@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @ignore Translation of GIT committish: e5d3fb33ceaec6d10e06af0c667e4e982a0028ce When revising a translation, copy the HEAD committish of the version that you are working on. For details, see the Contributors' Guide, node Updating translation committishes.. @end ignore @c \version "2.19.21" @node A kottaszedés @chapter A kottaszedés @translationof Music engraving Ez az esszé leírja, miért született a LilyPond, és hogyan képes ilyen gyönyörű kottákat előállítani. @c TODO: @c remove 3mm eps bounding box left padding for Sarabande (This will @c require adding a new snippet option to lilypond-book.py @c check formatting of HTML output @menu * A LilyPond története:: * A kottaszedés fortélyai:: * Automated engraving:: * Building software:: * Putting LilyPond to work:: * Engraved examples (BWV 861):: @end menu @node A LilyPond története @section A LilyPond története @translationof The LilyPond story Mielőtt a LilyPondot koncerteken használt csodaszép kották szedésére kezdtük volna használni, mielőtt zenetudományi dokumentumok zenei idézeteit vagy akár egyszerű dallamokat le lehetett volna vele kottázni, mielőtt szerte a világon a felhasználók széles körben kezdték volna használni, vagy ez az esszé megszületett volna, a LilyPond története egy kérdéssel kezdődött: @quotation Miért nem adják vissza a számítógép által szedett kották a kézzel szedett kották szépségét és kiegyensúlyozottságát? @end quotation @noindent Erre többnyire választ kaphatunk, ha górcső alá vesszük a következő két kottát. Az első példa egy gondosan kézzel szedett kotta 1950-ből, a második egy modern, számítógéppel szedett kiadás. @ifnottex @quotation @noindent Bärenreiter BA 320, @copyright{}1950: @sourceimage{baer-suite1-fullpage,,,png} @end quotation @quotation @noindent Henle no. 666, @copyright{}2000: @sourceimage{henle-suite1-fullpage,,,png} @end quotation @end ifnottex J. S. Bach első, csellóra írt szólószvitjének két kiadása hangról hangra megegyezik, mégis megjelenésükben merőben különbözőek, különösen, ha kinyomtatjuk és megszokott távolságból szemléljük őket. Próbáljuk meg mindkét kottapéldát elolvasni, illetve játszani belőlük, és meg fogjuk állapítani, hogy a kézzel szedett kotta használata kellemesebb. Folyékonysága és dinamikája egy élő, lélegző zenemű érzetét kelti, miközben az újabb kiadás hidegnek és mechanikusnak hat. Nehéz egyből észrevenni, miben rejlik a különbség a kották között. Az új kotta első ránézésre rendezett és pontos, talán még „jobb” is, mivel számítógéphez illőbb és egységes a megjelenése. Ez gondolkodóba ejtett minket egy időre. Javítani akartunk a számítógép által szedett kottaképen, de ehhez előbb rá kellett jönnünk, mi volt a gond vele. A válasz az új kotta precíz, matematikai pontosságú egyformaságában rejlik. Keressük csak meg minden sor közepén az ütemvonalakat: a kézzel szedett változatban az ütemvonalak elhelyezkedése természetes módon változik, míg a számítógép szinte pontosan egymás alá, középre szedte őket. Ezt mutatja be a következő egyszerűsített ábra, melyen a kézzel (balra), ill. a komputerrel szedett változat (jobbra) elrendezése látható: @quotation @iftex @sourceimage{pdf/page-layout-comparison,,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{page-layout-comparison,,,png} @end ifnottex @end quotation @noindent A számítógép által előállított szedésben még az egyes kottafejek is függőlegesen egymáshoz lettek igazítva, ami azt az érzetet kelti, mintha a dallamvonal eltűnne egy szimbólumokból álló merev rács mögött. További különbségek is vannak: a kézzel szedett változat függőleges vonalai erősebbek, a kötőívek szorosabban tapadnak a kottafejekhez, és a gerendák szögeiben is nagyobb változatosság figyelhető meg. Noha az ilyen részletes elemzés szőrszálhasogatásnak tűnhet, végeredménye egy olyan kotta, ami egyszerűbben olvasható. A számítógépes kottában minden sor szinte egyforma, és ha a zenész egy pillanatra máshová tekint, hamar elveszítheti a tájékozódást az oldalon. A LilyPond megalkotásának célja az volt, hogy kiküszöböljük a többi kottaszedő szoftver szépséghibáit, és segítségével olyan kottákat lehessen előállítani, melyek szépsége a legigényesebb kézzel szedett kottákéval vetélkedik. @iftex @page @noindent Bärenreiter BA 320, @copyright{}1950: @sourceimage{baer-suite1-fullpage-hires,16cm,,} @page @noindent Henle no. 666, @copyright{}2000: @sp 3 @sourceimage{henle-suite1-fullpage-hires,16cm,,} @page @end iftex @node A kottaszedés fortélyai @section A kottaszedés fortélyai @translationof Engraving details @cindex engraving @cindex typography, music @cindex music typography @cindex plate engraving @cindex music engraving A zeneművek nyomdai előkészítését @emph{kottaszedésnek} nevezik. Ez a kifejezés a kották nyomtatásának hagyományos, kézi módszerére utal.@footnote{A régi idők nyomdászai különböző technikákat próbáltak ki, mint például a kézzel metszett fa nyomóformák (nyomódúc), a mozgatható betű- és nyomóelemek, illetve a gravírozott vékony fémlemezek. A mozgatható betű- és nyomóelemekkel való szedésnek megvolt az az előnye, hogy gyorsan bele lehetett javítani és egyszerűen lehetett szöveget is beleilleszteni. De csak a fémlemezre végzett hangjegymetszés tette lehetővé a hibátlan elrendezést és az új kottaelemek gyors bevezetését. Végül ez utóbbi technika lett a szabvány, és még a 20. század elején is ez volt a helyzet, pár korálkönyv és daloskönyv kivételével, ahol a sablonelemek használatát annak gazdaságossága és gyorsasága indokolta.