.TH "LilyPond" "1" "1998" "The LilyPond package" "The GNU Project Music Typesetter" .PP .PP .SH "NAME" LilyPond \- the GNU Music Typesetter .PP .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBlilypond\fP [OPTION]\&.\&.\&. [MUDELA-FILE]\&.\&.\&. .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP LilyPond is the GNU Project music typesetter\&. This program can print beautiful sheet music from a music definition file\&. It can also play mechanical performances to a MIDI file\&. Features include multiple staffs, meters, clefs, keys, lyrics, versatile input language, cadenzas, beams, slurs, triplets, named chords, transposing, formatting scores, part extraction\&. It includes a nice font of musical symbols\&. .PP .SH "OPTIONS" .IP "-I,--include=FILE" add \fBFILE\fP to the search path for input files\&. .IP "-M,--midi" This disables TeX output\&. If you have a \emidi definition, it will do the midi output only\&. .IP "-d,--dependencies" Also output rules to be included in Makefile\&. .IP "-D,--debug" Turn debugging info on\&. GNU LilyPond reads the file \fB\&.dstreamrc\fP, which lists what functions and classes may produce copious debugging output\&. .IP "-s,--safe" Disallow untrusted \f(CW\einclude\fP directives, backslashes in code and named output\&. .IP "-t,--test" Switch on any experimental features\&. Not for general public use\&. .IP "-w,--warranty" Show the warranty with which GNU LilyPond comes\&. (It comes with \fBNO WARRANTY\fP!) .IP "-o,--output=FILE" Set the default output file to \fBFILE\fP\&. .IP "-h,--help" Show a summary of usage\&. .IP "-i,--init=FILE" Set init file to \fBFILE\fP (default: \fBinit\&.ly\fP)\&. .IP "--include, -I=DIRECTORY" Add \fBDIRECTORY\fP to the search path for input files\&. .IP "--ignore-version, -V" Make incompatible mudela version non-fatal\&. .PP .SH "FEATURES" .PP This is an overview of the features that GNU LilyPond supports\&. For details on how to use them, you should consult the Mudela tutorial, which is included with the package\&. .PP .IP o ASCII script input, with identifiers (for music reuse), customizable notenames, customisable fontset\&. .IP o MIDI output lets you check if you have entered the correct notes\&. .IP o MIDI to Mudela conversion through the mi2mu program\&. .IP o Multiple staffs in one score\&. Each staff can have different meters\&. .IP o Beams, slurs, ties, chords, super/subscripts (accents and text) triplets, general n-plet (triplet, quadruplets, etc\&.), lyrics, transposition dynamics (both absolute and hairpin style)\&. .IP o Multiple voices within one staff; beams optionally shared between voices\&. Up to four voices is handled cleanly\&. .IP o Multiple scores within one input file\&. Each score is output to a different file\&. .IP o Clef changes, meter changes, cadenza-mode, key changes, repeat bars\&. .PP .SH "DISCLAIMER" .PP GNU LilyPond is copyright 1996-1998 by its authors\&. GNU LilyPond is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License\&. GNU LilyPond is provided without any warranty what so ever\&. GNU LilyPond may be freely distributed\&. For further information consult the GNU General Public License, from the file \fBCOPYING\fP\&. .PP .SH "PROBLEMS" .PP There is an extensive list of todoes and bugs\&. See \fBTODO\fP\&. If you have a problem you should try to find out .PP .IP o If the bug has been fixed in a newer release\&. .IP o If the bug has been found earlier, consult \fBTODO\fP and \fBBUGS\fP\&. .PP If you have found a bug, then you should send a bugreport\&. .PP .IP o Send a copy of the input which causes the error\&. .IP o Send a description of the platform you use\&. .IP o Send a description of the LilyPond version you use (with compile/configure options please)\&. .IP o Send a description of the bug itself\&. .IP o Send it to bug-gnu-music@gnu\&.org (you don\'t have to subscribe to this mailinglist)\&. .PP .SH "FILES" .IP "\fBinit\&.ly\fP" The initialisation file with symbol tables etc\&. It includes files from the directory \fBinit/\fP\&. .PP manspagesection(environment) .PP .IP "LILYINCLUDE" additional directories for finding lilypond data\&. The format is like the format of \fBPATH\fP\&. .IP "LANG" selects the language for the warning messages of LilyPond\&. .PP .SH "BUGS" .PP Lots of them\&. See \fBTODO\fP and \fBBUGS\fP .