.TH "LilyPond" "1" "1999" "abc2ly" "The LilyPond package" .PP .PP .SH "NAME" abc2ly \- convert ABC to Mudela .PP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP abc2ly translates an ABC file (see http://www\&.gre\&.ac\&.uk/~c\&.walshaw/abc2mtex/) input file to Mudela (GNU LilyPond source format)\&. abc2ly is part of the GNU LilyPond music typesetting package\&. .PP manpagessynopsis() .PP abc2ly [options] abc-file .PP .SH "OPTIONS" .PP .IP "-h, --help," Show a summary of usage\&. .IP "-o, --output=\fBFILE\fP," Set \fBFILE\fP as default output\&. If nothing specified, output to stdoutt\&. .PP .SH "DISCLAIMER" .PP abc2ly is copyright 1996, 1997 by its authors\&. abc2ly is distributed as part of GNU LilyPond, under the terms of the GNU General Public License\&. abc2ly is provided without any warranty what so ever\&. abc2ly may be freely distributed\&. For further information consult the GNU General Public License, from the file \fBCOPYING\fP\&. .PP .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP .IP "\fBlilypond\fP(1)" The GNU LilyPond music typesetter\&. .PP .SH "BUGS" .PP \fBabc2ly\fP gets order of slurs, ties and chord endings wrong\&. Some of the header fields are not fully supported\&. Music with lyrics will print the lyrics doubly\&. \fBabc2ly\fP also gets confused about tuplet endings\&. \fBabc2ly\fP does not use relative octaves\&. .PP .SH "AUTHOR" .PP Please consult the documentation file \fBAUTHORS\fP for more detailed information, and small contributions\&. .PP Jan Nieuwenhuizen , http://www\&.xs4all\&.nl/~jantien Han-Wen Nienhuys , http://www\&.cs\&.uu\&.nl/~hanwen