]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - neurodebian.git/blob - neurodebian.cfg
BF: in fslview blogpost -- add export FSLDIR into the /usr/local/bin/fslview wrapper
[neurodebian.git] / neurodebian.cfg
1 [dde]
2 pkgquery_url = http://dde.debian.net/dde/q/udd
4 [packages]
5 # Packages listed in the following taskfiles will be featured on the website
6 # _if_ they are also present in the repository
7 select taskfiles =
8  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/distributedcomputing
9  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/bci
10  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/electrophysiology
11  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/neuroscience-cognitive
12  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/neuroscience-datasets
13  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/neuroscience-modeling
14  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/psychophysics
15  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/imaging
16  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/imaging-dev
17  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/psychology
19 # Additional selection filter (similar to 'select taskfiles'), only listing
20 # package names
21 select names = libnifti2 odin mitools afni-atlases python-pyssdh python-networkx
22  r-cran-glmnet python-rpy2 python-nibabel-snapshot
23  python-sklearn python-scikits-learn python-mdp python-mlpy python-openpyxl libgdf-dev matlab-support
24  svgtune rorden-mri-tutorial caret-data python-joblib python-sphinx fail2ban
25  python-pandas python-skimage neurodebian numdiff nuitka pytables
26  guacamole
28 # Information about prospective packages to be imported from taskfiles
29 prospective =
30  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/distributedcomputing
31  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/bci
32  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/electrophysiology
33  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/neuroscience-cognitive
34  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/neuroscience-datasets
35  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/neuroscience-modeling
36  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/science/trunk/debian-science/tasks/psychophysics
37  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/imaging
38  svn://svn.debian.org/blends/projects/med/trunk/debian-med/tasks/imaging-dev
40 [blend package aliases]
41 # alias a package name from a blend taskfile to an arbitray number of additional
42 # package names -- if the original name should appear in the package list it has
43 # to be added as an alias as well
44 cctools = coop-computing-tools
45 mni-icbm152-nlin-2009 = mni-icbm152-nlin-2009a mni-icbm152-nlin-2009b mni-icbm152-nlin-2009c
46 eeglab = matlab-eeglab11 eeglab11-sampledata
47 fsl = fsl fsl-doc fsl-atlases fsl-possum-data fsl-first-data fsl-feeds fsl-mni152-templates
48 fslview = fslview fslview-doc
49 python-mvpa = python-mvpa python-mvpa2
50 libgiftiio-dev = libgiftiio-dev gifti-bin
51 openmeeg-tools = openmeeg-tools libopenmeeg-dev python-openmeeg libopenmeeg1
52 libbiosig-dev = libbiosig-dev python-biosig octave-biosig biosig-tools libbiosig0
53 libgdf-dev = libgdf-dev libgdf0 libgdf0-dbg libgdf-dev gdf-tools octave-gdf matlab-gdf
54 spm8 = matlab-spm8 spm8-data spm8-doc
55 libfreenect-dev = libfreenect0.0 libfreenect-dev libfreenect-demos python-freenect freenect
56 psychtoolbox-3 = octave-psychtoolbox-3 matlab-psychtoolbox-3 psychtoolbox-3-doc
57 openmeeg = libopenmeeg-dev libopenmeeg1 openmeeg-tools python-openmeeg
58 pandas = python-pandas
59 pysurfer = python-surfer
60 pyxnat = python-pyxnat
61 openwalnut = openwalnut-qt4
62 neurodebian = neurodebian-dev neurodebian-desktop neurodebian-keyring neurodebian-popularity-contest neurodebian-guest-additions
63 pytables = python-tables
64 isis = isis-utils libisis-core-dev python-isis libisis-ioplugins-common libisis-ioplugins-dicom libisis-qt4-dev
65 guacamole = guacamole guacd libguac-dev libguac3 libguac-client-rdp guacamole-tomcat libguac-client-vnc0
67 [mirrors]
68 au = http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/neurodebian
69 de = http://apsy.gse.uni-magdeburg.de/debian
70 gr = http://neurobot.bio.auth.gr/neurodebian