} Ez a folyamat még a 20. században első felében is úgy nézett ki, hogy a kotta elemeit kivágták, majd tükrözve belemélyesztették egy cink- vagy ónlemezbe. A lemezre ezután festéket hordtak fel, és a festék a bemélyedésekben maradt. A lemez a papírra rányomva a kotta képét adta. A metszést teljesen kézzel végezték, és bárminemű javítás nagyon körülményes volt, így a kottakép elsőre tökéletes kellett, hogy legyen. A kottaszedés tudománya nagyon különleges szakma, ahol a kézművesnek körülbelül öt éves képzést kellett elvégeznie, mielőtt a mester címet kérvényezhette. További öt év volt szükséges ahhoz, hogy a szakma minden csínját-bínját valóban magáénak tudhassa. @quotation @iftex @sourceimage{hader-slaan,,7cm,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{hader-slaan,,,jpg} @end ifnottex @end quotation A LilyPond megalkotását azok a kézzel szedett kották inspirálták, amelyeket a 20. század közepe felé az európai kottakiadók (többek között Bärenreiter, Duhem, Durand, Hofmeister, Peters és Schott) hoztak forgalomba. Munkásságukat bizonyos szempontból a hagyományos kottaszedés csúcsának lehet tekinteni. Kiadványaik tanulmányozásával rengeteget tanultunk arról, mik az ismertetőjelei egy szép tipográfiájú kottának, és milyen szempontokat szeretnénk a LilyPonddal utánozni. @c Now all newly printed music is produced with computers. This has @c obvious advantages: prints are cheaper to make, editorial work can be @c delivered by email, and the original data can be easily stored. @c Unfortunately, computer-generated scores rarely match the quality of @c hand-engraved scores. Instead, computer printouts have a bland, @c mechanical look, which makes them unpleasant to play from. @menu * A kottában használt betűtípusok:: * Optical spacing:: * Ledger lines:: * Optical sizing:: * Why work so hard?:: @end menu @node A kottában használt betűtípusok @unnumberedsubsec A kottában használt betűtípusok @translationof Music fonts A lenti ábra jól mutatja a különbséget egy hagyományosan és egy számítógép által szedett kottaelem közt. A bal oldali képen egy beszkennelt b módosítójel látható egy kézi Bärenreiter kiadásból, míg a jobb oldali ugyanennek a zeneműnek 2000-ben kiadott változatából származik. Noha mindkét képet ugyanolyan árnyalatú tintával nyomtatták, a régebbi verzió sötétebb: a kottasorok vonalai vastagabbak, és a Bärenreiter b-je gömbölyded, majdhogynem érzékien kerek. A jobb oldali kép vonalai ezzel szemben vékonyabbak, elrendezése szögletes, sarkai élesek. @multitable @columnfractions .25 .25 .25 .25 @item @tab @ifnotinfo @iftex @sourceimage{baer-flat-gray,,4cm,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{baer-flat-gray,,,png} @end ifnottex @tab @iftex @sourceimage{henle-flat-gray,,4cm,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{henle-flat-gray,,,png} @end ifnottex @end ifnotinfo @ifinfo @sourceimage{henle-flat-bw,,,png} @sourceimage{baer-flat-bw,,,png} @sourceimage{lily-flat-bw,,,png} @end ifinfo @item @tab Bärenreiter (1950) @tab Henle (2000) @end multitable @cindex musical symbols @cindex font @cindex blackness @cindex balance Amikor úgy döntöttük, hogy írunk egy kottaszedő programot, nem volt olyan, szabad felhasználású zenei betűtípus, ami jól passzolt volna kedvenc kottáink elegáns kottaképéhez. Ezen felbuzdulva megalkottunk egy zenei szimbólumokból álló betűtípust, amely a kézzel szedett kották szemrevaló kinézetét veszi alapul. A betűtípus megtervezése során szerzett tapasztalatok nélkül soha nem ismertük volna fel, milyen csúnyák is azok a betűtípusok, amiket eleinte csodáltunk. Lent két zenei betűkészletre láthatunk példát: a felső a Sibelius alapbeállítású készlete (@emph{Opus}), az alsó a LilyPondé. @quotation @iftex @sourceimage{pdf/OpusAndFeta,,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{OpusAndFeta,,,png} @end ifnottex @end quotation A LilyPond kottaelemei vastagabbak, valamint vastagságuk konzisztensebb, ami miatt jóval egyszerűbb az olvasásuk. A vonalaknak, mint például a negyed szünet szárnyai, nem hegyes végük van, hanem finoman legömbölyített. Ennek oka, hogy a hegyes végek a hagyományos nyomóformán nagyon törékenyek, és a használat közben gyorsan elkopnak. Összefoglalva, a jelkészlet teltségét gondosan össze kell hangolni a vonalak (gerendák, ívek) vastagságával, hogy erős, mégis kiegyensúlyozott összképet kapjunk. Vegyük észre továbbá, hogy a félkotta feje nem ellipszis, hanem enyhén rombusz alakú. A b módosítójel függőleges szára felfelé némileg kiszélesedik. A keresztet és a feloldójelet egyszerűbb távolról megkülönböztetni, mert ferde vonalaiknak eltérő a dőlésszöge, illetve függőleges vonalaik különböző vastagságúak. @node Optical spacing @unnumberedsubsec Optical spacing In spacing, the distribution of space should reflect the durations between notes. However, as we saw in the Bach Suite above, many modern scores adhere to the durations with mathematical precision, which leads to poor results. In the next example a motif is printed twice: the first time using exact mathematical spacing, and the second with corrections. Which do you prefer? @cindex optical spacing @lilypond \paper { ragged-right = ##t indent = #0.0 } music = { c'4 e''4 e'4 b'4 \stemDown b'8[ e'' a' e''] \stemNeutral e'8[ e'8 e'8 e'8] } \score { \music \layout { \context { \Staff \override NoteSpacing.stem-spacing-correction = #0.0 \override NoteSpacing.same-direction-correction = #0.0 \override StaffSpacing.stem-spacing-correction = #0.0 } } } @end lilypond @lilypond \paper { ragged-right = ##t indent = #0.0 } music = { c'4 e''4 e'4 b'4 | \stemDown b'8[ e'' a' e''] \stemNeutral e'8[ e'8 e'8 e'8] } \score { \music \layout { \context { \Staff \override NoteSpacing.stem-spacing-correction = #0.6 } } } @end lilypond @cindex regular rhythms @cindex regular spacing @cindex spacing, regular Each bar in the fragment only uses notes that are played in a constant rhythm. The spacing should reflect that. Unfortunately, the eye deceives us a little; not only does it notice the distance between note heads, it also takes into account the distance between consecutive stems. As a result, the notes of an up-stem/@/down-stem combination should be put farther apart, and the notes of a down-stem/@/up-stem combination should be put closer together, all depending on the combined vertical positions of the notes. The lower two measures are printed with this correction, the upper two measures, however, form down-stem/@/up-stem clumps of notes. A master engraver would adjust the spacing as needed to please the eye. The spacing algorithms in LilyPond even take the barlines into account, which is why the final up-stem in the properly spaced example has been given a little more space before the barline