% feta-eindelijk.mf -- implement rest symbols -*-Fundamental-*- % % part of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font % % source file of the Feta (not the Font-En-Tja) music font % % (c) 1997--2002 Jan Nieuwenhuizen fet_begingroup("rests"); begingroup thick#:=1/16designsize; define_blacker_pixels(thick); rthin:=1/8*staff_space; % rthick:=2rthin; rthick:=2thick+rthin; def shift_pic (expr pone, ptwo) = currentpicture:=currentpicture shifted (round(pone),round(ptwo)) enddef; % stuff for 8th,16th etc rests % save stem, ball_crook_stem, ball_crook_balldiam, flare; % stem#:=1/8*staff_space#; stem# = 1/5staff_space#; % flare# = 2/3staff_space#; flare# = 2/3staff_space# - 1/8stafflinethickness#; define_pixels(stem,flare); ball_crook_stem = stem; ball_crook_balldiam =flare; save block_rest_y, block_rest_x; block_rest_y# = 5/8 staff_space#; block_rest_x# = 3/2 staff_space#; define_pixels(block_rest_y, block_rest_x); def block_rest = draw_block ((0,0), (block_rest_x, block_rest_y)); enddef; fet_beginchar( "whole rest", "0", "wholerest"); set_char_box(0, block_rest_x#, block_rest_y#, 0); block_rest; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0,- block_rest_y); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("half rest", "1", "halfrest"); set_char_box(0, block_rest_x#, 0, block_rest_y#); block_rest; fet_endchar; % % should use ledgerline thickness? % fet_beginchar( "whole rest (outside staff)", "0o", "outsidewholerest"); set_char_box(0, block_rest_x#, block_rest_y#, ledgerlinethickness#/2); block_rest; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0, - block_rest_y); pickup pencircle scaled ledgerlinethickness; y5 = y6 = 0; lft x5 = - b - block_rest_y; rt x6 = w + block_rest_y; draw_gridline(z5,z6,ledgerlinethickness); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("half rest (outside staff)", "1o", "outsidehalfrest"); set_char_box(0, block_rest_x#, ledgerlinethickness#/2, block_rest_y#); block_rest; pickup pencircle scaled ledgerlinethickness; y5 = y6 = 0; lft x5 = - b - block_rest_y ; rt x6 = w + block_rest_y; draw_gridline (z5,z6,ledgerlinethickness); fet_endchar; save breve_rest_y, breve_rest_x; breve_rest_y# = staff_space#; breve_rest_x# = 3/5 staff_space#; multi_rest_x# = 4 staff_space#; multi_beam_height# = 1/3 staff_space#; define_pixels(breve_rest_y, breve_rest_x, multi_rest_x, multi_beam_height); fet_beginchar("breve rest", "-1", "breverest"); set_char_box(0, breve_rest_x#, 0, breve_rest_y#); draw_block ((0,0), (breve_rest_x, breve_rest_y)); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("longa rest", "-2", "longarest"); set_char_box(0, breve_rest_x#, breve_rest_y#, breve_rest_y#); draw_block ((0,-breve_rest_y), (breve_rest_x, breve_rest_y)); fet_endchar; tracingvariables := 1; fet_beginchar("multi rest", "-4", "multirest"); set_char_box(multi_rest_x#, multi_rest_x#, breve_rest_y#, breve_rest_y#); draw_block ((- b, - multi_beam_height), (w, multi_beam_height)); draw_block ((- b,-breve_rest_y), (rthin - b, breve_rest_y)); draw_block ((w - rthin,-breve_rest_y), (w, breve_rest_y)); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Quarter rest","2","quartrest"); % draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.0); save alpha, yshift, height; alpha:=-50; yshift# = -1.25 staff_space#; height# = 2.8125 staff_space#; define_pixels (yshift, height); set_char_box(0, 27/25staff_space#, -yshift#, yshift# + height#); save ne,nw,se,sw; pair ne,nw,se,sw; se=dir alpha; nw=dir (alpha+180); ne=dir (alpha+90); sw=dir (alpha-90); penpos1(rthin,alpha+90); penpos2(5/4rthick,alpha); penpos4(5/4rthick,alpha); penpos5(rthin,alpha+90); penpos3(3/4rthick,alpha); % penpos6(5/8rthick,alpha); penpos6(2/3rthick,alpha); penpos7(1/2rthin,alpha+90); z10=z2l+1/2rthin*sw; % z11=z4l+1/2rthin*sw; z11=z4l+1/2rthin*sw+1/2rthin*se; z12=z4r+1/2rthin*ne; % z13=z2r+1/2rthin*ne; z13=z2r+1/2rthin*ne+1/2rthin*nw; y1r = h; x1l=1/3staff_space; z2r=z1+staff_space*se; z3=1/2[z2,z4]; x4=3/8staff_space; y4= 0; z5=z4l+1.3staff_space*se; x6l=x4l; y6l=y4r; x7=2/5staff_space; y7= -d; fill z1l{se}..{se}z10..z3l..z11{se}..{se}z5l..z5r{nw}..{nw}z12..z3r..z13{nw}..{nw}z1r.. cycle; fill z5r{nw}..tension1.4..z6l..tension1.4..