@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; documentlanguage: ja -*- @ignore Translation of GIT committish: 499a511d4166feaada31114e097f86b5e0c56421 When revising a translation, copy the HEAD committish of the version that you are working on. See TRANSLATION for details. @end ignore @c \version "2.12.0" @c Translators: Yoshiki Sawada @c Translation status: post-GDP @node テンプレート @appendix テンプレート @translationof Templates このセクションにはセットアップ済みの LilyPond 楽譜を持つテンプレートがあります。音符を付け加えて、LilyPond を実行してください。あとは美しく譜刻された楽譜をお楽しみください! @menu * 単一の譜表:: * ピアノ テンプレート:: * 弦楽四重奏:: * 合唱:: * Ancient notation templates:: * Jazz combo:: * lilypond-book templates:: @end menu @node 単一の譜表 @appendixsec 単一の譜表 @translationof Single staff @appendixsubsec 音符のみ @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc,addversion] {single-staff-template-with-only-notes.ly} @appendixsubsec 音符と歌詞 @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc,addversion] {single-staff-template-with-notes-and-lyrics.ly} @appendixsubsec 音符とコード @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {single-staff-template-with-notes-and-chords.ly} @appendixsubsec 音符、歌詞それにコード @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {single-staff-template-with-notes,-lyrics,-and-chords.ly} @node ピアノ テンプレート @appendixsec ピアノ テンプレート @translationof Piano templates @appendixsubsec ソロ ピアノ @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {piano-template-simple.ly} @appendixsubsec ピアノと歌詞を持つ旋律 @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {piano-template-with-melody-and-lyrics.ly} @appendixsubsec 中央に歌詞を持つピアノ譜 @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {piano-template-with-centered-lyrics.ly} @appendixsubsec 中央に強弱記号を持つピアノ譜 @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {piano-template-with-centered-dynamics.ly} @node 弦楽四重奏 @appendixsec 弦楽四重奏 @translationof String quartet @appendixsubsec 弦楽四重奏 @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {string-quartet-template-simple.ly} @appendixsubsec 弦楽四重奏パート @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {string-quartet-template-with-separate-parts.ly} @node 合唱 @appendixsec 合唱 @translationof Vocal ensembles @appendixsubsec SATB ボーカル譜 @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {vocal-ensemble-template.ly} @appendixsubsec SATB ボーカル譜と自動ピアノ譜 @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {vocal-ensemble-template-with-automatic-piano-reduction.ly} @appendixsubsec 整列されたコンテキストを持つ SATB @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {vocal-ensemble-template-with-lyrics-aligned-below-and-above-the-staves.ly} @c bad node name to avoid node name conflict @node Ancient notation templates @appendixsec Ancient notation templates @translationof Ancient notation templates @appendixsubsec Transcription of mensural music @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {ancient-notation-template----modern-transcription-of-mensural-music.ly} @appendixsubsec Gregorian transcription template @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {ancient-notation-template----modern-transcription-of-gregorian-music.ly} @node Jazz combo @appendixsec Jazz combo @translationof Jazz combo @lilypondfile[verbatim,lilyquote,ragged-right,texidoc] {jazz-combo-template.ly} @ignore This isn't very useful, and only duplicates material in "global issues". And if this info changes, this section often gets forgotten. @no de Other templates @se ction Other templates @su bsection All headers This template displays all available headers. Some of them are only used in the Mutopia project; they don't affect the printed output at all. They are used if you want the piece to be listed with different information in the Mutopia database than you wish to have printed on the music. For example, Mutopia lists the composer of the famous D major violin concerto as TchaikovskyPI, whereas perhaps you wish to print "Petr Tchaikowski" on your music. @ The `line-width' is for \header. @li lypond[quote,verbatim,ragged-right,line-width] \version "2.12.0" \header { dedication = "dedication" title = "Title" subtitle = "Subtitle" subsubtitle = "Subsubtitle" composer = "Composer (xxxx-yyyy)" opus = "Opus 0" piece = "Piece I" meter = "meter" instrument = "Instrument" arranger = "Arranger" poet = "Poet" texttranslator = "Translator" copyright = "public domain" % These are headers used by the Mutopia Project % http://www.mutopiaproject.org/ mutopiatitle = "" mutopiacomposer = "" mutopiapoet = "" mutopiainstrument = "" date = "composer's dates" source = "urtext " maintainer = "your name here" maintainerEmail = "your email here" maintainerWeb = "your home page" lastupdated = "2004/Aug/26" } \score { { c'4 } \header { piece = "piece1" opus = "opus1" } } \score { { c'4 } \header { piece = "piece2" opus = "opus2" } } @end lilypond @end ignore @node lilypond-book templates @appendixsec lilypond-book templates @translationof lilypond-book templates These templates are for use with @code{lilypond-book}. If you're not familiar with this program, please refer to @rprogram{LilyPond-book}. @appendixsubsec LaTeX You can include LilyPond fragments in a LaTeX document. @example \documentclass[]@{article@} \begin@{document@} Normal LaTeX text. \begin@{lilypond@} \relative c'' @{ a4 b c d @} \end@{lilypond@} More LaTeX text. \begin@{lilypond@} \relative c'' @{ d4 c b a @} \end@{lilypond@} \end@{document@} @end example @appendixsubsec Texinfo You can include LilyPond fragments in Texinfo; in fact, this entire manual is written in Texinfo. @example \input texinfo @@node Top Texinfo text @@lilypond[verbatim,fragment,ragged-right] a4 b c d @@end lilypond More Texinfo text @@lilypond[verbatim,fragment,ragged-right] d4 c b a @@end lilypond @@bye @end example @appendixsubsec xelatex @verbatim \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ifxetex} \ifxetex %xetex specific stuff \usepackage{xunicode,fontspec,xltxtra} \setmainfont[Numbers=OldStyle]{Times New Roman} \setsansfont{Arial} \else %This can be empty if you are not going to use pdftex \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{mathptmx}%Times \usepackage{helvet}%Helvetica \fi %Here you can insert all packages that pdftex also understands \usepackage[ngerman,finnish,english]{babel} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \title{A short document with LilyPond and xelatex} \maketitle Normal \textbf{font} commands inside the \emph{text} work, because they \textsf{are supported by \LaTeX{} and XeteX.} If you want to use specific commands like \verb+\XeTeX+, you should include them again in a \verb+\ifxetex+ environment. You can use this to print the \ifxetex \XeTeX{} command \else XeTeX command \fi which is not known to normal \LaTeX . In normal text you can easily use LilyPond commands, like this: \begin{lilypond} {a2 b c'8 c' c' c'} \end{lilypond} \noindent and so on. The fonts of snippets set with LilyPond will have to be set from inside of the snippet. For this you should read the AU on how to use lilypond-book. \selectlanguage{ngerman} Auch Umlaute funktionieren ohne die \LaTeX -Befehle, wie auch alle anderen seltsamen Zeichen: __ ______, wenn sie von der Schriftart unterst__tzt werden. \end{document} @end verbatim