to keep it from looking crowded. A down-stem would not need this adjustment. @node Ledger lines @unnumberedsubsec Ledger lines @cindex ledger lines @cindex collisions Ledger lines present a typographical challenge: they make it more difficult to space musical symbols close together and they must be clear enough to identify the pitch at a glance. In the example below, we see that ledger lines should be thicker than normal staff lines and that an expert engraver will shorten a ledger line to allow closer spacing with accidentals. We have included this feature in LilyPond's engraving. @multitable @columnfractions .25 .25 .25 .25 @item @tab @iftex @sourceimage{baer-ledger,3cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{baer-ledger,,,png} @end ifnottex @tab @iftex @sourceimage{lily-ledger,3cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{lily-ledger,,,png} @end ifnottex @end multitable @node Optical sizing @unnumberedsubsec Optical sizing Music may need to be printed in a range of sizes. Originally, this was accomplished by creating punching dies in each of the required sizes, which meant that each die was designed to look its best at that size. With the advent of digital fonts, a single outline can be mathematically scaled to any size, which is very convenient, but at the smaller sizes the glyphs will appear very light. In LilyPond, we have created fonts in a range of weights, corresponding to a range of music sizes. This is a LilyPond engraving at staff size 26: @quotation @iftex @sourceimage{pdf/size26,,23mm,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{size26,,,png} @end ifnottex @end quotation @noindent and this is the same engraving set at staff size 11, then magnified by 236% to print at the same size as the previous example: @quotation @iftex @sourceimage{pdf/size11,,23mm,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{size11,,,png} @end ifnottex @end quotation @noindent At smaller sizes, LilyPond uses proportionally heavier lines so the music will still read well. This also allows staves of different sizes to coexist peacefully when used together on the same page: @c Grieg's Violin Sonata Op. 45 @lilypond[indent=1.5\cm] global = { \time 6/8 \key c \minor } \score { << \new Staff \with { \magnifyStaff #2/3 } \relative c' { \global \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin" c8.(\f^> b16 c d) ees8.(^> d16 c b) g8.(^> b16 c ees) g8-.^> r r R2. } \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano" \new Staff \relative c' { \global s2. s4. s8 r8 r16 4.^> 8 r r } \new Staff \relative c { \global \clef "bass" << { \once \override DynamicText.X-offset = #-3 2.~->^\f 4.~ 8 } \\ { 2.~ 4.~ 8 } >> r8 r16 16 4.-> 8 r r } >> >> } @end lilypond @node Why work so hard? @unnumberedsubsec Why work so hard? Musicians are usually more absorbed with performing than with studying the looks of a piece of music, so nitpicking typographical details may seem academic. But it is not. Sheet music is performance material: everything is done to aid the musician in letting her perform better, and anything that is unclear or unpleasant to read is a hindrance. Traditionally engraved music uses bold symbols on heavy staff to create a strong, well-balanced look that stands out well when the music is far away from the reader: for example, if it is on a music stand. A careful distribution of white space allows music to be set very tightly without crowding symbols together. The result minimizes the number of page turns, which is a great advantage. This is a common characteristic of typography. Layout should be pretty, not only for its own sake, but especially because it helps the reader in his task. For sheet music this is of double importance because musicians have a limited amount of attention. The less attention they need for reading, the more they can focus on playing the music. In other words, better typography translates to better performances. These examples demonstrate that music typography is an art that is subtle and complex, and that producing it requires considerable expertise, which musicians usually do not have. LilyPond is our effort to bring the graphical excellence of hand-engraved music to the computer age, and make it available to normal musicians. We have tuned our algorithms, font-designs, and program settings to produce prints that match the quality of the old editions we love to see and love to play from. @node Automated engraving @section Automated engraving @cindex engraving, automated @cindex automated engraving Here we describe what is required to create software that can mimic the layout of engraved scores: a method of describing good layouts to the computer and a lot of detailed comparisons with real engravings. @menu * Beauty contests:: * Improvement by benchmarking:: * Getting things right:: @end menu @node Beauty contests @unnumberedsubsec Beauty contests How do we actually make formatting decisions? In other words, which of the three configurations should we choose for the following slur? @lilypond \relative c { \clef bass \once \override Slur.positions = #'(1.5 . 1) e8[( f] g[ a b d,)] r4 \once \override Slur.positions = #'(2 . 3) e8[( f] g[ a b d,)] r4 e8[( f] g[ a b d,)] r4 } @end lilypond There are a few books on the art of music engraving available. Unfortunately, they contain simple rules of thumb and some examples. Such rules can be instructive, but they are a far cry from an algorithm that we could readily implement in a computer. Following the instructions from literature leads to algorithms with lots of hand-coded exceptions. Doing all this case analysis is a lot of work, and often not all cases are covered completely: @quotation @iftex @sourceimage{ross-beam-scan,7cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{ross-beam-scan,,,.jpg} @end ifnottex @end quotation (Image source: Ted Ross, @emph{The Art of Music Engraving}) Rather than trying to write detailed layout rules for every possible scenario, we only have to describe the objectives well enough that LilyPond can judge the attractiveness of several alternatives. Then, for each possible configuration we compute an ugliness score and we choose the least ugly configuration. For example, here are three possible slur configurations, and LilyPond has given each one a score in @q{ugly points}. The first example gets 15.39 points for grazing one of the noteheads: @lilypond \relative c { \clef bass \once \override Slur.positions = #'(1.5 . 