article(LilyPond on W32) (Jan Nieuwenhuizen and Jeffrey Reed) () No, there's no reason to be concered, Lily should work in Windows-NT(/95/98?) too. The setup may not be easy or smooth. This document will help you getting started. sect(DISCLAIMER) If you have the Cygnus gnu-windows32 port of the GNU utils, LilyPond will work in Windows-NT (/95/98?). We still recommend you use Unix. In particular, use GNU/Linux: We've been there, and we've seen it happen several times. It is bf(much) easier and quicker to install RedHat Linux and LilyPond than to obtain, compile and install all the necessary tools to compile and run LilyPond on Windows. ``Ok, thanks for the suggestions. I can't run Linux or I don't want to run Unix. What can I expect?'' itemize( it()LilyPond development is moving quite fast, and all developers use Unix. Newly added features may require some attention to get them to work. it()LilyPond depends on a number of other packages that usually are available on Unix boxes, but are not installed by default on Windows. ) subsect(INSTALL) Like Yodl, LilyPond will now install/extract in a unix-like tree: verb( usr/[local/]bin/ usr/[local/]share/lilypond/* ) etc. Both Yodl and Lily run in a the unix-like Cygnus gnu-windows environment; hopefully Cygnus will adopt the file(/usr/[local/]) tree too. nl() If you really don't want usr/ in your root directory, but rather scatter your programs and packages all over your harddisk, do something like: verb( md lilypond cd lilypond unzip ../ ) and add file(lilypond/usr/bin) to your file(PATH) and file(lilypond/usr/share/lilypond) to your file(LILYINCLUDE). subsect(BUILDING LILYPOND) If you've received a binary release of LilyPond (file(, you may skip the following sections. subsect(GOOD NEWS) It can be done! Occasionally, the Cygnus b19.1 cross compiler and utilities under GNU/Linux are used to make the binary file( releases (some makefile hacking was needed to build this stuff). Jeffrey Reed tries to keep-up with LilyPond development, and is doing quite well. His latest release is available on lurl( subsect(UNPACKING) I have heard of such tools that think they're probably much smarter than the packager and thus decide for themselves that they don't need to unpack certain files (e.g., empty directories such as bin/out). To unpack the lilypond sources, you should do something like: verb( tar zxf releases/lilypond-x.y.z.tar.gz ) subsect(ABOUT UNIX) If you're familiar with the GNU/Cygnus development package, you may skip this. Don't forget to set verb( /start/settings/control-panel/system/environment/system-variables: GCC_EXEC_PREFIX=/Cygnus/b19/H-i386-cygwin32/lib/gcc-lib/ MAKE_MODE=UNIX ) You want to run bash, while building Lily: verb( c:\bash bash-2.01$ ) The install instructions mention something like: verb( configure make make install ) Now for a small UNIX lesson: The current working directory (cwd) is by default not in your PATH, like it is under DOS (for security reasons). Check this by looking at the output of: verb( echo $PATH ) The cwd looks like code('::') or code(':.'). If it's not there, you may add the cwd to your path: verb( PATH=$PATH:. ) or you must use './' when issuing a command in th cwd, try: verb( ./configure make ) sect(LILYPOND Windows-NT Support -- by Jeffrey Reed) My point of reference comes from 15 odd years working with a variety of tt(UNIX) platforms. I am relatively new to Windows-NT and, even though I am a card carrying tt(UNIX) bigot, I am excited about the NT OS. My goals for lilypond are to give back to the Free Software Foundation a little of what they have given me over the years and to contribute to the lilypond project by supporting a Windows-NT port. I hope that someday we can distribute and run lilypond on the NT OS in a much more native fashion. itemize( it()link(Building lilypond on tt(Windows-NT))(build) it()link(Maintaining lilypond on tt(Windows-NT))(maintain) it()link(Running lilypond on tt(Windows-NT))(run) ) subsect(Building lilypond on Windows-NT) label(build) Currently as stated above lilypond is primarily a tt(UNIX) thing. The Windows-NT port is based on the tt(UNIX) environment provided by url(Cygnus)( Therefore the first step is to download and install the Cygnus development kit: subsubsect(Cygnus Development Kit) lurl( Please follow the documentation Cygnus has on there web site for downloading and installing. The important part is