]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - ape.git/blob - R/rotate.R
bug fix in collapsed.singles()
[ape.git] / R / rotate.R
1 ### ROTATE
2 ### Last update CH on 09.08.2007
4 # Contents:
5 # 1. rotate
7 # 1: This function swops sister clades in a phylogenetic tree. 
8 # Branch lengths are considered.
9 # Arguments: 
10 # phy: an object of class phylo
11 # node: the number (integer) of the corresponding node or number or names of two tips that coalesce to th internal node
12 # polytom: use a vector of two integers to define those two clades of a tritomy, that are swopped. The default is c(1,2). The clade number is counted from the from bottom to top in the plotted tree.
13 # Author: C.Heibl
16 rotate <- function(phy, node, polytom = c(1,2)){
17         # load DESCENDANTS function
18         DESCENDANTS <- function(tree, node){
19                 tips <- length(tree$tip.label)
20                 x <- tree$edge[,2][tree$edge[,1] == node]
21                 while(max(x) > tips){
22                         x <- x[x > tips] 
23                         for(h in 1:length(x)) tree$edge <- tree$edge[!tree$edge[,2] == x[h],]
24                         for(i in 1:length(x)) tree$edge[,1][tree$edge[,1] == x[i]] <- node
25                         x <- tree$edge[,2][tree$edge[,1] == node] 
26                         }
27                 x       
28                 }
29 # function starts here  
30 # definitions
31         if (class(phy) != "phylo") # is phy of class phylo?
32         stop("object \"phy\" is not of class \"phylo\"")
33     nb.tips <- length(phy$tip.label) # number of tiplabels
34         max.int.node <- phy$Nnode+nb.tips # number of last internal node
35         nb.edges <- dim(phy$edge)[1] # number of branches
36         if (length(node) == 2){ # get MRCA if tips are given for node
37         if (mode(node) == "character"){
38                 if (any(!node %in% phy$tip.label)) # do tiplabels correspond
39                         stop("object \"node\" contains tiplabels not present in object \"phy\"")
40                 tips <- cbind(phy$tip.label, 1:nb.tips)
41                 node[1] <- tips[,2][tips[,1] == node[1]]
42                         node[2] <- tips[,2][tips[,1] == node[2]]
43                         node <- as.numeric(node)
44                 }
45         if (any(!node %in% 1:nb.tips)) # is phy of class phylo?
46                 stop("object \"node\" does not contain terminal nodes")
47         node <- getMRCA(phy, node)
48         }
49         if (node  <= nb.tips || node > max.int.node) # is node really internal?
50         stop("object \"node\" is not an internal node of object \"phy\"")  
51         with.br.length <- !is.null(phy$edge.length) # does phy contain brlength?
52         G <- cbind(phy$edge, 1:(length(phy$edge)/2)) 
53         N <- phy$edge[phy$edge[,1] == node]
54         N <- N[N != node]
55         if (length(N) > 2) N <- N[polytom] 
56         CLADE1 <- N[1]
57         CLADE2 <- N[2]
58 # do clades comprise interior nodes?