1) e8[(_"15.39" f] g[ a b d,)] r4 } @end lilypond The second one is nicer, but the slur doesn't start or end on the note heads. It gets 1.71 points for the left side and 9.37 points for the right side, plus another 2 points because the slur ascends while the melody descends for a total of 13.08 ugly points: @lilypond \relative c { \clef bass \once \override Slur.positions = #'(2 . 3) e8[(_"13.08" f] g[ a b d,)] r4 } @end lilypond The final slur gets 10.04 points for the gap on the right and 2 points for the upward slope, but it is the most attractive of the three configurations, so LilyPond selects this one: @lilypond \relative { \clef bass e8[(_"12.04" f] g[ a b d,)] r4 } @end lilypond This technique is quite general, and is used to make optimal decisions for beam configurations, ties and dots in chords, line breaks, and page breaks. The results of these decisions can be judged by comparison to real engravings. @node Improvement by benchmarking @unnumberedsubsec Improvement by benchmarking LilyPond's output has improved gradually over time, and it continues to improve by comparing its output to hand-engraved scores. For example, here is one line of a benchmark piece from a hand-engraved edition (Bärenreiter BA320): @iftex @sourceimage{baer-sarabande-hires,16cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{baer-sarabande,,,png} @end ifnottex @noindent and the same quotation as engraved by a very old version of LilyPond (version 1.4, May 2001): @iftex @sourceimage{pdf/lily14-sarabande,16cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{lily14-sarabande,,,png} @end ifnottex @noindent The LilyPond 1.4 output is certainly readable, but close comparison with the hand-engraved score showed a lot of errors in the formatting details: @iftex @sourceimage{lily14-sarabande-annotated-hires,16cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{lily14-sarabande-annotated,,,png} @end ifnottex @itemize @bullet @item there is too much space before the time signature @item the stems of the beamed notes are too long @item the second and fourth measures are too narrow @item the slur is awkward-looking @item the trill marks are too big @item the stems are too thin @end itemize @noindent (There were also two missing note heads, several missing editorial annotations, and an incorrect pitch!) By adjusting the layout rules and font design, the output has improved considerably. Compare the same reference score and the output from the current version of LilyPond (@version{}): @iftex @sourceimage{baer-sarabande-hires,16cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{baer-sarabande,,,png} @end ifnottex @lilypond[staffsize=17.5,line-width=15.9\cm] \relative c { \clef "bass" \key d \minor \time 3/4 \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn << { \slurDashed d8.-\flageolet( e16) e4.-\trill( d16 e) } \\ { d4_2 a2 } >> \slurDashed 4. e8( d c) \slurSolid bes8 g' f e16( f g_1 a_2 bes_3 d,_2) \slurDashed cis4.-\trill b8_3( a g) << { \slurDashed d'8.( e16) e4.-\trill( d16 e) } \\ { 4 a2 } >> } @end lilypond @noindent The current output is not a clone of the reference edition, but it is much closer to publication quality that the earlier output. @node Getting things right @unnumberedsubsec Getting things right We can also measure LilyPond's ability to make music engraving decisions automatically by comparing LilyPond's output to the output of a commercial software product. In this case we have chosen Finale 2008, which is one of the most popular commercial score writers, particularly in North America. Sibelius is its major rival and appears to be especially strong in the European market. For our comparison we selected Bach's Fugue in G minor from the Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 861, whose opening subject is @lilypond \relative { \key g \minor \clef "treble_8" r8 d' ees g, fis4 g r8 a16 bes c8 bes16 a bes8 } @end lilypond @noindent We made our comparison by engraving the last seven measures of the piece (28--34) in Finale and LilyPond. This is the point in the piece where the subject returns in a three-part stretto and leads into the closing section. In the Finale version, we have resisted the temptation to make any adjustments to the default output because we are trying to show the things that each software package gets right without assistance. The only major edits that we made were adjusting the page size to match this essay and forcing the music onto two systems to make the comparison easier. By default Finale would have engraved two systems of three measures each and a final, full-width system containing a single measure. Many of the differences between the two engravings are visible in measures 28--29, as shown here with Finale first and LilyPond second: @iftex @sourceimage{pdf/bwv861mm28-29,14cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{bwv861mm28-29,,,png} @end ifnottex @lilypond[staffsize=19.5,line-width=14\cm] global = { \key g \minor } partI = \relative c' { \voiceOne fis8 d' ees g, fis4 g r8 a16 bes c8 bes16 a d8 r r4 } partII = \relative c' { \voiceTwo d4 r4 r8 d'16 c bes8 c16 d ees8 d c ees a, r r4 } partIII = \relative c' { \voiceOne r2 r8 d ees g, fis4 g r8 a16 bes c8 bes16 a } partIV = \relative c { \voiceTwo d4 r r2 r8 d ees g, fis4 a } \score { << % \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible % required in 2.13 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #28 \bar "" \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "RH" << \global \new Voice = "voiceI" { \partI } \new Voice = "voiceII" { \partII } >> \new Staff = "LH" << \clef "bass" \global \new Voice = "voiceIII" { \partIII } \new Voice = "voiceIV" { \partIV } >> >> >> \layout { \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } \context { \PianoStaff \override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing.padding = #1 } } } @end lilypond Some shortcomings in the unedited Finale output include: @itemize @bullet @item Most of the beams extend too far off the staff. A beam that points towards the center of the staff should have a length of about one octave, but engravers shorten this when the beam points away from the staff in multi-voice music. The Finale beaming can easily be improved with their Patterson Beams plug-in, but we elected to skip that step for this example. @item Finale doesn't adjust the positions of interlocking note heads, which makes the music extremely difficult to read when the upper and lower voices exchange positions temporarily: @lilypond collide = \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #0 \score { << \new Voice = "sample" \relative c''{ \key g \minor << { \voiceOne g4 \collide g4 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo bes \collide bes } >> } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sample" { "good " " bad" } >> } @end lilypond @item Finale has placed all of the rests at fixed heights on the staff. The user is free to adjust them as needed, but the software makes no attempt to consider the content of the other voice. As luck would have it, there are no true collisions between notes and rests in this example, but that has more to do with the positions of the notes than the rest. In other words, Bach deserves more credit for avoiding a complete collision than Finale does. @end itemize This example is not intended to suggest that Finale cannot be used to produce publication-quality output. On the contrary, in the hands of a skilled user it can and does, but it requires skill and time. One of the fundamental differences between LilyPond and commercial scorewriters is that LilyPond hopes to reduce the amount of human intervention to an absolute minimum, while other packages try to provide an attractive interface in which to make these types of edits. One particularly glaring omission we found from Finale is a missing flat in measure 33: @quotation @iftex @sourceimage{pdf/bwv861mm33-34-annotate,7.93cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{bwv861mm33-34-annotate,,,png} @end ifnottex @end quotation @noindent The flat symbol is required to cancel out the natural in the same measure, but Finale misses it because it occurred in a different voice. So in addition to running a beaming plug-in and checking the spacing on the noteheads and rests, the user must also check each measure for cross-voice accidentals to avoid interrupting a rehearsal over an engraving error. If you are interested in examining these examples in more detail, the full seven-measure excerpt can be found at the end of this essay along with four different published engravings. Close examination reveals that there is some acceptable variation among the hand-engravings, but that LilyPond compares reasonably well to that acceptable range. There are still some shortcomings in the LilyPond output, for example, it appears a bit too aggressive in shortening some of the stems, so there is room for further development and fine-tuning. Of course, typography relies on human judgment of appearance, so people cannot be replaced completely. However, much of the dull work can be automated. If LilyPond solves most of the common situations correctly, this will be a huge improvement over existing software. Over the course of years, the software can be refined to do more and more things automatically, so manual overrides are less and less necessary. Where manual adjustments are needed, LilyPond's structure has been designed with that flexibility in mind. @node Building software @section Building software This section describes some of the programming decisions that we made when designing LilyPond. @menu * Music representation:: * What symbols to engrave?:: * Flexible architecture:: @end menu @node Music representation @unnumberedsubsec Music representation @cindex syntax @cindex recursive structures Ideally, the input format for any high-level formatting system is an abstract description of the content. In this case, that would be the music itself. This poses a formidable problem: how can we define what music really is? Instead of trying to find an answer, we have reversed the question. We write a program capable of producing sheet music, and adjust the format to be as lean as possible. When the format can no longer be trimmed down, by definition we are left with content itself. Our program serves as a formal definition of a music document. The syntax is also the user-interface for LilyPond, hence it is easy to type: @example @{ c'4 d'8 @} @end example @noindent to create a quarter note on middle C (C1) and an eighth note on the D above middle C (D1). @lilypond[quote] { c'4 d'8 } @end lilypond On a microscopic scale, such syntax is easy to use. On a larger scale, syntax also needs structure. How else can you enter complex pieces like symphonies and operas? The structure is formed by the concept of music expressions: by combining small fragments of music into larger ones, more complex music can be expressed. For example @lilypond[quote,verbatim,fragment,relative=1] f4 @end lilypond @noindent Simultaneous notes can be constructed by enclosing them with @code{<<} and @code{>>}: @example <> @end example @lilypond[quote,fragment,relative=1] \new Voice { <> } @end lilypond @noindent This expression is put in sequence by enclosing it in curly braces @code{@{@tie{}@dots{}@tie{}@}}: @example @{ f4 <> @} @end example @lilypond[quote,relative=1,fragment] { f4 <> } @end lilypond @noindent The above is also an expression, and so it may be combined again with another simultaneous expression (a half note) using @code{<<}, @code{\\}, and @code{>>}: @example << g2 \\ @{ f4 <> @} >> @end example @lilypond[quote,fragment,relative=2] \new Voice { << g2 \\ { f4 <> } >> } @end lilypond Such recursive structures can be specified neatly and formally in a context-free grammar. The parsing code is also generated from this