3 Title: Various hacks for Cairo devices including PDF bookmarks and raster plots in PDFs
6 Authors@R: person("Don","Armstrong",email="don@donarmstrong.com",role=c("aut","cre"))
7 Maintainer: Don Armstrong <don@donarmstrong.com>
10 SystemRequirements: pdftk
11 Description: Routines which enable the addition of PDF bookmarks
12 (table of contents) to PDFs and methods to plot raster plots in the
15 Bookmarks enable the easy browsing of PDFs by table of contents/index
18 Raster plots enable the inclusion of plots with millions of points or
19 lines in a vector format (such as a PDF) without making the PDF file
20 megabytes in size, while still allowing other plot components to be
21 presented in their original vector format.
24 VignetteBuilder: knitr