LILYPOND DOCUMENTATION TRANSLATION SOURCES The sources live in a GIT repository. Git or newer is required, and Git 1.5.x is highly recommended. To get a fresh version of LilyPond sources run mkdir lily ; cd lily git init-db git fetch git:// refs/heads/lilypond/translation:lilypond/translation git checkout -b mytranslations lilypond/translation GIT The reader is supposed to be familiar with Git, for example by having experience from translation; see;a=blob_plain;f=README;hb=web/master REQUIREMENTS Working on LilyPond documentation translations requires: * python * make * gettext WHICH DOCUMENTATION CAN BE TRANSLATED The makfiles and scripts infrastructure currently supports translation of the following documentation: * documentation index (HTML) * user manual and program usage -- Texinfo source, PDF and HTML output; Info output might be added if there is enough demand for it. STARTING A TRANSLATION IN A NEW LANGUAGE At top of the source directory, do ./ or (if you want to install your self-compiled LilyPond locally): ./ --prefix=$HOME If you want to compile LilyPond -- which is almost required to build the docs, but is not required to do translation only -- fix all dependencies and rerun ./configure (with the same options as for autogen). Cd into Documentation and run: make ISOLANG= new-lang where is the ISO 639 language code. Add a language definition for your language in buildscripts/ See next section about what files to translate and the following detailed instructions after the next section. FILES TO BE TRANSLATED All the following files are in Documentation/ Translation of Documentation/foo/bar should be Documentation//foo/bar. Unmentioned files should not be translated. Priorities: 1. delivery 2. 3. 4. 5. later 6. optional Files marked with priority 3, 4 or 5 may be submitted individually. Word counts (excluding lilypond snippets) are given for each file. -1- Documentation index and Tutorial 396 user/lilypond-learning.tely 5593 user/tutorial.itely 23 user/dedication.itely 216 1954 po/lilypond-doc.pot (translate to po/.po) 8182 total In addition, user/macros.itexi may be translated in case typographic rules used in this file are different in your language. -2- Introduction and beginning of Application Usage 411 user/preface.itely 3198 user/introduction.itely 374 user/lilypond-program.tely 1477 user/install.itely (partial translation) 947 user/setup.itely 2860 user/running.itely 9267 total -3- Learning manual 8626 user/fundamental.itely -- Fundamental concepts 12134 user/tweaks.itely -- Tweaking output 2985 user/working.itely -- Working on LilyPond files 483 user/templates.itely -- Templates 24228 total -4- Notation reference 539 user/lilypond.tely 91 user/notation.itely -- Musical notation 2808 user/pitches.itely 7336 user/rhythms.itely 1681 user/expressive.itely 725 user/repeats.itely 916 user/simultaneous.itely 1861 user/staff.itely 879 user/editorial.itely 2336 user/text.itely 54 user/specialist.itely -- Specialist notation 2630 user/vocal.itely 1275 user/chords.itely 702 user/piano.itely 481 user/percussion.itely 826 user/guitar.itely 66 user/strings.itely 242 user/bagpipes.itely 4289 user/ancient.itely 2458 user/input.itely -- Input syntax 2164 user/non-music.itely -- Non-musical notation 8399 user/spacing.itely -- Spacing issues 5149 user/changing-defaults.itely -- Changing defaults 4547 user/programming-interface.itely -- Interfaces for programmers 935 user/notation-appendices.itely -- Notation manual tables 250 user/cheatsheet.itely -- Cheat sheet 53639 total -5- Application usage 2917 user/lilypond-book.itely -- LilyPond-book 975 user/converters.itely -- Converting from other formats 3892 total -6- Appendices whose translation is optional 299 user/literature.itely 960 user/scheme-tutorial.itely (needs to be revised first) 1259 total TRANSLATION DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS Please follow all these instructions with care to ensure quality work. All files should be encoded in UTF-8. * LEARNING MANUAL AND OTHER TEXINFO DOCUMENTATION Any title which comes with one of the following commands must not be translated directly in the Texinfo source @node @majorheading @chapter @unnumbered @appendix @chapheading @section @unnumberedsec @appendixsec @heading @subsection @unnumberedsubsec @appendixsubsec @subheading @subsubsection @unnumberedsubsubsec @appendixsubsubsec @subsubheading @ref @rglos As a notable exception, the second argument 'Bar baz' of @ref{Foo,'Bar baz',,info-file} should be translated. @uref's names are to be translated. In any section which looks like @menu * node1:: thing1 * node2:: thing2 ... @end menu the node names (nodeN) are NOT to be translated, whereas extra title information (thingN) is. Every node name or section title must from now on be translated separately in a .po file (just as well as LilyPond output messages). This .po file should be in Documentation/po. Please keep verbatim copies of music snippets (in @lilypond blocs). However, some music snippets containing text that shows in the rendered music, and sometimes translating this text really helps the user to understand the documentation; in this case, and only