.TH "LilyPond" "1" "1998" "The LilyPond package" "mudela-book" .PP .PP .SH "NAME" mudela-book \- integrate LaTeX and mudela .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fBmudela-book\fP is a script that helps integrating mudela and \&. mudela-book runs LilyPond on fragments of mudela in your source file, and includes the results into document that can be processed with \&. The result is a text document with formatted music integrated\&. .PP If the file contains the ``block\'\' .PP .DS \ebegin{mudela} CONTENTS \eend{mudela} .DE .PP then LilyPond is run on CONTENTS\&. mudela-book puts the result back, surrounded by \f(CW\epreMudelaExample\fP and \f(CW\epostMudelaExample\fP commands\&. The \f(CW\ebegin\fP takes the following options: .PP .IP "fragment" mudela-book adds some redtape\&. You can substitute voice-contents for CONTENTS in this case\&. .IP "verbatim" CONTENTS is copied into the TeX source enclosed in a verbatim block\&. .PP .SH "Synopsis" .PP .IP "--outname" The name of file to output\&. If this option is not given, the output name derived from the input name\&. The extension \fB\&.doc\fP is stripped, and \f(CW\&.mudtex\fP appended\&. .IP "--outdir" The directory to output lilypond output and input to\&. .IP "--help" print a short help message .PP .SH "BUGS" .PP Doesn\'t handle incorrect input sanely\&. mudela-book is written in python, so you have install python\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" .PP Han-Wen Nienhuys , http://www\&.cs\&.uu\&.nl/people/hanwen .PP