# File managed by puppet # Run memcached as a daemon. -d <% if @pidfile -%> # pidfile -P <%= @pidfile %> <% end -%> # Log memcached's output logfile <%= @logfile -%> <% if @verbosity -%> # Verbosity -<%= @verbosity %> <% end -%> # Use MB memory max to use for object storage. <% Puppet::Parser::Functions.function('memcached_max_memory') -%> -m <%= scope.function_memcached_max_memory([@max_memory]) %> <% if @lock_memory -%> # Lock down all paged memory. There is a limit on how much memory you may lock. -k <% end -%> <% if @use_sasl -%> # Start with SASL support -S <% end -%> <% if @unix_socket -%> # UNIX socket path to listen on -s <%= @unix_socket %> <% else -%> <% if @listen_ip != '' -%> # IP to listen on -l <%= @listen_ip %> <% end -%> # TCP port to listen on -p <%= @tcp_port %> # UDP port to listen on -U <%= @udp_port %> <% end -%> # Run daemon as user -u <%= @user %> <% if @large_mem_pages -%> # Try to use large memory pages (if available) -L <% end -%> # Limit the number of simultaneous incoming connections. -c <%= @max_connections %> # Number of threads to use to process incoming requests. -t <%= @processorcount %> <% if @item_size -%> # Override the default size of each slab page -I <%= @item_size %> <% end -%> <% if @auto_removal -%> # Disable automatic removal of items from the cache when out of memory -M <% end -%>