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP .IP "internals" On technical details of LilyPond .IP "mudela-man" On the input format\&. This is a LilyPond-enhanced LaTeX document\&. .IP "MANIFESTO" Goals of the GNU LilyPond project\&. .IP "FAQ" The GNU LilyPond FAQ list .IP "GNU LilyPond" has her own webpage\&. This webpage contains the MIDI, GIF and PS files for some standard music files\&. It also has the complete LilyPond documentation .PP GNU LilyPond is updated very frequently, the latest version is always available at: ftp://pcnov095\&.win\&.tue\&.nl/pub/lilypond\&. This FTP site is mirrored at a number of sites; consult the project web pages for information about mirrors\&. .PP For programs which are part of the GNU music project, the following mailing list have been setup: .PP .IP "info-gnu-music@gnu\&.org " For information on the GNU Music project, to subscribe: send mail with subject "subscribe" to info-gnu-music-request@gnu\&.org .IP "help-gnu-music@gnu\&.org " For help with programs from the GNU music project\&. To subscribe: send mail with subject "subscribe" to help-gnu-music-request@gnu\&.org .IP "bug-gnu-music@gnu\&.org " If you have bugreports, you should send them to this list\&. If you want to read all bugreports, you should subscribe to this list\&. To subscribe: send mail with subject "subscribe" to bug-gnu-music-request@gnu\&.org .IP "gnu-music-discuss@gnu\&.org " For discussions concerning the GNU Music project, to subscribe: send mail with subject "subscribe" to gnu-music-discuss-request@gnu\&.org .PP Announces of new versions will be sent to info-gnu-music and gnu-music-discuss\&. .PP .SH "REMARKS" .PP GNU LilyPond has no connection with the music package Rosegarden, other than the names being similar (:-) .PP .SH "HISTORY" .PP (for a detailed changelog, see \fBNEWS\fP) .PP GNU LilyPond\'s roots lie in MPP, a preprocessor to the rather arcane MusiXTeX macro package for TeX\&. A friend of mine, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote the first 44 versions (0\&.01 to 0\&.44), then his program caught my attention, and I was slowly sucked in to the interesting problem of easily producing beautifully printed music\&. I contributed some code\&. We soon realised that MPP\'s design was too fundamentally broken to be repaired, so it was decided to rewrite MPP\&. We debated a lot about the requirements to an inputformat (fall 1995)\&. I sat down and started with a parser-first, bottom-up rewrite called mpp95 (which totally failed, obviously)\&. .PP After long and hard thinking, I came up with an algorithm for the horizontal spacing of multiple staffs (april 1996) I coded it (and did not test it)\&. After starting with this fundamental piece, I slowly added the stages which come before spacing, and after\&. A half year later, I had a first working version, (october 1996)\&. I announced Patchlevel 0\&.0\&.7 (or 8) to the mutex list after asking some technical details on spacing; it was downloaded approximately 4 times\&. Then I got the hang of it, and in the subsequent two months, I coded until it had doubled in size (pl 23)\&. .PP Most the other history is described in the NEWS file\&. The first large scale release (0\&.1) was done after approximately 78 patchlevels on August 1, 1997\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" .PP Please consult the documentation file \fBAUTHORS\&.txt\fP for more detailed information, and small contributions\&. .PP .IP o Han-wen Nienhuys http://www\&.cs\&.uu\&.nl/people/hanwen .IP o Jan Nieuwenhuizen http://www\&.xs4all\&.nl/~jantien