@c -*- coding: utf-8; mode: texinfo; -*- @node Programming work @chapter Programming work @menu * Overview of LilyPond architecture:: * LilyPond programming languages:: * Programming without compiling:: * Finding functions:: * Code style:: * Warnings Errors Progress and Debug Output:: * Debugging LilyPond:: * Tracing object relationships:: * Adding or modifying features:: * Iterator tutorial:: * Engraver tutorial:: * Callback tutorial:: * Understanding pure properties:: * LilyPond scoping:: * Scheme->C interface:: * LilyPond miscellany:: @end menu @node Overview of LilyPond architecture @section Overview of LilyPond architecture LilyPond processes the input file into graphical and musical output in a number of stages. This process, along with the types of routines that accomplish the various stages of the process, is described in this section. A more complete description of the LilyPond architecture and internal program execution is found in Erik Sandberg's @uref{http://lilypond.org/website/pdf/thesis-erik-sandberg.pdf, master's thesis}. The first stage of LilyPond processing is @emph{parsing}. In the parsing process, music expressions in LilyPond input format are converted to music expressions in Scheme format. In Scheme format, a music expression is a list in tree form, with nodes that indicate the relationships between various music events. The LilyPond parser is written in Bison. The second stage of LilyPond processing is @emph{iterating}. Iterating assigns each music event to a context, which is the environment in which the music will be finally engraved. The context is responsible for all further processing of the music. It is during the iteration stage that contexts are created as necessary to ensure that every note has a Voice type context (e.g. Voice, TabVoice, DrumVoice, CueVoice, MensuralVoice, VaticanaVoice, GregorianTranscriptionVoice), that the Voice type contexts exist in appropriate Staff type contexts, and that parallel Staff type contexts exist in StaffGroup type contexts. In addition, during the iteration stage each music event is assigned a moment, or a time in the music when the event begins. Each type of music event has an associated iterator. Iterators are defined in @file{*-iterator.cc}. During iteration, an event's iterator is called to deliver that music event to the appropriate context(s). The final stage of LilyPond processing is @emph{translation}. During translation, music events are prepared for graphical or midi output. The translation step is accomplished by the polymorphic base class Translator through its two derived classes: Engraver (for graphical output) and Performer (for midi output). Translators are defined in C++ files named @file{*-engraver.cc} and @file{*-performer.cc}. Much of the work of translating is handled by Scheme functions, which is one of the keys to LilyPond's exceptional flexibility. @sourceimage{architecture-diagram,,,png} @node LilyPond programming languages @section LilyPond programming languages Programming in LilyPond is done in a variety of programming languages. Each language is used for a specific purpose or purposes. This section describes the languages used and provides links to reference manuals and tutorials for the relevant language. @subsection C++ The core functionality of LilyPond is implemented in C++. C++ is so ubiquitous that it is difficult to identify either a reference manual or a tutorial. Programmers unfamiliar with C++ will need to spend some time to learn the language before attempting to modify the C++ code. The C++ code calls Scheme/GUILE through the GUILE interface, which is documented in the @uref{http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/index.html, GUILE Reference Manual}. @subsection Flex The LilyPond lexer is implemented in Flex, an implementation of the Unix lex lexical analyser generator. Resources for Flex can be found @uref{http://flex.sourceforge.net/, here}. @subsection GNU Bison The LilyPond parser is implemented in Bison, a GNU parser generator. The Bison homepage is found at @uref{http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/, gnu.org}. The manual (which includes both a reference and tutorial) is @uref{http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/manual/index.html, available} in a variety of formats. @subsection GNU Make GNU Make is used to control the compiling process and to build the documentation and the website. GNU Make documentation is available at @uref{http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/, the GNU website}. @subsection GUILE or Scheme GUILE is the dialect of Scheme that is used as LilyPond's extension language. Many extensions to LilyPond are written entirely in GUILE. The @uref{http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/index.html, GUILE Reference Manual} is available online. @uref{http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs}, a popular textbook used to teach programming in Scheme is available in its entirety online. An introduction to Guile/Scheme as used in LilyPond can be found in the @rextend{Scheme tutorial}. @subsection MetaFont MetaFont is used to create the music fonts used by LilyPond. A MetaFont tutorial is available at @uref{http://metafont.tutorial.free.fr/, the METAFONT tutorial page}. @subsection PostScript PostScript is used to generate graphical output. A brief PostScript tutorial is @uref{http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/dataformats/postscript/, available online}. The @uref{http://www.adobe.com/products/postscript/pdfs/PLRM.pdf, PostScript Language Reference} is available online in PDF format. @subsection Python Python is used for XML2ly and is used for building the documentation and the website. Python documentation is available at @uref{http://www.python.org/doc/, python.org}. @subsection Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based markup language used to generate graphical output. A brief SVG tutorial is @uref{https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/svg_intro.asp, available online} through W3 Schools. The World Wide Web Consortium's @uref{https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/REC-SVG11-20110816.pdf, SVG 1.2 Recommendation} is available online in PDF format. @node Programming without compiling @section Programming without compiling Much of the development work in LilyPond takes place by changing @file{*.ly} or @file{*.scm} files. These changes can be made without compiling LilyPond. Such changes are described in this section. @subsection Modifying distribution files Much of LilyPond is written in Scheme or LilyPond input files. These files are interpreted when the program is run, rather than being compiled when the program is built, and are present in all LilyPond distributions. You will find @file{.ly} files in the @file{ly/} directory and the Scheme files in the @file{scm/} directory. Both Scheme files and @file{.ly} files can be modified and saved with any text editor. It's probably wise to make a backup copy of your files before you modify them, although you can reinstall if the files become corrupted. Once you've modified the files, you can test the changes just by running LilyPond on some input file. It's a good idea to create a file that demonstrates the feature you're trying to add. This file will eventually become a regression test and will be part of the LilyPond distribution. @subsection Desired file formatting Files that are part of the LilyPond distribution have Unix-style line endings (LF), rather than DOS (CR+LF) or MacOS 9 and earlier (CR). Make sure you use the necessary tools to ensure that Unix-style line endings are preserved in the patches you create. Tab characters should not be included in files for distribution. All indentation should be done with spaces. Most editors have settings to allow the setting of tab stops and ensuring that no tab characters are included in the file. Scheme files and LilyPond files should be written according to standard style guidelines. Scheme file guidelines can be found at @uref{http://community.schemewiki.org/?scheme-style}. Following these guidelines will make your code easier to read. Both you and others that work on your code will be glad you followed these guidelines. For LilyPond files, you should follow the guidelines for LilyPond snippets in the documentation. You can find these guidelines at @ref{Texinfo introduction and usage policy}. @node Finding functions @section Finding functions When making changes or fixing bugs in LilyPond, one of the initial challenges is finding out where in the code tree the functions to be modified live. With nearly 3000 files in the source tree, trial-and-error searching is generally ineffective. This section describes a process for finding interesting code. @subsection Using the ROADMAP The file ROADMAP is located in the main directory of the lilypond source. ROADMAP lists all of the directories in the LilyPond source tree, along with a brief description of the kind of files found in each directory. This can be a very helpful tool for deciding which directories to search when looking for a function. @subsection Using grep to search Having identified a likely subdirectory to search, the grep utility can be used to search for a function name. The format of the grep command is @example grep -i functionName subdirectory/* @end example This command will search all the contents of the directory subdirectory/ and display every line in any of the files that contains functionName. The @option{-i} option makes @command{grep} ignore case -- this can be very useful if you are not yet familiar with our capitalization conventions. The most likely directories to grep for function names are @file{scm/} for scheme files, ly/ for lilypond input (@file{*.ly}) files, and @file{lily/} for C++ files. @subsection Using git grep to search If you have used git to obtain the source, you have access to a powerful tool to search for functions. The command: @example git grep functionName @end example will search through all of the files that are present in the git repository looking for functionName. It also presents the results of the search using @code{less}, so the results are displayed one page at a time. @subsection Searching on the git repository at Savannah You can also use the equivalent of git grep on the Savannah server. @itemize @item Go to http://git.sv.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=lilypond.git @item In the pulldown box that says commit, select grep. @item Type functionName in the search box, and hit enter/return @end itemize This will initiate a search of the remote git repository. @node Code style @section Code style This section describes style guidelines for LilyPond source code. @menu * Languages:: * Filenames:: * Indentation:: * Naming conventions:: * Broken code:: * Code comments:: * Handling errors:: * Localization:: @end menu @node Languages @subsection Languages C++ and Python are preferred. Python code should use PEP 8. @node Filenames @subsection Filenames Definitions of classes that are only accessed via pointers (*) or references (&) shall not be included as include files. @verbatim filenames ".hh" Include files ".cc" Implementation files ".icc" Inline definition files ".tcc" non inline Template defs in emacs: (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.make$" . makefile-mode) ("\\.cc$" . c++-mode) ("\\.icc$" . c++-mode) ("\\.tcc$" . c++-mode) ("\\.hh$" . c++-mode) ("\\.pod$" . text-mode) ) auto-mode-alist)) @end verbatim The class Class_name is coded in @q{class-name.