% % debugging % def test_grid = if test>1: proofrulethickness 1pt#; makegrid(0pt,0pt for i:=-5pt step 1pt until 5pt: ,i endfor) (0pt,0pt for i:=-5pt step 1pt until 5pt: ,i endfor); proofrulethickness .1pt#; makegrid(0pt,0pt for i:=-4.8pt step .2pt until 4.8pt: ,i endfor) (0pt,0pt for i:=-4.8pt step .2pt until 4.8pt: ,i endfor); fi enddef; def treq = tracingequations := tracingonline := 1; enddef; % % Transforms % def scaledabout(expr point, scale) = shifted -point scaled scale shifted point enddef; % % Urgh! Want to do parametric types % def del_picture_stack= save save_picture_stack, picture_stack_idx; enddef; % better versions of Taupin/Egler savepic cmds % % def make_picture_stack = % override previous stack. del_picture_stack; picture save_picture_stack[]; numeric picture_stack_idx; picture_stack_idx := 0; def push_picture(expr p) = save_picture_stack[picture_stack_idx] := p ; picture_stack_idx := picture_stack_idx + 1; enddef; def pop_picture = save_picture_stack[decr picture_stack_idx] enddef; def top_picture = save_picture_stack[picture_stack_idx] enddef; enddef; % save/restore pens % why can't I delete individual pens? def make_pen_stack = del_pen_stack; pen save_pen_stack[]; numeric pen_stack_idx; pen_stack_idx := 0; def push_pen(expr p) = save_pen_stack[pen_stack_idx] := p ; pen_stack_idx := pen_stack_idx +1; enddef; def pop_pen = save_pen_stack[decr pen_stack_idx] enddef; def top_pen = save_pen_stack[pen_stack_idx] enddef; enddef; def del_pen_stack= save save_pen_stack, pen_stack_idx; enddef; % % drawing % % a: x diameter % b: y diameter % err_x: drift of y axis at top % err_y: drift of x axis at right def distorted_ellipse(expr a,b,err_y,err_x,super) = superellipse((a,err_x),(-err_y,b),(-a,-err_x),(err_y,-b),super); enddef; def draw_brush(expr a,w,b,v) = save x,y; z1=a; z2=b; penpos3(w,angle(z2-z1)+90); penpos4(w,angle(z2-z1)); penpos5(v,angle(z1-z2)+90); penpos6(v,angle(z1-z2)); z3 = z4 = z1; z5 = z6 = z2; fill z3r{z3r-z5l}..z4l..{z5r-z3l}z3l..z5r{z5r-z3l}..z6l..{z3r-z5l}z5l..cycle; enddef; def brush(expr a,w,b,v) = begingroup; draw_brush(a,w,b,v); penlabels(3,4,5,6); endgroup; enddef; def draw_rounded_path(expr p, thick) = push_pen(currentpen); fill p; pickup pencircle scaled thick; draw p; currentpen := pop_pen; enddef; % % % def balled_crook(expr a, w, balldiam, stem) = begingroup; save x,y; penpos1(balldiam/2,-90); penpos2(balldiam/2,0); penpos3(balldiam/2,90); penpos4(balldiam/2,180); x4r=xpart a-w; y3r=ypart a+balldiam/4; x1l=x2l=x3l=x4l; y1l=y2l=y3l=y4l; penpos5(stem,250); x5=x4r+9/8balldiam; y5r=y1r; penpos6(stem,260); x6l=xpart a; y6l=ypart a; penstroke z1e..z2e..z3e..z4e..z1e..z5e{right}..z6e; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endgroup; enddef; def y_mirror_char = currentpicture := currentpicture yscaled -1; set_char_box(charbp, charwd, charht, chardp); enddef; def xy_mirror_char = currentpicture := currentpicture scaled -1; set_char_box(charwd, charbp, charht, chardp); enddef;