1 %% DO NOT EDIT this file manually; it is automatically
2 %% generated from LSR http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it
3 %% Make any changes in LSR itself, or in Documentation/snippets/new/ ,
4 %% and then run scripts/auxiliar/makelsr.py
6 %% This file is in the public domain.
10 lsrtags = "automatic-notation, really-cool, scheme-language"
13 A lilypond score internally is just a Scheme expression, generated by
14 the lilypond parser. Using scheme, one can also automatically generate
15 a score without an input file. If you have the music expression in
16 scheme, a score can be generated by simply calling (scorify-music music
17 parser) on your music. This will generate a score object, for which you
18 can then set a custom layout block with (let* ((layout
19 (ly:output-def-clone $defaultlayout)))
20 ; modify the layout here, then assign it:
21 (ly:score-add-output-def! score layout)
25 Finally, all you have to do it to pass this score to lilypond for
26 typesetting. This snippet defines functions @code{(add-score parser
27 score)}, @code{(add-text parser text)} and @code{(add-music parser
28 music)} to pass a complete score, some markup or some music to lilypond
31 This snippet also works for typesetting scores inside a @code{\\book
32 @{...@}} block, as well as top-level scores. To achieve this, each
33 score schedulled for typesetting is appended to the list of toplevel
34 scores and the toplevel-book-handler (which is a scheme function called
35 to process a book once a @code{\\book@{..@}} block is closed) is
36 modified to inser all collected scores so far to the book.
39 doctitle = "Generating whole scores (also book parts) in scheme without using the parser"
42 #(define-public (add-score parser score)
43 (ly:parser-define! parser 'toplevel-scores
44 (cons score (ly:parser-lookup parser 'toplevel-scores))))
46 #(define-public (add-text parser text)
47 (add-score parser (list text)))
49 #(define-public (add-music parser music)
50 (collect-music-aux (lambda (score)
51 (add-score parser score))
55 #(define-public (toplevel-book-handler parser book)
57 (ly:book-add-score! book score))
58 (reverse! (ly:parser-lookup parser 'toplevel-scores)))
59 (ly:parser-define! parser 'toplevel-scores (list))
60 (print-book-with-defaults parser book))
62 #(define-public (book-score-handler book score)
63 (add-score parser score))
65 #(define-public (book-text-handler book text)
66 (add-text parser text))
68 #(define-public (book-music-handler parser book music)
69 (add-music parser music))
74 %% Just some example score to show how to use these functions:
75 #(define add-one-note-score #f)
77 (set! add-one-note-score
79 (let* ((music (make-music 'EventChord
80 'elements (list (make-music 'NoteEvent
81 'duration (ly:make-duration 2 0 1 1)
82 'pitch (ly:make-pitch 0 pitch 0)))))
83 (score (scorify-music music parser))
84 (layout (ly:output-def-clone $defaultlayout))
85 (note-name (case pitch
94 (title (markup #:large #:line ("Score with a" note-name))))
95 (ly:score-add-output-def! score layout)
96 (add-text parser title)
97 (add-score parser score))
98 (set! pitch (modulo (1+ pitch) 7)))))
101 #(define-void-function (parser location) ()
102 (add-one-note-score parser))
116 % Top-level scores are also handled correctly