*} @node Indentation @subsection Indentation Standard GNU coding style is used. @subsubheading Indenting files with @code{fixcc.py} (recommended) LilyPond provides a python script that will adjust the indentation and spacing on a @code{.cc} or @code{.hh} file to very near the GNU standard: @example scripts/auxiliar/fixcc.py FILENAME @end example This can be run on all files at once, but this is not recommended for normal contributors or developers. @smallexample scripts/auxiliar/fixcc.py \ $(find flower lily -name '*cc' -o -name '*hh' | grep -v /out) @end smallexample @subsubheading Indenting with emacs The following hooks will produce indentation which is similar to our official indentation as produced with @code{fixcc.py}. @example (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook '(lambda () (c-set-style "gnu") (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)) @end example If you like using font-lock, you can also add this to your @file{.emacs}: @example (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t) (setq c++-font-lock-keywords-3 (append c++-font-lock-keywords-3 '(("\\b\\(a-zA-Z_?+_\\)\\b" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face) ("\\b\\(A-Z?+a-z_?+\\)\\b" 1 font-lock-type-face)) )) @end example @subsubheading Indenting with vim Although emacs indentation is the GNU standard, correct indentation for C++ files can be achieved by using the settings recommended in the @url{https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/FormattingCodeForGCC, GNU GCC Wiki}. Save the following in @file{~/.vim/after/ftplugin/cpp.vim}: @example setlocal cindent setlocal cinoptions=>4,n-2,@{2,^-2,:2,=2,g0,h2,p5,t0,+2,(0,u0,w1,m1 setlocal shiftwidth=2 setlocal softtabstop=2 setlocal textwidth=79 setlocal fo-=ro fo+=cql " use spaces instead of tabs setlocal expandtab " remove trailing whitespace on write autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e @end example With these settings, files can be reindented automatically by highlighting the lines to be indented in visual mode (use V to enter visual mode) and pressing @code{=}, or a single line correctly indented in normal mode by pressing @code{==}. A @file{scheme.vim} file will help improve the indentation of Scheme code. This one was suggested by Patrick McCarty. It should be saved in @file{~/.vim/after/syntax/scheme.vim}. @example " Additional Guile-specific 'forms' syn keyword schemeSyntax define-public define*-public syn keyword schemeSyntax define* lambda* let-keywords* syn keyword schemeSyntax defmacro defmacro* define-macro syn keyword schemeSyntax defmacro-public defmacro*-public syn keyword schemeSyntax use-modules define-module syn keyword schemeSyntax define-method define-class " Additional LilyPond-specific 'forms' syn keyword schemeSyntax define-markup-command define-markup-list-command syn keyword schemeSyntax define-safe-public define-music-function syn keyword schemeSyntax def-grace-function " All of the above should influence indenting too setlocal lw+=define-public,define*-public setlocal lw+=define*,lambda*,let-keywords* setlocal lw+=defmacro,defmacro*,define-macro setlocal lw+=defmacro-public,defmacro*-public setlocal lw+=use-modules,define-module setlocal lw+=define-method,define-class setlocal lw+=define-markup-command,define-markup-list-command setlocal lw+=define-safe-public,define-music-function setlocal lw+=def-grace-function " These forms should not influence indenting setlocal lw-=if setlocal lw-=set! " Try to highlight all ly: procedures syn match schemeFunc "ly:[^) ]\+" @end example For documentation work on texinfo files, identify the file extensions used as texinfo files in your @file{.vim/filetype.vim}: @example if exists("did_load_filetypes") finish endif augroup filetypedetect au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.itely setfiletype texinfo au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.itexi setfiletype texinfo au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.tely setfiletype texinfo augroup END @end example and add these settings in @file{.vim/after/ftplugin/texinfo.vim}: @example setlocal expandtab setlocal shiftwidth=2 setlocal textwidth=66 @end example @node Naming conventions @subsection Naming Conventions Naming conventions have been established for LilyPond source code. @subheading Classes and Types Classes begin with an uppercase letter, and words in class names are separated with @code{_}: @verbatim This_is_a_class @end verbatim @subheading Members Member variable names end with an underscore: @verbatim Type Class::member_ @end verbatim @subheading Macros Macro names should be written in uppercase completely, with words separated by @code{_}: @verbatim THIS_IS_A_MACRO @end verbatim @subheading Variables Variable names should be complete words, rather than abbreviations. For example, it is preferred to use @code{thickness} rather than @code{th} or @code{t}. Multi-word variable names in C++ should have the words separated by the underscore character (@q{_}): @verbatim cxx_multiword_variable @end verbatim Multi-word variable names in Scheme should have the words separated by a hyphen (@q{-}): @verbatim scheme-multiword-variable @end verbatim @node Broken code @subsection Broken code Do not write broken code. This includes hardwired dependencies, hardwired constants, slow algorithms and obvious limitations. If you can not avoid it, mark the place clearly, and add a comment explaining shortcomings of the code. Ideally, the comment marking the shortcoming would include TODO, so that it is marked for future fixing. We reject broken-in-advance on principle. @node Code comments @subsection Code comments Comments may not be needed if descriptive variable names are used in the code and the logic is straightforward. However, if the logic is difficult to follow, and particularly if non-obvious code has been included to resolve a bug, a comment describing the logic and/or the need for the non-obvious code should be included. There are instances where the current code could be commented better. If significant time is required to understand the code as part of preparing a patch, it would be wise to add comments reflecting your understanding to make future work easier. @node Handling errors @subsection Handling errors As a general rule, you should always try to continue computations, even if there is some kind of error. When the program stops, it is often very hard for a user to pinpoint what part of the input causes an error. Finding the culprit is much easier if there is some viewable output. So functions and methods do not return errorcodes, they never crash, but report a programming_error and try to carry on. Error and warning messages need to be localized. @node Localization @subsection Localization This document provides some guidelines to help programmers write proper user messages. To help translations, user messages must follow uniform conventions. Follow these rules when coding for LilyPond. Hopefully, this can be replaced by general GNU guidelines in the future. Even better would be to have an English (en_BR, en_AM) guide helping programmers writing consistent messages for all GNU programs. Non-preferred messages are marked with `+'. By convention, ungrammatical examples are marked with `*'. However, such ungrammatical examples may still be preferred. @itemize @item Every message to the user should be localized (and thus be marked for localization). This includes warning and error messages. @item Do not localize/gettextify: @itemize @item `programming_error ()'s @item `programming_warning ()'s @item debug strings @item output strings (PostScript, TeX, etc.) @end itemize @item Messages to be localized must be encapsulated in `_ (STRING)' or `_f (FORMAT, ...)'. E.g.: @example warning (_ ("need music in a score")); error (_f ("cannot open file: `%s'", file_name)); @end example In some rare cases you may need to call `gettext ()' by hand. This happens when you pre-define (a list of) string constants for later use. In that case, you'll probably also need to mark these string constants for translation, using `_i (STRING)'. The `_i' macro is a no-op, it only serves as a marker for `xgettext'. @example char const* messages[] = @{ _i ("enable debugging output"), _i ("ignore lilypond version"), 0 @}; void foo (int i) @{ puts (gettext (messages i)); @} @end example See also @file{flower/getopt-long.cc} and @file{lily/main.cc}. @item Do not use leading or trailing whitespace in messages. If you need whitespace to be printed, prepend or append it to the translated message @example message ("Calculating line breaks..." + " "); @end example @item Error or warning messages displayed with a file name and line number never start with a capital, eg, @example foo.ly: 12: not a duration: 3 @end example Messages containing a final verb, or a gerund (`-ing'-form) always start with a capital. Other (simpler) messages start with a lowercase letter @example Processing foo.ly... `foo': not declared. Not declaring: `foo'. @end example @item Avoid abbreviations or short forms, use `cannot' and `do not' rather than `can't' or `don't' To avoid having a number of different messages for the same situation, well will use quoting like this `"message: `%s'"' for all strings. Numbers are not quoted: @example _f ("cannot open file: `%s'", name_str) _f ("cannot find character number: %d", i) @end example @item Think about translation issues. In a lot of cases, it is better to translate a whole message. English grammar must not be imposed on the translator. So, instead of @example stem at + moment.str () + does not fit in beam @end example have @example _f ("stem at %s does not fit in beam", moment.str ()) @end example @item Split up multi-sentence messages, whenever possible. Instead of @example warning (_f ("out of tune! Can't find: `%s'", "Key_engraver")); warning (_f ("cannot find font `%s', loading default", font_name)); @end example rather say: @example warning (_ ("out of tune:")); warning (_f ("cannot find: `%s', "Key_engraver")); warning (_f ("cannot find font: `%s', font_name)); warning (_f ("Loading default font")); @end example @item If you must have multiple-sentence messages, use full punctuation. Use two spaces after end of sentence punctuation. No punctuation (esp. period) is used at the end of simple messages. @example _f ("Non-matching braces in text `%s', adding braces", text) _ ("Debug output disabled. Compiled with NPRINT.") _f ("Huh? Not a Request: `%s'. Ignoring.", request) @end example @item Do not modularize too much; words frequently cannot be translated without context. It is probably safe to treat most occurrences of words like stem, beam, crescendo as separately translatable words. @item When translating, it is preferable to put interesting information at the end of the message, rather than embedded in the middle. This especially applies to frequently used messages, even if this would mean sacrificing a bit of eloquence. This holds for original messages too, of course. @example en: cannot open: `foo.ly' + nl: kan `foo.ly' niet openen (1) kan niet openen: `foo.ly'* (2) niet te openen: `foo.ly'* (3) @end example The first nl message, although grammatically and stylistically correct, is not friendly for parsing by humans (even if they speak dutch). I guess we would prefer something like (2) or (3). @item Do not run make po/po-update with GNU gettext < 0.10.35 @end itemize @node Warnings Errors Progress and Debug Output @section Warnings, Errors, Progress and Debug Output @unnumberedsubsec Available log levels LilyPond has several loglevels, which specify how verbose the output on the console should be: @itemize @item NONE: No output at all, even on failure @item ERROR: Only error messages @item WARN: Only error messages and warnings @item BASIC_PROGRESS: Warnings, errors and basic progress (success, etc.) @item PROGRESS: Warnings, errors and full progress messages @item INFO: Warnings, errors, progress and more detailed information (default) @item DEBUG: All messages, including full debug messages (very verbose!) @end itemize The loglevel can either be set with the environment variable @code{LILYPOND_LOGLEVEL} or on the command line with the @option{--loglevel=...