{se}z7l..z7r{nw}..tension1.4..z6r..tension1.4..{se}z5l..cycle; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); penlabels(10,11,12,13); % 3/4 staff_space# + yshift#, % 18/5staff_space# + yshift#) fet_endchar; def rest_crook(expr a, w) = balled_crook(a, w, ball_crook_balldiam, ball_crook_stem) enddef; % % % todo: document rest. % def normalize (expr p) = (p / length (p)) enddef ; def draw_eighth_rest = save width, bulb_diam, thin, thick; save ycenter, crook_thick, crook_thin; save crook_dir, lower_brush; pair crook_dir; width# := 1.0 staff_space#; bulb_diam# := 0.6 staff_space#; thin# := 1.1 stafflinethickness#; thick# := 2.2 stafflinethickness#; crook_thick# := 1.8 stafflinethickness#; crook_thin := 1.3 stafflinethickness; lower_brush = 1.0 stafflinethickness; ycenter := 0.5 staff_space; define_pixels (width, bulb_diam, thin, thick, crook_thick); set_char_box (0, width#, 1.0 staff_space# + 0.5 stafflinethickness#, 0.5 staff_space# + bulb_diam#/2); penpos1 (thick, 0); penpos2 (thin, 0); y1 = ycenter + - 1.5 staff_space ; % y9 = y5 - lower_brush; y2 = y5 - 0.7 stafflinethickness; x2r = width; y3 - y2l = 0.25 staff_space; x2r - x1 = 0.5 staff_space; x3 = x1l ; x4 = 1.02 bulb_diam ; y4 = ycenter - 2 stafflinethickness + crook_thin; x5 = 0.5 bulb_diam; y5 = ycenter +bulb_diam/2; z9 = z2 + 0.46 stafflinethickness * dir (angle(z2 - z1)- 10); z7 = (bulb_diam/2,ycenter) + 0.26 staff_space * dir ( 35); z8 = (0, ycenter); z6 = whatever [z1l, z2l]; z6 = whatever [z2l, z4] + crook_thick * (crook_dir rotated -90); crook_dir = normalize(z2l - z4); y3 := ycenter +floor (- bulb_diam/2); penlabels (1, 2); labels(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); fill z2r -- z2l -- simple_serif (z1l, z1r, 40) -- cycle; fill z2r{z2r-z1r} .. z9 .. z2l{dir(232)} .. tension 2 .. z4{left} .. z7{dir(90 + 25)} .. z5{left} .. z8 .. z3{right} .. {curl 0.2}z6 -- cycle; enddef; fet_beginchar("8th rest","3","eighthrest"); draw_eighth_rest; fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Classical quarter rest","2classical","clasquartrest"); draw_eighth_rest; currentpicture := currentpicture xscaled -1 shifted (w,0); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("16th rest","4","sixteenthrest"); % draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.0); save yshift, ballcorrection; ballcorrection = 0.005 staff_space; yshift# := - 2 staff_space#; define_pixels(yshift); save alpha,cw,h,w, height; alpha=74; cw#=7/6staff_space#; height# = 5/3staff_space#+staff_space#+7/4stafflinethickness#; set_char_box(0, cw#+(height#-3/2staff_space#)/tand(alpha), -yshift#, height# + yshift#); define_pixels(cw); save x,y; x1=w-stem/6; y1 = yshift + 2.5 staff_space + flare/4 + ballcorrection; z2-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y2= yshift + stem/2; brush(z1,2/3stem,z2,stem); rest_crook (z1,cw); z3-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y3=y1-staff_space; rest_crook (z3,cw); penlabels(1,2); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("32th rest","5","thirtysecondrest"); % draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.0); save yshift, ballcorrection; ballcorrection = 0.005 staff_space; yshift# := -2 staff_space#; define_pixels(yshift); save alpha,cw,h; alpha=76; cw#=7/6staff_space#; h#=5/3staff_space#+2staff_space#+7/4stafflinethickness#; set_char_box(0, cw#+(h#-3/2staff_space#)/tand(alpha), -yshift#,yshift# +h#); define_pixels(cw); save x,y; x1=w-stem/6; y1 = yshift + 3.5 staff_space + flare/4 + ballcorrection; z2-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y2=stem/2 + yshift; brush(z1,2/3stem,z2,stem); rest_crook (z1,cw); z3-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y3=y1-staff_space; rest_crook (z3,cw); z4-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y4=y1-2staff_space; rest_crook (z4,cw); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("64th rest","6","sixtyfourthrest"); % draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.0); save yshift, ballcorrection; ballcorrection = 0.005 staff_space; yshift# := -3 staff_space#; define_pixels(yshift); save alpha,cw,h,w; alpha=78; cw#=7/6staff_space#; h#=5/3staff_space#+3staff_space#+7/4stafflinethickness#; w#=cw#+(h#-3/2staff_space#)/tand(alpha); set_char_box(0,w#,-yshift# ,yshift# + h#); define_pixels(cw); save