Keywords: midi notation music typesetting gnu font Subject: LilyPond 0.2 released - The GNU Project music typesetter GNU LilyPond - The GNU Project Music Typesetter WHAT IS LilyPond? GNU LilyPond is the GNU Project Music typesetter: it reads a music definition file and outputs formatted sheet music to a TeX file or (mechanical) performances to MIDI files. WHAT'S NEW SINCE VERSION 0.1? * LilyPond now includes a completely new music font: the Feta font. We were quite disappointed with available music fonts, so we rolled our own. We did our best to copy the best symbol designs available, and we think that we've succeeded in doing so. We're proud of the result, and we hope you agree, so go check it out! * More elegant output due to * better spacing * better line breaking * better font design * PostScript output for variable symbols * Lots of bugfixes * More robust, flexible, tweakable design * Better MIDI importing * Easier to use due to better shell scripts and input format enhancements * MusixTeX not needed anymore WHAT CAN LILYPOND DO? ASCII script input (mudela), with identifiers (for music reuse), customizable notenames. MIDI output lets you check if you have entered the correct notes. MIDI to Mudela conversion through the mi2mu program. Font size selectable (from 26pt downto 11 pt) for each score. Multiple staffs in one score. Each staff may have various different meters. Multiple voices within one staff (up to four handled graciously); beams optionally shared between voices. Multiple scores within one input file. Each score is output to a different file. Beams, slurs, chords, super/subscripts (accents and text), general n-plet (triplet, quadruplets, etc.), lyrics, transposition, dynamics (both absolute and hairpin style), clef changes, meter changes, cadenza-mode, key changes, repeat bars. Integration with LaTeX through Perl scripts. MORE INFO Sources for this project are on (Europe) (US) More detailed info and examples can be found on the webpage at