} option. @unnumberedsubsec Functions for debug and log output LilyPond has two different types of error and log functions: @itemize @item If a warning or error is caused by an identified position in the input file, e.g. by a grob or by a music expression, the functions of the @code{Input} class provide logging functionality that prints the position of the message in addition to the message. @item If a message can not be associated with a particular position in an input file, e.g. the output file cannot be written, then the functions in the @code{flower/include/warn.hh} file will provide logging functionality that only prints out the message, but no location. @end itemize There are also Scheme functions to access all of these logging functions from scheme. In addition, the Grob class contains some convenience wrappers for even easier access to these functions. The message and debug functions in @code{warn.hh} also have an optional argument @code{newline}, which specifies whether the message should always start on a new line or continue a previous message. By default, @code{progress_indication} does NOT start on a new line, but rather continue the previous output. They also do not have a particular input position associated, so there are no progress functions in the Input class. All other functions by default start their output on a new line. The error functions come in three different flavors: fatal error messages, programming error messages and normal error messages. Errors written by the @code{error ()} function will cause LilyPond to exit immediately, errors by @code{Input::error ()} will continue the compilation, but return a non-zero return value of the LilyPond call (i.e. indicate an unsuccessful program execution). All other errors will be printed on the console, but not exit LilyPond or indicate an unsuccessful return code. Their only differences to a warnings are the displayed text and that they will be shown with loglevel @code{ERROR}. If the Scheme option @code{warning-as-error} is set, any warning will be treated as if @code{Input::error} was called. @unnumberedsubsec All logging functions at a glance @multitable @columnfractions 0.16 0.42 0.42 @headitem @tab C++, no location @tab C++ from input location @item ERROR @tab @code{error ()}, @code{programming_error (msg)}, @code{non_fatal_error (msg)} @tab @code{Input::error (msg)}, @code{Input::programming_error (msg)} @item WARN @tab @code{warning (msg)} @tab @code{Input::warning (msg)} @item BASIC @tab @code{basic_progress (msg)} @tab - @item PROGRESS @tab @code{progress_indication (msg)} @tab - @item INFO @tab @code{message (msg)} @tab @code{Input::message (msg)} @item DEBUG @tab @code{debug_output (msg)} @tab @code{Input::debug_output (msg)} @item @tab @tab @headitem @tab C++ from a Grob @tab Scheme, music expression @item ERROR @tab @code{Grob::programming_error (msg)} @tab - @item WARN @tab @code{Grob::warning (msg)} @tab @code{(ly:music-warning music msg)} @item BASIC @tab - @tab - @item PROGRESS @tab - @tab - @item INFO @tab - @tab @code{(ly:music-message music msg)} @item DEBUG @tab - @tab - @item @tab @tab @headitem @tab Scheme, no location @tab Scheme, input location @item ERROR @tab - @tab @code{(ly:error msg args)}, @code{(ly:programming-error msg args)} @item WARN @tab @code{(ly:warning msg args)} @tab @code{(ly:input-warning input msg args)} @item BASIC @tab @code{(ly:basic-progress msg args)} @tab - @item PROGRESS @tab @code{(ly:progress msg args)} @tab - @item INFO @tab @code{(ly:message msg args)} @tab @code{(ly:input-message input msg args)} @item DEBUG @tab @code{(ly:debug msg args)} @tab - @end multitable @node Debugging LilyPond @section Debugging LilyPond The most commonly used tool for debugging LilyPond is the GNU debugger gdb. The gdb tool is used for investigating and debugging core LilyPond code written in C++. Another tool is available for debugging Scheme code using the Guile debugger. This section describes how to use both gdb and the Guile Debugger. @menu * Debugging overview:: * Debugging C++ code:: * Debugging Scheme code:: @end menu @node Debugging overview @subsection Debugging overview Using a debugger simplifies troubleshooting in at least two ways. First, breakpoints can be set to pause execution at any desired point. Then, when execution has paused, debugger commands can be issued to explore the values of various variables or to execute functions. Second, the debugger can display a stack trace, which shows the sequence in which functions have been called and the arguments passed to the called functions. @node Debugging C++ code @subsection Debugging C++ code The GNU debugger, gdb, is the principal tool for debugging C++ code. @subheading Compiling LilyPond for use with gdb In order to use gdb with LilyPond, it is necessary to compile LilyPond with debugging information. This is the current default mode of compilation. Often debugging becomes more complicated when the compiler has optimised variables and function calls away. In that case it may be helpful to run the following command in the main LilyPond source directory: @example ./configure --disable-optimising make @end example This will create a version of LilyPond with minimal optimization which will allow the debugger to access all variables and step through the source code in-order. It may not accurately reproduce bugs encountered with the optimized version, however. You should not do @var{make install} if you want to use a debugger with LilyPond. The @var{make install} command will strip debugging information from the LilyPond binary. @subheading Typical gdb usage Once you have compiled the LilyPond image with the necessary debugging information it will have been written to a location in a subfolder of your current working directory: @example out/bin/lilypond @end example This is important as you will need to let gdb know where to find the image containing the symbol tables. You can invoke gdb from the command line using the following: @example gdb out/bin/lilypond @end example @noindent This loads the LilyPond symbol tables into gdb. Then, to run LilyPond on @file{test.ly} under the debugger, enter the following: @example run test.ly @end example @noindent at the gdb prompt. As an alternative to running gdb at the command line you may try a graphical interface to gdb such as ddd: @example ddd out/bin/lilypond @end example You can also use sets of standard gdb commands stored in a .gdbinit file (see next section). @subheading Typical .gdbinit files The behavior of gdb can be readily customized through the use of a @var{.gdbinit} file. A @var{.gdbinit} file is a file named @var{.gdbinit} (notice the @qq{.} at the beginning of the file name) that is placed in a user's home directory. The @var{.gdbinit} file below is from Han-Wen. It sets breakpoints for all errors and defines functions for displaying scheme objects (ps), grobs (pgrob), and parsed music expressions (pmusic). @example file $LILYPOND_GIT/build/out/bin/lilypond b programming_error b Grob::programming_error define ps print ly_display_scm($arg0) end define pgrob print ly_display_scm($arg0->self_scm_) print ly_display_scm($arg0->mutable_property_alist_) print ly_display_scm($arg0->immutable_property_alist_) print ly_display_scm($arg0->object_alist_) end define pmusic print ly_display_scm($arg0->self_scm_) print ly_display_scm($arg0->mutable_property_alist_) print ly_display_scm($arg0->immutable_property_alist_) end @end example @node Debugging Scheme code @subsection Debugging Scheme code Scheme code can be developed using the Guile command line interpreter @code{top-repl}. You can either investigate interactively using just Guile or you can use the debugging tools available within Guile. @subheading Using Guile interactively with LilyPond In order to experiment with Scheme programming in the LilyPond environment, it is necessary to have a Guile interpreter that has all the LilyPond modules loaded. This requires the following steps. First, define a Scheme symbol for the active module in the @file{.ly} file: @example #(module-define! (resolve-module '(guile-user)) 'lilypond-module (current-module)) @end example Now place a Scheme function in the @file{.ly} file that gives an interactive Guile prompt: @example #(top-repl) @end example When the @file{.ly} file is compiled, this causes the compilation to be interrupted and an interactive guile prompt to appear. Once the guile prompt appears, the LilyPond active module must be set as the current guile module: @example guile> (set-current-module lilypond-module) @end example You can demonstrate these commands are operating properly by typing the name of a LilyPond public scheme function to check it has been defined: @example guile> fret-diagram-verbose-markup # @end example If the LilyPond module has not been correctly loaded, an error message will be generated: @example guile> fret-diagram-verbose-markup ERROR: Unbound variable: fret-diagram-verbose-markup ABORT: (unbound-variable) @end example Once the module is properly loaded, any valid LilyPond Scheme expression can be entered at the interactive prompt. After the investigation is complete, the interactive guile interpreter can be exited: @example guile> (quit) @end example The compilation of the @file{.ly} file will then continue. @subheading Using the Guile debugger To set breakpoints and/or enable tracing in Scheme functions, put @example \include "guile-debugger.ly" @end example in your input file after any scheme procedures you have defined in that file. This will invoke the Guile command-line after having set up the environment for the debug command-line. When your input file is processed, a guile prompt will be displayed. You may now enter commands to set up breakpoints and enable tracing by the Guile debugger. @subheading Using breakpoints At the guile prompt, you can set breakpoints with the @code{set-break!