@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @c This file is part of lilypond.tely @ignore Translation of GIT committish: 2c00bdbfaf62dd90863331c4713e6b29e32c9322 When revising a translation, copy the HEAD committish of the version that you are working on. See TRANSLATION for details. @end ignore @c \version "2.12.0" @c TODO: add tablature. @node Cheat sheet @appendix Cheat sheet @multitable @columnfractions .35 .3 .35 @item @b{Syntax} @tab @b{Erklärung} @tab @b{Beispiel} @item @code{1 2 8 16} @tab Tondauern @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2,notime] \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f \override Staff.Clef #'break-visibility = #all-invisible c1 c2 c8 c16 @end lilypond @item @code{c4. c4..} @tab Punktierung @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2,notime] \override Staff.Clef #'break-visibility = #all-invisible c4. c4.. @end lilypond @item @code{c d e f g a b } @tab Tonleiter @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=1,notime] c d e f g a b @end lilypond @item @code{fis bes} @tab Vorzeichen @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=1,notime] fis bes @end lilypond @item @code{\clef treble \clef bass } @tab Notenschlüssel @tab @lilypond[fragment,notime] \clef treble s4_" " \clef bass s4_" " @end lilypond @item @code{\time 3/4 \time 4/4 } @tab Taktangaben @tab @lilypond[fragment] \override Staff.Clef #'transparent = ##t \time 3/4 s4_" " \time 4/4 s16_" " @end lilypond @item @code{r4 r8} @tab Pause @tab @lilypond[relative=2,notime,fragment] \override Staff.Clef #'break-visibility = #all-invisible r4 r8 @end lilypond @item @code{d ~ d} @tab Bindebogen @tab @lilypond[relative=2,notime,fragment] \set Score.timing = ##f \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f d ~ d @end lilypond @item @code{\key es \major } @tab Tonart @tab @lilypond[notime,fragment] \clef treble \key es \major s4 @end lilypond @item @var{note}@code{'} @tab Oktavierung @tab @lilypond[relative=2,notime,fragment] \set Score.timing = ##f \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f a a' @end lilypond @item @var{note}@code{,} @tab Oktavierung nach unten @tab @lilypond[relative=2,notime,fragment] \set Score.timing = ##f \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f c c, @end lilypond @item @code{c( d e)} @tab Legatobogen @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Score.timing = ##f \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f c( d e) @end lilypond @item @code{c\( c( d) e\)} @tab Phrasierungsbogen @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Score.timing = ##f \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f c\( c( d) e\) @end lilypond @item @code{a8[ b]} @tab Balken @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Score.timing = ##f \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f a8-[ b-] @end lilypond @item @code{<< \new Staff ... >>} @tab mehr Notensysteme @tab @lilypond[fragment] << \new Staff { \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible c'1 } \new Staff { \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible c'1 } >> @end lilypond @item @code{c-> c-.} @tab Artikulationszeichen @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible c-> c-. @end lilypond @item @code{c2\mf c\sfz} @tab Dynamik @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible c2\mf c\sfz @end lilypond @item @code{a\< a a\!} @tab Crescendo @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Score.timing = ##f \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f a\< a a\! @end lilypond @item @code{a\> a a\!} @tab Decrescendo @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Score.timing = ##f \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible \set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f a\> a a\! @end lilypond @item @code{< >} @tab Noten im Akkord @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible @end lilypond @item @code{\partial 8} @tab Auftakt @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \partial 8 f8 c2 d e @end lilypond @item @code{\times 2/3 @{f g a@}} @tab Triolen @tab @lilypond[relative=1,fragment] \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible \times 2/3 { f8 g a } @end lilypond @item @code{\grace} @tab Verzierungen @tab @lilypond[relative=2,fragment] \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible \context Voice { \grace b16 c4 } @end lilypond @item @code{\lyricmode @{ twinkle @}} @tab Texteingabe @tab twinkle @item @code{\new Lyrics} @tab Gesangtext @tab @lilypond[fragment] \new Lyrics \lyricmode { twinkle } @end lilypond @item @code{twin -- kle} @tab Gesangtext-Trennstrich @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible << { g'1 g } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "" { twin -- kle } >> @end lilypond @item @code{\chordmode @{ c:dim f:maj7 @}} @tab Akkorde @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible \chordmode { c:dim f:maj7 } @end lilypond @item @code{\context ChordNames} @tab Akkordsymbole drucken @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \chords { c:dim f:maj7 } @end lilypond @item @code{<<@{e f@} \\ @{c d@}>>} @tab Mehrstimmigkeit @tab @lilypond[fragment,relative=2] \set Staff.implicitTimeSignatureVisibility = #all-invisible \context Staff <<{e f} \\ {c d}>> @end lilypond @item @code{s4 s8 s16} @tab unsichtbare Pausen @tab @end multitable