# # == Class: cinder::volume::quobyte # # Configures Cinder to use Quobyte USP as a volume driver # # === Parameters # # [*quobyte_volume_url*] # (required) The URL of the Quobyte volume to use. # Not an array as a Quobyte driver instance supports exactly one volume # at a time - but you can load the driver more than once. # Example: quobyte://quobyte.cluster.example.com/volume-name # # [*quobyte_client_cfg*] # (optional) Path to a Quobyte client configuration file. # This is needed if client certificate authentication is enabled on the # Quobyte cluster. The config file includes the certificate and key. # # [*quobyte_qcow2_volumes*] # (optional) Boolean if volumes should be created as qcow2 volumes. # Defaults to True. qcow2 volumes allow snapshots, at the cost of a small # performance penalty. If False, raw volumes will be used. # # [*quobyte_sparsed_volumes*] # (optional) Boolean if raw volumes should be created as sparse files. # Defaults to True. Non-sparse volumes may have a very small performance # benefit, but take a long time to create. # # [*quobyte_mount_point_base*] # (optional) Path where the driver should create mountpoints. # Defaults to a subdirectory "mnt" under the Cinder state directory. # # === Examples # # class { 'cinder::volume::quobyte': # quobyte_volume_url => 'quobyte://quobyte.cluster.example.com/volume-name', # } # class cinder::volume::quobyte ( $quobyte_volume_url, $quobyte_client_cfg = undef, $quobyte_qcow2_volumes = undef, $quobyte_sparsed_volumes = undef, $quobyte_mount_point_base = undef, ) { cinder::backend::quobyte { 'DEFAULT': quobyte_volume_url => $quobyte_volume_url, quobyte_client_cfg => $quobyte_client_cfg, quobyte_qcow2_volumes => $quobyte_qcow2_volumes, quobyte_sparsed_volumes => $quobyte_sparsed_volumes, quobyte_mount_point_base => $quobyte_mount_point_base, } }