that you down load the entire development kit. I believe it is file(full.exe). The installation will ask you where you want to install it. I will refer to Cygnus installation directory as file(/gnuwin32/cygwin-b20). There should be a file(README) file that contains installation instructions. After the installation is complete you should have a em(Cygnus) shortcut in your em(Program) section of your em(Start Menu). This shortcut is your door to the tt(UNIX) world and I will refer to the resulting window as a file(bash) shell. The shortcut points to file(/gnuwin32/cygwin-b20/cygnus.bat). The following is my file(cygnus.bat) file. verb( @ECHO OFF rem default environment rem GNU cygnus installation SET CYGREL=B19.1 SET MAKE_MODE=unix SET LOCAL_ROOT=d:\gnuwin32 SET LOCAL_FS=d:/gnuwin32 SET LOCAL_DIR=d:/gnuwin32/cygwin-b20 SET CYGROOT=%LOCAL_ROOT%\cygwin-b20 SET CYGFS=%LOCAL_FS%/cygwin-b20 SET TCL_LIBRARY=%CYGROOT%\share\tcl8.0\ rem rem This was not in the original but is needed by lots of packages rem SET BISON_SIMPLE=%CYGFS%/share/bison.simple rem rem I place the cygnus stuff in front of /WINNT rem SET PATH=d:\bin;%LOCAL_ROOT%\bin;%CYGROOT%\H-i586-cygwin32\bin;%PATH% SET MANPATH=%LOCAL_ROOT%\man;%LOCAL_ROOT%\cygwin-b20\full-man\man SET INFOPATH=%LOCAL_FS%/cygwin-b20/full-man/info;%LOCAL_FS%/cygwin-b20/info;%LOCAL_DIR%/info rem General tools not included with Cygnus Development Kit rem CVS SET PATH=%PATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\cvs-1.9.28\bin SET INFOPATH=%INFOPATH%;%LOCAL_FS%/cvs-1.9.28/info SET MANPATH=%MANPATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\cvs-1.9.28\man rem EMACS SET PATH=%PATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\emacs-19.34\bin SET INFOPATH=%INFOPATH%;%LOCAL_FS%/emacs-19.34/info rem VIM SET VIM=%LOCAL_ROOT%\vim-4.6\doc SET PATH=%PATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\vim-4.6 rem TeX SET PATH=%PATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\texmf\miktex\bin rem a2ps SET PATH=%PATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\a2ps-4.10\bin SET INFOPATH=%INFOPATH%;%LOCAL_FS%/a2ps-4.10/info SET MANPATH=%MANPATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\a2ps-4.10\man rem python SET PATH=%PATH%;\Program Files\Python rem perl SET PATH=%PATH%;\qub rem yodl SET PATH=%PATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\yodl-1.30.0.pre10\bin set MANPATH=%MANPATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\yodl-1.30.0.pre10\man uname -sv bash -login ) Please look over this carefully. Be careful with the forward and backward slash notations. The paths specified were done for good reasons. Maybe someday we will all be using code(UNC). Note the tt(BISON) entry and the tt(PATH) ordering in particular. Also note that the generic file(cygnus.bat) you will be looking at does not include alot of the packages listed. We will be installing some of these. The installation also suggests that you create a directory file(/bin) and copy file(/gnuwin32/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/sh.exe) to file(/bin). The file(sh.exe) shell provided by Cygnus is a descendant of the file(ash) shell. The file(sh.exe) shell has improved greatly and is much faster than the file(bash) shell for script invocations. So this is my recommendation for post installation steps. From a file(bash) shell: itemize( it()code(cd /) it()code(mkdir bin) it()code(cd /bin) it()code(cp /gnuwin32/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/sh.exe sh.exe) it()code(cp /gnuwin32/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/bash.exe bash.exe) it()code(cd /) it()code(mkdir /tmp) it()code(chmod a+rwx tmp) it()code(mkdir /etc) it()code(cd /etc) it()code(mkpasswd -l > passwd) it()code(mkgroup -l > group) ) subsubsubsect(Binary Mounts) label(binary) There is also some discussion of how you want to em(mount) the Cygnus development kit. em(mount) is a tt(UNIX) term that refers to the mechanism used to provide a disk resource to the filesystem. Cygnus supplies a mechinism for em(mounting) a filesystem as a tt(DOS) like resource or a tt(UNIX) like resource. Among other things this attempts to deal with the text file carriage return line feed on tt(DOS) versus the line feed on tt(UNIX) and the issue that tt(DOS) has two file types, text and binary. Where tt(UNIX) deals with a single streams type. My opinion on this matter currently is to use