# == Class: cinder::volume::san # # Configures Cinder volume SAN driver. # Parameters are particular to each volume driver. # # === Parameters # # [*volume_driver*] # (required) Setup cinder-volume to use volume driver. # # [*san_thin_provision*] # (optional) Use thin provisioning for SAN volumes? Defaults to true. # # [*san_ip*] # (optional) IP address of SAN controller. # # [*san_login*] # (optional) Username for SAN controller. Defaults to 'admin'. # # [*san_password*] # (optional) Password for SAN controller. # # [*san_private_key*] # (optional) Filename of private key to use for SSH authentication. # # [*san_clustername*] # (optional) Cluster name to use for creating volumes. # # [*san_ssh_port*] # (optional) SSH port to use with SAN. Defaults to 22. # # [*san_is_local*] # (optional) Execute commands locally instead of over SSH # use if the volume service is running on the SAN device. # # [*ssh_conn_timeout*] # (optional) SSH connection timeout in seconds. Defaults to 30. # # [*ssh_min_pool_conn*] # (optional) Minimum ssh connections in the pool. # # [*ssh_min_pool_conn*] # (optional) Maximum ssh connections in the pool. # class cinder::volume::san ( $volume_driver, $san_thin_provision = true, $san_ip = undef, $san_login = 'admin', $san_password = undef, $san_private_key = undef, $san_clustername = undef, $san_ssh_port = 22, $san_is_local = false, $ssh_conn_timeout = 30, $ssh_min_pool_conn = 1, $ssh_max_pool_conn = 5 ) { cinder::backend::san { 'DEFAULT': volume_driver => $volume_driver, san_thin_provision => $san_thin_provision, san_ip => $san_ip, san_login => $san_login, san_password => $san_password, san_private_key => $san_private_key, san_clustername => $san_clustername, san_ssh_port => $san_ssh_port, san_is_local => $san_is_local, ssh_conn_timeout => $ssh_conn_timeout, ssh_min_pool_conn => $ssh_min_pool_conn, ssh_max_pool_conn => $ssh_max_pool_conn, } }