} procedure: @example guile> (set-break! my-scheme-procedure) @end example Once you have set the desired breakpoints, you exit the guile repl frame by typing: @example guile> (quit) @end example Then, when one of the scheme routines for which you have set breakpoints is entered, guile will interrupt execution in a debug frame. At this point you will have access to Guile debugging commands. For a listing of these commands, type: @example debug> help @end example Alternatively you may code the breakpoints in your LilyPond source file using a command such as: @example #(set-break! my-scheme-procedure) @end example immediately after the @code{\include} statement. In this case the breakpoint will be set straight after you enter the @code{(quit)} command at the guile prompt. Embedding breakpoint commands like this is particularly useful if you want to look at how the Scheme procedures in the @file{.scm} files supplied with LilyPond work. To do this, edit the file in the relevant directory to add this line near the top: @example (use-modules (scm guile-debugger)) @end example Now you can set a breakpoint after the procedure you are interested in has been declared. For example, if you are working on routines called by @var{print-book-with} in @file{lily-library.scm}: @example (define (print-book-with book process-procedure) (let* ((paper (ly:parser-lookup '$defaultpaper)) (layout (ly:parser-lookup '$defaultlayout)) (outfile-name (get-outfile-name book))) (process-procedure book paper layout outfile-name))) (define-public (print-book-with-defaults book) (print-book-with book ly:book-process)) (define-public (print-book-with-defaults-as-systems book) (print-book-with book ly:book-process-to-systems)) @end example At this point in the code you could add this to set a breakpoint at print-book-with: @example (set-break! print-book-with) @end example @subheading Tracing procedure calls and evaluator steps Two forms of trace are available: @example (set-trace-call! my-scheme-procedure) @end example and @example (set-trace-subtree! my-scheme-procedure) @end example @code{set-trace-call!} causes Scheme to log a line to the standard output to show when the procedure is called and when it exits. @code{set-trace-subtree!} traces every step the Scheme evaluator performs in evaluating the procedure. @node Tracing object relationships @section Tracing object relationships Understanding the LilyPond source often boils down to figuring out what is happening to the Grobs. Where (and why) are they being created, modified and destroyed? Tracing Lily through a debugger in order to identify these relationships can be time-consuming and tedious. In order to simplify this process, a facility has been added to display the grobs that are created and the properties that are set and modified. Although it can be complex to get set up, once set up it easily provides detailed information about the life of grobs in the form of a network graph. Each of the steps necessary to use the graphviz utility is described below. @enumerate @item Installing graphviz In order to create the graph of the object relationships, it is first necessary to install Graphviz. Graphviz is available for a number of different platforms: @example @uref{http://www.graphviz.org/Download..php} @end example @item Modifying config.make In order for the Graphviz tool to work, config.make must be modified. It is probably a good idea to first save a copy of config.make under a different name. In order to have the required functionality available, LilyPond needs to be compiled with the option @option{-DDEBUG}. You can achieve this by configuring with @example ./configure --enable-checking @end example @item Rebuilding LilyPond The executable code of LilyPond must be rebuilt from scratch: @example make clean && make @end example @item Create a graphviz-compatible @file{.ly} file In order to use the graphviz utility, the @file{.ly} file must include @file{ly/graphviz-init.ly}, and should then specify the grobs and symbols that should be tracked. An example of this is found in @file{input/regression/graphviz.ly}. @item Run LilyPond with output sent to a log file The Graphviz data is sent to stderr by LilyPond, so it is necessary to redirect stderr to a logfile: @example lilypond graphviz.ly 2> graphviz.log @end example @item Edit the logfile The logfile has standard LilyPond output, as well as the Graphviz output data. Delete everything from the beginning of the file up to but not including the first occurrence of @code{digraph}. Also, delete the final LilyPond message about success from the end of the file. @item Process the logfile with @code{dot} The directed graph is created from the log file with the program @code{dot}: @example dot -Tpdf graphviz.log > graphviz.pdf @end example @end enumerate The pdf file can then be viewed with any pdf viewer. When compiled with @option{-DDEBUG}, LilyPond may run slower than normal. The original configuration can be restored by rerunning @code{./configure} with @option{--disable-checking}. Then rebuild LilyPond with @example make clean && make @end example @node Adding or modifying features @section Adding or modifying features When a new feature is to be added to LilyPond, it is necessary to ensure that the feature is properly integrated to maintain its long-term support. This section describes the steps necessary for feature addition and modification. @menu * Write the code:: * Write regression tests:: * Write convert-ly rule:: * Automatically update documentation:: * Manually update documentation:: * Edit changes.tely:: * Verify successful build:: * Verify regression tests:: * Post patch for comments:: * Push patch:: * Closing the issues:: @end menu @node Write the code @subsection Write the code You should probably create a new git branch for writing the code, as that will separate it from the master branch and allow you to continue to work on small projects related to master. Please be sure to follow the rules for programming style discussed earlier in this chapter. @node Write regression tests @subsection Write regression tests In order to demonstrate that the code works properly, you will need to write one or more regression tests. These tests are typically @file{.ly} files that are found in @file{input/regression}. Regression tests should be as brief as possible to demonstrate the functionality of the code. Regression tests should generally cover one issue per test. Several short, single-issue regression tests are preferred to a single, long, multiple-issue regression test. If the change in the output is small or easy to overlook, use bigger staff size -- 40 or more (up to 100 in extreme cases). Size 30 means "pay extra attention to details in general". Use existing regression tests as templates to demonstrate the type of header information that should be included in a regression test. @node Write convert-ly rule @subsection Write convert-ly rule If the modification changes the input syntax, a convert-ly rule should be written to automatically update input files from older versions. convert-ly rules are found in python/convertrules.py If possible, the convert-ly rule should allow automatic updating of the file. In some cases, this will not be possible, so the rule will simply point out to the user that the feature needs manual correction. @subsubheading Updating version numbers If a development release occurs between you writing your patch and having it approved+pushed, you will need to update the version numbers in your tree. This can be done with: @example scripts/auxiliar/update-patch-version old.version.number new.version.number @end example It will change all files in git, so use with caution and examine the resulting diff. @node Automatically update documentation @subsection Automatically update documentation @command{convert-ly} should be used to update the documentation, the snippets, and the regression tests. This not only makes the necessary syntax changes, it also tests the @command{convert-ly} rules. The automatic updating is performed by moving to the top-level source directory, then running: @example scripts/auxiliar/update-with-convert-ly.sh @end example If you did an out-of-tree build, pass in the relative path: @example LILYPOND_BUILD_DIR=../build-lilypond/ scripts/auxiliar/update-with-convert-ly.sh @end example @node Manually update documentation @subsection Manually update documentation Where the convert-ly rule is not able to automatically update the inline LilyPond code in the documentation (i.e. if a NOT_SMART rule is used), the documentation must be manually updated. The inline snippets that require changing must be changed in the English version of the docs and all translated versions. If the inline code is not changed in the translated documentation, the old snippets will show up in the English version of the documentation. Where the convert-ly rule is not able to automatically update snippets in Documentation/snippets/, those snippets must be manually updated. Those snippets should be copied to Documentation/snippets/new. The comments at the top of the snippet describing its automatic generation should be removed. All translated texidoc strings should be removed. The comment @qq{% begin verbatim} should be removed. The syntax of the snippet should then be manually edited. Where snippets in Documentation/snippets are made obsolete, the snippet should be copied to Documentation/snippets/new. The comments and texidoc strings should be removed as described above. Then the body of the snippet should be changed to: @example \markup @{ This snippet is deprecated as of version X.Y.Z and will be removed from the documentation. @} @end example @noindent where X.Y.Z is the version number for which the convert-ly rule was written. Update the snippet files by running: @example scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py @end example Where the convert-ly rule is not able to automatically update regression tests, the regression tests in input/regression should be manually edited. Although it is not required, it is helpful if the developer can write relevant material for inclusion in the Notation Reference. If the developer does not feel qualified to write the documentation, a documentation editor will be able to write it from the regression tests. In this case the developer should raise a new issue with the Type=Documentation tag containing a reference to the original issue number and/or the committish of the pushed patch so that the need for new documention is not overlooked. Any text that is added to or removed from the documentation should be changed only in the English version. @node Edit changes.tely @subsection Edit changes.tely An entry should be added to Documentation/changes.tely to describe the feature changes to be implemented. This is especially important for changes that change input file syntax. Hints for changes.tely entries are given at the top of the file. New entries in changes.tely go at the top of the file. The changes.tely entry should be written to show how the new change improves LilyPond, if possible. @node Verify successful build @subsection Verify successful build When the changes have been made, successful completion must be verified by doing @example make all make doc @end example When these commands complete without error, the patch is considered to function successfully. Developers on Windows who are unable to build LilyPond should get help from a GNU/Linux or OSX developer to do the make tests. @node Verify regression tests @subsection Verify regression tests In order to avoid breaking LilyPond, it is important to verify that the regression tests succeed, and that no unwanted changes are introduced into the output. This process is described in @ref{Regtest comparison}. @subheading Typical developer's edit/compile/test cycle @itemize @item Initial test: @example make [-j@var{X}] make [-j@var{X} CPU_COUNT=@var{X}] test-baseline make [-j@var{X} CPU_COUNT=@var{X}] check @end example @item Edit/compile/test cycle: @example @emph{## edit source files, then...