binary mounts only. This can be accomplished by: itemize( it() From a bash shell, umount / it() mount -b d: / ) If you have other disks that you intend to use for data generated by cygnus tools you will have to mount those devices with the em(-b) switch. subsubsect(Ecgs Compiler, assembler, and linker) lurl( Cygnus now distributes the ecgs compiler with cygwin-b20. subsubsect(bf(GNU)'s Internationalization Package) lurl( Considering the origin of the major contributors of lilypond, this is a must. However before we actually do a bf(GNU) build we have to discuss some caveats of the Windows-NT OS in particular the naming of executable files. tt(Windows-NT) uses a .exe extension where tt(UNIX) does not use an extension. This causes a problem during the installation portion of a bf(GNU) build. The following script can be used to help alleviate this problem. verb( #!/bin/sh realinstall=/gnuwin32/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/install.exe args='' while [ $# -ne 0 ] do case $1 in -*CHAR(41) args="$args $1" ;; *CHAR(41) if [ -f $1.exe ]; then args="$args $1.exe" else args="$args $1" fi ;; esac shift done $realinstall $args ) I place this in script file(~/bin). The LilyPond configure, build, and install process handles this with it's own install script. In addition there are patches to the cygnus install command that also deals with this problem. Having said that, here is how one might build the em(gettext) package. itemize( it() download the package from one of the ftp sites. it() From a bash shell, cd ~/usr/src. it() tar zxf gettext-0.10.tar.gz it() cd gettext-0.10 it() ./configure --prefix=$CYGFS/H-i586-cygwin32 it() make it() make install ) subsubsect(bf(GNU)'s roff package) lurl( Following the instructions for em(gettext) package to download, build, and install the em(groff) package. subsubsect(Python Programing Language) lurl( Python is the scripting language of choice for a lilypond build. There is a native tt(Windows-NT) self extracting binary distribution available. I recommend installing Python in a directory that does bf(not) have spaces. And then place it in the bash shell path by editing $CYGFS/cygnus.bat. subsubsect(Perl Programing Language) lurl( I believe perl is used in some legacy scripts to date. There is a native tt(Windows-NT) self extracting binary distribution available. I recommend installing Perl in a directory that does bf(not) have spaces. And then place it in the bash shell path by editing $CYGFS/cygnus.bat. subsubsect(Yodl Document Language) lurl( Yodl for documentation in LilyPond. It is currently being updated by Jan Nieuwenhuizen. The development methodology of em(Yodl) as well as em(LilyPond) relies on a the following directory structure: label(dirstr) verb( $HOME/usr/src/ |-releases/ |-patches/ |-test/ ) description( dit(releases/) Downloaded and generated releases live here. For example file(yodl-1.31.7.tar.gz) and file(lilypond-1.1.17.tar.gz). dit(patches/) Downloaded and generated patches live here. For example file(yodl-1.31.7.diff.gz) and file(lilypond-1.1.17.diff.gz). dit(test/) This directory is used to generate releases and patches. ) I strongly recommend using this file structure to build em(yodl) and em(lilypond). itemize( it() download the package from lurl( to file($HOME/usr/src/releases). it() From a bash shell, cd file($HOME/usr/src). it() tar zxf releases/yodl-em().tar.gz it() cd yodl-em() it() ./configure --prefix=/gnuwin32/yodl-em() --srcdir=. Since em(yodl) is under development I choose to install it in a version rooted directory. This allows me to test newly released versions without losing a known working version. it() make it() make install it() place it in the bash shell path by editing $CYGFS/cygnus.bat. For example: verb(\ rem yodl SET PATH=%PATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\yodl-1.31.7\bin ) ) subsubsect(guile) GUILE, GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension, is a library that implements the Scheme language plus various convenient facilities. It's designed so that you can link it into an application or utility to make it extensible. GNU's plan is to link this library into all GNU programs that call for extensibility. itemize( it() download guile-1.3 patch from lurl( and save it to file(/tmp/guile.patch). it() download guile-1.3 from one of GNU's ftp sites. it() From a bash shell, tar zxf guile-1.3.tar.gz it() cd