71 jp = http://neuroimaging.sakura.ne.jp/neurodebian
72 ua = http://www.neuro.webdisk.com.ua
73 us-ca = http://neurodeb.pirsquared.org
74 us-nh = http://neuro.debian.net/debian
75 us-tn = http://masi.vuse.vanderbilt.edu/neurodebian
77 [mirror names]
78 au = Australia (AARNET)
79 de = Germany (University of Magdeburg)
80 gr = Greece (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
81 jp = Japan (Kiyotaka Nemoto)
82 ua = Ukraine (Iaroslav Iurchenko)
83 us-ca = USA-CA (Paul Ivanov, California)
84 us-nh = USA-NH (Dartmouth College)
85 us-tn = USA-TN (Vanderbilt)
87 [neurodebian]
88 # Release files of all repositories to be contained in the website
89 # Package info files for all these releases will be downloaded. A long list
90 # of releases makes a website update a lot slower
91 releases =
92  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/data/Release
93  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/hardy/Release
94  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/karmic/Release
95  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/lucid/Release
96  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/maverick/Release
97  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/natty/Release
98  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/oneiric/Release
99  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/precise/Release
100  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/squeeze/Release
101  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/wheezy/Release
102  http://neuro.debian.net/debian/dists/sid/Release
104 [release codenames]
105 # each item here will result in the respective release being advertised
106 # on the website, i.e. sources.list being available and config form contains
107 # a corresponding item -- please prune an entry when a release is no longer
108 # supported
109 # the 'data' entry should not be changed, as this exact setting also serves as
110 # a test condition in the DDE code
111 data = Datasets (data)
112 #etch = Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (etch)
113 lenny = Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (lenny)
114 squeeze = Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 (squeeze)
115 wheezy = Debian testing (wheezy)
116 sid = Debian unstable (sid)
117 # EOL: May 12 2011 (Desktop) April 2013 (Server)
118 hardy = Ubuntu 08.04 LTS "Hardy Heron" (hardy)
119 # EOL: Oct 23 2010
120 #jaunty = Ubuntu 09.04 "Jaunty Jackalope" (jaunty)
121 # EOL: April 2011
122 karmic = Ubuntu 09.10 "Karmic Koala" (karmic)
123 # EOL: April 2013 (Desktop) April 2015 (Server)
124 lucid = Ubuntu 10.04 LTS "Lucid Lynx" (lucid)
125 # EOL: April 2012
126 maverick = Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" (maverick)
127 # EOL: October 2012
128 natty = Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" (natty)
129 # EOL: April 2013
130 oneiric = Ubuntu 11.10 "Oneiric Ocelot" (oneiric)
131 # EOL: April 2017 (LTS)
132 precise = Ubuntu 12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolin" (precise)
134 [release backport ids]
135 # the purpose of these ids is to have version suffixes for backported packages
136 # that allow proper sorting (upgradability) across distribution releases
137 # For Debian we'll use ndXX (where XX is the version of the Debian release,
138 # e.g. 50; analog to backports.org) and for Ubuntu we'll use ndXX.XX.
139 data = nd
140 etch = nd40
141 lenny = nd50
142 squeeze = nd60
143 wheezy = nd70
144 sid = nd
145 hardy = nd08.04
146 intrepid = nd08.10
147 jaunty = nd09.04
148 karmic = nd09.10
149 lucid = nd10.04
150 maverick = nd10.10
151 natty = nd11.04
152 oneiric = nd11.10
153 precise = nd12.04
155 [nitrc ids]
156 afni = 23
157 ants = 130
158 camino = 253
159 caret = 34
160 cmtk = 212
161 connectomeviewer = 355
162 dicomnifti = 218
163 fsl = 25
164 fslview = 25
165 gifti-bin = 75
166 imagej = 256
167 itksnap = 110
168 jist = 228
169 libminc-dev = 129
170 libgiftiio-dev = 75
171 libnifti2 = 26
172 libnifti-dev = 26
173 matlab-spm8 = 24
174 minc-tools = 129
175 mipav = 70
176 mitools = 153
177 mricron = 152
178 mrtrix = 128
179 nifti-bin = 26
180 odin = 153
181 python-mvpa = 162
182 python-nipype = 325
183 python-surfer = 517
184 python-pyxnat = 453
185 slicer = 50
186 spm8 = 24
187 voxbo = 73
188 openmeeg = 514