=head1 NAME CodingStyle - standards while programming for LilyPond =head1 DESCRIPTION Please use these standards while doing programming for LilyPond Functions and methods do not return errorcodes, but use assert for checking status. =head2 INDENTATION in emacs: (add-hook 'c-mode-hook '(lambda ()(setq c-basic-offset 4))) (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook '(lambda() (c-set-style "Stroustrup") ) ) =head2 CLASSES and TYPES: This_is_a_class AClass_name (for Abbreviation_class_name) =head2 DATA MEMBERS Class::member() Type Class::member_type_ the C is a Hungarian notation postfix for $C$. =head2 COMMENTS The source is commented in the DOC++ style. Check out doc++ at http://www.zib.de/Visual/software/doc++/index.html /// short description class Class { /// short description /** long description */ Data data_member_; /****************/ /// short memo /** long doco of member() */ member(); }; /** Class documentation. */ Unfortunately most of the code isn't really documented that good. =head2 CLASSNAMES (2) A lot of classes in LilyPond start with 'P', this is to distinguish certain parts of LilyPond: the P stands for Printer, and the P-classes are supposed to be more lowlevel than the others. Example: Staff uses PStaff, PScore and PCol to do the typesetting of symbols. Staff is the "brains" for PStaff NB: in PCursor (which is part of the library) P stands for PointerCursor =head2 MEMBERS(2) Standard methods: ///check that *this satisfies its invariants, abort if not. void OK() const /// print *this (and substructures) to debugging log void print() const /// add some data to *this; add( .. ) /** Presence of these methods usually imply that it is not feasible to this via a constructor */ /// replace some data of *this set( .. )