mailto( COMMENT(ugh, should be automated) COMMENT(urg (PIPETHROUGH(echo -n `date '+%d/%b/%y'|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`)()) ) manpage(convert-mudela) (1) (1998) (The LilyPond package) (convert-mudela) metalC(Automatically generated by yodl(1) from convert-mudela.yo.) manpagename(convert-mudela)(convert-mudela to newer versions) convert-mudela sequentially applies different mudela-conversions to upgrade a Mudela input file. manpagedescription() Upgrade a Mudela input file from FROM_PATCHLEVEL to TO_PATCHLEVEL. If no files are given, the standard input and output are used. manpagesynopsis() convert-mudela [options] [files] manpageoptions() description( dit(--output) The output file to write dit(--edit) Do an inline edit of the input file. override @samp{--output} dit(--show-rules) shows all known conversions, and exit dit(--from=FROM_PATCHLEVEL) Set the level to convert from. If this is not set, convert-mudela will guess this, on the basis of code(\version) strings in the file dit(--to=TO_PATCHLEVEL) Set the goal version of the conversion. It defaults to the latest available version. ) manpagesection(BUGS) Not all language changes are handled. Multiple output options won't work. convert-mudela is written in python, so you have install url(python)( manpageauthor() nemail(Han-Wen Nienhuys)(, lurl(