in this case, you may as an exception translate text in the music snippet, and then you must add a line immediately before the @lilypond block, beginning with @c KEEP LY Otherwise the music snippet would be reset to the same contents as the English version at next 'make snippet-update' run (see UPDATING A TRANSLATION below). When you encounter @lilypondfile[,texidoc]{} in the source, open input/lsr/, translate the texidoc string it contains, enclose it with 'texidoc = "' and '"', and write it into input/texidocs/FILENAME.texidoc -- please keep possibly existing translations in other languages! For instance, input/texidocs/FILENAME.texidoc may contain texidoces = " Spanish translation blah " texidocde = "German translation foo " @example blocs need not be verbatim copies, e.g. variable names, file names and comments should be translated. Index entries (@cindex and so on) should be translated. Carefully apply every rule exposed in Documentation/README.txt. If one of these rules conflicts with a rule specific to your language, please ask the Translation meister and/or the Documentation Editor on * REFERENCE NOTATION AND PROGRAM USAGE MANUAL Copy user/lilypond.tely (or user/lilypond-program.tely, respectively) into /user, then translate this file and run skeleton-update (see UPDATE A TRANSLATION below). Your are now ready to translate notation reference (program usage manual, respectively) exactly like the learning manual. * DOCUMENTATION INDEX Unlike almost all HTML pages in this documentation, links in this page are not tweaked by, so links should be manually edited to link to existing translations. CHECK STATE OF TRANSLATION First pull, then cd into Documentation (or at top of the source tree, replace 'make' with 'make -C Documentation') and run make ISOLANG= check-translation This presents a diff of the original files since the most recent revision of the translation. To check a single file, cd into Documentation and run make CHECKED_FILES=/user/foo.itely check-translation Small tip: to see only which files need to be updated, do make ISOLANG= check-translation | grep 'diff --git' Global state of the translation is recorded in Documentation/, which is used to generate Translations status page. To update that page, do from Documentation/ make translation-status This will also leave out/translations-status.txt, which contains up-to-dateness percentages for each translated file. UPDATE A TRANSLATION Instead of running check-translation, you can run update-translation, which will run your favorite text editor to update files. First, make sure environment variable EDITOR is set to a text editor command, then run from Documentation make ISOLANG= update-translation or to update a single file make CHECKED_FILES=/user/foo.itely update-translation For each file to be udpated, update-translation will open your text editor with this file and a diff of the file in English; if the diff cannot be generated or is bigger than the file in English itself, the full file in English will be opened instead. Texinfo skeleton files, i.e. .itely files not yet translated, containing only the Texinfo structure can be updated automatically: whenever 'make check-translation' shows that such files should be updated, run from Documentation make ISOLANG= skeleton-update .po message catalogs in Documentation/po may be updated with (from Documentation or Documentation/po) make po-update WARNING: if you run po-update and somebody else does the same and pushes before you push or send a patch to be applied, there will be a conflict when you pull. Therefore, it is better that only the Translation meister runs this command. Updating music snippets can quickly become cumbersome, as most snippets should be identical in all languages. Fortunately, there is a script than can do this odd job for you (run from Documentation): make ISOLANG= snippet-update This script overwrites music snippets in /user/every.itely with music snippets from user/every.itely. It ignores skeleton files, and keeps intact music snippets preceded with a line starting with '@c KEEP LY'; it reports an error for each .itely that has not the same music snippet count in both languages. Finally, a command runs the three update processes above for all enabled languages (from Documentation): make all-translations-update This command is mainly intended to be used by the Translation meister. TECHNICAL BACKGROUND A number of Python scripts handle a part of the documentation translation process: * -- language definitions * -- show diff to update a translation * -- quickly and dirtily parse Texinfo files to make message catalogs and Texinfo skeleton files * -- update Texinfo skeleton files * -- translate node names, section titles and cross references in HTML files generated by makeinfo * (module called by -- add footer and tweak links in HTML pages * -- gettext node names, section titles and references before calling texi2pdf * -- link or symlink files between English documentation and documentation in other languages * -- synchronize ly snippets with those from English docs * -- update translations status pages and word counts in the file you are reading