accents and text), general n-plet (triplet, quadruplets, etc.), lyrics, transposition, dynamics (both absolute and hairpin style), clef changes, meter changes, cadenza-mode, key changes, repeat bars. Integration with LaTeX through Perl scripts. ``WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFO?'' Sources for this project are on (Europe) (US) More detailed info and examples can be found on the webpage at THANK YOU, Thanks go out to Mats Bengtsson, Werner Lemberg and Richard Stallman for comments and contributions. **** NOTE LilyPond might have a minor bug if you use glibc-2; we will look into it If you use glibc-2, please try 0.1.0 to see if it works and, download 0.1.1 when it's available. LilyPond might exhibit a g++ bug on Solaris 1.5 (The stack frame gets corrupted by a constructor) if you compile with -O2. We don't know workarounds. --- * --- We would like to dedicate this program to all the friends that we met through music. Those deserving special mention (in no particular order): Esther, Marijke, Heike, Inge, Judith, Hannah, Auke, Ilse, Evelyn, Maartje, Suzanne, Ilse (gee, again?) and last (but certainly not least) Janneke! HWN That's a nice thought, Wendy. I've got a few too, to spread the credits a bit (Again, no particular order) Michelle, Illushka, Ruth, Eva, Fro/ydis, Monique, Noor, Sascha, Monique, Ilse, Monique, Eva, Roos, Judith, Tim and, of course, Wendy! JCN Of course, our other friends in the `Eindhovens Jongeren Ensemble' ( cannot go unmentioned either. --- * ---