} make clean @emph{## only if needed (see below)} make [-j@var{X}] @emph{## only if needed (see below)} make [-j@var{X} CPU_COUNT=@var{X}] test-redo @emph{## redo files differing from baseline} make [-j@var{X} CPU_COUNT=@var{X}] check @end example @item Reset: @example make test-clean @end example @end itemize If you modify any source files that have to be compiled (such as @file{.cc} or @file{.hh} files in @file{flower/} or @file{lily/}), then you must run @command{make} before @command{make test-redo}, so @command{make} can compile the modified files and relink all the object files. If you only modify files which are interpreted, like those in the @file{scm/} and @file{ly/} directories, then @command{make} is not needed before @command{make test-redo}. Also, if you modify any font definitions in the @file{mf/} directory then you must run @command{make clean} and @command{make} before running @command{make test-redo}. This will recompile everything, whether modified or not, and takes a lot longer. Running @command{make@tie{}check} will leave an HTML page @file{out/test-results/index.html}. This page shows all the important differences that your change introduced, whether in the layout, MIDI, performance or error reporting. You only need to use @command{make test-clean} to start from scratch, prior to running @command{make@tie{}test-baseline}. To check new modifications, all that is needed is to repeat @command{make@tie{}test-redo} and @command{make@tie{}test-check} (not forgetting @command{make} if needed). @node Post patch for comments @subsection Post patch for comments See @ref{Uploading a patch for review}. @node Push patch @subsection Push patch Once all the comments have been addressed, the patch can be pushed. If the author has push privileges, the author will push the patch. Otherwise, a developer with push privileges will push the patch. @node Closing the issues @subsection Closing the issues Once the patch has been pushed, all the relevant issues should be closed. On Rietveld, the author should log in and close the issue either by using the @q{Edit Issue} link, or by clicking the circled x icon to the left of the issue name. If the changes were in response to a feature request on the Google issue tracker for LilyPond, the author should change the status to Fixed and a tag @q{fixed_x_y_z} should be added, where the patch was fixed in version x.y.z. If the author does not have privileges to change the status, an email should be sent to bug-lilypond requesting the BugMeister to change the status. @node Iterator tutorial @section Iterator tutorial TODO -- this is a placeholder for a tutorial on iterators Iterators are routines written in C++ that process music expressions and sent the music events to the appropriate engravers and/or performers. See a short example discussing iterators and their duties in @ref{Articulations on EventChord}. @node Engraver tutorial @section Engraver tutorial Engravers are C++ classes that catch music events and create the appropriate grobs for display on the page. Though the majority of engravers are responsible for the creation of a single grob, in some cases (e.g. @code{New_fingering_engraver}), several different grobs may be created. Engravers listen for events and acknowledge grobs. Events are passed to the engraver in time-step order during the iteration phase. Grobs are made available to the engraver when they are created by other engravers during the iteration phase. @menu * Useful methods for information processing:: * Translation process:: * Preventing garbage collection for SCM member variables:: * Listening to music events:: * Acknowledging grobs:: * Engraver declaration/documentation:: @end menu @node Useful methods for information processing @subsection Useful methods for information processing An engraver inherits the following public methods from the Translator base class, which can be used to process listened events and acknowledged grobs: @itemize @item @code{virtual void initialize ()} @item @code{void start_translation_timestep ()} @item @code{void process_music ()} @item @code{void process_acknowledged ()} @item @code{void stop_translation_timestep ()} @item @code{virtual void finalize ()} @end itemize These methods are listed in order of translation time, with @code{initialize ()} and @code{finalize ()} bookending the whole process. @code{initialize ()} can be used for one-time initialization of context properties before translation starts, whereas @code{finalize ()} is often used to tie up loose ends at the end of translation: for example, an unterminated spanner might be completed automatically or reported with a warning message. @node Translation process @subsection Translation process At each timestep in the music, translation proceeds by calling the following methods in turn: @code{start_translation_timestep ()} is called before any user information enters the translators, i.e., no property operations (\set, \override, etc.) or events have been processed yet. @code{process_music ()} and @code{process_acknowledged ()} are called after all events in the current time step have been heard, or all grobs in the current time step have been acknowledged. The latter tends to be used exclusively with engravers which only acknowledge grobs, whereas the former is the default method for main processing within engravers. @code{stop_translation_timestep ()} is called after all user information has been processed prior to beginning the translation for the next timestep. @node Preventing garbage collection for SCM member variables @subsection Preventing garbage collection for SCM member variables In certain cases, an engraver might need to ensure private Scheme variables (with type SCM) do not get swept away by Guile's garbage collector: for example, a cache of the previous key signature which must persist between timesteps. The method @code{virtual derived_mark () const} can be used in such cases: @example Engraver_name::derived_mark () @{ scm_gc_mark (private_scm_member_) @} @end example @node Listening to music events @subsection Listening to music events External interfaces to the engraver are implemented by protected macros including one or more of the following: @itemize @item @code{DECLARE_TRANSLATOR_LISTENER (event_name)} @item @code{IMPLEMENT_TRANSLATOR_LISTENER (Engraver_name, event_name)} @end itemize @noindent where @var{event_name} is the type of event required to provide the input the engraver needs and @var{Engraver_name} is the name of the engraver. Following declaration of a listener, the method is implemented as follows: @example IMPLEMENT_TRANSLATOR_LISTENER (Engraver_name, event_name) void Engraver_name::listen_event_name (Stream event *event) @{ ...body of listener method... @} @end example @node Acknowledging grobs @subsection Acknowledging grobs Some engravers also need information from grobs as they are created and as they terminate. The mechanism and methods to obtain this information are set up by the macros: @itemize @item @code{DECLARE_ACKNOWLEDGER (grob_interface)} @item @code{DECLARE_END_ACKNOWLEDGER (grob_interface)} @end itemize where @var{grob_interface} is an interface supported by the grob(s) which should be acknowledged. For example, the following code would declare acknowledgers for a @code{NoteHead} grob (via the @code{note-head-interface}) and any grobs which support the @code{side-position-interface}: @example DECLARE_ACKNOWLEDGER (note_head) DECLARE_ACKNOWLEDGER (side_position) @end example The @code{DECLARE_END_ACKNOWLEDGER ()} macro sets up a spanner-specific acknowledger which will be called whenever a spanner ends. Following declaration of an acknowledger, the method is coded as follows: @example void Engraver_name::acknowledge_interface_name (Grob_info info) @{ ...body of acknowledger method... @} @end example Acknowledge functions are called in the order engravers are @code{\consist}-ed (the only exception is if you set @code{must-be-last} to @code{#t}). There will always be a call to @code{process-acknowledged ()} whenever grobs have been created, and @emph{reading} stuff from grobs should be delayed until then since other acknowledgers might @emph{write} stuff into a grob even after your acknowledger has been called. So the basic workflow is to use the various acknowledgers to @emph{record} the grobs you are interested in and @emph{write} stuff into them (or do read/write stuff that more or less is accumulative and/or really unrelated to other engravers), and then use the @code{process-acknowledged ()} hook for processing (including @emph{reading}) the grobs you had recorded. You can create new grobs in @code{process-acknowledged ()}. That will lead to a new cycle of @code{acknowledger ()} calls followed by a new cycle of @code{process-acknowledged ()} calls. Only when all those cycles are over is @code{stop-translator-timestep ()} called, and then creating grobs is no longer an option. You can still @q{process} parts of the grob there (if that means just reading out properties and possibly setting context properties based on them) but @code{stop-translation-timestep ()} is a cleanup hook, and other engravers might have already cleaned up stuff you might have wanted to use. Creating grobs in there is not possible since engravers and other code may no longer be in a state where they could process them, possibly causing a crash. @node Engraver declaration/documentation @subsection Engraver declaration/documentation An engraver must have a public macro @itemize @item @code{TRANSLATOR_DECLARATIONS (Engraver_name)} @end itemize @noindent where @code{Engraver_name} is the name of the engraver. This defines the common variables and methods used by every engraver. At the end of the engraver file, one or both of the following macros are generally called to document the engraver in the Internals Reference: @itemize @item @code{ADD_ACKNOWLEDGER (Engraver_name, grob_interface)} @item @code{ADD_TRANSLATOR (Engraver_name, Engraver_doc, Engraver_creates, Engraver_reads, Engraver_writes)} @end itemize @noindent where @code{Engraver_name} is the name of the engraver, @code{grob_interface} is the name of the interface that will be acknowledged, @code{Engraver_doc} is a docstring for the engraver, @code{Engraver_creates} is the set of grobs created by the engraver, @code{Engraver_reads} is the set of properties read by the engraver, and @code{Engraver_writes} is the set of properties written by the engraver. The @code{ADD_ACKNOWLEDGER} and @code{ADD_TRANSLATOR} macros use a non-standard indentation system. Each interface, grob, read property, and write property is on its own line, and the closing parenthesis and semicolon for the macro all occupy a separate line beneath the final interface or write property. See existing engraver files for more information. @node Callback tutorial @section Callback tutorial TODO -- This is a placeholder for a tutorial on callback functions. @node Understanding pure properties @section Understanding pure properties @menu * Purity in LilyPond:: * Writing a pure function:: * How purity is defined and stored:: * Where purity is used:: * Case studies:: * Debugging tips:: @end menu Pure properties are some of the most difficult properties to understand in LilyPond but, once understood, it is much easier to work with horizontal spacing. This document provides an overview of what it means for something to be @q{pure} in LilyPond, what this purity guarantees, and where pure properties are stored and used. It finishes by discussing a few case studies for the pure programmer to save you some time and to prevent you some major headaches. @node Purity in LilyPond @subsection Purity in LilyPond Pure properties in LilyPond are properties that do not have any @q{side effects}. That is, looking up a pure property should never result in calls to the following functions: @itemize @item @code{set_property} @item @code{set_object} @item @code{suicide} @end itemize This means that, if the property is calculated via a callback, this callback must not only avoid the functions above but make sure that any functions it calls also avoid the functions above. Also, to date in LilyPond, a pure function will always return the same value before line breaking (or, more precisely, before any version of @code{break_into_pieces} is called). This convention makes it possible to cache pure functions and be more flexible about the order in which functions are called. For example; Stem #'length has a pure property that will @emph{never} trigger one of the functions listed above and will @emph{always} return the same value before line breaking, independent of where it is called. Sometimes, this will be the actual length of the Stem. But sometimes it will not. For example; stem that links up with a beam will need its end set to the Y position of the beam at the stem's X position. However, the beam's Y positions can only be known after the score is broken up in to several systems (a beam that has a shallow slope on a compressed line of music, for example, may have a steeper one on an uncompressed line). Thus, we only call the impure version of the properties once we are @emph{absolutely certain} that all of the parameters needed to calculate their final value have been calculated. The pure version provides a useful estimate of what this Stem length (or any property) will be, and the art of creating good pure properties is trying to get the estimation as close to the actual value as possible. Of course, like Gregory Peck and Tintin, some Grobs will have properties that will always be pure. For example, the height of a note-head in not-crazy music will never depend on line breaking or other parameters decided late in the typesetting process. Inversely, in rare cases, certain properties are difficult to estimate with pure values. For example, the height of a Hairpin at a certain cross-section of its horizontal span is difficult to know without knowing the horizontal distance that the hairpin spans, and LilyPond provides an over-estimation by reporting the pure height as the entire height of the Hairpin. Purity, like for those living in a convent, is more like a contract than an @emph{a priori}. If you write a pure-function, you are promising the user (and the developer who may have to clean up after you) that your function will not be dependent on factors that change at different stages of the compilation process (compilation of a score, not of LilyPond). One last oddity is that purity, in LilyPond, is currently limited exclusively to things that have to do with Y-extent and positioning. There is no concept of @q{pure X} as, by design, X is always the independent variable (i.e. from column X1 to column X2, what will be the Y height of a given grob). Furthermore, there is no purity for properties like color, text, and other things for which a meaningful notion of estimation is either not necessary or has not yet been found. For example, even if a color were susceptible to change at different points of the compilation process, it is not clear what a pure estimate of this color would be or how this pure color could be used. Thus, in this document and in the source, you will see purity discussed almost interchangeably with Y-axis positioning issues. @node Writing a pure function @subsection Writing a pure function Pure functions take, at a minimum, three arguments: the @var{grob}, the starting column at which the function is being evaluated (hereafter referred to as @var{start}), and the end column at which the grob is being evaluated (hereafter referred to as @var{end}). For items, @var{start} and @var{end} must be provided (meaning they are not optional) but will not have a meaningful impact on the result, as items only occupy one column and will thus yield a value or not (if they are not in the range from @var{start} to @var{end}). For spanners however, @var{start} and @var{end} are important, as we may can get a better pure estimation of a slice of the spanner than considering it on the whole. This is useful during line breaking, for example, when we want to estimate the Y-extent of a spanner broken at given starting and ending columns. @node How purity is defined and stored @subsection How purity is defined and stored Purity is defined in LilyPond with the creation of an unpure-pure container (unpure is not a word, but hey, neither was LilyPond until the 90s). For example: @example #(define (foo grob) '(-1 . 1)) #(define (bar grob start end) '(-2 . 2)) \override Stem #'length = #(ly:make-unpure-pure-container foo bar) @end example Note that items can only ever have two pure heights: their actual pure height if they are between @q{start} and @q{end}, or an empty interval if they are not. Thus, their pure property is cached to speed LilyPond up. Pure heights for spanners are generally not cached as they change depending on the start and end values. They are only cached in certain particular cases. Before writing a lot of caching code, make sure that it is a value that will be reused a lot. @node Where purity is used @subsection Where purity is used Pure Y values must be used in any functions that are called before line breaking. Examples of this can be seen in @code{Separation_items::boxes} to construct horizontal skylines and in @code{Note_spacing::stem_dir_correction} to correct for optical illusions in spacing. Pure properties are also used in the calculation of other pure properties. For example, the @code{Axis_group_interface} has pure functions that look up other pure functions. Purity is also implicitly used in any functions that should only ever return pure values. For example, extra-spacing-height is only ever used before line-breaking and thus should never use values that would only be available after line breaking. In this case, there is no need to create callbacks with pure equivalents because these functions, by design, need to be pure. To know if a property will be called before and/or after line-breaking is sometimes tricky and can, like all things in coding, be found by using a debugger and/or adding @var{printf} statements to see where they are called in various circumstances. @node Case studies @subsection Case studies In each of these case studies, we expose a problem in pure properties, a solution, and the pros and cons of this solution. @subheading Time signatures A time signature needs to prevent accidentals from passing over or under it, but its extent does not necessarily extend to the Y-position of accidentals. LilyPond's horizontal spacing sometimes makes a line of music compact and, when doing so, allows certain columns to pass over each other if they will not collide. This type of passing over is not desirable with time signatures in traditional engraving. But how do we know if this passing over will happen before line breaking, as we are not sure what the X positions will be? We need a pure estimation of how much extra spacing height the time signatures would need to prevent this form of passing over without making this height so large as to overly-distort the Y-extent of an system, which could result in a very @q{loose} looking score with lots of horizontal space between columns. So, to approximate this extra spacing height, we use the Y-extent of a time signature's next-door-neighbor grobs via the pure-from-neighbor interface. @itemize @item pros: By extending the extra spacing height of a time signature to that of its next-door-neighbors, we make sure that grobs to the right of it that could pass above or below it do not. @item cons: This over-estimation of the vertical height could prevent snug vertical spacing of systems, as the system will be registered as being taller at the point of the time signature than it actually is. This approach can be used for clefs and bar lines as well. @end itemize @subheading Stems As described above, Stems need pure height approximations when they are beamed, as we do not know the beam positions before line breaking. To estimate this pure height, we take all the stems in a beam and find their pure heights as if they were not beamed. Then, we find the union of all these pure heights and take the intersection between this interval (which is large) and an interval going from the note-head of a stem to infinity in the direction of the stem so that the interval stops at the note head. @itemize @item pros: This is guaranteed to be at least as long as the beamed stem, as a beamed stem will never go over the ideal length of the extremal beam of a stem. @item cons: Certain stems will be estimated as being too long, which leads to the same problem of too-much-vertical-height as described above. @end itemize @node Debugging tips @subsection Debugging tips A few questions to ask yourself when working with pure properties: @itemize @item Is the property really pure? Are you sure that its value could not be changed later in the compiling process due to other changes? @item Can the property be made to correspond even more exactly with the eventual impure property? @item