guile-1.3 it() patch -p2 < /tmp/guile.patch it() LD=/gnuwin32/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin/ld \ nl() ./configure --prefix=$CYGFS/H-i586-cygwin32 it() make sure bin_PROGRAMS macro in libguile/Makefile does em(not) have the .exe extension during the build it() make it() make sure bin_PROGRAMS in libguile/Makefile em(does) have the .exe extension during the install. Yuck. it() make install ) subsubsect(LilyPond) label(lilybuild) itemize( it() download the package from lurl( to file($HOME/usr/src/releases). it() From a bash shell, cd file($HOME/usr/src). it() tar zxf releases/lilypond-em().tar.gz it() cd lilypond-em() it() ./configure --prefix=/gnuwin32/lilypond-em() \ nl() --srcdir=. nl() Since em(lilypond) is under development I choose to install it in a version rooted directory. This allows me to test newly released versions without losing a known working version. it() make it() make install it() place it in the bash shell path by editing $CYGFS/cygnus.bat. For example: verb(\ rem lilypond SET PATH=%PATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\lilypond-1.1.17\bin ) ) subsect(Maintaining lilypond on Windows-NT) label(maintain) If you have built em(lilypond) on tt(Windows-NT) using the directory structure described link(previously)(dirstr) and the process described in section ref(lilybuild), then you are ready to maintain em(lilypond). It can not be that easy!? Well, there is one caveat. Currently to use the file(stepmake/bin/ and file(stepmake/bin/ scripts you need to obtain/build a version of em(python) that was built with bf(Cygnus) development kit. The process I used is as follows: itemize( it() obtain python source from lurl( it() tar zxf /tmp/python-em().tar.gz it() cd python-em() it() configure --prefix=/gnuwin32/Python-em() it() edit toplevel file(Makefile) code(EXE) macro so it reads code(EXE=.exe) it() make it() make install it() place it in the bash shell path by editing $CYGFS/cygnus.bat. For example: verb(\ rem python SET PATH=%PATH%;%LOCAL_ROOT%\python-1.5.1\bin ) ) I choose to build em(lilypond) with the standard tt(Windows-NT) em(python) and use the bf(Cygnus) version for using the release scripts. This way I can make sure the tt(Windows-NT) em(python) version is able to build em(lilypond). Currently there are several issues with the release scripts. Using code( and code(os.system(set -x;...)) are to name a few. To generate a new release and patch you must use the directory structure described link(previously)(dirstr). And follow the instructions found in file(PATCH.txt). Editing file(Documentation/AUTHORS.yo), file(VERSION), and file(NEWS) is also required. When my edits are complete and tested I: itemize( it() Edit file(config.make) and change em(python) path to the bf(Cygnus) version: code(PYTHON=/gnuwin32/Python-1.5.1/bin/python). it() make release ) The new release is placed in file(releases) directory and the patch is placed in the file(patches) directory. I email the new patch to email( More than one patch a day can be generated by: itemize( it() cd $HOME/usr/src it() tar zxf releases/lilypond-em().em() it() use your normal configure it() make edits it() Change file(VERSION) to increment em() it() Change file(NEWS) it() make release ) subsect(Running lilypond on Windows-NT) label(run) We are now distributing a formated binary distribution for Windows-NT. Please refer to lurl( for current news, download, installation, and running information. Jeffrey B. Reed email( sect(RUNNING LILYPOND -- by Dominique Cretel) You may want to refer to section ref(run), for more current information about downloading, installing, and running the Windows-NT binary distribution. enumerate( eit() First, I have download tha 0.1.64 version of LilyPond music software. eit() Then I extract it in a temp directory, and I move the directory "lilypond-0.1.64" to the root directory of my D drive. eit() I go to the D:\Lilypond-0.1.64\tex directory to modify the lilyponddefs.tex file (lines 75 and 84), and comment all cmbx15 ans cmbx14, and replace them by cmbx12. eit() build a command file like this: Note: I use MiKTeX to process the tex file generated. verb( ---begin ly2dvi.bat echo off set ver=0.1.64 set path=%path%;d:\lilypond-%ver%\bin lilypond -I d:\lilypond-%ver%\init %1 rem *** pause set path=c:\texmf\miktex\bin;%path% set TEXINPUTS=%TEXINPUTS%;d:\lilypond-%ver%\tex set MFINPUTS=%MFINPUTS%;d:\lilypond-%ver%\mf