Package: CairoHacks Type: Package Title: Various hacks for Cairo devices including PDF bookmarks and raster plots in PDFs Version: 1.0 Date: 2016-06-20 Authors@R: person("Don","Armstrong",email="",role=c("aut","cre")) Maintainer: Don Armstrong Depends: Cairo, grid Description: Collection of hacks for Cairo components (bookmarks, raster plots) Add table of contents to PDFs and methods to plot raster plots in the middle of PDF plots. . Bookmarks enable the easy browsing of PDFs by table of contents/index using pdftk. . Raster plots enable the inclusion of plots with millions of points or lines in a vector format (such as a PDF) without making the PDF file megabytes in size, while still allowing other plot components to be presented in their original vector format. License: GPL (>=3)