x,y; x1=w-stem/6; y1 = yshift + 4.5 staff_space + flare/4 + ballcorrection; z2-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y2=stem/2 + yshift; brush (z1,2/3stem,z2,stem); rest_crook (z1,cw); z3-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y3=y1-staff_space; rest_crook (z3,cw); z4-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y4=y1-2staff_space; rest_crook (z4,cw); z5-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y5=y1-3staff_space; rest_crook (z5,cw); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("128th rest","7","hundredtwentyeighthrest"); % draw_staff (-2, 2, 0.0); save yshift, ballcorrection; ballcorrection = 0.005 staff_space; yshift# := -3 staff_space#; define_pixels(yshift); save alpha,cw,h,w; alpha=78; cw#=7/6staff_space#; h#=5/3staff_space#+4staff_space#+7/4stafflinethickness#; w#=cw#+(h#-3/2staff_space#)/tand(alpha); set_char_box(0,w#, -yshift#,yshift# + h#); define_pixels(cw); save x,y; x1=w-stem/6; y1 = yshift + 5.5 staff_space + flare/4 + ballcorrection; z2-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y2=stem/2 + yshift; brush (z1,2/3stem,z2,stem); rest_crook (z1,cw); z3-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y3=y1-staff_space; rest_crook (z3,cw); z4-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y4=y1-2staff_space; rest_crook (z4,cw); z5-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y5=y1-3staff_space; rest_crook (z5,cw); z6-z1=whatever*dir alpha; y6=y1-4staff_space; rest_crook (z6,cw); fet_endchar; endgroup; %%%%%%%% % % % % MENSURAL NOTATION % % % % Neo-mensural longa and breve are identical with default longa and breve. neomens_block_rest_x# = 2/5 staff_space#; neomens_block_rest_y# = 1/1 staff_space#; neomens_half_block_rest_y# = 5/8 staff_space#; define_pixels(neomens_block_rest_x, neomens_block_rest_y, neomens_half_block_rest_y); def neomens_half_block_rest = draw_block ((0,0), (neomens_block_rest_x, neomens_half_block_rest_y)); enddef; fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural longa rest", "-2neo_mensural", "neomenslongarest"); set_char_box(0, neomens_block_rest_x#, neomens_block_rest_y#, neomens_block_rest_y#); draw_block ((0,-neomens_block_rest_y), (neomens_block_rest_x, neomens_block_rest_y)); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural breve rest", "-1neo_mensural", "neomensbreverest"); set_char_box(0, neomens_block_rest_x#, 0, neomens_block_rest_y#); draw_block ((0,0), (neomens_block_rest_x, neomens_block_rest_y)); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural whole rest", "0neo_mensural", "neomenssemibrevisrest"); set_char_box(0, neomens_block_rest_x#, neomens_half_block_rest_y#, 0); neomens_half_block_rest; currentpicture := currentpicture shifted (0,- neomens_half_block_rest_y); fet_endchar; fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural half rest", "1neo_mensural", "neomensminimahalfrest"); set_char_box(0, neomens_block_rest_x#, 0, neomens_half_block_rest_y#); neomens_half_block_rest; fet_endchar; neomensrestsize# = .8staff_space#; fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural 4th rest","2neo_mensural","neomenssemiminimarest") set_char_box(0,neomensrestsize#,0,neomensrestsize#); pickup pencircle scaled 2 stafflinethickness; lft x1 = 0; bot y1 = 0; lft x2 = 0; top y2 = h; rt x3 = w; bot y3 = h/2; draw z1 .. z2; draw z2 .. z3; fet_endchar fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural 8th rest","3neo_mensural","neomensfusarest") set_char_box(0,neomensrestsize#,0,neomensrestsize#); pickup pencircle scaled 2 stafflinethickness; rt x1 = w; bot y1 = 0; rt x2 = w; top y2 = h; lft x3 = 0; bot y3 = h/2; draw z1 .. z2; draw z2 .. z3; fet_endchar fet_beginchar("Neo-mensural 16th rest","4neo_mensural","neomenssemifusarest") set_char_box(0,neomensrestsize#,0,staff_space#); pickup pencircle scaled 2 stafflinethickness; rt x1 = w; bot y1 = 0; rt x2 = w; top y2 = h; draw z1 .. z2; pickup pencircle scaled 2 stafflinethickness; rt x3 = w; top y3 = h; lft x4 = 0; bot y4 = h/2; rt x5 = w; top y5 = 5/8h; lft x6 = 0; bot y6 = h/8; draw z3 .. z4; draw z5 .. z6; fet_endchar fet_endgroup("rests")