For a spanner, is the pure property changing correctly depending on the starting and ending points of the spanner? @item For an Item, will the item's pure height need to act in horizontal spacing but not in vertical spacing? If so, use extra-spacing-height instead of pure height. @end itemize @node LilyPond scoping @section LilyPond scoping The LilyPond language has a concept of scoping, i.e. you can do: @example foo = 1 #(begin (display (+ foo 2))) @end example @noindent with @code{\paper}, @code{\midi} and @code{\header} being nested scope inside the @file{.ly} file-level scope. @w{@code{foo = 1}} is translated in to a scheme variable definition. This implemented using modules, with each scope being an anonymous module that imports its enclosing scope's module. LilyPond's core, loaded from @file{.scm} files, is usually placed in the @code{lily} module, outside the @file{.ly} level. In the case of @example lilypond a.ly b.ly @end example @noindent we want to reuse the built-in definitions, without changes effected in user-level @file{a.ly} leaking into the processing of @file{b.ly}. The user-accessible definition commands have to take care to avoid memory leaks that could occur when running multiple files. All information belonging to user-defined commands and markups is stored in a manner that allows it to be garbage-collected when the module is dispersed, either by being stored module-locally, or in weak hash tables. @node Scheme->C interface @section Scheme->C interface Most of the C functions interfacing with Guile/Scheme used in LilyPond are described in the API Reference of the @uref{http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/index.html, GUILE Reference Manual}. The remaining functions are defined in @file{lily/lily-guile.cc}, @file{lily/include/lily-guile.hh} and @file{lily/include/lily-guile-macros.hh}. Although their names are meaningful there's a few things you should know about them. @menu * Comparison:: * Conversion:: @end menu @node Comparison @subsection Comparison This is the trickiest part of the interface. Mixing Scheme values with C comparison operators won't produce any crash or warning when compiling but must be avoided: @example scm_string_p (scm_value) == SCM_BOOL_T @end example As we can read in the reference, @code{scm_string_p} returns a Scheme value: either @code{#t} or @code{#f} which are written @code{SCM_BOOL_T} and @code{SCM_BOOL_F} in C. This will work, but it is not following to the API guidelines. For further information, read this discussion: @smallexample @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2011-08/msg00646.html} @end smallexample There are functions in the Guile reference that returns C values instead of Scheme values. In our example, a function called @code{scm_is_string} (described after @code{string?} and @code{scm_string_p}) returns the C value 0 or 1. So the best solution was simply: @example scm_is_string (scm_value) @end example There a simple solution for almost every common comparison. Another example: we want to know if a Scheme value is a non-empty list. Instead of: @example (scm_is_true (scm_list_p (scm_value)) && scm_value != SCM_EOL) @end example one can usually use: @example scm_is_pair (scm_value) @end example since a list of at least one member is a pair. This test is cheap; @code{scm_list_p} is actually quite more complex since it makes sure that its argument is neither a `dotted list' where the last pair has a non-null @code{cdr}, nor a circular list. There are few situations where the complexity of those tests make sense. Unfortunately, there is not a @code{scm_is_[something]} function for everything. That's one of the reasons why LilyPond has its own Scheme interface. As a rule of thumb, tests that are cheap enough to be worth inlining tend to have such a C interface. So there is @code{scm_is_pair} but not @code{scm_is_list}, and @code{scm_is_eq} but not @code{scm_is_equal}. @subheading General definitions @subsubheading bool to_boolean (SCM b) Return @code{true} if @var{b} is @code{SCM_BOOL_T}, else return @code{false}. This should be used instead of @code{scm_is_true} and @code{scm_is_false} for properties since in LilyPond, unset properties are read as an empty list, and by convention unset Boolean properties default to false. Since both @code{scm_is_true} and @code{scm_is_false} only compare with @code{##f} in line with what Scheme's conditionals do, they are not really useful for checking the state of a Boolean property. @subsubheading bool ly_is_[something] (args) Behave the same as scm_is_[something] would do if it existed. @subsubheading bool is_[type] (SCM s) Test whether the type of @var{s} is [type]. [type] is a LilyPond-only set of values (direction, axis...). More often than not, the code checks LilyPond specific C++-implemented types using @subsubheading [Type *] unsmob (SCM s) This tries converting a Scheme object to a pointer of the desired kind. If the Scheme object is of the wrong type, a pointer value of@w{ }@code{0} is returned, making this suitable for a Boolean test. @node Conversion @subsection Conversion @subheading General definitions @subsubheading bool to_boolean (SCM b) Return @code{true} if @var{b} is @code{SCM_BOOL_T}, else return @code{false}. This should be used instead of @code{scm_is_true} and @code{scm_is_false} for properties since empty lists are sometimes used to unset them. @subsubheading [C type] ly_scm2[C type] (SCM s) Behave the same as scm_to_[C type] would do if it existed. @subsubheading [C type] robust_scm2[C type] (SCM s, [C type] d) Behave the same as scm_to_[C type] would do if it existed. Return @var{d} if type verification fails. @node LilyPond miscellany @section LilyPond miscellany This is a place to dump information that may be of use to developers but doesn't yet have a proper home. Ideally, the length of this section would become zero as items are moved to other homes. @menu * Spacing algorithms:: * Info from Han-Wen email:: * Music functions and GUILE debugging:: * Articulations on EventChord:: @end menu @node Spacing algorithms @subsection Spacing algorithms Here is information from an email exchange about spacing algorithms. On Thu, 2010-02-04 at 15:33 -0500, Boris Shingarov wrote: I am experimenting with some modifications to the line breaking code, and I am stuck trying to understand how some of it works. So far my understanding is that Simple_spacer operates on a vector of Grobs, and it is a well-known Constrained-QP problem (rods = constraints, springs = quadratic function to minimize). What I don't understand is, if the spacer operates at the level of Grobs, which are built at an earlier stage in the pipeline, how are the changes necessitated by differences in line breaking, taken into account? in other words, if I take the last measure of a line and place it on the next line, it is not just a matter of literally moving that graphic to where the start of the next line is, but I also need to draw a clef, key signature, and possibly other fundamental things -- but at that stage in the rendering pipeline, is it not too late?? Joe Neeman answered: We create lots of extra grobs (eg. a BarNumber at every bar line) but most of them are not drawn. See the break-visibility property in item-interface. Here is another e-mail exchange. Janek WarchoĊ‚ asked for a starting point to fixing 1301 (change clef colliding with notes). Neil Puttock replied: The clef is on a loose column (it floats before the head), so the first place I'd look would be lily/spacing-loose-columns.cc (and possibly lily/spacing-determine-loose-columns.cc). I'd guess the problem is the way loose columns are spaced between other columns: in this snippet, the columns for the quaver and tuplet minim are so close together that the clef's column gets dumped on top of the quaver (since it's loose, it doesn't influence the spacing). @node Info from Han-Wen email @subsection Info from Han-Wen email In 2004, Douglas Linhardt decided to try starting a document that would explain LilyPond architecture and design principles. The material below is extracted from that email, which can be found at @uref{http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.devel/2992}. The headings reflect questions from Doug or comments from Han-Wen; the body text are Han-Wen's answers. @subheading Figuring out how things work. I must admit that when I want to know how a program works, I use grep and emacs and dive into the source code. The comments and the code itself are usually more revealing than technical documents. @subheading What's a grob, and how is one used? Graphical object - they are created from within engravers, either as Spanners (derived class) -slurs, beams- or Items (also a derived class) -notes, clefs, etc. There are two other derived classes System (derived from Spanner, containing a "line of music") and Paper_column (derived from Item, it contains all items that happen at the same moment). They are separate classes because they play a special role in the linebreaking process. @subheading What's a smob, and how is one used? A C(++) object that is encapsulated so it can be used as a Scheme object. See GUILE info, "19.3 Defining New Types (Smobs)" @subheading When is each C++ class constructed and used? @itemize @item Music classes In the parser.yy see the macro calls MAKE_MUSIC_BY_NAME(). @item Contexts Constructed during "interpreting" phase. @item Engravers Executive branch of Contexts, plugins that create grobs, usually one engraver per grob type. Created together with context. @item Layout Objects = grobs @item Grob Interfaces These are not C++ classes per se. The idea of a Grob interface hasn't crystallized well. ATM, an interface is a symbol, with a bunch of grob properties. They are not objects that are created or destroyed. @item Iterators Objects that walk through different music classes, and deliver events in a synchronized way, so that notes that play together are processed at the same moment and (as a result) end up on the same horizontal position. Created during interpreting phase. BTW, the entry point for interpreting is ly:run-translator (ly_run_translator on the C++ side) @end itemize @subheading Can you get to Context properties from a Music object? You can create music object with a Scheme function that reads context properties (the \applycontext syntax). However, that function is executed during Interpreting, so you can not really get Context properties from Music objects, since music objects are not directly connected to Contexts. That connection is made by the Music_iterators @subheading Can you get to Music properties from a Context object? Yes, if you are given the music object within a Context object. Normally, the music objects enter Contexts in synchronized fashion, and the synchronization is done by Music_iterators. @subheading What is the relationship between C++ classes and Scheme objects? Smobs are C++ objects in Scheme. Scheme objects (lists, functions) are manipulated from C++ as well using the GUILE C function interface (prefix: scm_) @subheading How do Scheme procedures get called from C++ functions? scm_call_*, where * is an integer from 0 to 4. Also scm_c_eval_string (), scm_eval () @subheading How do C++ functions get called from Scheme procedures? Export a C++ function to Scheme with LY_DEFINE. @subheading What is the flow of control in the program? Good question. Things used to be clear-cut, but we have Scheme and SMOBs now, which means that interactions do not follow a very rigid format anymore. See below for an overview, though. @subheading Does the parser make Scheme procedure calls or C++ function calls? Both. And the Scheme calls can call C++ and vice versa. It's nested, with the SCM datatype as lubrication between the interactions (I think the word "lubrication" describes the process better than the traditional word "glue") @subheading How do the front-end and back-end get started? Front-end: a file is parsed, the rest follows from that. Specifically, Parsing leads to a Music + Music_output_def object (see parser.yy, definition of toplevel_expression ) A Music + Music_output_def object leads to a Global_context object (see ly_run_translator ()) During interpreting, Global_context + Music leads to a bunch of Contexts (see Global_translator::run_iterator_on_me ()). After interpreting, Global_context contains a Score_context (which contains staves, lyrics etc.) as a child. Score_context::get_output () spews a Music_output object (either a Paper_score object for notation or Performance object for MIDI). The Music_output object is the entry point for the backend (see ly_render_output ()). The main steps of the backend itself are in @itemize @item @file{paper-score.cc} , Paper_score::process_ @item @file{system.cc} , System::get_lines() @item The step, where things go from grobs to output, is in System::get_line(): each grob delivers a Stencil (a Device independent output description), which is interpreted by our outputting backends (@file{scm/output-tex.scm} and @file{scm/output-ps.scm}) to produce TeX and PS. @end itemize Interactions between grobs and putting things into .tex and .ps files have gotten a little more complex lately. Jan has implemented page-breaking, so now the backend also involves Paper_book, Paper_lines and other things. This area is still heavily in flux, and perhaps not something you should want to look at. @subheading How do the front-end and back-end communicate? There is no communication from backend to front-end. From front-end to backend is simply the program flow: music + definitions gives contexts, contexts yield output, after processing, output is written to disk. @subheading Where is the functionality associated with KEYWORDs? See @file{my-lily-lexer.cc} (keywords, there aren't that many) and @file{ly/*.ly} (most of the other backslashed @code{/\words} are identifiers) @subheading What Contexts/Properties/Music/etc. are available when they are processed? What do you mean exactly with this question? See @file{ly/engraver-init.ly} for contexts, see @file{scm/define-*.scm} for other objects. @subheading How do you decide if something is a Music, Context, or Grob property? Why is part-combine-status a Music property when it seems (IMO) to be related to the Staff context? The Music_iterators and Context communicate through two channels Music_iterators can set and read context properties, idem for Engravers and Contexts Music_iterators can send "synthetic" music events (which aren't in the input) to a context. These are caught by Engravers. This is mostly a one way communication channel. part-combine-status is part of such a synthetic event, used by Part_combine_iterator to communicate with Part_combine_engraver. @subheading Deciding between context and music properties I'm adding a property to affect how \autochange works. It seems to me that it should be a context property, but the Scheme autochange procedure has a Music argument. Does this mean I should use a Music property? \autochange is one of these extra strange beasts: it requires look-ahead to decide when to change staves. This is achieved by running the interpreting step twice (see @file{scm/part-combiner.scm} , at the bottom), and storing the result of the first step (where to switch staves) in a Music property. Since you want to influence that where-to-switch list, your must affect the code in make-autochange-music (@file{scm/part-combiner.scm}). That code is called directly from the parser and there are no official "parsing properties" yet, so there is no generic way to tune \autochange. We would have to invent something new for this, or add a separate argument, @example \autochange #around-central-C ..music.. @end example @noindent where around-central-C is some function that is called from make-autochange-music. @subheading More on context and music properties From Neil Puttock, in response to a question about transposition: Context properties (using \set & \unset) are tied to engravers: they provide information relevant to the generation of graphical objects. Since transposition occurs at the music interpretation stage, it has no direct connection with engravers: the pitch of a note is fixed before a notehead is created. Consider the following minimal snippet: @example @{ c' @} @end example This generates (simplified) a NoteEvent, with its pitch and duration as event properties, @example (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1 1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 0 0) @end example which the Note_heads_engraver hears. It passes this information on to the NoteHead grob it creates from the event, so the head's correct position and duration-log can be determined once it's ready for printing. If we transpose the snippet, @example \transpose c d @{ c' @} @end example the pitch is changed before it reaches the engraver (in fact, it happens just after the parsing stage with the creation of a TransposedMusic music object): @example (make-music 'NoteEvent 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1 1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 1 0) @end example You can see an example of a music property relevant to transposition: untransposable. @example \transpose c d @{ c'2 \withMusicProperty #'untransposable ##t c' @} @end example -> the second c' remains untransposed. Take a look at @file{lily/music.cc} to see where the transposition takes place. @subheading How do I tell about the execution environment? I get lost figuring out what environment the code I'm looking at is in when it executes. I found both the C++ and Scheme autochange code. Then I was trying to figure out where the code got called from. I finally figured out that the Scheme procedure was called before the C++ iterator code, but it took me a while to figure that out, and I still didn't know who did the calling in the first place. I only know a little bit about Flex and Bison, so reading those files helped only a little bit. @emph{Han-Wen:} GDB can be of help here. Set a breakpoint in C++, and run. When you hit the breakpoint, do a backtrace. You can inspect Scheme objects along the way by doing @example p ly_display_scm(obj) @end example this will display OBJ through GUILE. @node Music functions and GUILE debugging @subsection Music functions and GUILE debugging Ian Hulin was trying to do some debugging in music functions, and came up with the following question (edited and adapted to current versions): HI all, I'm working on the Guile Debugger Stuff, and would like to try debugging a music function definition such as: @example conditionalMark = #(define-music-function () () #@{ \tag instrumental-part @{\mark \default@} #@} ) @end example It appears @code{conditionalMark} does not get set up as an equivalent of a Scheme @example (define conditionalMark = define-music-function () () ... @end example @noindent although something gets defined because Scheme apparently recognizes @example #(set-break! conditionalMark) @end example @noindent later on in the file without signalling any Guile errors. However the breakpoint trap is never encountered as @code{define-music-function} passed things on to @code{ly:make-music-function}, which is really C++ code @code{ly_make_music_function}, so Guile never finds out about the breakpoint. The answer in the mailing list archive at that time was less than helpful. The question already misidentifies the purpose of @code{ly:make-music-function} which is only called once at the time of @emph{defining} @code{conditionalMark} but is not involved in its later @emph{execution}. Here is the real deal: A music function is not the same as a GUILE function. It boxes both a proper Scheme function (with argument list and body from the @code{define-music-function} definition) along with a call signature representing the @emph{types} of both function and arguments. Those components can be reextracted using @code{ly:music-function-extract} and @code{ly:music-function-signature}, respectively. When LilyPond's parser encounters a music function call in its input, it reads, interprets, and verifies the arguments individually according to the call signature and @emph{then} calls the proper Scheme function. While it is actually possible these days to call a music function @emph{as if} it were a Scheme function itself, this pseudo-call uses its own wrapping code matching the argument list @emph{as a whole} to the call signature, substituting omitted optional arguments with defaults and verifying the result type. So putting a breakpoint on the music function itself will still not help with debugging uses of the function using LilyPond syntax. However, either calling mechanism ultimately calls the proper Scheme function stored as part of the music function, and that is where the breakpoint belongs: @example #(set-break! (ly:music-function-extract conditionalMark)) @end example will work for either calling mechanism. @node Articulations on EventChord @subsection Articulations on EventChord From David Kastrup's email @uref{http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-devel/2012-02/msg00189.html}: LilyPond's typesetting does not act on music expressions and music events. It acts exclusively on stream events. It is the act of iterators to convert a music expression into a sequence of stream events played in time order. The EventChord iterator is pretty simple: it just takes its "elements" field when its time comes up, turns every member into a StreamEvent and plays that through the typesetting process. The parser currently appends all postevents belonging to a chord at the end of "elements", and thus they get played at the same point of time as the elements of the chord. Due to this design, you can add per-chord articulations or postevents or even assemble chords with a common stem by using parallel music providing additional notes/events: the typesetter does not see a chord structure or postevents belonging to a chord, it just sees a number of events occuring at the same point of time in a Voice context. So all one needs to do is let the EventChord iterator play articulations after elements, and then adding to articulations in EventChord is equivalent to adding them to elements (except in cases where the order of events matters).