59         if (CLADE1 > nb.tips) CLADE11 <- DESCENDANTS(phy, CLADE1)
60         if (CLADE2 > nb.tips) CLADE22 <- DESCENDANTS(phy, CLADE2)
61 # calculate inidices of clades in phy.edge
62                 if (CLADE1 > nb.tips){
63                         c1 <- G[,3][G[,2] == CLADE1]
64                         c2 <- G[,3][G[,2] == max(CLADE11)]
65                         } else {
66                         c1 <- G[,3][G[,2] == CLADE1]
67                         c2 <- G[,3][G[,2] == CLADE1]
68                         }
69                 if (CLADE2 > nb.tips){
70                         c3 <- G[,3][G[,2] == CLADE2]
71                         c4 <- G[,3][G[,2] == max(CLADE22)]      
72                         } else {
73                         c3 <- G[,3][G[,2] == CLADE2]
74                         c4 <- G[,3][G[,2] == CLADE2]
75                         }
77 # create new phy$edge and  phy$edge.length
78 if (c2+1 == c3){
79         if (c1 == 1 && c4 != nb.edges){
80                 phy$edge <- rbind(phy$edge[c3:c4,], phy$edge[c1:c2,], phy$edge[(c4+1):nb.edges,])
81                         if (with.br.length)
82                         phy$edge.length <- c(phy$edge.length[c3:c4], phy$edge.length[c1:c2], phy$edge.length[(c4+1):nb.edges])
83                 }
84         if (c1 !=1 && c4 == nb.edges){
85                 phy$edge <- rbind(phy$edge[1:(c1-1),], phy$edge[c3:c4,], phy$edge[c1:c2,])
86                         if (with.br.length)
87                         phy$edge.length <- c(phy$edge.length[1:(c1-1)], phy$edge.length[c3:c4], phy$edge.length[c1:c2])
88                 }
89         if (c1 !=1 && c4 != nb.edges){
90                 phy$edge <- rbind(phy$edge[1:(c1-1),], phy$edge[c3:c4,], phy$edge[c1:c2,], phy$edge[(c4+1):nb.edges,])
91                         if (with.br.length)
92                         phy$edge.length <- c(phy$edge.length[1:(c1-1)], phy$edge.length[c3:c4], phy$edge.length[c1:c2], phy$edge.length[(c4+1):nb.edges])
93                 }
94         if (c1 ==1 && c4 == nb.edges){
95                 phy$edge <- rbind(phy$edge[c3:c4,], phy$edge[c1:c2,])
96                         if (with.br.length)
97                         phy$edge.length <- c(phy$edge.length[c3:c4], phy$edge.length[c1:c2])
98                 }
99         }
100 else {
101         if (c1 == 1 && c4 != nb.edges){
102                 phy$edge <- rbind(phy$edge[c3:c4,], phy$edge[(c2+1):(c3-1),], phy$edge[c1:c2,], phy$edge[(c4+1):nb.edges,])
103                         if (with.br.length)
104                         phy$edge.length <- c(phy$edge.length[c3:c4], phy$edge.length[(c2+1):(c3-1)], phy$edge.length[c1:c2], phy$edge.length[(c4+1):nb.edges])
105                 }
106         if (c1 !=1 && c4 == nb.edges){
107                 phy$edge <- rbind(phy$edge[1:(c1-1),], phy$edge[c3:c4,], phy$edge[(c2+1):(c3-1),], phy$edge[c1:c2,])
108                         if (with.br.length)
109                         phy$edge.length <- c(phy$edge.length[1:(c1-1)], phy$edge.length[c3:c4], phy$edge.length[(c2+1):(c3-1)], phy$edge.length[c1:c2])
110                 }
111         if (c1 !=1 && c4 != nb.edges){
112                 phy$edge <- rbind(phy$edge[1:(c1-1),], phy$edge[c3:c4,], phy$edge[(c2+1):(c3-1),], phy$edge[c1:c2,], phy$edge[(c4+1):nb.edges,])
113                         if (with.br.length)
114                         phy$edge.length <- c(phy$edge.length[1:(c1-1)], phy$edge.length[c3:c4], phy$edge.length[(c2+1):(c3-1)], phy$edge.length[c1:c2], phy$edge.length[(c4+1):nb.edges])
115                         }
116         if (c1 ==1 && c4 == nb.edges){
117                 phy$edge <- rbind(phy$edge[c3:c4,], phy$edge[(c2+1):(c3-1),], phy$edge[c1:c2,])
118                         if (with.br.length)
119                         phy$edge.length <- c(phy$edge.length[c3:c4], phy$edge.length[(c2+1):(c3-1)], phy$edge.length[c1:c2])
120                 }
121         }
122         S <- write.tree(phy)
123     phy <- if (!with.br.length) clado.build(S) else tree.build(S)
124         phy
125         }