article(links - Links to other related websites)(HWN and JCN)() sect(DESCRIPTION) This page contains links to organisations and ftp-sites, which may be of interest to LilyPond users. sect(WWW) nsubsect(LilyPond) description( dit(lurl('s site. dit(lurl( canadian mirror (thanks, Eric!) ) subsect(Other) description( dit(lurl( LilyPond is part of the GNU Project. The GNU project is the name of Richard Stallman's effort to create a freely available system of software. dit(lurl( The documentation system for C++ sources, which is used for the LilyPond sources. dit(lurl( LilyPond documentation is in Yodl. You'll need a recent development version from lurl( dit(lurl( An enormous collection of music related URLs dit(lurl( Musings on free music, plus hints how to record your own (free) music. dit(lurl( John Sankey has taken up the task of recording classical music, and distributing the results at no cost. ) sect(Ftp) At this moment we have about one development-patchlevel per week. These development releases will be at itemize( it()lurl( it()lurl( it()lurl( ) Debian releases are located at lurl( and lurl(*.deb) sect(News) The following newsgroups all contain material relevant to LilyPond itemize( it()lurl(news:// it()lurl(news:// it()lurl(news://gnu.announce) it()lurl(news://comp.os.linux.announce) ) sect(Mailing lists) includefile(mail.yo) sect(Backlinks) description( dit(lurl( The Number One Free Operating System Kernel: Linux dit(lurl( Dave Philips' Linux sound applications page dit(lurl( Jeff Covey's guitar music dit(lurl( Stochastic composing using LilyPond dit(lurl( More software for (early) music. dit(lurl( Transcriptions of the music of Thomas Ravenscroft, partly using LilyPond dit(lurl( RedHat Software Inc. develops and markets a GNU/Linux distribution (of which we are avid users) )