grammar. In other words, the syntax of LilyPond is clearly and unambiguously defined. User-interfaces and syntax are what people see and deal with most. They are partly a matter of taste, and also the subject of much discussion. Although discussions on taste do have their merit, they are not very productive. In the larger picture of LilyPond, the importance of input syntax is small: inventing neat syntax is easy, while writing decent formatting code is much harder. This is also illustrated by the line-counts for the respective components: parsing and representation take up less than 10% of the source code. When designing the structures used in LilyPond, we made some different decisions than are apparent in other software. Consider the hierarchical nature of music notation: @lilypond[quote,fragment] << \new Staff \relative { \key g \major \time 3/4 d''4 g,8 a b c d4 g, g } \new Staff \relative { \clef "bass" \key g \major 2 a4 b2. } >> @end lilypond In this case, there are pitches grouped into chords that belong to measures, which belong to staves. This resembles a tidy structure of nested boxes: @quotation @iftex @sourceimage{pdf/nestedboxes,,4cm,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{nestedboxes,,,png} @end ifnottex @end quotation Unfortunately, the structure is tidy because it is based on some excessively restrictive assumptions. This becomes apparent if we consider a more complicated musical example: @lilypond[quote] \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Timing_translator" \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver" } \context { \Staff \consists "Timing_translator" \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver" } } \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "RH" << \new Voice = "I" \relative c''' { \time 3/4 \voiceOne \tuplet 7/6 { g8 g g g g g g } \oneVoice r4 r4\fermata } \new Voice = "II" \relative c' { \voiceTwo c4 \tuplet 5/4 { 8 f g \change Staff = "LH" \oneVoice \stemUp g,( c} r4 \override Stem.cross-staff = ##t \override Stem.length = #12 ) r\fermata } >> \new Staff = "LH" << \new Voice = "III" \relative { \time 2/4 \clef "bass" g4 \stopStaff s \startStaff s2*2 } >> >> @end lilypond In this example, staves start and stop at will, voices jump around between staves, and the staves have different time signatures. Many software packages would struggle with reproducing this example because they are built on the nested box structure. With LilyPond, on the other hand, we have tried to keep the input format and the structure as flexible as possible. @node What symbols to engrave? @unnumberedsubsec What symbols to engrave? @cindex engraving @cindex typography @cindex engraver @cindex plug-in The formatting process decides where to place symbols. However, this can only be done once it is decided @emph{what} symbols should be printed -- in other words, what notation to use. Common music notation is a system of recording music that has evolved over the past 1000 years. The form that is now in common use dates from the early Renaissance. Although the basic form (i.e., note heads on a 5-line staff) has not changed, the details still evolve to express the innovations of contemporary notation. Hence, common music notation encompasses some 500 years of music. Its applications range from monophonic melodies to monstrous counterpoints for a large orchestra. How can we get a grip on such a seven-headed beast, and force it into the confines of a computer program? Our solution is to break up the problem of notation (as opposed to engraving, i.e., typography) into digestible and programmable chunks: every type of symbol is handled by a separate module, a so-called plug-in. Each plug-in is completely modular and independent, so each can be developed and improved separately. Such plug-ins are called @code{engraver}s, by analogy with craftsmen who translate musical ideas to graphic symbols. In the following example, we start out with a plug-in for note heads, the @code{Note_heads_engraver}. @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] \include "engraver-example.ily" \score { \topVoice \layout { \context { \Voice \remove "Stem_engraver" \remove "Phrasing_slur_engraver" \remove "Slur_engraver" \remove "Script_engraver" \remove "New_fingering_engraver" \remove "Beam_engraver" \remove "Auto_beam_engraver" } \context { \Staff \remove "Accidental_engraver" \remove "Key_engraver" \remove "Clef_engraver" \remove "Bar_engraver" \remove "Time_signature_engraver" \remove "Staff_symbol_engraver" \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver" } } } @end lilypond @noindent Then a @code{Staff_symbol_engraver} adds the staff, @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] \include "engraver-example.ily" \score { \topVoice \layout { \context { \Voice \remove "Stem_engraver" \remove "Phrasing_slur_engraver" \remove "Slur_engraver" \remove "Script_engraver" \remove "New_fingering_engraver" \remove "Beam_engraver" \remove "Auto_beam_engraver" } \context { \Staff \remove "Accidental_engraver" \remove "Key_engraver" \remove "Clef_engraver" \remove "Bar_engraver" \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver" \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } } } @end lilypond @noindent the @code{Clef_engraver} defines a reference point for the staff, @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] \include "engraver-example.ily" \score { \topVoice \layout { \context { \Voice \remove "Stem_engraver" \remove "Phrasing_slur_engraver" \remove "Slur_engraver" \remove "Script_engraver" \remove "New_fingering_engraver" \remove "Beam_engraver" \remove "Auto_beam_engraver" } \context { \Staff \remove "Accidental_engraver" \remove "Key_engraver" \remove "Bar_engraver" \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } } } @end lilypond @noindent and the @code{Stem_engraver} adds stems. @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] \include "engraver-example.ily" \score { \topVoice \layout { \context { \Voice \remove "Phrasing_slur_engraver" \remove "Slur_engraver" \remove "Script_engraver" \remove "New_fingering_engraver" \remove "Beam_engraver" \remove "Auto_beam_engraver" } \context { \Staff \remove "Accidental_engraver" \remove "Key_engraver" \remove "Bar_engraver" \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } } } @end lilypond @noindent The @code{Stem_engraver} is notified of any note head coming along. Every time one (or more, for a chord) note head is seen, a stem object is created and connected to the note head. By adding engravers for beams, slurs, accents, accidentals, bar lines, time signature, and key signature, we get a complete piece of notation. @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] \include "engraver-example.ily" \score { \topVoice } @end lilypond @cindex polyphony @cindex engraving multiple voices @cindex contexts This system works well for monophonic music, but what about polyphony? In polyphonic notation, many voices can share a staff. @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] \include "engraver-example.ily" \new Staff << \topVoice \\ \botVoice >> @end lilypond In this situation, the accidentals and staff are shared, but the stems, slurs, beams, etc., are private to each voice. Hence, engravers should be grouped. The engravers for note heads, stems, slurs, etc., go into a group called @q{Voice context}, while the engravers for key, accidental, bar, etc., go into a group called @q{Staff context}. In the case of polyphony, a single Staff context contains more than one Voice context. Similarly, multiple Staff contexts can be put into a single Score context. The Score context is the top level notation context. @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] \include "engraver-example.ily" \score { << \new Staff << \topVoice \\ \botVoice >> \new Staff << \pah \\ \hoom >> >> } @end lilypond @seealso Internals Reference: @rinternals{Contexts}. @node Flexible architecture @unnumberedsubsec Flexible architecture When we started, we wrote the LilyPond program entirely in the C++ programming language; the program's functionality was set in stone by the developers. That proved to be unsatisfactory for a number of reasons: @itemize @item When LilyPond makes mistakes, users need to override formatting decisions. Therefore, the user must have access to the formatting engine. Hence, rules and settings cannot be fixed by us at compile-time but must be accessible for users at run-time. @item Engraving is a matter of visual judgment, and therefore a matter of taste. As knowledgeable as we are, users can disagree with our personal decisions. Therefore, the definitions of typographical style must also be accessible to the user. @item Finally, we continually refine the formatting algorithms, so we need a flexible approach to rules. The C++ language forces a certain method of grouping rules that cannot readily be applied to formatting music notation. @end itemize @cindex Scheme programming language These problems have been addressed by integrating an interpreter for the Scheme programming language and rewriting parts of LilyPond in Scheme. The current formatting architecture is built around the notion of graphical objects, described by Scheme variables and functions. This architecture encompasses formatting rules, typographical style and individual formatting decisions. The user has direct access to most of these controls. Scheme variables control layout decisions. For example, many graphical objects have a direction variable that encodes the choice between up and down (or left and right). Here you see two chords, with accents and arpeggios. In the first chord, the graphical objects have all directions down (or left). The second chord has all directions up (right). @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] \score { \relative c' { \stemDown 4_>-\arpeggio \override Arpeggio.direction = #RIGHT \stemUp 4^>-\arpeggio } \layout { \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #3 \hide TimeSignature } } } @end lilypond @cindex score formatting @cindex formatting a score @cindex formatting rules @noindent The process of formatting a score consists of reading and writing the variables of graphical objects. Some variables have a preset value. For example, the thickness of many lines -- a characteristic of typographical style -- is a variable with a preset value. You are free to alter this value, giving your score a different typographical impression. @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] fragment = { \clef bass f8 as8 c'4-~ c'16 as g f e16 g bes c' des'4 } << \new Staff \fragment \new Staff \with { \override Beam.beam-thickness = #0.3 \override Stem.thickness = #0.5 \override Bar.thickness = #3.6 \override Tie.thickness = #2.2 \override StaffSymbol.thickness = #3.0 \override Tie.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.3) } \fragment >> @end lilypond Formatting rules are also preset variables: each object has variables containing procedures. These procedures perform the actual formatting, and by substituting different ones, we can change the appearance of objects. In the following example, the rule governing which note head objects are used to produce the note head symbol is changed during the music fragment. @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] #(set-global-staff-size 30) #(define (mc-squared grob orig current) (let* ((interfaces (ly:grob-interfaces grob)) (pos (ly:grob-property grob 'staff-position))) (if (memq 'note-head-interface interfaces) (begin (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil (grob-interpret-markup grob (make-lower-markup 0.5 (case pos ((-5) "m") ((-3) "c ") ((-2) (make-smaller-markup (make-bold-markup "2"))) (else "bla"))))))))) \new Voice \relative c' { \stemUp \set autoBeaming = ##f \time 2/4 4 \once \override NoteHead.stencil = #note-head::brew-ez-stencil \once \override NoteHead.font-size = #-7 \once \override NoteHead.font-family = #'sans \once \override NoteHead.font-series = #'bold 4 \once \override NoteHead.style = #'cross 4 \applyOutput #'Voice #mc-squared 4 << { d8[ es-( fis^^ g] fis2-) } \repeat unfold 5 { \applyOutput #'Voice #mc-squared s8 } >> } @end lilypond @node Putting LilyPond to work @section Putting LilyPond to work @cindex simple examples @cindex examples, simple We have written LilyPond as an experiment of how to condense the art of music engraving into a computer program. Thanks to all that hard work, the program can now be used to perform useful tasks. The simplest application is printing notes. @lilypond[quote,relative=1] { \time 2/4 c4 c g'4 g a4 a g2 } @end lilypond @noindent By adding chord names and lyrics we obtain a lead sheet. @lilypond[quote,ragged-right] << \chords { c2 c f2 c } \new Staff \relative { \time 2/4 c'4 c g' g a a g2 } \addlyrics { twin -- kle twin -- kle lit -- tle star } >> @end lilypond Polyphonic notation and piano music can also be printed. The following example combines some more exotic constructs. @lilypond[quote,line-width=15.9\cm] \header { title = "Screech and boink" subtitle = "Random complex notation" composer = "Han-Wen Nienhuys" } \score { \context PianoStaff << \new Staff = "up" { \time 4/8 \key c \minor << { \revert Stem.direction \change Staff = down \set subdivideBeams = ##t g16.[ \change Staff = up c'''32 \change Staff = down g32 \change Staff = up c'''32 \change Staff = down g16] \change Staff = up \stemUp \set followVoice = ##t c'''32([ b''16 a''16 gis''16 g''32)] } \\ { s4 \tuplet 3/2 { d'16[ f' g'] } as'32[ b''32 e'' d''] } \\ { s4 \autoBeamOff d''8.. f''32 } \\ { s4 es''4 } >> } \new Staff = "down" { \clef bass \key c \minor \set subdivideBeams = ##f \override Stem.french-beaming = ##t \override Beam.beam-thickness = #0.3 \override Stem.thickness = #4.0 g'16[ b16 fis16 g16] << \makeClusters { as16 } \\ { \override Staff.Arpeggio.arpeggio-direction =#down 4\arpeggio } >> } >> \midi { \tempo 8 = 60 } \layout { \context { \Staff \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver" } } } @end lilypond The fragments shown above have all been written by hand, but that is not a requirement. Since the formatting engine is mostly automatic, it can serve as an output means for other programs that manipulate music. For example, it can also be used to convert databases of musical fragments to images for use on websites and multimedia presentations. This manual also shows an application: the input format is text, and can therefore be easily embedded in other text-based formats such as @LaTeX{}, HTML, or in the case of this manual, Texinfo. Using the @command{lilypond-book} program, included with LilyPond, the input fragments can be replaced by music images in the resulting PDF or HTML output files. Another example is the third-party OOoLilyPond extension for OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice, which makes it extremely easy to embed musical examples in documents. For more examples of LilyPond in action, full documentation, and the software itself, see our main website: www.lilypond.org. @page @node Engraved examples (BWV 861) @section Engraved examples (BWV 861) This section contains four reference engravings and two software-engraved versions of Bach's Fugue in G minor from the Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 861 (the last seven measures). @noindent Bärenreiter BA5070 (Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke, Serie V, Band 6.1, 1989): @iftex @sourceimage{bwv861-baer,16cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{bwv861-baer-small,,,png} @end ifnottex @noindent Bärenreiter BA5070 (Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke, Serie V, Band 6.1, 1989), an alternate musical source. Aside from the textual differences, this demonstrates slight variations in the engraving decisions, even from the same publisher and edition: @iftex @sourceimage{bwv861-baer-alt,16cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{bwv861-baer-alt-small,,,png} @end ifnottex @noindent Breitkopf & Härtel, edited by Ferruccio Busoni (Wiesbaden, 1894), also available from the Petrucci Music Library (IMSLP #22081). The editorial markings (fingerings, articulations, etc.) have been removed for clearer comparison with the other editions here: @iftex @sourceimage{bwv861-breitkopf,16cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{bwv861-breitkopf-small,,,png} @end ifnottex @noindent Bach-Gesellschaft edition (Leipzig, 1866), available from the Petrucci Music Library (IMSPL #02221): @iftex @sourceimage{bwv861-gessellschaft,16cm,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{bwv861-gessellschaft-small,,,png} @end ifnottex @noindent Finale 2008: @iftex @sourceimage{pdf/bwv861-finale2008a,,,} @end iftex @ifnottex @sourceimage{bwv861-finale2008a,,,png} @end ifnottex @sp 4 @noindent LilyPond, version @version{}: @lilypond[staffsize=14.3,line-width=15.9\cm] global = {\key g \minor} partI = \relative c' { \voiceOne fis8 d' ees g, fis4 g r8 a16 bes c8 bes16 a d8 r r4 r2 r8 d16 ees f8 ees16 d ees4 ~ 16 d c bes a4 r8 ees'16 d c8 d16 ees d8 e16 fis g8 fis16 g a4 ~ 8 d, g f ees d c bes a2 g\fermata \bar "|." } partII = \relative c' { \voiceTwo d4 r4 r8 d'16 c bes8 c16 d ees8 d c ees a, r r4 r8 fis16 g a8 g16 fis g2 ~ 2 r8 d' ees g, fis4 g r8 a16 bes c8 bes16 a bes4. 8 r r 4 d2 } partIII = \relative c' { \voiceOne r2 r8 d ees g, fis4 g r8 a16 bes c8 bes16 a bes2 ~ 8 b16 a g8 a16 b c4 r r2 R1 r8 d ees g, fis4 g r8 a16 bes c8 bes16 a b2 } partIV = \relative c { \voiceTwo d4 r r2 r8 d ees g, fis4 a d,8 d'16 c bes8 c16 d ees2 ~ 8 ees16 d c8 d16 ees fis,8 a16 g fis8 g16 a d,8 d'16 c bes8 c16 d ees8 c a fis' g f ees d c bes a g c a d d, g2\fermata } \score { << % \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #all-bar-numbers-visible % required in 2.13 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #28 \bar "" \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "RH" << \global \new Voice = "voiceI" { \partI } \new Voice = "voiceII" { \partII } >> \new Staff = "LH" << \clef "bass" \global \new Voice = "voiceIII" { \partIII } \new Voice = "voiceIV" { \partIV } >> >> >> \layout { \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } \context { \PianoStaff \override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing.padding = #1 } } } @end lilypond