tex %1.tex rem *** pause dvips %1.dvi rem *** pause set path=%path%;d:\gstools\gsview gsview32 ---end ly2dvi.bat ) eit() execute lilypond by doing: verb( ly2ps silly ) ) Note: nl() You'll better have to put the SET commands lines in a separate command file to avoid consumming each time environnment ressources. Bye,nl() Dominique Cretel email( sect(PROBLEMS AND ANWSWERS) subsect(CONFIGURE AND INSTALL) This is all to confusing. I have: enumerate( eit() downloaded file(/tmp/lilypond-0.1.78.tar.gz) eit() verb( cd ~/usr/src ) eit() verb( tar zxf /tmp/lilypond-0.1.78.tar.gz ) eit() verb( ./configure --prefix=/users/jeff/lilypond-0.1.78 \\\ --enable-tex-prefix=/users/jeff/lilypond-0.1.78/texmf \\\ --enable-tex-dir=/users/jeff/lilypond-0.1.78/texmf/tex \\\ --enable-mf-dir=/users/jeff/lilypond-0.1.78/texmf/mf ) eit() verb( make ) eit() verb( make install ) ) I did have a problem with And I will look into this further. After mending issue, it compiled and install with no problems. I have 64 Meg of physical memory and 64 Meg of swap. Actually I need to increase the swap space. If a memory problem is occuring it most likely is during the link process of lilypond. There is a boat load of objects to link. Jan the mount -b stuff is confussing to me. I have the entire system mounted _without_ -b and only use -b on certain paths for programs that create binary files that do not use O_BINARY open option. By the way the midi file open is one of these cases, I need to look into that. I have had no problems with this methodology. subsect(DRIVE D:) The windows multiroot filesystem is an utterly broken concept. Please do everything on one (urg) drive, C:. verb( > configure > creating cache ./config.cache > [..] > creating config.make > creating config.hh > cd: lstat /d failed ) Ok, this looks like another stupid windows problem. You're working on 'drive D:', right? I can think of some solutions, but i don't know if they work; i just had to do some work in windows some time ago. If you have problems with this, please ask email( I'll start with the simplest: itemize( it() do everything on drive C:, or it() explicitely mount drive d:, work from there: verb( mkdir -p /mnt/d mount d: /mnt/d cd /mnt/d/lilypond-x.y.z/ ) it() make d:/ the root of cygnus, in cmd.exe/command.exe do: verb( umount / mount d: / ) ) subsect(INSTALLING TOOLS) > - First I have installed Python (for win32) "Pyth151.exe" and "Configure nl() > don't find it. I had to put it in the path for configure find it? nl() Yes, of course. It should be possible to have different versions of tools installed (e.g. perl 4 and perl 5). The best way to tell people (or tools like configure) which one to use is to put it in the path? Another small unix lesson: Where under dos each program installs itself into a nice directory verb( c:\DosProgram\* ) under unix, installation is handled centrally. Executables go in file(/usr/bin) (or file(/usr/local/bin)), and are always in your path. subsect(VIRTUAL MEMORY) verb( > 4. make -C lily don't work. I get an error (see below). I get several > object files in the ./lily/out directory (34 files: 17 *.dep, 16 *.o, > and 1 *.hh): > [...] > include/engraver-group.hh:35: virtual memory exhausted > make: *** [out/bar-grav.o] Error 1 > bash-2.01$ ) Ok, so everything works now, there's only some error with one of the source files. Lets see which one (and now the cc's now why they're reading this :-) It looks like you've run out of memory. You should compile without optimisation, gcc/egcs need a lot of memory for optimising. Reconfigure without optimisation: verb( configure --disable-optimise ) or edit file(config.make): verb( ## USER_CXXFLAGS = -g # -O no optimise! USER_CXXFLAGS = -g ) There are some other things to look at: how much RAM do you have (please say something > 8Mb :-)? Although it might be an egcs bug, you should have a look at the size of your swap file. For an US version of windows, you should find it here: verb( /start/settings/control-panel/system/performance/virtual-memory ) you see, amongst others, these entries: verb( paging file size for selected drive: space-available: xx initial-size: xx maximum-size: xx total paging file size for all drives currently allocated: xx ) Try to set: verb( initial-size: 64 maximum-size: 128 ) Make sure that: itemize( it() maximum-size >= 128 Mb it() urrently-allocated + space-available >= 128 Mb )