]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - lilypond.git/blob - Documentation/included/script-chart.ly
[lilypond.git] / Documentation / included / script-chart.ly
1 \version "2.12.0"
3 \header {
4   texidoc ="@cindex Feta scripts
5 This chart shows all articulations, or scripts, that the feta font contains.
6 "
7 }
9 \score {
10   <<
11     \new Voice = "scripts" {
12       c''\accent             c''\marcato         c''\staccatissimo c''\espressivo
13       c''\staccato           c''\tenuto          c''\portato
14       c''\upbow              c''\downbow         c''\flageolet
15       c''\thumb              c''^\lheel          c''\rheel
16       c''^\ltoe              c''\rtoe            c''\open          c''\halfopen
17       c''\stopped            c''\snappizzicato   c''\turn          c''\reverseturn
18       c''\trill              c''\prall           c''\mordent
19       c''\prallprall         c''\prallmordent    c''\upprall
20       c''\downprall          c''\upmordent       c''\downmordent
21       c''\pralldown          c''\prallup         c''\lineprall
22       c''\signumcongruentiae c''\shortfermata    c''\fermata
23       c''\longfermata        c''\verylongfermata c''\segno
24       c''\coda               c''\varcoda
25     }
26     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "scripts" {
27       accent             marcato         staccatissimo espressivo
28       staccato           tenuto          portato
29       upbow              downbow         flageolet
30       thumb              lheel           rheel
31       ltoe               rtoe            open          halfopen
32       stopped            snappizzicato   turn          reverseturn
33       trill              prall           mordent
34       prallprall         prallmordent    upprall
35       downprall          upmordent       downmordent
36       pralldown          prallup         lineprall
37       signumcongruentiae shortfermata    fermata
38       longfermata        verylongfermata segno
39       coda               varcoda
40     }
41   >>
42   \layout {
43     line-width = 5.1\in
44     indent = 0.0\mm
45     \context {
46       \Score
47       timing = ##f
48       barAlways = ##t
49       \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'padding = #2.5
50     }
51     \context {
52       \Staff
53       \remove "Time_signature_engraver"
54       \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
55     }
56     \context {
57       \Lyrics
58       \override LyricText #'font-family = #'typewriter
59       \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'upright
60     }
61   }
62 }