## vhost with proxyPass directive # NB: Please see the other vhost_*.pp example files for further # examples. # Base class. Declares default vhost on port 80 and default ssl # vhost on port 443 listening on all interfaces and serving # $apache::docroot class { 'apache': } # Most basic vhost with proxy_pass apache::vhost { 'first.example.com': port => 80, docroot => '/var/www/first', proxy_pass => [ { 'path' => '/first', 'url' => 'http://localhost:8080/first' }, ], } # vhost with proxy_pass and parameters apache::vhost { 'second.example.com': port => 80, docroot => '/var/www/second', proxy_pass => [ { 'path' => '/second', 'url' => 'http://localhost:8080/second', 'params' => { 'retry' => '0', 'timeout' => '5' } }, ], } # vhost with proxy_pass and keywords apache::vhost { 'third.example.com': port => 80, docroot => '/var/www/third', proxy_pass => [ { 'path' => '/third', 'url' => 'http://localhost:8080/third', 'keywords' => ['noquery', 'interpolate'] }, ], } # vhost with proxy_pass, parameters and keywords apache::vhost { 'fourth.example.com': port => 80, docroot => '/var/www/fourth', proxy_pass => [ { 'path' => '/fourth', 'url' => 'http://localhost:8080/fourth', 'params' => { 'retry' => '0', 'timeout' => '5' }, 'keywords' => ['noquery', 'interpolate'] }, ], }